Chapter 1 Cell Theory: All living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic functional unit of life, calls arise only from preexisting cells, cells carry genetic information in the form of DNA passed from parent to daughter cell. Microscopy: magnification (enlarging) and resolution (the ability to differentiate two closely placed objects) Compound light microscopes: the magnification is the lens multiplies by the objective. The diaphragm controls the amount of light to pass through the lens. The phase constant microscope uses different refractive indices among different sub-cellular structures to visualize living organisms. Electron Microscope-allows us to see atomic level, using electrons, light can only be as good as wavelengths of light which are only good up to nanometers. Autoradiography- uses x rays and decay to obtain an image. On a cellular level compounds that the cell uses can be made with radioactive materials. Centrifuge measured by how many times greater than gravity and has more impact on the more dense. Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes: All bacteria are prokaryotic, the cell wall does not contain any membrane bound organelles, the dna is circular and is concentrated in the nucleoid region, they also have smaller circular pieces of DNA called plasmids, which replicate independently and lead to fast evolution and resistance to antibiotics. Both pro and eu contain ribosomes. pro can only be unicellular. Cocci bacteria are spherical while rod shaped bacteria are bacilli. All bacteria also contain a cell membrane and cytoplasm, some have flagella, which eukarya like sperm also have for motility. Eukaryotes- are suspended in cytosol which is a semifluid and allows for diffusion throughout the cell. DNA is on chromosomes which are linear and found in the nucleus. The cytoskeleton is made up of actin filaments, intermediate filaments and microtubules, which allow for movement inside the cell and provide a framework for anchoring organelles within the cell. Microfilaments are made up of actin that are the smallest of roads and are used in muscular contraction, move materials in Cell, and cause amoeboid movement. Microtubules are hollow and are polymers of tubulin proteins and radiate through cell providing longest roads for transport and structural support, they are involved in cell division, and are the structural basis for cillia and flagella Intermediate filaments help maintain shape of cytoskeleton. The cell membrane is a phospholipid bilayer, and is based on the theory of the fluid mosaic model. ITs studded with proteins and lipid rafts that control the movement of solutes, and are mobile in the membrane. THe phospholipids have a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic head, facing the external. CHolesterol molecules regulate the stiffness. The proteins play a role as transport proteins, allowing polar and ions to move across while cell adhesion molecules allow cells to recognize each other. Nucleus is surrounded by the nuclear member (envelope) which is a double membrane that contains distinct environment from cytoplasm. There are also nuclear pores that allow for selective exchange of material. THe DNA is wound up around histones and then wound into linear strands called chormosomes. The nucleolus is a subsection where the ribosomal (rRNA) is snythesized. Ribosomes take orders from nucleus and make proteins. There are bound ribosomes and free travelling ones but all use the endoplasmc reticulum to send away proteins. The ER can be smooth or rough, the rough has ribosomes. THe smooth ER wroks towards lipid synthesis and detoxification of drugs, whereas the rough is more involved in production of proteins. The golgi apparatus often repackages materials from the smooth ER and often send them in secretory vesicles that release the contents to the exterior through exocytosis. Vacuoles are bigger than vesicles but both are used to transport and store material. Lysosomes take material brought in by endosomes, and use hydrolytic enzymes at pH5 to break down materials. THey can cause autolysis which is cell suicide also known as apoptosis. Mitochondria-contains an inner and outer layer, the inner membrane contains foldings called cristae, increasing surface area for the electron transport chain, the inner membrane encloses mitochondrial matrix which contains enzymes important for respiration. Between the membranes is the intermebrane space. THey are semiautonomous with their own genes and indpendent replication via binary fission. THey are only passed on through the mother. Its DNA is circular. MIcrobodies catalyze specific reactions by gathering enzymes and substrates. Peroxisomes create hydrogen peroxide which is used to break down fats and catalyze detoxification in hte liver. Glyoxysomes convert fats to usable fuel (sugars). CHlropolast contain chlorophyll and generate energy and O2 using water CO2 and sunlight and also have own DNA and also evolved through symbiosis. Cell walls are for defense and stability, plants have a wall of cellulose and fungi have chitin, animals do not. Only animal cells have centrioles which are a type of microtubules that are important for spindle formation. Simple diffusion like osmosis, when one solution is hypotonic to another it will swell, hypertonic is when shrivel and isotonic is whe equimolar, remember its based on concentrations. AN exmaple is red blood cell in water, RBC has higher concentration and bursts. Facilitated Diffusion-is diffusion for molecules that are loarge, polar or charged, go throug membrane proteins but dont use energy. Active transport is net movement of a solute against concentration gradient. Pinocytosis