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CHAPTER3-1 Research

Back-up Motorcycle Battery Electric Generator Rechargeable by Solar Panel
A Quantitative Research Paper Presented by
The Senior High School Department
Immaculate Conception Polytechnic
Sta. Maria, Bulacan
In Partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research
(Quantitative Research)
Submitted to:
Prof. Yolanda A. Bella
Marian Road, Poblacion Sta. Maria, Bulacan
(0917) 8564239 (044) 2440890
Foremost, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our Prof. Yolanda Bella for
all the support she gave for us researchers, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, immense
knowledge and helping us to finish our research study. Her guidance helped us in all the time of
research and writing of this research study. We could not have imagined having a better mentor
for our research subject.
Besides our mentor, we would like to thank the rest of the people who support us for
doing this study. President Normita Villanueva, Vice President Neil Mateo, and Director Mary
Ann Marcelo, for their encouragement and full support for us researchers.
We also thank each other for the motivating discussions and for all the fun we have had
in the last 1 year. This gave us the experience on how to cooperate and engage ourselves in a
serious project.
Last but not the least, we would like to thank our parents for giving birth to us in the first
place, giving the financially support to provide our needs and supporting us spiritually
throughout our life.
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Relevant Theories
Related Literature
Conceptual Framework
Hypothesis of the Study
Definition of Terms
Research Design
Methods and Techniques of the study
Research Instrument
Population and Sample of the study
Data Gathering Procedure
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment
Energy is inevitable for human life and a secure and accessible supply of energy is
crucial for the sustainability of modern societies. Continuation of the use of fossil fuels is set to
face multiple challenges: depletion of fossil fuel reserves, global warming and other
environmental concerns, geopolitical and military conflicts and of late, continued and significant
fuel price rise. These problems indicate an unsustainable situation. Renewable energy is the
solution to the growing energy challenges. Renewable energy resources such as solar, wind,
biomass, and wave and tidal energy, are abundant, inexhaustible and environmentally friendly.
(T. Muneer2016).
According to the researchers, one of the major problems in some places in our country is
the lack of electricity supply and alternative source of electricity during the time of power
outages because of electricity problems or disaster. The generator is designed to be used as an
alternative source of electricity during events of power outages. A generator is a device that
converts motive power (mechanical energy) into electrical power for use in an external circuit.
Many generators are works by the use of diesel and also renewable resources like wind, water
and solar. Diesel generator (also known as diesel Genet) is the combination of a diesel engine
with an electric generator (often an alternator) to generate electrical energy. This is a specific
case of the engine-generator. A backup generator can power a house for days after a blackout.
However, they can be complex machines and require a bit of an investment. Before making the
final decision to buy a home backup generator, it is good to review its advantages and
disadvantages. It is also important to consider the fuel sources.
A backup generator acts as an insurance policy. There is no telling when or if one will need it.
Whether it is worth the investment depends on one’s tolerance for power interruptions, budget,
and personal situation. People, who rely on electricity to power medical equipment, live in an
area with frequent, prolonged blackouts, or work at home and need uninterrupted power should
invest in a backup generator. Having a generator installed is also an excellent option for anyone
who wants peace of mind to be prepared for unexpected situations. There are two different forms
of power generators: portable and standby. Portable generators mainly function as a power
source for specific items and are typically powered by gasoline, and on the other hand, standby
generators are permanently installed outside of your home. They can run on local utility lines by
natural gas or liquid propane. Both forms of generators provide benefits that will save money in
the long run. Many places experiencing brownouts due to a disaster like a typhoon, they needed a
backup generator to provide them an efficient source of electricity supply or just to light a bulb
and to works an electric fan. Having a backup generator installed is an excellent option for the
residence who wants peace of mind to be prepared for unexpected situations because there is no
telling when you need it.
Statement of the Problem
The problem focused on this question “How does the researchers Back-up electric generator
powered by solar panel and motorcycle battery will help the community to provide them an
alternative source of electricity whenever power outages occurs in their community.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following sub-problems:
1. What amount of power output can be generated from a backup motorcycle generator?
2. What are the home appliances that can be supported by the backup motorcycle battery
3. What is the average time of the Backup motorcycle battery electric generator device must
be charge?
