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Azure Cloud Computing Resources & DevOps Overview

3 types of computing resources - VM, App service (for web site hosting), functions (serverless)
storage types - blob storage (file), queue storage (hold the tasks in sequence) and backup
strrage account contains:
blobs (in containers - buckets) - images, files etc
queues - messages
file system (smb protocol) - similar to blob but can be mounted as a drive to your local machine upto 5TB
tables - NOSQL data store stores structured non-relational data, has the partition key and the rowkey
azure vm - windows sever 2022, 1vpu / 1GB
ruchira1, mhrvk!632034
Z drive - \\rvkstoragegroup.file.core.windows.net\rkfileshare
pw - e+2ikyeaZQKiIqpZXW0pVUno3NaGXYRQykihrLvug1spvFnF1oF9du/oVjkhXfpG8O5aw5JYosKd+AStJhX/uQ==
user - localhost\rvkstoragegroup azure AD - multi-tenant, cloud based directory and IAM service
3 types - azude ad basic, premiun1, premium2
create doimains before adding users
Azure devops tools - azure boards (planning the project, work items, backlogs, sprints, dashboards, boards), azure repos (source repository), azure pipelines (building code and deliver to diff env), azure artifacts (store the dependencies related to a single project), azure test plans
should navigate to dev.azure.com to create an azure devops organization
for devops select -> azure devops organizations and create a new org
req hierachy = Epic -> Feature -> User story
GIT is integrated with Azure devops via VS code
As soon as someone checks in a code, Azure piprlines automatically triggers build job
Azure Data factory:
for building ETL pipelines
Azure synapse analytics (earlier sql data warehouse)
azure data factory design site - adf.azure.com
Azure ML:
azure ML studio helps to automate the data pre-processing and model selection
first need to crate an ML workspace using Azure machine learning option
launch the studio in ml.azure.com
Azure IoT:
Azure IoT Cenetral - SaaS (like gmail, application and data owned by third party)
Azure IoT accelarator - PaaS (operator has to build the apps)
Azure bot - self learning chat not
qnamaker.ai - before creatong the bot first create knowledgebase
then by creating a page in facebook, can link the chatbot to the page
link to page via developers.facebook.com -> new app id -> messenger
Azure uses Azure SDL - security development lifecycle
Roles - web role, worker role, VM role
ASG - VM scale sets
Azure availablity sets - grouping of VMs for HA
fault domains, update domains
break-fix issues - technical problems
azure AD - PaaS based service, IAM for azure, can connect cloud and on-prem apps and enable access, no need for a VPN
azure service fabric - similar to service mesh
learn networking and security