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Amazon.com - Order 111-9703079-3223463

1/23/23, 4:41 PM
Amazon.com - Order 111-9703079-3223463
Final Details for Order #111-9703079-3223463
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Order Placed: January 9, 2023
Amazon.com order number: 111-9703079-3223463
Order Total: $151.74
Shipped on January 17, 2023
Items Ordered
1 of: Positive Grid Spark 40-Watt Combo Practice Guitar Amplifier Electric Bass and
Acoustic Guitar Amp with Spark Mobile App
Sold by: POSITIVE GRID (seller profile) | Product question? Ask Seller
Condition: New
Shipping Address:
Isabelle Praget
10828 12TH AVE SW
SEATTLE, WA 98146-2124
United States
Shipping Speed:
Two-Day Shipping
Payment information
Payment Method:
Visa | Last digits: 8600
Gift Card
Billing address
Martha Praget
5900 36TH AVE SW
SEATTLE, WA 98126-2830
United States
Credit Card transactions
Item(s) Subtotal: $269.00
Shipping & Handling:
Promotion Applied: -$40.35
----Total before tax: $228.65
Estimated tax to be collected: $23.09
Gift Card Amount:-$100.00
----Grand Total:$151.74
Visa ending in 8600: January 17, 2023:$151.74
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