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ABOUT CONNECTION OF DYNAMICAL STIFFNESS OF MECHANICAL OSCILLATION SYSTEM WITH FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTIC EQUATION S. V. Belokobil’skiy1, V. B. Kashuba1, S. V. Eliseev2 1 Bratsk State University 40, Makarenko Street, Bratsk, 665709, Russian Federation 2 Irkutsk State Transport University 15, Chernyshevskogo Street, Irkutsk, 664074, Russian Federation E-mail: rector@brstu.ru The research proposes a method to determine the dynamical stiffness of a mechanical oscillation system and its fragments on the basis of the use of the frequency characteristic equation. Keywords: dynamical stiffness of system, transfer function, characteristic equation, quasi-spring. ! . ' "" + & "+ + + + + #$% )" % % 1 ++ 2 [1; 2]. % + # " + % #" $ + # % " + & #$ #$% " % % # . ' # % #" + + # + [3; 4]. 3 # & )" % #$ # , "% + #% # ""+ & # #$+ , + " % + ". 5#{ % . % " + + + #+ , & 1+ #")1+ # . ' # + , , # " " (. 1). &" , "% & % , #. i $ 11 12 m1 p k1 k2 k2 2 21 22 k2 m2 p 2 k2 k3 1 # Q1 % # ##$ % #$ (1) a22 # # , k22 D( p) m1 p 2 k1 k2 , (2) 2 m2 p k2 k3 1 [1]. p j Z – # " "; j ² " & $ # D(Z) # & # Q1 m1 % & #$ D1 (Z) k1 k2 m1Z2 , (3) & % & k22 D2 (Z) . (4) k2 k3 m2 Z2 0 . 2 # % D(Z) z2 Q2 k3 Q2 m2 D1 (Z ) D2 (Z ) D1 (Z) D2 (Z) . (5) D2 (Z ) y2 D1 (Z ) Q1 k2 m1 y1 0 k1 Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 Z z1 . 1. " + + 2 " " D2 (Z ) B \. ' " " # + % 1"+, # &+ # , ( Q2 = 0) y1 a22 W ( p) . (1) Q1 a11a22 a12 . 2. * %" + & : " 1 – D1(); " 2 – D1() 3 + " + D1() D2() " & $ #), $ & % 545 & & + # # & [5; 6]. 5 # ] $ . ¶# $ m1 2 % 1, m1p2 + k1 #" # #$ ) , ###$ k1 $ % & & $) k2 (m2 p 2 k3 ) k . (6) m2 p 2 k2 k3 0 2 = k3/m2 " & $ #), & y2 / y1 = 1. = p . ² " & $ & $" #" % &, "#")1" % % + # #) #$+ # # # . ¶# " & $ % & « #""», #% " & + & #$ . 3 #" #" + & & $ #$% + . # 1. ¶# . 3., % ì. 0., 7 . '. + + + + # #$+ . 0 : 0 , 2011. 384 . 2. ¯# #$ . 3., ¶# . 3., ! 3. ¯. '# % % 1+ . 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[Relations of coordinates of the movement elements of mechanical oscillatory systems as a form of manifestation lever ties] // Sistemy. Metody. Tekhnologii. 2015. ¬ 3(27). P. 7–14. © ¯# #$ . 3., ! 3. ¯., ¶# . 3., 2016 ______________________________________ ,²! 62.752, 621:534;833; 888.6, 629.4.015;02 CE5?F=5!>;C8 8>bCD E!@=8D > >>B8A> 5b8;C C;>BCH8E5_5 E5EA5@;C@ B8<>;CH8EC< 5?8>A8?F;4< ECEA8B . . ¯ #$ , ². 7. 0 , !. 5. 3 1" " ", 664074, . , #. 5 , 15 E-mail: bolshakov_rs@mail.ru @ / , / / . #3 : , / , . 546