AR 334: Theory of Architecture 4 Lecture 1: Introduction Aly Abdelalim, PhD ALL lectures will be uploaded on MOODLE and FACEBOOK Please Join FACEBOOK page: Theory of Arch. 4_Fall 2022-2023 About The Course • The course aims to: • Provide students with a general understanding of the different structural systems used in buildings. • Provide students with an understanding of the potential impact of structure on building aesthetic qualities and function. Lecture Content Part I: Structural Systems Overview: • • • • Buildings Main Concept Systems Main Components Loads on Structural Systems Structural System Families Part II: Introduction & Course Review: • • • • • • • Course Objectives Course Outline Time Schedule Grading System References Assessment: (Sketch Books) Assessment: (Physical Models) 4 Part I: Structural Systems Overview 5 Structural Systems Overview Buildings Main Concept Structural System The Building’s elements that are used to support and transmit loads to the ground, and construct the main form of the building, such as: o Slabs(Floors) o Beams o Columns / Bearing Walls o Foundations 6 Structural Systems Overview Loads on Structural System Types of Loads: Structure Loads Occupancy Loads Structure Load Occupancy Loads Wind Loads Snow Loads Settlement Loads Snow Loads Rain Loads Earthquake Loads Hydraulic and Soil Pressure Soil pressure Impact Loads Water pressure (Hydraulic force) Impact Loads 7 Structural Systems Overview Loads on Structural System Static loads Applied slowly to a structure until it reaches its peak value without fluctuating rapidly in magnitude or position Live loads Dynamic loads Applied suddenly to a structure usually with rapid changes in magnitude and position. As a result, a structure develops inertial forces (in relation to its mass & maximum deformation). Dead loads Wind loads Earthquake loads 8 Structural Systems Overview Loads on Structural System Static Loads (Vertical loads) Structural Systems Overview Loads on Structural System Dynamic Loads (Horizontal Loads ) Wind Loads Earthquake Loads 10 Structural Systems Overview Loads on Structural System Static loads Dynamic loads Live loads Wind loads Dead loads Earthquake loads Generate Forces in the structural system Axial Tension stretch Perpendicular Compression squash Torsion twist Shear Slide/tilt to a side 11 Structural Systems Overview Bending: is a complex force state associated with the bowing of a member such as beam. It causes fiber on one face of the member to elongate and hence be in tension and fibers on the opposite face to compress. 12 Structural Systems Overview Forces in the structural system Axial Tension Perpendicular Bending Compression Shear Torsion Determine Type of structural system Materials of structural system Design of structural members Design of members connections 13 Structural Systems Families Structural System Families Bulkactive systems Vectoractive systems Formactive systems Surfaceactive systems Verticalstructure systems Part II: Introduction & Course Review 15 Course outline Precedents (Analysis) Span Height Materials Space Function Connections Structural System Families Structure Systems Spatial Experience Forces Feasibility Dimensions Scale Limitations Environmental impact Model (Synthesis) Week No.1 Course outline, Structural Systems Main Concept, Structural Systems Loads Week No.2 Bulk-active systems Week No.3 INDIVIDUAL SKETCH BOOK Week No.4 Vector-active systems Week No.5 PHYSICAL MODEL: GROUP WORK Week No.6 INDIVIDUAL SKETCH BOOK Week No.7 Form-active systems Week No.8 INDIVIDUAL SKETCH BOOK Week No.9 PHYSICAL MODEL: GROUP WORK Week No.10 Surface-active systems Week No.11 INDIVIDUAL SKETCH BOOK Week No.12 PHYSICAL MODEL: GROUP WORK Week No.13 Vertical structure systems Week No.14 INDIVIDUAL SKETCH BOOK Week No.15 PHYSICAL MODEL: GROUP WORK Grading System Assessment methods and grade distribution Item Grade Assignments (individual) 10 Assignments (Group) 5 12th week assessment Assignments (Individual) Assignments (Group) 5 5 Pre-final Assignment (Individual) Assignment (Group) 2.5 2.5 Final exam 20 7th week assessment Total 50 18 References • CHARLESON, Andrew, Structure as Architecture, Oxford, Architectural Press, 2005. • CHILTON, John, Space Grid Structures, Oxford, Architectural Press, 2000. • CROFT, Catherine, Concrete Architecture, London, Laurence King, 2004. • MACDONALD, Angus, Structure and Architecture, 2nd Ed., Oxford, Architectural Press, 2001. • SCHEUERMANNE R. & BOXER K., Tensile Architecture, British Library, 1996. • WELLS, Matthew, Skyscrapers. Structure and Design, London, Laurence King, 2005. Assessment Sketch Books: (Individual work) • • • • Create your own sketch book to compile different precedents of each Structural System Families for different applications/projects Draw Plans, sections, and elevations OR 3D Analyze different precedent and construct the table shown below Draw load path diagram Structure system type Material Span Thickness of structural elements Building/space function Limitation Family name Structure System Family 20 Assessment Physical Models: (Group work) • • • • 4-5 members You are required to construct a physical model of ONE precedent of your choice for each Structural System Families Analyze different precedent and construct the table shown below Draw load path diagram Structure system type Material Span Thickness of structural elements Building/space function Limitation Family name Structure System Family 21 Questions? Aly Abdelalim, PhD