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Maximize Testosterone: A Guide for Men

Welcome To The New And
Improved You
Congratulations on pulling the trigger and
getting this guide!
You have now taken a step on your
journey to optimizing your testosterone
levels allowing you to become a
high-value, dominating, attractive man.
You've shown COMMITMENT on your
self improvement quest.
If you keep this commitment you will set
yourself apart from the rest of the other
men, who have no desire to improve
(P.S. If you want carry on your self
improvement journey and enjoyed this
one, stay posted for my other courses that
will be released in the future )
Reduce Your Stress Levels
Stress is a natural response which played an essential role in
our evolution, helping us to deal with dangerous
circumstances we have previously not encountered.
To help us deal with these situations the body learnt to
secrete the hormone cortisol
Cortisol is the hormone secreted when we are under stress,
normally during the flight or fight response, to ensure survival.
HOWEVER cortisol is also a steroid hormone and when we
are put under stress, the body will prioritize countering the
stress, as a result our body will essentially shift from
making sex hormones to stress hormones.
Our body is able to make this shift as cortisol suppresses
the testosterone production via mechanisms in the pituitary
and in the testes AND by interfering with our testosterone
Cortisol also SHIFTS our body from an anabolic state
(muscle building) to a catabolic state (muscle wasting).
Therefore we can see that cortisol just generally counteracts
our testosterone production.
However this process in theory SHOULD be normal, as we
are meant to return back to our natural state relatively quickly.
But a lot of people due to work and personal issues are
spending a prolonged amount of time, in fight and flight
mode, that we aren't designed to withstand. Due to this we
are secreting too much cortisol, which is damaging our
testosterone production.
As a result it is essential we minimize the amount of stress
we put yourself under, so we can reduce the amount of
cortisol your body is producing.
The best ways to do this are through :
- Mediation
- Exercise (not too intense though, as this could actually
spike cortisol)
- Supplementing Ashwagandha
- 8 Hours Worth Of Quality Sleep Daily
- Avoiding Processed/Sugary Foods And Seed Oils
- Reduce alcohol and smoking consumption or eliminating it
Start Getting Enough Sleep
Sleep and testosterone are interconnected.
Our body produces the MAJORITY of its testosterone during
Sleep is vital as during deep sleep (REM sleep) our body
releases testosterone and human growth hormone (HGH),
while the stress hormone cortisol is Lowered.
This is shown in a study (Gary Wittert, 2014), when
participants showed a 10-15% decrease in testosterone
levels after 5.5 or less hours worth of sleep, showing they
were unable to stay in deep sleep long enough to maximize
their testosterone production
So how long do we need to sleep to optimize our
testsosterone ?
This 2015 study
(left) found that
levels peaked
from 8 to 9.9
hours of sleep
then started to
decrease after 10
hours of sleep.
Thus we can conclude the OPTIMAL amount of sleep is 8-9
However it can be difficult to achieve this figure, so here are
some tips to help you achieve this:
- Sleeping in a pitch black room
- Avoiding blue light 2hours before sleep (or for as long as
- Supplementing magnesium
- Keeping all electronic devices outside your room
- Disable WiFi if it is in your room
- Meditate before going to sleep
Lifting Weights + Lowering Your Body Fat
Testosterone production is INCREASED when you start lifting
weights, because working the muscles induces a growth
response. As a result your testosterone increases to
promote the adaptive process (essentially when the volume
of muscle cells starts increasing).
This is shown in a study when testosterone increased by
21.6% in 4 weeks during weight training (Pubmed, 2020)
Excess body fat is also a MAJOR contributor to low
testosterone, for example a study conducted by NCBI in 2014
showed that men who are obese have FIFTY PERCENT
less testosterone compared to lean men. As a result we
can clearly see having body fat at this high of a percentage
can have EXTREMELY negative effects on your daily life and
has to be avoided.
