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Pancha Tattva (1)

Jaya Sri Krishna Chaitanya Prabhu Nityananda
Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivasadi Gaur Bhakta Vrinda
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rana Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Appearance: 18th Feb, 1486, Nadia, Mayapur,
Phalguna month, full moon, lunar eclipse
Disappearance: 14th June, 1534, Puri
Name in Krishna leela: Krishna in Radha Rani’s
Parents: Jagannath Mishra, Saci devi
Siblings: Visvaroop
Guru: Ishvara Puri
Other names: Nimai, Vishvambhara, Gaurahari
Wives: Laxmi priya, Vishnu priya
Notable work: Shikshastakam
Balya leela
• Wept continuously till the neighbors cried out HARIBOL
• Showed himself as Krishna to a traveler brahmana who came to their
home. He would cook rice and offer to Krishna but CMP would come and
eat it.
• Bewildered the thieves who kidnapped him once to steal his ornaments .
• Joined school, became a scholar in Sanskrit grammar, rhetoric, smriti,
nyaya at the age of 10. Went to Gangadas Pandit’s gurukul, later studied
by self
• Defeated Kesava mishra of Kashmir who was a great Digvijay pandit
• Opened a nocturnal school of ‘kirtana’ in the compound of Srivasa
pandita with his sincere followers
• Transformed Jagai Madhai, Chan Kazi
Shesh leela
• Accepted Sanyasa at the age of 24 under the guidance of Kesava Bharati
• Obtained the instruction to stay at Puri from his mother at Shantipur
• Transformed Sarvabauma Bhattacharya into a Vaishnava in Puri
• Journey to South India: Met Kurma brahman, cured Vasudeva leper,
conversion with Ramananda Raya, made 7 tala trees disappear (of ram leela),
Srirangam-stayed at Venkata Bhatta (F/O Gopal Bhatta Goswami), had
discussions with Buddhists, Jains and mayavadis and established Vaishnavism.
Returned to Puri after 2 years. Rejected Kala Krishnadas
• Met Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis at Gauda desh
• Visit to Vrindavan: took Balabhadra Bhattacharya, made animals chant and
dance, converted muslims to vaishnavas at prayaga, instructed Rupa for 10
days at Dashashwamedh Ghat
• Varanasi: Stayed at Chandrasekara acharya, meals at Tapan mishra, instructed
Sanatana , transformed Prakashananda Saraswati
• In the last 18 years (antya leela), he only stayed with his close associates in
Puri. 3.5 intimate associates of CMP are Swaroop Damodar, Ramananda Raya,
Sikhi Mahiti and his sister Madhavidevi
• Stayed at Kashi Mishra’s place (Gambhira). Govind was his intimate assistant.
• He would converse with devotees who visit Puri. Every year, devotees of
Bengal would come to Puri and stay there during Chatur maas
• Always respected the senior devotees Paramanand Puri, Bhrahmanand Bharti
• He bestowed mercy on Kali das (relative of Raghunath das Goswamy),
Gopinath Pathnaik (brother of Ramanand Ray), Amogha (Sarvabhauma’s son in
law), Vallabh bhatt, Raja Pratap Rudra
• Ordered Nityananda Prabhu to preach in bengal, Goswamis to go to
Vrindavan, rejected Chota Haridas, Glorified Haridas Thakur
• Used to sing and dance, sometimes in ecstasy and sometimes in deep feelings
of separation. Would frequently listen to Gita Govinda, Vidyapati poet, Gopi
Nityananda Rama
Appearance: 1474, Ekachakra, West
Bengal, Magha month
Disappearance: 1540
Name in Krishna leela: Balarama
Parents: Hadai Ojha, Padmavati
Guru: Lakshmipati Tirtha
Other names: Nitai
Wives: Jahnavi devi, Vashudha
Kids: Virchandra, Ganga devi
Ekachakra didn’t have any rains till Nitai was born. Loved to enact
Lord’s pastimes. Would enact confidential pastimes of Ramayan. Once
fainted while acting as Lakshman
Once he cried a lot in Gopi bhav while enacting the pastime of Akrura
taking Krishna Balaram to Mathura
Once NP used his right ear ring to cover a snakepit. This is the snake
released by arjun during their stay in Ekachakra (Kundal tala)
In 13th year, a travelling sanyasi took nimai with him
Travelled to holy places in India for 20 years. Travelled to Kailash
where Siva, Parvati received him, Badrinath, where Vyasdev received
him, associated with Madhavendra Puri, whom he respected as Guru.
