HW&Frequent Alarm • - HW alarm & procedure • - frequently alarm & procedure • - follow alarm from BE & procedure HW alarms & Procedure • 1.Hardware overview • DU Board: DUL20 Port Connector Description RI A-F SFP Interface DU-RU (electrical) or DU-RRU (optical) TN A RJ-45 Gigabit Ethernet (electrical) TN B SFP Gigabit Ethernet (optical) IDL HSIO Inter-DU link (DU to DU) LMT A RJ-45 Serial port for OSE shell over RS-232 LMT B RJ-45 Fast Ethernet for O&M AUX RJ-45 Auxiliary (Common EC bus) EC RJ-45 EC bus (Dedicated EC bus) GPS RJ-45 Used when the network synchronization source is a GPS receiver Hardware Overview • DUS41 Port A-F Connector Description Interface/protocol SFP Radio Interface, 10Gbps/s Interface: Uu’, Protocol: CPRI (proprietary) Interface DU-RU (electrical) or DU-RRU (optical). C,D,E,F has also support for IDL2 TN A RJ-45 Transport Network, Interface: S1,X2 and Mul Gigabit Ethernet (electrical 1000BASE-T) “Link1” TN B SFP Transport Network, Interface: S1,X2 and Mul Gigabit Ethernet (optical SFP, 1000BASE-X) “Link2” TN C SFP Transport Network, Interface: S1,X2 and Mul Gigabit Ethernet (optical SFP, 1000BASE-X) NOT USED AT YET IDL HSIO Inter-DU link (DU to DU) IDL1 COMP SFP Coordinated Multi Point communication (CoMP) NOT USED AT YET LMT RJ-45 Local Maintenance Terminal, , Protocol: IP Fast Ethernet for local O&M Default enodeB IP: EC RJ-45 EC bus (Dedicated EC bus) Communication with SCU(Fan Control) GPS RJ-45 Used when the network synchronization source is Protocol: NMEA 0183 a GPS receiver Hardware Overview • RU Data 1&2: Gamma data and CPRI RF A: Feeder connection TX/RX RF B: Feeder connection RX RX A I/O, RXB I/O: from crossconnecting RUs RXA out: for RX antenna sharing (co-siting) Hardware Overview • Antenna System AntennaSubUnit Hardware Overview • DU-RU Connection RfPort AuPort RiPort S1 RU 1 S1 RI A RRU 1 RU 2 RI A RI B DU RI C RI D RU 4 S2 DU RI C RRU 2 RI D RI E RI F S2 RI B RU 3 RI E RU 5 RU 6 S3 RI F RRU 3 Checking command 1.hget riport remote: Check the interface connection between DU and RU/RRU. 2. hget rfbranch portref: Check the interface connection between RU/RRU and Antenna system. S3 Hardware Overview OFFLINE_BKK0016-L21_DCG_K> hget riport remote 140226-20:15:35 OFFLINE_BKK0016-L21_dcg_k 10.0b ERBS_NODE_MODEL_D_1_188_COMPLETE stopfile=/tmp/1604 .. ================================================================================================================= MO remoteRiPortRef ================================================================================================================= AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1,RiPort=DATA_1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=A AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-2,RiPort=DATA_1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-2,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=B AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-3,RiPort=DATA_1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-3,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=C Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=A AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=B AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-2,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=C AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-3,RiPort=DATA_2 Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=D Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=E Subrack=1,Slot=1,PlugInUnit=1,RiPort=F ================================================================================================================= Total: 12 MOs OFFLINE_BKK0016-L21_DCG_K> hget rfbranch portref 140226-20:16:57 OFFLINE_BKK0016-L21_dcg_k 10.0b ERBS_NODE_MODEL_D_1_188_COMPLETE stopfile=/tmp/1604 .. ================================================================================================================= MO auPortRef rfPortRef ================================================================================================================= AntennaUnitGroup=1,RfBranch=1 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=1,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=A AntennaUnitGroup=1,RfBranch=2 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=1,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=2 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-1,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=B AntennaUnitGroup=2,RfBranch=1 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=2,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-2,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=A AntennaUnitGroup=2,RfBranch=2 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=2,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=2 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-2,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=B AntennaUnitGroup=3,RfBranch=1 