ACTIVITY FINDINGS PEN TEST 1 ACTIVITY 1: TYPES OF PEN TESTING Scenario Questions A business hires you to perform a penetration test. They said they will provide credentials for you as long as you do not share them with anyone outside of the business. Before starting the assessment, they’ve made you sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and covered the rules of engagement (ROE). Legal grey A friend verbally asks you to hack his home network and gives you his public router’s IP address. Illegal black You are on a random shopping website and discover a potential vulnerability. Using your recent knowledge from class, you attempt to validate whether the website is vulnerable to an attack. Illegal black A local government hires you to perform a penetration test on their internal network, giving you full access to all their network diagrams and their device IP list and supplying you with administrative credentials. There is a contract in place to perform the assessment that is signed by all appropriate parties. White legal After negotiating a contract and signing all legal forms, an enterprise business hires you to perform a penetration test. They supply you with a domain name that is in scope and a twomonth assessment time. Legal black A family member asks you to assess their security on their home network. You bring your laptop, connect to their WiFi, and begin the assessment with port scans. Illegal black A business hires you to perform an assessment and sends over a contract that states all companyowned hardware is within scope and provides you a list of assets. When searching the public IP addresses of the assets from the provided lists, you determine they are hosted within Microsoft’s cloud platform, Azure. illegal grey A medium-sized business hires you to perform a penetration test and supplies you with credentials and scope. The contract is almost finalized, but the manager of the company is insistent that you start the assessment now to avoid lapsing into their next fiscal year. Illegal partial ACTIVITY 2 1. In a browser, navigate to Google. 2. Using the site Google operand, identify the web service name and version. MegaCorpOne's website is 3. Using the intext and site operands, create a list of user names and their email addresses. Tom Joe Tanya Matt ACTIVITY 3 Instructions: ( 1. Navigate to, and create a free account on 2. After registering, log in and navigate to 3. In a terminal session, perform an nslookup on 4. In Shodan, search the IP address that was returned from the nslookup query. 5. Answer the following questions: o What ports are open? 22, 80, 443 o What version of SSH is the server running? OpenSSH/SSH 2.0 o What OS is the server? Debian 10 o What is the version of the web server running? Apache Server 2.4.17 to 2.4.38 o Which vulnerabilities may be present on the server? (CVE numbers are fine.) o Where is this server located? Montreal CA ACTIVITY 4 Instructions 1. In Kali, log in with the credentials root:kali and start Recon-ng. o In Recon-ng, run modules search to view all of the currently installed modules. Modules search o Run modules load recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget. o This will load the hackertarget scanner module. o Modules need to be loaded prior to use. 2. In Recon-ng, type the command to view all of the currently installed modules. Options list o For this activity, we'll use the following two modules: recon/domains-hosts/hackertarget reporting/html 3. Type the command that will query for a scan against Options set SOURCE o The results will automatically display verbosely in the terminal window. 4. Install the reporting module then use the module. Run back o marketplace install reporting/html 5. Type the command that shows which parameters need to be set. Options set CREATOR pentester Options set CUSTOMER MEGACORPONE o The CREATOR and CUSTOMER parameters need to be set. o Set the parameters as follows: o o CREATOR: Pentester CUSTOMER: MegaCorpOne Type the command that runs the query so the results are saved to /root/.reconng/workspaces/default/results.html. Type the command that verifies whether the configuration took effect after setting the options. Options list Run 6. View the report. o Generate the report so that it can be viewed as HTML in the web browser. Xdg-open /root/.recon-ng/workspaces/default/results.html o How many hosts did Recon-ng discover? 18 PEN TEST 2 ACTIVITY 1 1. On your Kali machine, open the web browser, navigate to, where you will be prompted to log in. 2. Using the list of usernames that you obtained during Day 1 without the email extension (e.g., bsmith instead of, attempt to log in to the website by guessing basic passwords. o Hint: Try variants of "Password," "SeasonYear" (e.g., Summer2021), or even the user's own username. o You only need to successfully guess ONE set of credentials to continue; the rest are bonus. mcarlow Pa55word agrofield agrofield1 thudson thudson triversa Spring2021 3. Once logged in, download the shell script in Kali and place it in your Downloads folder (if it doesn't automatically download to it). 4. Change the permissions on the shell script to make it executable, then run the shell script and log in with the same credentials that you just used. chmod +x ./ Cat ACT 2 ifconfig zenmap - Intense scan - Edit profile (read about intense scan) - Edit profile scripting FTP backdoor - open port ACT 3 1. Refer to your past Nmap or Zenmap scans, and look in the scan results for Metasploitable2. If you cannot find it by hostname, it will be the machine with the most ports open. 2. Several of these services are exploitable; however, one is exploitable with a Python script. Using searchsploit in Kali, search for any exploits around the service that is listening on port 21. You're searching for an exploit that allows you to execute a backdoor and is written in Python. o It's important to examine scripts before running them. Some scripts require variables to be edited within the script, whereas others can have variables passed through the command line. o searchsploit vsftpd Backdoor locate File path cat filepath/ Make sure not a virus python filepath/ Buggy code rip But when we cat we can see it creates telnet to host on port 21, writing the user and password in ascii User :) opens backdoor on port 6200 ftp Name: bob :) Password: anything nc 6200 3. Edit the script in nano. The path that is listed on the right is relative to the /usr/share/exploitdb/exploit directory, e.g., /usr/share/exploitdb/exploit/unix/remote/ . 4. We can tell from the two variables args and host that this script accepts the IP address of the vulnerable host as an argument, so there is no need to edit the script. Close the script using ctrl+X. 5. Run the script without any arguments to see the output of the script. 6. Now, pass in the host IP address as an argument, and run the script again. You should see a message saying “Success, shell opened.” Type in a Linux command to check if the shell works. DAY 3 ACTIVITY 1 For each framework that you've identified as a good candidate, answer the following questions: 1. What is the name of the C2 framework? SCYTHE 2. What operating systems do its agents support? Windows, Linux, Mac 3. What channels can the agents communicate over? HTTP, DNS, SMB 4. What language is it written in? Python 5. Is it open or closed source? Closed 6. Does the developer have a Slack or Twitter link for potential support questions? @scythe_io ACT 2 For each exploit you attempted (failed or successful), document the following: Exploit: vsftpd_234_backdoor Host IP address: Port: 21 Service name: FTP Service version: 2.3.4 Exploit outcome: Success Exploit: alienvault USM/OSSIM Host IP address: Port: 22 Service name: SSH Service version: 5.3.0 Exploit outcome: Fail Exploit: apache james Host IP address: Port: 25 Service name: SMTP Service version: Exploit outcome: Fail Exploit: smtp_enum Host IP address: Port: 25 Service name: SMTP Service version: Exploit outcome: Success While operating through the reverse shell in Metasploit, use grep or find to search for any interesting files. Hint 1: Some keywords to search for include: admin key password secret If you come across anything interesting that could be used for privilege escalation, perform the necessary actions in order to escalate your privileges from daemon to another user! Hint 2: If you forget the syntax for grep or find, use the man tool or use Google! Bonus: Once you are able to escalate your privileges to another user, see if you can escalate that user's privileges to root. DAY 5 ACT 1 i. How many Windows machines are on the network? 3 ii. What ports/services are open on the machines that suggest that they're Windows machines? 6001, 8080, 53, 88, 135, 139, 389, 445, 464, 593, 636, 3268, 3269, 3390 iii. Can you tell which machine is the domain controller? First one, port 88 is the giveaway