This massive reduction in testosterone can be explained in
numerous ways;
High body fat increases the stress hormone CORTISOL,
which we know reduces testosterone, increasing
catabolism (muscle breakdown) and slowing metabolism
during the process (NCBI 2021) .
Furthermore fat cells INCREASE conversion of testosterone
to ESTROGEN via the aromatase enzyme (NCBI 2014). This
is dangerous as It is ESSENTIAL men avoid high estrogen
levels due to the fact it is linked to, reduced testosterone
levels, erectile dysfunction, infertility, slower metabolism
AND makes you feel more feminine, moody and
emotional (Healthline 2019).
However be careful as, over-training does exist and
doing so can cause cortisol to spike (Healthline 2020)
Plus being too-lean (under 10% body fat) can potentially
lower testosterone and sperm count (Men's Journal)
My personal recommendation would be to start with hitting
the gym 3x a week focusing on compound lifts, gradually
progressing to a 4 or 5 day PPL split
Frequent Masturbation
Frequent masturbation is one of the most self-destructive
When people ask me about my number one piece of self
improvement advice, I always recommend NoFap without fail.
However NoFap is a topic that a lot of people will try and talk
down upon, due to the fact they want to justify their habit. As
a result a lot of studies exist online that actually JUSTIFY
I have never talked to someone who has given up the habit
and said they came out worse. In fact I have never talked
to someone that has given up the habit and not been
extremely impressed by the benefits that NoFap has
given them.
There aren’t many scientific studies linking excess
masturbation and testosterone but, here's what I did find:
This study showed that our seed is composed of OVER
200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals
including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose,
lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium,
sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc, which all play a role in
testosterone production (Wiley 2013). Thus if we are
depleting the body of these vitamins on a regular basis,
our body can no longer produce testosterone at an
optimum rate.
Another study showed that self induced ejaculation increases
prolactin AND estrogen levels (pubmed, 2001). We have
already mentioned the issues with high estrogen levels, but
the issue with high prolactin levels is that it decreases
testosterone & sexual desire (uptodate, 2021) - while
making you feel tired & lazy (dr andrew huberman, 2021).
MOREOVER high prolactin levels are also linked to
erectile dysfunction & infertility
(patient, 2017).
Another study of a group of men showed that testosterone
levels jumped by 145.7% within ONLY 7 days of
abstinence (Pubmed 2003)
However even if these studies are wrong and avoiding
masturbation doesn’t raise testosterone, the benefits of
abstinence make you feel like a BEAST, flowing with
And this isn't just me preaching this:
Muhamed Ali’s coach stated when he was young that
part of his his potential success was partly due to
his extremely good sexual control
- David Haye avoided ejaculation for 6 weeks before
his fights
- Antonio Brown said he abstains the week before
game day
- A.C Green didn't release for THIRTEEN YEARS
during his career and puts it down to why he only
- - Mike Tyson said he abstained for 5 years during
his career
- Nikola Tesla remained abstinent his ENTIRE LIFE to
cultivate his higher powers
The list is ENDLESS…
These are just examples I can list from memory
I know I may have swayed off topic about testosterone,
but one correlating factor about all these individuals is
you would associate ALL of them with having high
And in order to be like the top 1% you have to look at what
actions they are doing that are setting them apart….
Sexual Intercourse
Despite the fact frequent ejaculation comes with a whole host
of negative consequences, having sex with a meaningful
partner can come with some benefits.
During intercourse men are exposed to female pheromones
called copulins - which increase testosterone by up to
150% (research gate, 2013).
Another study put forward that during intercourse men
reabsorb nutrients lost via ejaculation from the fluids
inside the woman - which contain electrolytes, protein &
vitamins (science, 2016). Compared to masturbation
induced ejaculation, which depletes vitamins and lowers
testosterone by 59%.(ncbi, 2001; ncbi; 2003)
A 1992 study found testosterone declined on days men did
not engage in intercouse with their partner (pubmed, 1992) suggesting regular activity raises testosterone.