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=3,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=1 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-3,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=A AntennaUnitGroup=3,RfBranch=2 [1] = AntennaUnitGroup=3,AntennaUnit=1,AntennaSubunit=1,AuPort=2 AuxPlugInUnit=RRU-3,DeviceGroup=ru,RfPort=B ================================================================================================================= Total: 6 MOs Added 6 MOs to group: hget_group HW Alarm • Basic command: • 1.Get: Check the MO details: get xxx(MO name) xxxx(Attribute name) Show the attribute value of all related MO: get . xxxx(Attribute name) • 2.Set: Change the attribute value of one MO: set xxx(MO name) xxxx(Attribute name) Change all attribute of related MO: set . xxxx(Attribute name) • 3. acl/acc: List the action of one MO: acl xxx(MO name) Start the action: acc xxx(MO name) xxxxx(action describtion from command acl) • 4.pr & st: List all related MO: pr XXX(MO name) For example: pr cellrelation (Check all cell relations) Check the status of MO: st xxx(MO name) • 5.bl/deb Block or Deblock the MO. • Most command we used when check eNB have the same structure , just need to change the MO or attribute name. • Attachment is some eNB basic command. Auto-configuration of Board Not Possible specificProblem eventType probableCause Auto-Configuration of Board Not Possible EQUIPMENT_AL ARM UNAVAILABLE serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) perceived Managed (Y = Yes, N = serviceDegrade Severity Object No) (Y = Yes, N = No) WARNING Slot N Y Procedure of solving alarm: 1.Verify the board has been inserted into the correct slot in the subrack and the correct fan has been inserted in the subrack. 2.If the alarm cause cause is Auto-configuration disabled, the configuration doesn't match the inserted board , set the value to true. 3.If the alarm cause is Auto-install for PiuType failed,Install the load modules for the PIU Type. 4.If the board or fan is not part of the current configuration, the node must be upgraded with an Upgrade Package that supports the respective board or fan. The additionalInfo in the alarm gives more information on the problem with the current configuration. Alternatively, use another board or fan with a supported revision BatteryMissing specificProblem BatteryMissing serviceImpact (CellDown, perceivedSe Managed CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade eventType probableCause verity Object (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) PROCESSING_ERR CONFIGURATION_OR_CU MAJOR BatteryBack N N OR_ALARM STOMIZING_ERROR up • Procedure of solving alarm: 1.Check if non-exist BFU MO have been created. 2.Restart the BFU. 3.Check the battery cables. 4.Replace the BFU. 5.Replace the battery. CurrentTooHigh probableCause serviceImpact (CellDown, perceivedS Managed CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade everity Object (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) N N specificProblem eventType CurrentTooHigh EQUIPMENT_ALAR EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCT M ION MINOR RfPort • Reason of the alarm: 1. Start-Up of antenna system devices. RETs or RET part of AIR, and TMAs need high current levels when they are turned on. 2. Short circuit. 3. Other dramatic reduction on the branch equivalent DC resistance because of malfunction on the antenna system equipment. 4. Too many units connected. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1.Check if the Rfport connected to RET or TMA is configured correctly. 2. Check for a short circuit in the power supply and antenna system. 3.Check cable connection.Change cables if necessary. 4.If alarm remains,disconnect a RET or TMA.If alarms still remains,replace the RET, TMA or AIR. Disconnected serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = No) N serviceDegr ade (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem Disconnected perceivedSeve eventType probableCause rity Managed Object EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MAJOR Cabinet Disconnected EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MAJOR EquipmentSupport N Function N Disconnected EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR ExternalNode N N Disconnected EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MAJOR FanGroup N N Disconnected EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MAJOR HwUnit N N N Disconnected • Actions for Cabinet 1.Connect the smoke detector to the SCU. 2.Restart the SCU to which the smoke detector is connected. • Actions for EquipmentSupportFunction 1. Check that the secondary node Digital Unit (DU) and primary node DU are connected to the EC bus on correct hubPosition. 