Both became ecstatic when they met for the 1st time. Went to Puri and
exhibited ecstatic symptoms. Behaved as cowherd boy in Mathura
Met CMP when he was 32, in Nadia. He hid in Nandanacharya’s house.
Both of them became ecstatic, both embraced and tried to hold each
other’s feet. Then NP was taken into the lap of CMP (opposite of
Narayan and Adisesh)
CMP always respected, glorified NP. NP’s behavior was childish and inconceivable.
A day before NP’s Vyas Puja, CMP and NP danced in ecstasy in Srivas Thakur’s place. Next
day Srivas Thakur became head priest to perform Vyas pooja. The following day, CMP
showed his six armed form to NP (conch shell, mace, disk, lotus, Plough, stick)
CMP and NP once had lunch at Saci mata’s place as kids- Krishna Balaram
Once NP went to CMP’s place half dressed and CMP dressed him personally. When Saci
mata got Sandesh for him, he ate 1 bowl and threw the rest 4. To Saci matha’s surprise she
finds them intact in the kitchen and again in front of NP. Once NP removed all his clothes
and tied them to his head in ecstasy (as avadhuta). Broke CMP stick when he took Sanyas
Once CMP told that if one drinks the charanamrita of NP, he will surely gain Krishna prema.
So all the devotees washed NP’s feet and drank charanamrita again and again
CMP instructed NP and Haridas Thakur to preach at every place, door to door and update
him regularly. When they did this, some obeyed them, some thought they were mad, some
tried to hurt them. NP spread nama sankirtana in Gaudiya desh- Bengal, Orissa. Begged
people to take Krishna’s name.
Showered mercy on Jagai Madhai (Jagannath, Madhav) and made them pure devotees that
they started chanting 2 lac names daily. They offered wonderful prayers to CMP quoting
shastras. Madhai once held NP’s feet in repentance and cried a lot. NP later asked Madhai to
keep Ganga clean as a service to Ganges and devotees
V merciful- with his mercy, Raghunath das Goswami inaugurated Danda mahotsav festival in
Panihati and later on met CMP
No one can approach CMP without his mercy, he is Adiguru
Nityananda prabhu was an avadhuta before his marriage. Gave up avadhuta status after
returning to bengal as per instructions of CMP and married
First preached in Panihatti after returning from bengal, stayed at Raghava Pandit’s place.
Raghav Pandit performs NP’s abhishek and finds kadamba flowers on neem tree at home.
Married the daughters of Suryadasa Sarakhel, brother of Gauridas Pandit- guru of
Syamananda pandit. Wife Jahnavi devi was powerful bold preacher of KC
His 7 sons died when Abhirama offered obeisance to them
Nityananda Prabhu kicked Sivananda Sen as a way of showing mercy
Finally he merged into a Krishna deity called Bankim Ray, near Ekachakra.
Advaita Acharya
Appearance: 1434, Navagram, Bengal,
Disappearance: 1559
Name in Krishna leela: Mahavishnu +
Parents: Kuvera Pandit, Nabhadevi
Guru: Madhavendra Puri
Other names: Sri Kamalaksha or Kamala Kanta
Vedapanchanana, Mangala
Wives: Sita Thakurani, Sri
Kids: Achyutananda, Sri Krishna Mishra and
Gopal Mishra, Balaram, Svarupa and Jagadisa
Parents shifted to Shantipur when he was young and was a teenager when both
the parents departed
V beautiful, merciful, learned, considered as best among Vaishnavas
Once Advaita Acharya fed Haridas Thakur, arranged for his stay and offered 1st
honors to him in front of all brahmanas there.
Travelled when he was young and met Madhavendrapuri
Travelled to Vrindavan and stayed near Dwadasha aditya tila. Krishna appeared in
dream and told that he was under water as Madan Mohan
AA worshipped this deity for some days under a banyan tree and gave it to a
brahmana in Mathura and went to Shantipur on his guru’s orders
Served Saligram with pure Ganga water and Tulasi majaris, called out Lord’s
names loudly for the Lord to appear. One of the 3 external reasons for CMP’s
Fasted, cried, prayed, performed sacrifices for Lord’s appearance
Haridas Thakur and Advaita Acharya were v happy when CMP appeared.
