iJs SIMULIA fe-safe 2022 EXTERNAL MATERIAL DATABASE ©2021 Dassault Systèmes. All rights reserved. 3DEXPERIENCE®, the Compass icon, the 3DS logo, CATIA, BIOVIA, GEOVIA, SOLIDWORKS, 3DVIA, ENOVIA, EXALEAD, NETVIBES, CENTRIC PLM, 3DEXCITE, SIMULIA, DELMIA, IFWE and MEDIDATA are commercial trademarks or registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes, a French “société europèenne” (Versailles Commercial Register # B 322 306 440), or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners. Use of any Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries trademarks is subject to their express written approval. 0 3DEXPERIENCE Contents FE-SAFE® EXTERNAL MATERIAL DATABASE.................................................................... 1 CONTENTS .................................................................................................................3 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE FE-SAFE EXTERNAL MATERIAL DATABASE..............................5 1.1 ABOUT THE DATABASE .............................................................................................. 5 1.2 ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ............................................................................................ 5 1.3 PREREQUISITES ....................................................................................................... 5 2 MANAGING THE DATABASE SERVER ........................................................................7 2.1 RUNNING THE SERVER .............................................................................................. 7 2.2 CONFIGURING THE SERVER TO RUN REMOTELY .......................................................... 7 3 MANAGING THE SEARCH CLIENT .............................................................................9 3.1 CLIENT LICENCE ....................................................................................................... 9 3.2 LAUNCHING THE SEARCH CLIENT .............................................................................. 9 3.3 CONFIGURING THE SEARCH CLIENT TO CONNECT TO A REMOTE DATABASE .................. 9 3.3.1 3.3.2 UI Optimisation Properties (Optional) .................................................................... 9 Look-and-Feel Properties (Optional) ...................................................................... 9 3.4 LOGGING ............................................................................................................... 10 4 USING THE SEARCH CLIENT ................................................................................. 11 4.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 11 4.2 MENU .................................................................................................................... 11 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 File >> Import ....................................................................................................... 11 File >> Export ....................................................................................................... 11 File >> Exit ........................................................................................................... 12 Edit >> Delete selected materials ........................................................................ 12 Edit >> Select from............................................................................................... 12 4.3 QUERY PANEL ........................................................................................................ 13 4.4 SUMMARY PANEL ................................................................................................... 13 4.5 DETAILS PANEL ...................................................................................................... 14 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 Scalar Properties ................................................................................................. 15 Dimensional Properties ........................................................................................ 15 Plots ..................................................................................................................... 16 Trademarks fe-safe, Abaqus, Isight, Tosca, the 3DS logo, and SIMULIA are commercial trademarks or registered trademarks of Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. Use of any Dassault Systèmes or its subsidiaries trademarks is subject to their express written approval. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Legal Notices fe-safe and this documentation may be used or reproduced only in accordance with the terms of the software license agreement signed by the customer, or, absent such an agreement, the then current software license agreement to which the documentation relates. This documentation and the software described in this documentation are subject to change without prior notice. Dassault Systèmes and its subsidiaries shall not be responsible for the consequences of any errors or omissions that may appear in this documentation. © Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp, 2021. 2 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 Third-Party Copyright Notices Certain portions of fe-safe contain elements subject to copyright owned by the entities listed below. © Battelle © Endurica LLC © Amec Foster Wheeler Nuclear UK Limited fe-safe Licensed Programs may include open source software components. Source code for these components is available if required by the license. The open source software components are grouped under the applicable licensing terms. Where required, links to common license terms are included below. IP Asset Name Under BSD 2-Clause UnZip (from Info-ZIP) Under BSD 3-Clause Qt Solutions IP Asset Version Copyright Notice 2.4 Copyright (c) 1990-2009 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved. 2.6 Copyright (c) 2014 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved. Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 3 4 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 1 Introduction to the fe-safe External Material Database 1.1 About the database The fe-safe External Material Database consists of the following components: Database Server – an instance of the Apache Derby database server Search Client – a user interface (UI) for selecting and viewing materials data Material data – a database file populated with material data supplied by Dassault Systemes UK By default the external material database is installed when you run the standard fe-safe Fatigue Analysis application, and a local copy of the database is installed, which can only be run on the client machine. This database can also be configured to run on a remote host, but the Search Client always needs to reside on the same machine as fe-safe. 1.2 About this document For clarity <install_dir> is used throughout this document to refer to the fe-safe installation directory. This has no meaning in the actual software. 1.3 Prerequisites The client and database server both require a Java run-time environment (JRE) at version 1.7.xxx or higher. This is installed as standard with fe-safe and resides at <install_dir>/<Platform>/code/serverjre . Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 5 6 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 2 Managing the Database Server 2.1 Running the server By default, the fe-safe installer installs a local copy of the server, but the server can be run on any network machine. On Windows, when a local server has been installed, there is no need to launch it explicitly as it is started by the same process that launches the search client. This server instance is terminated when the user exits the search client. For use as a network server on Windows, or in either case on Linux, the database server is invoked using the scripts start-server.bat (on Windows) or start-server.sh (on Linux), which can be found in the <install_dir>/<Platform>/Durability_resources/materials_server_data/ directory. 2.2 Configuring the server to run remotely There is currently no installer routine to install just the database server on a remote machine, but it is straightforward to set it up. The steps are as follows: a. Create a folder on the remote server (e.g. “remote_dbase”). b. Copy the <install_dir>/<Platform>/Durability_resources/materials_server_data / and <install_dir>/<Platform>/code/serverjre folders into this new folder. c. Configure the properties file (<remote_dbase>/materials_server_data/derby.properties) to contain the host name of the remote server. The line to change is derby.drda.host, e.g where “DELL-1000” is the host name: derby.drda.host=DELL-1000 derby.drda.portNumber=6001 derby.security.portNumber=6002 d. Start the server using the script start-server.bat (on Windows) or start-server.sh (on Linux) from the <remote_dbase>/materials_server_data/ directory. Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 7 8 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 3 Managing the Search Client 3.1 Client Licence The client runs under the standard fe-safe client licence. If you have not yet configured a licence, please see the main fe-safe User Guide. 3.2 Launching the Search Client When running fe-safe, the Search Client can be launched by clicking the button ‘Launch external database’ at the top-right of the Material Databases window. On Windows, an instance of the local Database Server is also invoked; it is terminated when the user closes the Search Client. On Linux, the user must first launch a local or remote server outside of fe-safe (see below). Alternatively, both client and server can be launched outside of fe-safe and there is no need to have fe-safe running to do this. On Windows, client and server are launched using the start-menu link ‘External Material Database’ under the ‘fe-safe <version>’ folder. On Linux, the Database Server must be launched by running <install_dir>/<Platfom>/Durability_resources/materials_server_data/start-server.sh from that directory; the Search Client can be launched by running <install_dir>/<Platform>/code/bin/SMAFsfMaterialLauncher from that directory. 3.3 Configuring the Search Client to connect to a remote database The client is configured via the materialsdb.config file located in the <install_dir>/<Platform>/Durability_resources/materials_client_data/ directory. The file is configured by default to connect to a database running on the local host but can easily be configured to look for a remote server. e.g where “DELL-1000” is the host name of the remote server: # database details com.safetechnology.materialsdb.servername=DELL-1000 com.safetechnology.materialsdb.serverport=6001 com.safetechnology.materialsdb.securityport=6002 3.3.1 UI Optimisation Properties (Optional) The following properties can be used to change the way the client behaves: com.safetechnology.materialsdb.ui.hideUnusedPropertyPanels=true By default the Details Panel will not display a panel for a category that does not have any property values for the currently selected material. This behaviour can be changed by setting this option to false. com.safetechnology.materialsdb.ui.hideUnusedScalarProperty=true By default the Details panel will not display a label for properties that do not have a value for the currently selected material. This behaviour can be changed by setting this option to false: com.safetechnology.materialsdb.ui.propertyPanelsPerRow = 3 This option can be used to control how many category panels are displayed per row on the Details Panel. 3.3.2 Look-and-Feel Properties (Optional) com.safetechnology.materialsdb.ui.lookandfeel=Windows Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 9 The ‘Look and Feel’ (L&F) of the Search Client can be changed using this option. If the option is not set then the client will default to the standard Java L&F. The option can be set to a valid name or class for a L&F available on the client machine. 