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protochordates quiz

Introductory Biology
Macromolecules Project
The Biochemistry Edition!
DUE: November 11th
The Challenge: You will work with a small group to put on a presentation featuring a chemical model of
a specific macromolecule. The macromolecule will be assigned to you by your teacher, and it’s not subject
to change. After researching the information, you and your group will prepare an educational and engaging
presentation that will help your classmates learn that information.
These questions must be answered during your presentation.
1. What role does this compound play in an organism? Thoroughly explain at least three examples
of how it is used. What are the different types of compounds within this group? Name them and
describe their function(s).
2. What are the names of the building blocks (monomers), the polymers formed, and the process used
to form them?
3. Clearly explain to your classmates how to identify this compound
4. Does your macromolecule interact with other macromolecules?
5. Where in the body is this macromolecule most abundant?
Discuss the effects on the human body if a person is deficient in your macromolecule.
7. (Typically, there are multiple disorders/diseases associated with being deficient in a particular
macromolecule, so choose and explain 2).
8. Find some interesting information about the macromolecule. It could be historical information,
misconceptions, the roles that it plays in our culture, society, medical uses, etc.
9. Use a 3-D chemistry set or any other supplies you like (students used anything from candy to fruit
in the past) to create a 3-D model of your macromolecule. Incorporate this model into your
presentation and clearly point out all of its important identifying characteristics (shape, functional
groups, etc.)
10. You can also include a short lab demo with your presentation.
Group-Specific Questions:
Discuss the 2 versions of glucose. How do we differentiate between the two? How do the polymers that each
help build differ in function?
Discuss at least 3 different molecules within the lipid family. Make sure you discuss why lipids are the only
family that doesn’t form “true” polymers.
Nucleic Acids
Compare and contrast the two nucleic acids - how does the structure correlate to function?
Your group will also prepare a short quiz to give to the rest of the class after your presentation. This
quiz will count as a real quiz for your classmates! It must be worth 10 points and be no longer than one
single-sided page. All quizzes must be approved by the teacher.
Begin your research by using the information found in your book, but then expand your horizons by using
internet resources. Each person in your group needs to take an active part in your presentation and have a specific
Presentation Guidelines:
It must be 10 – 15 minutes long
Must have an engaging and creative introduction (that’s the runway show part)
The teacher and your classmates will ask clarifying questions after your presentation, so be
Each group member must present an equal part.
Be creative.
Provide visual aids for molecular structures (videos are great, but may not be longer than 2 minutes)
The following aspects of presentation are allowed:
Music (must be approved by your teacher)
Project Timeline:
Groups will be given class time to work on the projects. Bring ALL materials to school. You may leave them
here until the project due date, at which point you will need to take everything home.
You will have no other homework but to work on this project. This means that all group members should
be working at home every day!