2.If the alarm remains, check that secondary node and primary node are configured properly through the attributes SupportSystemControl and hubPosition 3.If the alarm remains,restart the secondary node DU. 4.If the alarm remains, restart the primary node DU. 5.Change the cable that connects the secondary or primary node in this node to the EC bus. 6.Change the EC bus hub or the SHU Disconnected • Actions for ExternalNode 1.Check that the number of the ExternalNode MO in the primary node is consistent with the number of secondary nodes installed in the RBS. 2.If the alarm remains, check that the other nodes in the RBS are configured as secondary nodes. The secondary nodes must have attribute SupportSystemControl set to FALSE. 3.If the alarm remains, check that the attribute hubPosition on the EcPort MO (of the ExternalNode MO) in this node has the same value as attribute hubPosition on the HwUnit MO (of the PlugInUnit MO) in the corresponding secondary node. 4.Check the cable to EC bus and restart DU or replace cable when needed. • Actions for FanGroup 1.Restart the System Control Unit/Support Part (SCU/SUP). 2.check that attribute climateSystem is correctly configured for this RBS and that the corresponding correct number of fan groups is installed in the RBS. Disconnected • Actions for FanGroup 1.Check that the node is configured properly and that the hardware unit is present in this RBS node. The correct number of HwUnit MOs with correct HwUnitType must be configured on the node. 2.Restart the hardware unit and check the cable,hardware is properly connected and change the faulty unit when necessary. probableCause perceivedSe Managed verity Object specificProblem eventType EnclosureDoorOpen ENVIRONMENTAL ENCLOSURE_DOOR_OPE _ALARM N_M3100 MAJOR Cabinet serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) N N • Procedure for solving alarm: 1. Check whether there is any authorized personnel at the site. Follow the security routines.Close the door. probableCause perceivedSe Managed verity Object specificProblem eventType FanFailure EQUIPMENT_ALAR EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCT M ION MAJOR FanGroup serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) N • Procedure for solving alarm: 1.Restart the Support Control Unit to see if it has ceased. 2.Lock the SCU,change the fan and unlock the SCU. Y specificProblem GeneralHwError perceivedSe Managed eventType probableCause verity Object EQUIPMENT_ALAR EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCT M ION MAJOR HwUnit serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) N Y • Procedure for solving alarm: 1.Restart the faulty board or unit. 2.Change the board or unit. specificProblem Gigabit Ethernet Link Redundancy Fault serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) serviceDegrade (Y = Yes, N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) perceivedSe Managed eventType probableCause verity Object EQUIPMENT_ALAR REPLACEABLE_UNIT_PRO GigaBitEther M BLEM WARNING net N N • Procedure for solving alarm: 1.If the network equipment is incorrectly configured, correct the configuration, possibly in cooperation with the other maintenance center. 2.Examine the cables between the node and the network equipment to ensure that they are correctly connected and that they are not faulty. 3.Connect to a different port on the network equipment for the faulty link, possibly in cooperation with the maintenance center for the network equipment. HW Fault perceivedSeve rity Managed Object serviceDegr ade (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType HwFault EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR AntennaNearUnit N N HwFault EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR DeviceGroup Y Y HwFault EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR RiPort Y Y • probableCause serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = No) Alarms occurs when there is a hardware failure in the RET or the TMA(AntennanearUnit), DU/RU/RRU(DeviceGroup) , or the SFP module is faulty, disconnected or does not support the required bitrate. • Actions for AntennaNearUnit 1.Identify the faulty RET or TMA and inspect it visually (check the power supply, cables, and so on). Replace the cables if necessary. 2.If the alarm remains, restart the faulty RET or TMA. 3.If the alarm remains, replace the RET or TMA. HW Fault • Actions for DeviceGroup 1.Identify the faulty unit and inspect it visually (check the power supply, cables, and so on). 2.If the alarm remains, restart the faulty unit. If the faulty unit is a Digital Unit, restart it with restart rank RESTART_COLDWTEST. 3.Replace the faulty unit. • Actions for RiPort 1.Identify the faulty SFP module connected to the RU or RRU. 2.Replace the faulty SFP module. LinkFailure specificProblem LinkFailure • eventType probableCause EQUIPMENT_AL ARM LINK_FAILURE perceivedS Managed everity Object serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = serviceDegrade No) (Y = Yes, N = No) MINOR N RiPort Y Communication link problem, radio interface connection.Possible source for the alarm is a faulty DU, cable, or RU/RRU. • The alarm also occurs if the SFP (Small Form-factor Pluggable) module is faulty, disconnected or does not support the required bit rate. The additional texts Faulty or Incompatible SFP Module or Missing SFP Module will then be displayed. Action for SFP module: 1. For Faulty or Incompatible SFP Module :Change the faulty SFP module to the unit generating the alarm. 