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D5 CSS-14-01
Welcome to planet earth. Mother nature has protected and provided us a better place to
enjoy life and not only that, we as human beings have managed to populate and spread all
over the world into different continents and also as people of different races, languages and
status. The number of the population increases gradually and people live in sets of
communities ranging from families to the global community. In this societies there has to be
someone capable of assisting and guiding the general community towards their common goal
or objective and this person is known and regarded as a leader. Each societies be it minor or
major communities, they all have leaders and the most common leaders are politicians .They
have a task of helping and upgrading the lives of their subjects so that is why they have to
show their leadership abilities towards their own constituents. According to Anastasia (2017)
she states that a quality and a capable leader must have a positive mind set. This is just to say
there is no way you can guide people with your negative character otherwise the might not
have the hope and motivation to push towards their goal. Truly a leader must have a positive
character and if I am a member of parliament I have to portray the leadership qualities which
their clarification will follow onwards this project.
Before anything else, a quality leader must have the passion to guide their society. Being
passionate can be derived from a certain type of motivation called intrinsic and this is where
we find out that leaders carry out their tasks and put more effort in it as the enjoy what they
do and they are more interested and this mould them to become good leaders. Passion paves
way for a better character as one will be in love with their work and the dialogue between
the community and their leader will be great for the improvement of their lives. According to
Anastasia (2017) she also state that a good leader should have an empowering character. This
is just to say that the more you like something the more you would want others to participate
and try it out too. However what you love does not mean others or the people around you
will also enjoy doing the same thing. This becomes a problem as one of the two which is the
leader or the community would end up an extrinsically driven person. As a member of
parliament I have to lead according to this quality explained above and this will be important
to my constituents as I will work tirelessly doing what I love for the welfare improvement of
my community.
Secondly, a quality leader has to be a confident individual. This quality is more focused on a
leader being able to overcome his/her fears and being a role model for their people to always
try by all means to jump the hurdles and overcome the challenges placed before them. Being
confident also includes someone to be their own self and not imitate other people.
Confidence warms up the atmosphere as it creates a good working space where one can focus
and work and it shows one has a good character. Further work Hassan (2017) states that for
one to be an efficient leader you have to be confident to make sure that others will follow
your orders. This is just to explain that if you are a low esteemed leader your subjects will
take you lightly and disobey you and at the end of the day this creates a poor working
relations, However someone can be over confident leading them to slack off and lose focus,
abusing power and become an egotistical person who refuse help or advice. Cherry (2019)
agrees to this point as she explains over confident leaders turn to become arrogant. This will
disrupt the productivity of the workforce in whichever organisation. As a member of
parliament the qualities clarified in this project are what I am going to portray as a leader of
my community and this will be a benefit for my constituency as I will be able to raise
parliament motions which are focused on developing my society therefore the living
standards of my people will be improved.
Basically this project was carried out to enlighten and show the reasons why societies require
leaders and I have clarified that communities do not need just leaders but leaders that are
capable of providing for them what they cry and to guide them through towards their goals.
Through this project, we were able to see the quality of people who could lead us and more
focus was on passion whereby one does what they love doing best and confidence whereby
one has to overcome their fears in order to lead. Lastly, what we can say is that we all need
leaders in our lives as they will carry us through the long journeys ahead and as a member of
parliament this is exactly what I intend to do for the sake of my community.
December 31 [online]. Available at www.cleverism.com (Accessed 04 August).
Cherry, K. (2019) WHEN TOO MUCH SELF CONFIDENCE IS A BAD THING, July 28 [online].
Available at www.verywellmind.com (Accessed 04 August).
[online]. Available at https://blog.taskque.com