However, like I previously mentioned, frequent ejaculation
isn't encouraged, as your seed is very valuable and retaining
it is where most of the benefits of NoFap come into play.
Having meaningless sex with someone where there is zero
connection is essentially masturbation, thus sex is something
that you should only aim to indulge in with someone where
there is a raw desire for eachother and a special initmate
connection, otherwise it offers ZERO benefit.
Having a healthy body is essential for optimal testosterone
However in modern times we are constantly faced with foods
that offer little nutritional benefit and this can significantly
affect how efficient our body is a functioning
Thus it is essential we avoid:
- Processed and packaged food
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Foods/drinks high in sugar
- Soy products
Seed oils (polyunsaturated fats)
I'm sure you are all aware of the negative impacts processed
foods, sugary foods and excessive alcohol consumption can
have on your body.
But to quickly summarize, these foods will irritate your gut,
increase blood sugar and increase inflammation, which will
restrict how efficient your body is at producing testosterone
It is also essential you avoid soy as it contains a
plant-estrogen also called phytoestrogen. This plant
estrogen mimics, how estrogen would act in your body
(Harvard, 2021) and another study shows soy binds to
estrogen receptors in your body causing estrogenic
effects (Harvard 2021)
Another thing you have to avoid is seed oils (polyunsaturated
These include :
- Rapeseed oil
- Sunflower oil
- Corn oil
Many people may be unaware of the negative effect seed oils
can have on the body and especially to your testosterone
However these seed oils can wreck your body; increasing
inflammation and free radical damage. They also inhibit
binding of androgens to the receptor and they prevent 5-AR
reductase which converts testosterone to DHT and to top it
off they are also very estrogenic
Thus I would look to REMOVE them from your diet and cook
with other things, like butter and coconut oil.
However we DO want to consume long chain saturated fats
like in animal fats and butter
Saturated fat has gotten a bad reputation when it comes to
testosterone in men. However many generations considered
high-fat foods like whole eggs, steak, and full-fat dairy
completely healthy, and in some cultures, they still are.
The body uses the cholesterol found in saturated fats to
convert to testosterone.
This is in contrast to popular public opinion that consuming
foods that contribute to high cholesterol (red meats, dairy
etc.) are one of the main factors of poor bodily function
However recent research is disproving this
For Example:
- Evidence suggests that dietary fats may influence
testicular function (NCBI 2017)
- Another study showed consuming high amounts of
animal protein, leads to significantly higher
testosterone levels, than compared to a diet low in
saturated fat
In conclusion use Saturated Fats and Monounsaturated Fats,
while avoiding Polyunsaturated Fats.
I would also look to supplement and eat fruits/meats that are
high in these following properties:
Vit D3
Vitamin d3 deficiency due to low. sunlight is linked to
low testosterone levels and a weakened immune
Zinc is essential for testosterone production, as it helps to
convert cholesterol to Testosterone (NCBI, 2019).
Zinc also reduces free radical damage and lowers
inflammation which are two known causes of testosterone
being lowered
A study conducted by NCBI in 2019 showed men
supplementing on zinc had 296% less testosterone levels
then men who were restricting their zinc consumption
Magnesium is used to produce Glutathione,an extremely
powerful anti-doxant, which also significantly reduces
inflammation and free radical damage
Magnesium also lowers glutathione level. Low glutathione
which again is linked to, excess inflammation and free radical
damage in the body
Boron increase free testosterone by 25% when consumed at
6mg over 1 week (NCBI, 2015)
Another study found that Boron fixes vitamin D3 deficiency
and increases its half life, which we know plays a vital role in
testosterone production
In Conclusion
There it is guys…
My guide on how to maximize your testosterone
This is my gift to all of my loyal followers.
However it is now your job to take action and apply the
information you have been given
If you did find this valuable please leave 5 stars on GumRoad
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(TikTok, Twitter, Instagram)
All @menenhanced
I hope this has helped