4. How long the effectiveness of the Backup Motorcycle electric generator last?
Significance of the study
The researcher believed that the study has particular significance to the following:
Homeowners with backup power know the feeling of relief when a power outage occurs,
and their lights and appliances stay on. Being the only family in the neighborhood with the A/C
running isn’t the only advantage of having a backup power generator. A backup power generator
can keep your family safe and comfortable when powerful storms knock out the electricity in
your home.
The most notable way that reducing energy helps the environment is by decreasing power
plant emissions. To generate electricity, most power plants burn coal, crude oil or other fossil
Human Health:
With an electric generator in your house, you can keep all the electronics in your home,
including your heater or air conditioner, working during a power outage. This keeps your home
from getting too hot or too cold, which can lead to heat stroke, hypothermia, and other health
Electricity consumption:
As technology rapidly grow, we became unaware in our consumption of electricity in
terms of charging gadgets such as cellphone , iPod, tablets and laptop. It helps to lower the
consumption of our electricity consumption.
Future researchers:
They can improve and maximize the result of the prototype. They will be able to gather much
more ideas on how.
Scope and delimitation
This study was designed to provide a solution to temporary power loss. The researcher’s
generator will help the respondents to get electricity for their short-term use. It does not release
any harmful gases such as carbon dioxide etc. and it will help to lessen global warming in a
worst state. The researcher’s generator is smaller and easier to carry than common generators. It
can also extract energy from the sun by the use of solar panel that is also attached on the device.
Researchers study will be completed within a month and two weeks, starting September 2, 2019
up to October 20, 2019. During this time the researcher will simultaneously spend time in
prototype assembly and checking of its efficiency as alternative power source.
This chapter presented a literature review concerning a critical look at the existing
research that has significance on the study. Literature review is done by consulting and finding
other research work in order to understand and investigate the problem of the the study, to
suggest what knowledge and ideas have been established in this study.
In this chapter, the researcher’s will also identify the differences in the literature of the
other studies and the significance of having a backup motorcycle generator. The theoretical
framework also presented to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the Definition of
terms for better comprehension of the study.
Related literature focus on the background study of how thus the backup motorcycle
generator will provide the needs of the community when power outages occur in their area.
Conducting a literature review has a big impact in helping the researchers to validate their study,
the literatures that we have below are all connected on the study that we are conducting which is
the Back-up motorcycle battery generator.
An electrical generator unit is used primarily to supply a limited load up to specific
capacity at a rated terminal voltage, speed and frequency. It is of greater use when there is power
interruption or in areas where there are no power lines. During normal operation of an electric
generator, the rotation motion of the rotor of the alternator is based on the principle in dynamics
which states that to have a constants and uniform rotational motion the accelerating torque must
be zero. To maintain this condition, the mechanical input of the prime mover to the alternator
must always equal to the sum of the electrical output and rotational losses. When the alternator is
operating at this condition, the machine is said to be operating a steady-state operation. the
mechanical input to the alternator is considered constant at any given operating condition. This
assumption is a fair one for the generator since a small capacity generator, which is the subject in
this study, does not have governor or the so-called speed regulator that will automatically
respond to any change in electrical output or electrical load connected to the machine. Some of
the problems encountered in the operation of small capacity electric generator are the increase in
the terminal voltage, varying frequency of the electric power supplied to the load and the
increase in the rotational speed of the rotor. These problems are due primarily to the sudden loss
or decrease in the electrical output of the machine. Should this situation happens, the rotating
parts and bearings of the generator unit will be subjected to more wear and tear by the excessive
friction, centrifugal force and vibration that are caused by the increased rotation of the rotor. The
life span of the generator unit may be shortened; the maintenance and operating cost will be
higher than usual. On the load side, electrical appliances connected on the generator will operate
abnormally and could be damaged. The increase or decrease of the fuel input to the engine prime
mover can control the generator to deliver its rated capacity at a rated frequency and speed. (
Today most of the electrification grids in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are found in urban
areas. However, these grids experience erratic and frequent power outages for long hours, on
average 4.6 hours in a day. Due to this problem, many of the African population rely on cheaper
but unclean options like backup diesel/petrol generators for lighting, phone charging and other
electrical appliances. In Nigeria, millions of people own power generators. These generators are
not only noisy but the fuel they use is also costly and result into emissions that pollute the
environment. In order to optimize fuel consumption and gradually reduce use of backup
generators while increasing share of renewable, a strategy is proposed in this paper to
interconnect the existing backup infrastructure to form a bottom-up swarm electrification grid
with step by step integration of alternative storages and renewable energy sources. In the swarmgrid excess energy can be generated, sold among grid participants and even at later stage to the
national grid. This study focused on a swarm grid hybrid node consisting of a solar PV system
integrated with the existing individual backup generators for households and retail shop end
users. The hybrid system designed was found to be a suitable system with fuel savings of 39%,
excess energy of 27% and reduced cost of backup electricity by 34% for the household end user.