They would pray to Krishna to make nimai a devotee since, in the initial days
he covered his mission and focused on Sanskrit, grammar
Once when CMP was 18 yrs old, he and Gadadhara pandit came to AA and AA
was worshipping Saligrama. CMP fainted in ecstasy. AA started offering Lord’s
paraphernalia to CMP. This moment GP understood that CMP is Supreme
Personality of Godhead
One day, AA tested and challenged CMP when CMP called AA from Santipur,
he hid in Nandanacharya’s home. Later, on CMP order, their whole family
came and worshipped CMP. From that day Pancha Tattva was together
CMP always treated AA as a guru and served him and AA didn’t like this. So he
took the dust of CMP’s lotus feet when he fainted in sankirtan
To establish that he is the servant of CMP, once AA started teaching
impersonalism from Yoga Vasistha. CMB dragged him from Vyas asan and beat
him. AA was v happy that CMP accepted him as his servant.
After CMP took sanyas, NP tricked him to come to Santipur where devotees
stayed for few days and Saci mata requested him to go to Puri
AA was lead dancer in one of the Sankirtan parties in Rath yatra where
Swaroop damodar was lead singer
Once AA invited CMP for prasad and wished no other sanyasi would come so
that he can get more remnants and there was a rainfall
3 of AA sons were devotees of CMP and 3 worshipped AA without recognizing
CMP as his master, so AA rejected them
Once AA inspired all the devotees in Puri to chant the names of CMP
In the final days of CMP, AA sent a mysterious msg to CMP as a msg to return
to spiritual world
Saci mata commits offence against AA in thinking the he is the cause for her
son’s renunciation. CMP doesn’t forgive her till she begs forgiveness to AA
His son Gopal once faints during kirtan and doesn’t wakeup till CMP comes
Kamala Kanta Vishvasa, AA disciple once wrote to King Prataparudra that AA is
Supreme Lord and begged for money. CMP was displeased and punished him
Raghunath das Goswami received remnants of CMP because of AA since his
father serverd AA v well
Gadadhara Pandit
Appearance: 1487, Citagong, Bangladesh,
Vaishaka month
Disappearance: v soon after CMP disappeared
Name in Krishna leela: Radharani
Parents: Madhava Mishra, Ratnavati devi
Siblings: Vaninath Mishra
Guru: Pundarika Vidyanidhi (Vrshabhanu in
Krishna leela)
Other names: Gadai
Wives: none, he was 1st brahmachari and then
took Kshetra sanyas in Puri
When GP was 12 years old, he and his parents moved to Navadweep
He and CMP were inseparable friends in childhood, but when they joined
school, they both were opposites in behavior. GP was v gentle, followed
scriptures, respected everyone. CMP was mischievous. GP would pray for
Nimai to become a devotee
Once CMP challenged GP to define ‘Mukti’.
Once Isvara Puri came to Navadweep and stayed at Gopinath Acharya’s
place. CMP and GP heard from him Krishna leelamrita. GP served him v
When CMP had transformation of heart after initiation, all devotees
assembled at Shuklambhar brahmachari’s place and CMP displayed ecstatic
symptoms, later he embraced GP and said he was fortunate for having
bhakti right from childhood
GP would expertly pacify CMP when he was extremely ecstatic.
Once Pundarika Vidyanidhi came to Navadweep and Mukunda Datta and GP
went to meet him. GP thought that he is a materialistic person looking at his
attire but later realized otherwise and accepted initiation from him
Sometimes when CMP and GP danced in ecstacy, GP’s complexion would turn to
molten gold and CMP’s to black, like Radha Krishna in Srivas angan
GP would make sandalwood paste for CMP to rub it over his body in Nadiya
Once GP, CMP and Jagadananda Pandit were walking and CMP caught a Parrot
(Suka dev goswami) and asked to speak Radha Krishna pastimes. Parrot said
‘Gaurahari’ and that Radha Krishna and non different from Gaur and Gadadhara
Once CMP became ecstatic at home and Saci matha didn’t know what to do. GP
expertly pacified and Saci mata asked GP to always stay with CMP
CMP stopped GP when he wanted to come with CMP to vrindavan. CMP later
describes that he couldn’t go there because he displeased GP and asked GP to
bless his to go to vrindavan
CMP used to spend 3-4 hrs in afternoon at Yameshvar thot/Tota Gopinath, v dear
deity of GP and would hear SB. On the pretext of SB, it was actually Radharani
speaking her emotions to Krishna so that he can realize the mood of Radharani,
the primary reason for his appearance as CMP
Sukadeva Goswami, while explaining SB says in Gopi mood that gopas are v
fortunate because they get constant association in forest and Gopis are bereft of
this because of their female bodies. So the gopis headed by Radharani take male
bodies and participate in Gaur leela
Thota Gopinath deity: CMP once in separation with Krishna starts writing the
name of Krishna on the banks of sea, starts digging and finds Gopinath deity. He
gives it to GP. When GP becomes week and lean after disappearance of CMP, he
couldn’t reach the deity, so the deity sat cross legged for him. (The similar
posture is observed at the end of Gopi geet when Krishna returns to Gopis and
sits in front of Radharani)
He disappeared soon after CMP disappeared. His danta (tooth) samadhi is in
Vamsi Gopala temple, Vrindavan
Srivasa Thakura
Appearance: around 1456, Srihatta
Disappearance: Ashad month
Name in Krishna leela: Narad muni
Parents: Jaladhara Pandit
Siblings: Nalina, Sriram Thakur (Parvat
muni), Sripati Thakur, Srinidhi Thakur
Wife: Malini devi (Ambika, nurse of
Moved to Kumarahatta and then to Navadvip
Spent a lot of time with Advaita Acharya. Both appeared much before CMP.
