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Participant Info: Retail Investor Protection Research

Participant Information Statement
Research Study:
Killing Bambi – Improving the efficacy and efficiency of the legal and regulatory framework for
protection of retail investors investing in collective investment schemes (CIS).
Explanation of the topic
“Bambi” is a loveable Disney character that no one would want to kill. Rather she is to be protected
from harm. In this thesis “Bambi’ is a euphemism for the retail client. Similar to the Disney character,
the retail client is to be protected from harm. The expression “Killing Bambi” therefore refers to the
consequences if retail investors are harmed through the failure of the legal and regulatory framework
instituted for their protection when investing in CIS
1. What is this study about?
We are conducting a research study about what reforms can be made to the existing legal and
regulatory framework for protection of retail investors investing in managed investment schemes.
Taking part in this study is voluntary.
Please read this sheet carefully and ask questions about anything that you don’t understand or
want to know more about.
2. Who is running the study?
The study is being carried out by the following researchers:
Lead Supervisor Dr Gail Pearson Professor Business School
Supervisor Dr David Chaiken Professor Business School
Alan Jessup PhD Student Business School
Alan Jessup is conducting this study as the basis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at The
University of Sydney.
3. Who can take part in the study?
We are seeking participation from persons who work in the managed funds industry. You have been
invited to take part in this study because you have been working in the managed funds industry for
a long period of time.
4. What will the study involve for me?
You will be asked to participate in a face to face interview. The interview is expected to take less
than 2 hours but you may take a break at any time. During this interview the researcher Alan
Jessup (referred to above) will ask you questions about your organisation, the legal and regulatory
framework for the managed investment scheme industry and your experience and participation in
that industry. To ensure we collect the responses accurately, we seek your permission to transcribe
what you say on to paper and/or a computer in the form of field notes.
We do not expect the questions asked during the interview will cause any harm or discomfort.
However, if you experience feelings of distress as a result of participation in this study you can let
the research team know and they will provide you with assistance.
You are free to stop the interview at any time. If you withdraw from the research we will destroy any
information that has already been collected.
5. Can I withdraw once I’ve started?
Being in this study is completely voluntary and you do not have to take part.
If you do consent to participate, you may withdraw at any time. You can do so by completing the
‘Withdrawal of Consent Form’ which is provided at the end of this document. Alternatively you can
ring the research team and tell them you no longer want to participate. If you decide to leave the
research study, the researchers will not collect additional information from you. Your decision not
to participate will not affect your current or future relationship with the researchers or anyone else
at The University of Sydney.
If you withdraw from the research we will destroy any information that has already been collected.
6. Are there any risks or costs?
The interview questions are not designed or intended to detect any illegal activity. However if you
are uncomfortable about answering any question you may decline to do so without any incrimination
or coercion. Your participation is completely voluntary.
Aside from giving up of your valuable time, we do not expect that there will be any risks or costs
associated with taking part in this study.
7. Are there any benefits?
You will not receive any direct benefits from being in the study. However indirectly you may find the
feedback provided upon completion of the study (see below) of assistance in managing your
8. What will happen to information that is collected?
By signing the consent form you consent to the research team collecting and using information
about you for the research study.
All personal and identifiable information collected as part of this study will be kept confidential.
This data will be kept for a maximum of 5 years for the purposes of this research. Any information
you provide us will be stored securely on university licensed platforms for storage. To the extent
that we know that you are the source of that information that is not , we will only disclose that
information with your permission, unless we are required by law to release that information.
9. Will I be told the results of the study?
You have a right to receive feedback about the overall results of this study. This feedback will be in
the form of a brief lay summary.
You will receive this feedback on the overall results of the study.
The data obtained from the interview may be disclosed in journal publications, conference papers
and the like. However, neither you nor any of your employees will be individually identified as the
source of the data obtained from the interview.
10. What if I would like further information?
When you have read this information, the university researcher will be available to discuss it with
you further and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to know more at any stage
during the study, please feel free to contact Alan Jessup email: alan.jessup@sydney.edu.au
Telephone: +61 418 660 122
11. What if I have a complaint or any concerns?
The ethical aspects of this study have been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee
(HREC) of The University of Sydney HREC Project No. 2022/299 according to the National
Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007).
If you are concerned about the way this study is being conducted or you wish to make a complaint
to someone independent from the study, please contact the University:
Human Ethics Manager
+61 2 8627 8176
This information sheet is for you to keep
Discipline of Business Law
The University of Sydney Business School
Codrington Building H69
The University of Sydney
NSW 2008 Australia
E gail.pearson@sydney.edu.au
ABN 15 211 513 464
Consent Form – Participant providing own consent
Declaration by the participant
I understand I am being asked to provide consent to participate in this research project;
I have read the Participant Information Sheet or someone has read it to me in a language that
I understand;
I understand the purposes, study tasks and risks of the research described in the project;
I understand that the research team will transcribe the interviews on to paper or a computer. I
agree to be recorded for this purpose.
I provide my consent for the information collected about me to be used for the purpose of this
research study only.
I have had an opportunity to ask questions and I am satisfied with the answers I have received;
I freely agree to participate in this research study as described and understand that I am free
to withdraw at any time during the project and withdrawal will not affect my relationship with any
of the named organisations and/or research team members;
I would like to receive a copy of the study results via email or post, I have provided my details
below and ask that they be used for this purpose only.
Name: David Bryant
Address: Level 2, 2 King Street Deakin ACT 2600 ACT
Email Address: DBryant@ruralfunds.com.au
I understand that I will be given a signed copy of this document to keep.
Participant Signature
Name of Participant (please
Signature of Research
David Bryant
Declaration by Researcher*
I have given a verbal explanation of the research study, its study activities and risks and I
believe that the participant has understood that explanation.
Researcher Signature*
Name of Researcher
Signature of Researcher
Alan Jessup
An appropriately qualified member of the research team must provide the explanation of, and
information concerning the research study.
Note: All parties signing the consent section must date their own signature.
Form for Withdrawal of Participation
I wish to WITHDRAW my consent to participate in the research proposal described above and
understand that such withdrawal WILL NOT affect my relationship with The University of Sydney. In
withdrawing my consent I would like any information which I have provided for the purpose of this
research project withdrawn.
Participant Signature
Name of Participant
(please print)
Signature of Research
David Bryant
The section for to whom the Withdrawal of Participation should be forwarded:
CI Name:
Gail Pearson
Postal Address:
Discipline of Business Law
The University of Sydney Business School
Codrington Building H69
The University of Sydney
NSW 2008 Australia