For the retail shop end user, the hybrid system was found to be a suitable system with a fuel cost
saving of 53%, excess energy generation of 28% and reduced cost of backup electricity by 45%.
The study showed that integration of a solar PV system has a high potential to reduce fuel costs
for backup generator end users and presents a great opportunity for hybrid swarm electrification
approach. (Rolex Mucekaet.Al)
Those sources mentioned the prime movers from natural made sources. Portable
generators were made possible with the use of fuel, diesel or gasoline. Moreover, they prove the
portable generator is very useful in many ways such as: lessen the noise generated, smoke free,
less fuel consumption, portability, etc. The main problem is the rising price of the fuel in the
market which is very needed to make the generator operate? Moreover, to help to the other
sources’ electrical energy like waterfall, solar panel and wind turbines to proven also as one the
sources of electrical energy to every country in the world. (Destreza, 2015).
It was identified the components needed for the realization of the project such as
inverters, transformer, electric motor, generator, batteries, controller and wires were the
components of the self-sustaining power generator. Materials needed have been also identified
for the packaging of the project. The conceptualization of the design has been done by using the
selection process of the components and depending also in the needed flow of the project with
respect to the concepts behind every component. The researcher has come up with the final
design and specifications of the project. (Destreza, 2015).
A method to manage energy storage in electricity grids. Starting from the stochastic
characterization of electricity generation and demand propose an equation that relative the
storages level for every time-step as a function of its previous state, and the realized
surplus/deficit of electricity there from. We can obtain the probability that, in the next time-step,
there is the generation surplus that cannot be stored or there is a demand need that cannot be
supplied by available storage. We expect this simple procedure can be used as the basis of
electricity self-management algorithms in micro-level (e.g, households) or in meso-level (e.g,
groups of houses).(Pedro; Nardelli; Alves, 2016).
The re-emergence of the wind as a significant source of the world’s energy must rank as
one of the significant development of the late 20th century. The advent of the steam engine,
followed by the appearance of other technologies for converting fossil fuels to useful energy,
would seem to have forever relegated to insignificance the role of the wind in energy generation.
In fact, by the mid 1950s that appeared to be what had already happened. By the late 1960s,
however, the first signs of a reversal could be discerned, and by the early 1990s it was becoming
apparent that a fundamental reversal was underway. That decade saw a strong resurgence in the
worldwide wind energy industry, with installed capacity increasing over five-fold. The 1990s
were also marked by a shift to large, megawatt-sized wind turbines, a reduction and
consolidation in wind turbine manufacture, and the actual development of offshore wind power.
During the start of the 21st century this trend has continued, with European countries leading the
increase via government policies focused on developing domestic sustainable energy supplies
and reducing pollutant emissions. To clearly understand what was happening, consider five main
factors. First of all there was a need. An emerging awareness of the finiteness of the earth’s fossil
fuel reserves as well as the adverse effects of burning those fuels for energy had caused many
people to look for alternatives. Second, there was the potential. Wind exists everywhere on the
earth, and in some places with considerable energy density. Wind had been widely used in the
past, for mechanical power as well as transportation. Certainly, it was conceivable to use it again.
Third, there was the technological capacity. In particular, there had been developments in other
fields, which, when applied to wind turbines, could revolutionize the way they could be used.