He was a friend of Jagannath Mishra. His wife, Malini was helping Saci mata in
child birth during the birth of Nimai
ST along with AA instigated fast descendance of CMP by praying, chanting
ST played the role of uncle, chastising Nimai sometimes. Ex: Nimai would skip
school many times and go to Ganga and bully the Sadhus
ST avoided CMP when he behaved as an argumentative scholar. But 1 day ST
asked CMP- what is the use of all this Knowledge without devotion? Then
CMP said 1 day hopefully I will become a devotee if devotees pray for me
Nalina Pandit’s daughter Narayani (Ambika’s sister): when she was 4 years
old, CMP asked her to take Krishna’s name and she began to say Hari!
Krishna! with tears. She is the mother of Vrindavan das Thakur (author of CB)
After CMP took initiation in Gaya, he made Srivas Angan his headquarters for
Sankirtan movement, where devotees had loud kirtans at night
When neighbors complained to Saci matha about CMP, ST consoled her and said
that he aspires for the kind of devotion that CMP has
People in general, brahmanas and muslims hated ST for facilitating kirtans. So they
told him that they informed Nawab Hussain Shah and his soldiers are coming. ST
went home and worshiped Narsimha Saligram sila. CMP appeared as Narsimha dev
in front of ST and gave protection and prema to his family
Chand Kazi came and broke mridanga in Srivas angan (Khol Banga Danga) as an
attempt to stop Sankirtan. Later devotees had loud kirtan on street as protest and
CMP met Kazi and transformed him
Once, Gopal Chapal, a non believer kept all the paraphernalia used in Durga’s
worship in front of ST’s door to defame him. After a few days he got leprosy
ST represents the marginal living entity (tatastha shakti)
Once when Kirtan was going on, ST’s son dies inside the home and the women
start crying. ST asks them not to cry since everything happens by the will of Lord
and that their crying would disturb CMP’s kirtan. Later devotees tell CMP and he
makes the dead son talk and says that from now, CMP and NP are his 2 sons
One servant of ST, Dukhi, used to bring Ganga water for CMP’s bathing. So CMP
changed her name to Sukhi (happy)
NP liked staying at ST’s place. Malini used to feed him with her hands. She had
motherly affection for NP. Once CMP tested Srivas Pandit by speaking against NP,
but he displayed strong faith in NP. He said that even if NP is seen with a glass of
wine, he will always worship NP. CMP blessed ST that even cats and dogs of his
house will have bhakti
Once a crow took away a bowl of Malini devi and she started crying (because it’s
bhoga bowl). NP ordered crow to get it back and the crow did! Malini devi fainted.
Once CPM asked ST how he maintains his family without working and ST said that
he only chants and claps 3 times, waits for 3 days. If he needs Krishna arranges for
it and if not, he doesn’t need it. For food, if he doesn’t get he said he’ll jump in
Ganga. CMP blessed him that even if Laxmi is found begging, he will never have
After CMP went to Puri, ST left Navadvip and stayed in Kumarhatta(Halisahara),
same place where Sivanand Sen lived and birthplace of Isvar Puri
panca-tattvatmakam krsnam bhakta-rupa-svarupakam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam namami bhakta-saktikam
“I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Krishna, who is non-different from His features as a
devotee (Caitanya Mahaprabhu), devotional manifestation (Nityananda Prabhu), devotional incarnation
(Advaita Acarya), devotional energy (Gadadhara Pandita) and pure devotee (Srivasa Pandita).” (Sri