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Economics Answer Sheet: Fiscal Policy & Stimulus Analysis

Jaiden Gonzales
Andrew Estrada
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Jaiden Gonzales
Andrew Estrada
1b- ^
2a- The use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy.
2b- Aid packages, COVID 19 packages, and unemployment insurance.
2c- I believe that Biden’s economic plan was intended to be used for fiscal policy. Not only is the
goal intended to help the economy but giving those who are sick the support they need.
Jaiden Gonzales
Andrew Estrada
6- In addition to reducing unemployment, increasing government spending, and
providing pay checks to millions of Americans, President Biden's $1.9 trillion stimulus
package definitely aims to increase consumer spending, government spending, and
unemployment insurance. As a result of this package, the economy will surely gain a
boost in the short term. On the other hand, the federal budget could be hit hard in the
long run, resulting in a fiscal burden. It is possible for inflation rates to spike very high. As
a result, the stimulus may potentially disadvantage the people it is supposed to help.