These first three factors were necessary to foster the re-emergence of wind energy, but not
sufficient. There needed to be two more factors, first of all a vision of a new way to use the wind,
and second the political will to make it happen (James F. Manwell, Jon G.McGowan and
Anthony Rogers, 2016).
Conducting a literature review has a big impact in helping the researchers to validate their
study, the literatures that we have above are all connected on the study that we are conducting
which is the Back-up motorcycle battery generator.
U motorcycle
battery electric
rechargeable by
solar panel
Provide the
community who
frequently affected
by power outages to
have a permanent
source of electricity
This study will show how the Backup motorcycle battery electric generator
rechargeable by solar panel can help and provide the community who frequently affected by
power outages to have a permanent source of electricity energy when it comes to The
Independent variable is the source of electricity and the process that the researcher follow to
make it possible. The dependent variable is who will benefit to the independent variable.
Null Hypothesis: The researcher's generator does not provide enough electricity that the
respondents needed.
Alternative Hypothesis: The researcher’s generator provides electricity that sustains the
needs of the community when power outage occurs in their area.
This prototype will be effective doing its purpose who experiencing power outages and
By that, it will give them temporary electricity for important appliances such as electric fan,
light, radio, etc. The researchers are looking forward to the success of this prototype and will be
used in every house.
Alternative Backup - someone or something that provides/ support or help, or something that you have
arranged in case your main plans, equipment, etc. go wrong.
Blackout - a time when all lights must be hidden by law, or when there is no light or power
because of an electricity failure
Brownout - a reduction in or restriction on the availability of electrical power in a particular
Integrating - indicating the mean value or total sum of a measured quantity.
Jumper - an electricity connection is considered illegal when it is made to the Eskom network
without Eskom's permission.
Portable - able to be easily carried or moved, especially because being of a lighter and smaller
version than usual.
Power outage - Backup generator that can supply electricity to frequently affected areas of
sudden power outages.
Stochastic - randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may
be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.
This chapter presents a description of the research design selection and description of
respondents, research instruments, data collection procedure and statistical treatments used.
Methods and Techniques of the study
The researchers used the experimental research method aims to produce generalize
knowledge about the cause of phenomenon. Valid research requires a carefully designed study
with a representative sample and controlled variables that can be replicated by other researchers.
By the use of this method the researcher will able to determine the effectiveness of the backup
motorcycle electric generator.
The researcher’s chosen instrument is Experimental Research Design. It is the way to
the experiment to be able to predict phenomenon. Typically, an experiment is constructed to be
able to explain some causation. Causation allows the researchers to make causal inference about
the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables
Experimental Design Procedure
In the conducting of the study, the researchers will conduct an experiment, we
deliberately change one or more process variables (or factors) in order to observe the effect the
changes have on one or more response variables. This includes the observation of the effect of
the researcher’s prototype to the community who experience power outage, how it helps them
and provides their necessity when there is a power outage in their area. An experimental design
is lying out of a detailed experimental plan in advance of doing the experiment. We’ll choose
experimental designs to maximize the amount of information that can be obtained for a given
amount of experimental effort. The result or the information that has obtained in the experiment
will be recorded by one of the researchers so as to have valid and reliable information. The data
will be written, analyzed and interpreted according to the specific problems set forth.
Prototype/Assembly (For STEM and ICT Students)
The input of the battery of the generator is connected to a transformer so that when the
researchers charge it to 220v it doesn't affect or damage the battery because of the high flow of
voltage. It has two ways of charging can be done. By using Solar Panel or plugging it to our
sockets at home. When we use solar panel to charge it, we put a battery controller to the panel to
prevent over charging when it was full because it will automatically shut down because of
battery controller. When it comes to the output, we connected a capacitor to the output of the
battery to change the volume of the electricity it can generate when we plug a device to it. We
connected all the wires using soldering iron so it has a strong bond on each of the wires we
Data Processing and Statistical Treatment
The researchers used experimental research method. It will review the data and
look the result of the experiment with a critical eye. Calculating an average for different
trials of the experiment. Researchers will make sure to clearly all tables and graphs and the
Factorial analysis of variance is a statistical procedure that allows researchers to explore the
influence of two or more independent variables on a single dependent variable. It allows
researchers to explore how multiple Backup motorcycle battery electric generator
rechargeable by solar panel can help and provide the community who frequently affected
power outages to have an alternative source of energy.