2. For Missing SFP Module : Reconnect the missing or disconnected SFP module to the unit generating the alarm Action for DU,cable or RU/RRU: 1.Restart the DU and RU/RRU to see if alarm has ceased. 2.If not, check the cable connection between DU and RU/RRU, replace the cable if necessary. Loss of Tracking eventType Loss of Tracking EQUIPMENT_ALAR REPLACEABLE_UNIT_PRO M BLEM MAJOR • 1. 2. probableCause perceivedS Managed everity Object specificProblem serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = serviceDegrade No) (Y = Yes, N = No) Synchroniza Y tion Y Reason of the alarm The system or radio clock cannot track a synchronization reference because the reference has a very large frequency deviation. This fault location is Synchronization reference. The system or radio clock cannot track any synchronization reference as a result of a faulty Timing Unit or the aging of its oscillator. This fault location is Timing Unit. Loss of Tracking • Procedure for solving alarm 1. Examine the value of the attribute, syncRefStatus in the MO, Synchronization, for all defined references. 2. Remove all synchronization references whose state is LOSS_OF_TRACKING, configure one (or more, if needed) new synchronization references . 3. Examine the value of the attribute, tuSystemClock in MO, TimingUnit, for all timing units in the node. Lock the board that is in state, LOSS_OF_TRACKING, using hard lock. 4. Restart board. 5. Unlock the board, using the instruction, Unlock Board. Reset the LOSS_OF_TRACKING state, using the action, resetLossOfTracking in the MO, Synchronization, for all synchronization references. 6. If alarm exsit, replace the board containing the TU. LossofMains specificProblem serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) LossOfMains eventType probableCause ENVIRONMENTAL_ COMMERCIAL_POWER_FAI ALARM LURE MAJOR HwUnit N N LossOfMains ENVIRONMENTAL_ COMMERCIAL_POWER_FAI ALARM LURE MAJOR PowerSupply N N • Reason of the alarm: PSU detects a fault in the incoming power supply. • Procedure for solving alarm 1. Check the incoming power supply. If the incoming power supply is absent, contact the incoming power supplier or the next level of maintenance support. 2. Check the power source fuses. Change any defective fuse. No Contact probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType NoContact EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR AntennaNearUnit N N NoContact PROCESSING_ERROR_ CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTO ALARM MIZING_ERROR MINOR AntennaNearUnit N N NoContact EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR AuxPlugInUnit Y Y • Reason of the alarm: 1. AuxPlugInUnit: Connection to resource is lost, or connection is not established. The AdditionalText: "(Mixed Mode)" indicates that the RU may be shared and possible conflict with another RAN needs to be considered. 2. AntennaNearUnit(EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION): The alarm originates from an antenna near unit due to either loss of connection or inability to establish it. 3. AntennaNearUnit(CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTOMIZING_ERROR): The alarm is issued when there is no license for the feature to activate installed equipment. No Contact • Actions for AuxPlugInUnit 1. Check that the configuration of the MO RiPort matches the physical configuration . 2. Identify and lock the faulty unit, replace the faulty unit (RU, cable, SFP..) and unlock it. 3. escalation. • Actions for AntennaNearUnit 1. Check the cable connection. 2. Restart the RU serving the AnteenaNearUnit. 3. Check ifthe proper licence is installed. PowerFailure specificProblem PowerFailure serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) eventType probableCause EQUIPMENT_ALAR M POWER_SUPPLY_FAILURE MINOR AuxPlugInUnit Y Y • Reason of the alarm: Incoming power supply failure to RU. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1. Loss of mains is the most likely cause for the PowerFailure alarm to be raised. Therefore, start by checking for external AC problems and make sure that the power supply switch is turned on. 2. If the alarm ports of a Remote Radio Unit (RRU) are configured for power outage supervision, the ExternalAlarm is ceased on affected alarm ports at RRU power outage. Check the ExternalAlarm configuration as the ExternalAlarm that preceded PowerFailure might point to the cause for PowerFailure to be raised. 3. If alarm still remains, check that the power supply cable to the PDU is properly inserted and working. Change the cable if necessary. 