3.4 Logging Client logging is implemented used the Apache log4j library. It is configured via the logging.properties file located in <install_dir>/<Platform>/Durability_resources/materials_client_data/. By default the logging is performed at ‘Information’ level and appends its output to a file called materialsdb.log, in a temporary directory. If problems occur with the client, the logging level can be increased to ‘debug’ or ‘trace’ by altering the following property, replacing INFO with DEBUG or TRACE. log4j.rootLogger=INFO, stdout, R The name and location of the output log file can be ascertained or changed with the following logging property: log4j.appender.R.File=materialsdb.log 10 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 4 Using the Search Client 4.1 Introduction When the client first starts it looks like this: Figure 4.1-1 - Client at startup The client contains a menu and the UI is split into the following three areas: The Query Panel - The left-hand panel is used to enter selection criteria for the materials you wish to see The Summary Panel – The top panel displays a list of materials which match the selection criteria The Details Panel – The bottom panel displays all properties of the material selected in the Summary Panel 4.2 Menu 4.2.1 File >> Import Customer material definitions can be imported into the external material database using the File >> Import menu item. The user is prompted for a tab-delimited text file which contains material definitions which conform to the properties currently defined within the external material database. Properties defined in the import file which are not valid will be ignored. Customer-imported material data can later be deleted from the database (see Section 4.2.4 below). 4.2.2 File >> Export Material definitions can be exported from the Search Client and saved as Materials Data (e.g. an fe-safe *.dbase file). The materials to be exported are selected using the Summary Panel. Once selected, the File >> Export menu item will prompt the user for a file name and location for the Materials Data. Up to six materials can be exported. If this limit is exceeded an error message is displayed. Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 11 4.2.3 File >> Exit The File >> Exit menu item can be used to exit the application. You can also click to close the application window in the usual way. 4.2.4 Edit >> Delete selected materials Materials are selected for deletion using the Summary Panel. Customer-imported data can be deleted using this menu. Core data delivered with the installation cannot be deleted. An error will be displayed if one or more of the selected materials cannot be deleted for this reason. The Edit >> Select from... feature (see below) can be used to only display / select customer import data before a delete is attempted. 4.2.5 Edit >> Select from... The Edit >> Select from... menu item provides three options to limit the range of materials that the user can select from using the Query Panel. The options are: 12 Core data only (i.e. materials defined in the supplied database) User data only (i.e. materials imported by the customer) All data fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 4.3 Query Panel A query is built up by entering selection criteria for one or more properties. The properties are grouped into various categories and can be displayed by clicking on a category button. The button for the currently selected category is highlighted. Text-based properties can be searched on by entering some text next to the property name. Numeric properties can be searched on by entering either a minimum and/or maximum value (see Figure 4.3-1 - Query Panel with Strain-Life Category selected). Multiple properties can be searched on at the same time. The selection criteria can be used with logic operators “AND” (all criteria have to match) or “OR” (one criterion has to match) by using the radio buttons at the bottom of the Query Panel. Figure 4.3-1 - Query Panel with Strain-Life Category selected The ‘Clear’ button clears the selection criteria for all properties (including those on hidden category panels). The ‘Go’ button executes the query using the current selection criteria (from all properties including those on hidden category panels) and the materials that match the selection (if any) are displayed in the Summary Panel. If there are no selection criteria then all materials are displayed. 4.4 Summary Panel The Summary Panel lists all of the materials selected via the Query Panel. You can select one or more materials on the Summary Panel by clicking on them. Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 13 Figure 4.4-1 - Summary Panel Selecting one material causes its details to be loaded into the Details Panel. Selecting multiple materials allows them to be either exported or deleted via the Menu. 4.5 Details Panel The Details Panel displays all of the defined properties for the selected material. The properties are grouped by category with each category being displayed in a sub-panel. Different types of properties are displayed as follows. 14 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 4.5.1 Scalar Properties Properties having a single (scalar) value are displayed in a simple text field next to their name. Figure 4.5-1 - Scalar Properties 4.5.2 Dimensional Properties Properties having values defined against one or more dimensions are displayed as one or more tables. For example: Figure 4.5-2 - Dimensional Properties Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. fe-safe® External Material Database Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021 15 4.5.3 Plots Plots are a series of related property values defined for multiple dimension values. They are displayed as a table with the index property on the vertical axis and the other partner values on the horizontal axis, one column for each dimension value. For example: Figure 4.5-3 - Plot Properties 16 fe-safe® External Material Database Copyright © 2021 Dassault Systemes Simulia Corp. Issue: 22.1 Date: 02.08.2021