In this Chapter will discuss the parts of the prototype to easily understand and the
materials that used. The materials used are labeled for easier identification. It will also reveal the
effectiveness of the prototype and its connection to the statement of the problem.
Prototype Output
Procedure and Materials
The first test is how long a 12
watts bulb wills last using the
back-up generator.
The researchers get a sachet
then tested it in the generator.
The bulb works and last 8
hours before the battery turns
The second test, researchers
used a 5 watts Christmas
lights together with a speaker
if how long it will last in the
back-up generator.
The researchers were asked by
their teacher to bring a
Christmas lights and speaker
to test the back-up generator.
The back-up generator is
working and it lasts for more
than 10 hours.
The third test a 100 watts flat
screen TV was plug at the
back-up generator to find out
how long it will last.
The researchers plug the cord
of the flat screen TV in a
The flat screen TV opened and
last almost 5 hours per day.
The fourth was a 50 watts
electric fan tested in using the
back-up generator.
The researchers click the first
up to the third button of the
electric fan and measures how
long it will last in the back-up
The third button of the electric
fan plug in the back-up
generator last for 3 and 30
minutes, while the second
button that is also plug in last
almost 5 and 30 minutes, and
while the first button which is
plug last up to 7 hours per day.
The fifth test was a
combination of all the
appliances used in the first up
to the fourth tests with a total
of 167 watts, if how long it
last using the 500 watts backup generator.
The researchers bring an
extension to plug all the
appliances and then connect
the extension to the back-up
The back-up generator is still
working and it works almost 3
hours and 30 minutes with a
total of 167 watts over 500
watts per day.
Figure1. The Backup Motorcycle battery Electric Generator
A power inverter is a power electronic device that changes direct
current to alternating current.
Is a sprung metal clip with long, separated jaws which is used for
creating a temporary electrical connection.
A device consisting of one or more electrochemical cells with
external connections for powering electrical devices.
Is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference
between two points in an electrical circuit.
Used to convert light from the sun, which is composed of particles
of energy called photon into electricity that ca be used to power
electrical loads
Is a common type of fiber reinforced plastic using glass fiber.
Is used to bear mechanical loads or electricity and
telecommunication signals.
Is a material manufactured from thin layers or plies of wood veneer
that are glued together with adjacent layers.
This will provide a summary of the purpose, methodology, and results of this study.
Then, conclusions will be discussed based on researcher insights gained regarding study findings
and limitations. In addition, two sets of recommendations are presented. The first set of
recommendations is directed toward practitioners in the field, described in this study as
agriculturists and farmland owners. Finally, a set of recommendations is presented for a
professionals interested in pursuing additional research to exceed the scope and findings of the
Summary of the Findings
Researchers' Back up Electric generator has been successfully powered and provides
electricity that can be used as a source of energy in the event of a power outage. This study
provides information and data about the Backup motorcycle battery electric generator. This study
confirmed that the generator will help the community by sustaining temporary source of
electricity into different appliances when power outages occurs. The researcher’s prototype has
been successfully tested and can deliver power quickly and automatically during power outage.
The back-up electric generator helps and provides electricity to those experiencing
electricity. This generator is miniature and lightweight when carrying. This ensures that it will
be available for a long time. The prototype "Back-up Motorcycle Battery Generator" is
successfully tested and implemented by the researchers to be used and become a solution to
common people. This prototype can be used for many applications like charging phone, lighting
a bulb etc. In the specific area it may serve as alternative source of electricity where power
availability is less or totally absence. This prototype would be for momentary use because it is
just a back-up generator when unexpected brown outs happened while your phone is dead. The
primary goal of this prototype is to serve as emergency source of electricity on events where you
desperately need electricity.
The Researchers highly recommend "Back-up Motorcycle Battery Electric Generator
Rechargeable by Solar Panel" in its successful performance in giving the amount of energy to
generate for alternative electricity. Home owners will feel the relief in times of power outage if
they have this kind of prototype they eventually no guts when problem in electricity occur. It will
help the environment too by \this generator it will decrease power plant emission and it will not
produce harmful gasses.