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LAB # 01-Energy Engg. M.Anas Shoaib-Risk Assesment Activity (Task-01)

Task No. 01: Risk Assesment (Energy Engineering)
Department of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Pak Austria Fachhochschule: Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Haripur
Who can be affected by
On hand control measures
Academic Block B1 Lab
Room 109
(Chemical Engineering
Emergency Exit Door unidentified, and one door
is blocked with the workbench.
Students, Lab Engineers, Visitors,
Teachers and Workers
Making one of the two doors as an
emergency exit temporarily.
Providing SOPs and preparing
everyone for emergency situation.
Academic Block B1 Lab
Room 109
(Chemical Engineering
Extreme Noise Pollution due to the working of
generator besides the laboratory.
Academic Block B1 Lab
Room 302
(Energy Engineering)
Fumehood is not installed in the lab, as well as
there is no proper ventilation source, since
experiments related to toxic fumes (obnoxious
gases) production are to be performed.
Providing earplugs to the lab visitors,
students and teachers during lab
hours. Distancing and seating little
Students, Lab Engineers, Visitors,
bit away from the source of the
Teachers and Workers
generator. Closing the doors and
windows to help alleviate the possible
Students, Lab Engineers, Visitors,
Teachers and Workers
Opening the windows and doors for
timely ventilation. Guidance and
SOPs regarding the toxicity of the
different types of fumes. Wearing
PPEs such as masks, gloves and
goggles for safety.
Covering the exposed area with
wooden planks, and placing
Academic Block B1 Lab
The floor of the lab is missing tile(s), and the
appropriate 'warning' stickers such as
Students, Lab Engineers, Visitors,
Room 302
exposed surface is covered with sand associating to
Teachers and Workers
(Energy Engineering) both 'tripping' and 'allergic' hazard with falling on
HAZARD". For protection against
the floor and inhaling the dust.
sand, wearing PPEs such as mask
and goggles are timely solution.
Academic Block B1 Lab
Confined Space in the lab - not enough for easy Students, Lab Engineers, Visitors,
Room 302
locomotion of students, teacher and lab engineer at
Teachers and Workers
(Energy Engineering)
a time.
Having a proper ventilation system,
by opening windows and doors for
oxygen, having proper seating
arrangements for every student
ensuring availability of space in the
Risk Rating
Likelihood = 3;
Severity = 2
Risk = 6
Likelihood = 5;
Severity = 1,
Risk = 5
Likelihood = 5;
Severity = 4,
Risk = 20
Likelihood = 4;
Severity = 4,
Risk = 16
Likelihood = 3;
Severity = 3,
Risk = 9
Defensive measures
1. Engineering Controls: To move the workbench beside
the opening of the door.
2. Administrative Controls:
Proper instructions should be provided to the visitors,
students and workers about the current situation of the
emergency exit door.
On departmental level, it is the prime responsibility of
lab supervisors and technicians, whereas PI's
(Principal Investigators) and admistration are also
responsible for providing assistance for the hazard.
1. Substitution: Since normal range of hearing is between
60-70 dB, and the generator produces around 100-110 dB
which causes damage to hearing (if exposed prolonged),
so we can purchase a newer, quieter generator (~85-90
dB) to reduce noise exposure. It will also help decrease
stress and anxiety. 2. Engineering Controls: We can
install shielding or acoustical protection such as curtains
or sound-deadening enclosures on walls and ceilings. 3.
Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs): Such as
wearing earplugs during lab hours.
On departmental level, it is the prime responsibility of
lab supervisors and technicians, whereas PI's
(Principal Investigators) and admistration are also
responsible for providing assistance for the hazard.
1. Engineering Controls: It is a dire need for proper
installation of the fumehood in the lab, for safe removal of
all the toxic and harmful fumes produced by the burning
of fuel such as CO2, CO and aliphatic hydrocarbon gases
(butane, ethane, methane, and propane) etc. 2. Personal
Protective Equipments (PPEs): Wearing PPEs such as
masks, gloves and goggles for safety.
On departmental level, it is the prime responsibility of
lab supervisors and technicians, whereas PI's
(Principal Investigators) and admistration are also
responsible for providing assistance for the hazard.
1. Engineering Controls: It is important for us to remove
the sand and install the surface with tiles, and ensure
proper fixation of the tiles so that they don't get removed
easily. 2. Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs):
Wearing PPEs such as masks, gloves and goggles for
safety. 3. Elimination: The removal of sand is necessary
in order to prevent allergies associated to dust and sand
On departmental level, it is the prime responsibility of
lab supervisors and technicians, whereas PI's
(Principal Investigators) and admistration are also
responsible for providing assistance for the hazard.
1. Administrative Controls: It is important to address the
students and lab engineers about the availability of space
in the lab, hence a controlled number of students and lab
engineers should be allowed at a time to enter. This will
allow the flow of oxygen excessively and will prevent the
risk of physical damages.
On departmental level, it is the prime responsibility of
lab supervisors and technicians, whereas PI's
(Principal Investigators) and admistration are also
responsible for providing assistance for the hazard.
Approved by:
Signature and Date
Muhammad Anas Shoaib
Prepared by
Signature and Date