4. Identify the RU generating the alarm by inspecting the LED lights on the front of the unit. The RU with all LED lights off is generating the alarm. Check that the power supply cable connecting the PDU to the RU is properly inserted and working. Change the cable if necessary. 5. Change the PDU. If alarm remains, change the RU/RRU. RetFailure probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType RetFailure EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR RetSubUnit N N • Reason of the alarm: 1.Configuration file problem. The file needed for the actuator to know how to move that specific antenna unit is missing. 2.Unable to move antenna due to jam. Physical problem with the motor or the actuator detected on the RET subunit tilting the addressed antenna unit. 3.Actuator interference The actuator has been moved by an unknown reason. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1. check the alarm additional information 2. If it is Configuration file problem, Install a correct antenna configuration file 3. If it is Unable to move antenna due to jam, - Inspect the antenna and remove any physical obstructions for tilt - If the alarm remains, identify and change faulty equipment 4. If it is Actuator interference, Set a new value for electricalAntennaTilt to tilt the antenna to the wanted position VswrOverThreshold probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType VswrOverThreshold EQUIPMENT_ALARM EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCTION MINOR RfPort N Y • Reason of the alarm: The alarm is caused by a decrease of return loss below the sensitivity threshold because of problems in the antenna unit or antenna feeder. • Procedure of solving alarm: 1. Check that the RfPort and RfBranch MOs (for example, parameters AntennaSupervisionSensitivity, dlAttenuation, and ulAttenuation) are correctly configured. -If the configuration is changed, restart the digital unit, as described in Restart Board. 2. If the alarm remains, restart the radio unit, as described in Restart Board. Check if the alarm has ceased. It can take up to 30 minutes for the alarm to reappear. 3. If the alarm remains, check that the feeder is connected properly to the antenna, and that there is no short circuit in the feeder and antenna system. See Feeder System Guideline. 4. If the alarm remains, check that there is no water in the feeder, no snow covering the antenna, or there is no excessive RF signal coming from an external source. 5. If the alarm remains, replace the faulty antenna equipment. If applicable, replace the Tower Mounted Amplifier (TMA). Frequent alarm & Procedure Disk Volume C/D Full probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType Disk Volume C Full EQUIPMENT_ALARM DISK_PROBLEM MAJOR ManagedElement N N Disk Volume D Full EQUIPMENT_ALARM DISK_PROBLEM MAJOR PlugInUnit N N • Reason of the alarm: Too much redundant data stored on the C/D volume. • Procedure of solving alarm: 1. Determine whether there are old UpgradePackage MOs that should be deleted. If so, delete them. 2. Investigate whether there are further upgrade package MOs, or CVs that can be deleted.If so, delete them. Duplicate IP Address Fault probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType Duplicate IP Address Fault COMMUNICATIONS_ COMMUNICATION_PROTOCO ALARM L_ERROR MAJOR IpAccessHostEt Y Y Duplicate IP Address Fault COMMUNICATIONS_ COMMUNICATION_PROTOCO ALARM L_ERROR MAJOR Ipv6Interface N N • Reason of the alarm:Configuration fault or communication protocol error. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1.For IpAccessHostEt: a.Set the correct address in the attribute ipAddress in the IpAccessHostEt MO. b.Wait for 5 minutes to see if it's ceased 2.For Ipv6Interface: a.Find the GigaBitEthernet MO by following the reference from the attribute ethernetRef in the Ipv6Interface MO. b.Read the attribute macAddressLink1 from the GigaBitEthernet MO. c.Consult the next level of maintenance support or replace a board. Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing QUALITY_OF_SERVICE _ALARM ALARM_INDICATION_SIGNAL MINOR Licensing N N • Reason of the alarm: The alarm is issued when someone activates the Emergency state, using the action setEmergencyState. The purpose of this Emergency state is to free the software of all license restrictions in an emergency situation, so that the capacity of the node is maximized. • Procedure of solving alarm: 1.Investigate whether a new LKF containing a Emergency Unlock Reset key for the node has been ordered and received from the Ericsson Customer License Center. If so, continue with the next step. If not, contact the Ericsson Customer License Center and order a new LKF. Wait for the new key to be received before proceeding. 2.Install the new LKF into the node from the FTP or SFTP server, using the operation and maintenance tool that is used for node maintenance. The MO action is updateLicenseKeyFile. 