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Origin Models: Creation vs. Evolution Spectrum

Origin Models
(Creation and evolution spectrum)
Roth, Origins (Chapter 21)
by Roth
1. Creation
2. Gap Theory
3. Progressive Creation
4. Theistic Evolution
5. Deistic Evolution
6. Pantheistic Evolution
7. Space Ancestry
8. Evolution
How to look at these various models?
Development of life:
Intelligent Design…...Naturalistic process
Source of truth:
• Reflect the most direct reading of scripture.
• God performed His creative acts in six literal
• This event took place a few thousand years ago.
• The fossiliferous sedimentary layers on earth’s
surface formed with the Genesis flood.
Fits well with:
I. Lack of transitional fossils
II. Evidences for design
III. Rapid deposition of sedimentary layers.
Soft-gap theory - God created the matter of earth
eons ago before the creation of life forms a few
thousand years ago.
Genesis 1:1-2 “In the beginning, God created the
heavens and the earth. The earth was without form
and void, and darkness was over the face of the
deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the
face of the waters.
Genesis 1:3-5 And God said, “Let there be light,” and
there was light. And God saw that the light was
good. And God separated the light from the
darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness
he called Night. And there was evening and there
was morning, the first day.
What challenges do you see in this model?
• God created life on earth in the distant past.
• Gap of time between 1st creation (Genesis 1:1)
and 2nd creation (Genesis 1:2-31).
• Unknown number of years between first
creation and second creation.
Allows adherence to:
I. The old age of the Earth.
II. Fossils
III. Ice cores, ice ages and geological formations.
Genesis 1:1 refers to God's initial perfect
creation. Everything that God made was
beautiful, there was no sin anywhere. Verse two,
on the other hand, assumes that a great
catastrophe occurred that caused the earth to
become in a chaotic state through the judgment
of God. According to the Gap Theory, the
formless and void state, as recorded in Genesis
1:2, is in direct contrast to the perfect initial
creation. Something happened between the first
two verses of Genesis to cause the earth to
become desolate and uninhabitable after having
been made perfect. Those holding the Gap
Theory contend that this state of ruin could have
possibly lasted millions of years.
What Is the Gap Theory? (The Ruin and Reconstruction Theory?)
What challenges do you see in this model?
• God performed multiple creation events spread
over long periods of time.
• Progressive creation proposes that God has created
various creatures at various times over hundreds of
millions of years, with mankind appearing in a
relatively recent creation.
• Claims that fossil record reflect successive creative
• Day-Age and Revelation-Day concept.
Fits well with:
I. Missing links
II. Long ages for life (geologic column)
What challenges do you see in this model?
• God directs in the continuous process of
• Accepts the concept of the general theory of
• A bridge to barriers that evolution face:
I. Origin of life
II. Development of complex, integrated,
biological systems
III. The origin of humanity’s higher mental
What challenges do you see in this model?
• Admits to some kind of God who created the
universe and then did not interfere since.
• The world we see today is a result of creation
and naturalistic evolution development.
What challenges do you see in this model?
• Identifies God with the universe or regards the
universe as a manifestation of God.
• “God is all, and all is God”
• Popular among New Age Movement (A
metaphysical religious community).
• The Gaia hypothesis proposes that all
organisms and their inorganic surroundings on
Earth are closely integrated to form a single and
self-regulating complex system, maintaining the
conditions for life on the planet.
What challenges do you see in this model?
• Variations:
I. Extraterrestrial life planted life on earth.
II. Simple life travelled in a meteorite.
III. Hybridization between “superbeings” and
earthly organisms.
Mars meteorite with organic molecules holds clues to chances
of ancient life | Space
“Building Blocks of Life” Discovered in Meteorite That Crash
Landed in England (scitechdaily.com)
What challenges do you see in this model?
• Limits reality to mechanistic causes.
• No intelligent design.
• Various lifeforms developed as a result of the
operation of natural law.
• Simple -> complex results from random
mutations or mutations in combination with
natural selection.
What challenges do you see in this model?
How do we evaluate sources of truth?
What characteristics must truth have in
order for truth to be substantial?