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short story

Everything was white. I trudged through the thick snow; my feet were getting
heavier as my breath was fogging up the crisp air. The climate was testing my
The snow was getting deeper with my breaths getting shorter. I stopped for a
moment to catch my breath and caught a glimpse of the horizon, taking in the
sight of the snow coated mountains.
In the distance I noticed something strange, out of place. A desolate concrete
cabin, tucked away in the trees. Before I could conceive, I hastily advanced
towards it.
“Safe-Zone, Mercy for The Lost” it read on a bulky yellow sign. Right under it, a
hefty slid door open. A tall, bearded man greeted me
“Welcome, traveler”
he had messy ginger hair like a lions mane and friendly green eyes paired with
a sympathetic smile.
“You been on the road a long time?”
he asked, with a colorful smile.
I calmly nodded. He shut the door behind him, warmth flooded through my
body. The man gestured me to follow him, so I cautiously lingered behind him.
We toured through long wooden corridors with portraits of people on the
walls, which eventually stretched into a cramped kitchen. The smell of hot
soup made my mouth water as I seated myself onto a loose wooden stool. the
person who had greeted me had now disappeared. Instead, a warm old lady
smiled at me and reached her jittery hand out to place a fresh bowl of tomato
soup in front of me. I picked up the spoon and began to guzzle the soup up.
Immediately I felt dizzy, everything around me was whirling into itself.
Everything was blurry. I tried to scream but all I could hear was a monotonous
beep. Once I was lucid enough to scan my surroundings, I realized where I was.
On the tables were beakers and tubes and on the walls were diagrams and
formulas. I was strapped down. I jerked around aggressively and soon a figure
emerged from a thick, metal door labelled “subject 94”. The figure was
wearing a phosphorus yellow hazmat suit. He strolled over to a table and
carefully poured a bright pink liquid into a test tube with clear liquid which was
labelled with a long formula. He drained the newly created liquid into a large
syringe. He proceeded to me. He calmly reached out his arm and gently
stabbed my right arm with the syringe. Everything was blurry again.
Flashing lights were blossoming from every corner of everywhere and bright
colors were weeping and bleeding into my brain. Gradually, the dancing colors
simmered down and all that was left was just white. Everything was white.