3.Verify that the alarm ceases. ExternalAlarm probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType ExternalAlarm UNKNOWN_EVENT_T EXTERNAL_EQUIPMENT_FAIL YPE URE MINOR AlarmPort N N • Reason of the alarm: This alarm is issued for external equipment connected to the RBS, or equipment within the RBS that is defined as external equipment. Possible alarm triggers are as follows: 1.An external equipment supervision limit is exceeded 2.An external equipment fault condition exists Alarm severity and actions to take depend on which external equipment is issuing the alarm. Information in the alarm is based on the customer’s configuration of the corresponding MO(1) AlarmPort. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1.check that the corresponding MO AlarmPort is configured properly and consistently with the connected external equipment. ExternalLinkFailure specificProblem eventType probableCause ExternalLinkFailure EQUIPMENT_ALARM LINK_FAILURE serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) MINOR ENodeBFunction N N • Reason of the alarm: The alarm is issued when the X2 link to at least one neighboring eNodeB is down after four re-setup attempts. The time between each re-setup attempt is controlled by the x2RetryTimer. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1.Check that the corresponding TermPointToEnb MO of the remote eNB is not in the LOCKED administrative state 2.Check the underlaying transport network between the eNB and the remote eNB for faults and if such exist, correct them. FeatureResourceMissing probableCause serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) specificProblem eventType FeatureResourceMissing PROCESSING_ERROR_ CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTO ALARM MIZING_ERROR MINOR RfPort N N FeatureResourceMissing PROCESSING_ERROR_ CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTO ALARM MIZING_ERROR MAJOR SectorEquipmentF unction Y Y FeatureResourceMissing PROCESSING_ERROR_ CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTO ALARM MIZING_ERROR MAJOR EUtranCellFDD Y Y • Reason of the alarm: 1. For Rfport:The VSWR feature license is missing or the VSWR feature is not supported in the RU for the antenna port. 2. For SectorEquipmentFunction:The optional feature license stated in Additional Text is missing and the sector is configured for this feature 3. For EUtranCellFDD:This alarm is issued during cell unlock if a feature license is missing or inoperable. If the missing feature license is 6 Cell Support the alarm is generated when unlocking the fourth cell. FeatureResourceMissing • Action for VSWR feature license missing and Rfport: Install and activate VSWR Antenna Supervision license or turn off VSWR Supervision. • Action for VSWR feature not supported and Rfport: Replace the RU or turn off VSWR supervision • Action for SectorEquipmentFunction or EUtranCellFDD: Install the feature license stated as missing in the Additional Text. If the Additional Text states the license as inoperable, the operationalState of the feature is disabled. Enable the feature. Gigabit Ethernet Link Fault specificProblem eventType probableCause Gigabit Ethernet Link Fault COMMUNICATIONS_ ALARM LOSS_OF_SIGNAL serviceDeg serviceImpact rade (CellDown, (Y = Yes, N perceivedSev CellAvailability = 0%) = No) erity Managed Object (Y = Yes, N = No) MAJOR GigaBitEthernet N Y • Reason of the alarm: 1. Link Fault.The traffic on the link is disturbed. Link fault, board fault, Ethernet network fault or configuration fault. 2. Autonegotiation Failed to Meet Minimum Configured Requirements. The traffic continues at a lower speed than configured. Gigabit Ethernet Link Fault • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1. Ensure that the attribute autoNegotiation in the MO GigaBitEthernet, is aligned on the local and the remote side. If the alarm ceases, exit this procedure. 2. If the fault is in the remote node and if the alarm ceases when the fault has been repaired, exit this procedure. If there is no fault in the remote node, go to Step 3 . 3. Identify the board with the faulty Gigabit Ethernet Link. 4. Lock the faulty board, using the instruction Lock Board. The Lock type is Hard lock. 5. Restart the faulty board, using the instruction, Restart Board. The RestartRank is Cold with Test and the RestartReason is Restart ordered to resolve O&M issues. In the field RestartInfo, write the name of this alarm. 6. Unlock the board, using the instruction Unlock Board. If the alarm is not issued again, exit this procedure. 