Uploaded by Ryan Dominguez

Altitude Sickness: Symptoms, Acclimatization & Effects

Altitude Sickness Notes
PO2 = 2/3rd at 9800ft
½ at 18000ft
1/3rd at Everest summit
HIF-1a – sensing master switch in the cell that detects lack of oxygen and modifies 5000 genes
Hematologic Acclimatization
 Increase Oxygen carrying capacity by increasing red blood cell count
1. Decreased plasma volume in hours
2. Increased Red Blood Cell count in days to weeks
a. *Not efficient for mountaineering, destroyed after descent*
Circulatory Effects
Cerebral Circulation:
o Increased blood flow to the brain
Pulmonary Circulation
o High blood flow and pressure in the lungs
Systemic Circulation
o Heart rate raises
Time vs Mountain Sickness
1 day to travel to 15000ft = 40% chance of mountain sickness // 5 days to get to 15000ft
decreases to 10%