7. If traffic continues at a lower speed than configured, check the used SFP information. InconsistentConfiguration specificProblem InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration InconsistentConfiguration eventType PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR OR_ALARM probableCause CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR perceivedSe Managed verity Object serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = No) serviceDe grade (Y = Yes, N = No) MINOR AntennaUnit N N MINOR DeviceGroup Y Y MINOR RetSubUnit N N MINOR RfPort Y Y MINOR Y MAJOR RiPort Y SectorEquipme ntFunction Y MAJOR MbsfnArea N Y MINOR AlarmPort N N MINOR EcPort N N Y InconsistentConfiguration • Action for AntennaUnit: This alarm is raised when the total tilt range of the antenna unit is modified, there is no Remote Electrical Tilt (RET), and mechanicalAntennaTilt is out of the total tilt range. 1.Change maximum or minimum total tilt or mechanicalAntennaTilt to get total tilt within the maximum and minimum total tilt range • Action for DeviceGroup: The Managed Object configuration of the unit is inconsistent. Either a program is missing or the configuration is wrong. 1. Consult the next level of maintenance support to retrieve an Upgrade Package with a correct Managed Object configuration • Action for RetSubUnit: This alarm is raised when the total tilt range of the AntennaSubunit is modified, causing the electricalAntennaTilt to be out of the total tilt range. 1. Change maximum or minimum total tilt or electricalAntennaTilt to get total tilt within the maximum and minimum total tilt range. The electricalAntennaTilt shall be set to get total tilt (electricalAntennaTilt on the RetSubUnit MO + mechanicalAntennaTilt on the AntennaUnit MO) within the maximum and minimum total tilt range.The electricalAntennaTilt also needs to be set within the ranges of the physical RET. InconsistentConfiguration • Action for RfPort: The alarm is raised when more ports are configured than what the radio unit supports. 1.Check the software configuration, and configure the correct number of RET ports. 2.Restart DU. • Action for RiPort: This alarm is generated in Mixed Mode when the CPRI cable is not connected according to what is configured in the MIB. Additional Text: Either the CPRI cable is wrongly connected or there is a configuration fault (Mixed Mode) The AdditionalText: "(Mixed Mode)" indicates that the RU may be shared and possible conflict with another RAN needs to be considered. 1.Reconnect the CPRI cable. InconsistentConfiguration • Action for MbsfnArea: Inconsistent configuration of Mbsfn subframes. A cell is connected to several Mbsfn areas. The subframes in these Mbsfn areas are overlapped. 1. Lock the MbsfnArea MO. 2.Check the configuration of subframes used by the MbsfnArea in the attribute commonSFAlloc so that these do not overlap with subframes used by another activated MbsfnArea. 3.Check the configuration of notificationIndicator so that it is not the same as for another MbsfnArea that is activated in the same cell. 4.Unlock the MbsfnArea MO. • Action for SectorEquipmentFunction: This alarm is raised because of, for example, an incorrect configuration of how the hardware, such as antenna near products, or radio equipment, are connected. The alarm might be related to output power licenses. For example, insufficient output power licenses are installed or there are hardware-related output power limitations. 1.Check if the hardware, such as antenna near products or radio equipment, is correctly configured in the MOM. Modify the configuration if necessary. 2.Check if sufficient output power licenses are installed or if there are any hardwarerelated output power limitations. InconsistentConfiguration • Action for AlarmPort: In mixed mode configurations, at external alarm port configuration, the RBS System attempts to setup a physical alarm port on a Remote Radio Unit (RRU) with a normallyOpen attribute that is different from the shared client's value. 1.In the LTE node, lock the AlarmPort MO. 2.In the WCDMA node, lock the AlmDevice MO. 3.In the LTE node, set the normallyOpen attribute in the AlarmPort MO. 4.In the LTE node, unlock the AlarmPort MO. 5.In the WCDMA node, set the normallyOpen attribute in the AlmDevice MO. 6.In the WCDMA node, unlock the AlmDevice MO. • Action for EcPort: This alarm is raised if the hubposition is empty or not valid. Conflicting values of hubposition also cause this alarm. 1.Check if the hubposition is given a proper value, that is, the value is set to the port to which the hardware unit is connected to in the hub. The hubposition value is not configured for any other EcPort MO. License Key File Fault specificProblem License Key File Fault perceivedSe Managed verity Object eventType probableCause QUALITY_OF_SER CONFIGURATION_OR_C VICE_ALARM USTOMIZING_ERROR CRITICAL Licensing serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = No) serviceDe grade (Y = Yes, N = No) Y Y • Reason of the alarm: The node has no valid LKF installed. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1. Confirm that a new LKF has been ordered and received from the Ericsson Customer License Center. 2. Install the new LKF in the node from the FTP or SFTP server. Use the action updateLicenseKeyFile on the MO Licensing. NTP Server Reachability Fault specificProblem eventType NTP Server Reachability Fault COMMUNICATIONS_ ALARM UNAVAILABLE probableCause perceivedSe Managed verity Object serviceImpact (CellDown, CellAvailability = 0%) (Y = Yes, N = No) serviceDe grade (Y = Yes, N = No) MAJOR N N IpSyncRef • Reason of the alarm: Communication problems toward NTP server, configuration fault or HW fault. • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1. Examine the value of the attribute, ntpServerIpAddress, in the MO, IpSyncRef(or “Get . Ntpserveraddress “ to check the value) 2. Contact the NTP server, using the action, ping on the MO, IpAccessHostEt 3. If there is no contact with the NTP server, contact the maintenance center for that NTP server, or contact the maintenance center for the network. Request them to act on the fault. There can be a configuration fault in the network. Password File Fault &Remote IP Address Unreachable specificProblem Password File Fault perceivedSe verity Managed Object eventType probableCause QUALITY_OF_SER CONFIGURATION_OR_C VICE_ALARM USTOMIZING_ERROR MINOR Security serviceImpact serviceDe (CellDown, grade CellAvailability = (Y = Yes, 0%) N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) N N • Procedure of solving the alarm: 1.Access the node via SSH or Telnet. 2.Set a new password, using the shell command passwd. The alarm automatically ceases when a new password is set specificProblem Remote IP Address Unreachable eventType probableCause COMMUNICATION S_ALARM UNAVAILABLE perceivedSe verity Managed Object serviceImpact serviceDe (CellDown, grade CellAvailability = (Y = Yes, 0%) N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) MINOR N • Procedure of solving the alarm: Check the IP address connectivity from core side. Sctp N ResourceConfigurationFailure specificProblem eventType EQUIPMENT_ALA ResourceConfigurationFailure RM PROCESSING_ERR ResourceConfigurationFailure OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR ResourceConfigurationFailure OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR ResourceConfigurationFailure OR_ALARM PROCESSING_ERR ResourceConfigurationFailure OR_ALARM perceivedSe verity Managed Object probableCause EQUIPMENT_MALFUNCT ION MINOR SYSTEM_CALL_UNSUCCE SSFUL MAJOR TIMEOUT_EXPIRED MAJOR CONFIGURATION_OR_C USTOMIZING_ERROR MAJOR TIMEOUT_EXPIRED MAJOR serviceImpact serviceDe (CellDown, grade CellAvailability = (Y = Yes, 0%) N = No) (Y = Yes, N = No) RetSubUnit N SectorEquipmentF unction Y SectorEquipmentF unction Y N EUtranCellFDD Y Y EUtranCellFDD Y Y Y Y • Action for RetSubUnit: The alarm is raised when the resource configuration fails, because the RET tilt is in an unknown position. Calibrate the RET using the forcedCalibration action of the RetSubUnit. ResourceConfigurationFailure • Action for SectorEquipmentFunction Systemcall Unsuccessful: The alarm is raised when the sector is activated and the resource allocation for the sector fails. This can be caused by a rejected signal from requested HW. 1. Lock the sector using the SectorEquipmentFunction MO, check this MO and referenced Rfbranch parameter values. 2. Lock cell/sector and unlock sector/cell again. • Action for SectorEquipmentFunction TIMEOUT_EXPIRED: This alarm is raised when the sector is activated and the resource allocation for the sector fails. This can be caused by a signal timeout from requested HW. 1. Lock the cell using the EUtranCellFDD MO. 2. Unlock the cell. 3. Check that the alarm has ceased. 4. If the alarm remains, restart the RU. See Restart Board. 5. Check that the alarm has ceased. 6. If the alarm remains, restart the node. See Restart Node. 7. Check that the alarm has ceased. 8. If the alarm remains, consult the next level of maintenance support ResourceConfigurationFailure • Action for EUtranCellFDD CONFIGURATION_OR_CUSTOMIZING_ERROR : 1. Check the EUtranCellFDD MO parameter values. Make sure configuraion is correct. 2. Lock EUtranCellFDD and SectorEquipmentFunction, and unlock them. • Action for EUtranCellFDD TIMEOUT_EXPIRED: The alarm is raised when activation of resources hangs or when the cell is activated and the resource allocation for the cell fails. This can be caused by a missing signal from the requested resource or by disabled (failed) resources during startup of the node. 1. Lock and Unlock the cell using the EUtranCellFDD MO.Check ifthe alarm has ceased. 2. If the alarm remains, check that the Digital Unit (DU) and RU is enabled and unlocked. 4. If the DU is locked, unlock the DU. 5. If the RU is locked, unlock the RU. 6. Lock the cell using the EUtranCellFDD MO. 7. Unlock the cell. 8. If the alarm remains, restart the RU. See Restart Board. 8. Check that the alarm has ceased. 9. If the alarm remains, restart the node. See Restart Node. 10. Check that the alarm has ceased. 11. If the alarm remains, consult the next level of maintenance support. LTE Alarm list