is the endoyctosis of fluids and small particles and phagocytosis is th eingestion of large molecules, the amterial can be toxic because will be in vesicle. Exocytosis is the reverse Epithelial tissue are thsoe that cover the body and line the cavities, protecting from invasion, and desiccation (drying up). IT also is inovlved in absorbtion secretion and sensation. Connective tissue are made up of bone, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, adipose tissue and blood. Nervous tissue, use electrochemical gradients to allow cellular signaling Muscle TIssue-there is skeletal smooth and cardiac Viruses are accllular composed of nucleic acids surrounded by a protein coat, they are smaller than bacteria. Genetic info can be circular linear, single or double stranded and dna or rna. The protein coat is called the capsid. They cant reproduce interdependently and are known as obligate intracellular parasites. After hijacking a cells machinery a virus will replicate and turn out new copies of itself called virions. Bacteriophages are viruses that specifically target bacteria, simply injecting genetic material into the bacteria. Chapter 2 Exothermic reactions have a negative change in H. Enzymes dont change the enthalpy or equilibrium of a reaction but only the rate. Furthermore, all the reactions are reversible. THe substrate is the molecule which the enzyme acts upon. When the two are together its called the enzyme substrate complex. The substrate is held in the active site. Lock and key theory is based on the idea that the substrate is already the correct shape for the substrate, while the induced fit theory says the substrate endoethermically bends the enzyme and exothermically releases it later. Enzymes sometimes require cofactors, non proteins, to be effective. WIthout the cofactor they are known as apoeenzemes, whereas containg they are called holoenzymes. The tightly bound cofactors are known as a prothetic group. COfactors can be small metal ions or small organic groups aka coenzymes. Once an enzyme has reached saturation it goes at maximum velocity and no amount of adding concentration of substrate will raise velocity. Km is where the substrate conenctration intersects with 1/2 of the maximum velocity. From that point on adding substrate will not change the velocity much, removing will. ES reactiosn double in rate every 10 degrees celsius until 37 and then quickly die off. For enzymes that circulate in the blood the optimal ph is 7.4. pH of 7.3 is acidosic, This is not the case in digestive tract, and pancreatic enzymes in the samll intestine work around 8.5. Allosteric effects Allosteric sites are locations on allosteric enzymes that can regulate the availability of the active site. The allosteric sites can by filled with activators or inhibitors, which cause conformational shifts. Feedback inhibition-tHe activity of an enzyme can be regulated by one of its products. This can work by a product binding to an enzyme earlier in the process. Reverse Inhibition: Competitive inhibition is when an inhibitor competes with the substrates for the active site. It can be overcome by adding substrate. Noncompettive- is when inhibitors bind to the allosteric site and cannot be overcome by adding substrate. Irreversible inhibition is when an inhibitor binds to the axtive site irreversibly, asprin does this for pain regulators. Certain enzymes are dangerous so they are secreted as inactive zymogens, which contain an active and regulatory domain. The reg domain must be removed or altered to expose the active site. Chapter 3 Autotrophs are organisms that are capable of using the suns enegry to create organic molecules, that store energy in bonds. All energy for living organisms is derived from the sun. An example is photosyntehsis by plants. Heterotrophic organisms break down organic molecules made by palnts. Glucose forms a ring structure known as pyranose in either alpha or beta configurations. GLucose formation is endothermic it requires 6Co2+6H2O and yields C6H12O6 and 6O2. Cellular respiration is just the reverse of this reaction, with energy being release by breaking the bonds. ATP, NAd+ and FAD serve as high energy electron shuttles between the cytoplasm and mitocondria. ATP has a nitrogenous base adenine, a sugar ribose, and three phosphate groups. The loss of 1 or 2 phosphate groups gives 7 or 14 kcal/mol. NAD and FAD are coeenzymes that accept high energy electrons during glucose oxidation and transfering the electrons through the electron transpor chain. The electrons are usually transferred in the form of hydride ions. So NAD+ and FAD are reduced to NADH and FFADH2 and are then oxidized. FAD can pick up two electrons. SO in order for hetereotrophic cells to have energy they undergo glycolysis and cellular respiration. GLycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm, wiht or w/o O2. At step 4 the glucose is split into two isomers dihydroxyacetone phosphate and glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate, so now every step occurs twice as much. The final output is two molecules of three carbon pyruvate. Steps 1 and 3 each require one molecule of ATP but steps 6 and 9 each produce 2 moelcules of ATP so we hav ea net gain of 2. The direct gain of ATp from ADP and P is known as substrate level phosphorylation. Also two NAD+ molecules are reduced to 2 NADH molecules. In anaerobic organisms the pyruvate undergoes fermentation. SOme cells are obligate anaerobe/aerobic vs faculative wehre a cell prefers a certain environment. Fermentation is necesary to oxidize NADH so glycolysis can be restarted. Pyruvate is reduced to either ethanol or lactic acid. Fermentation actually refers to all th steps of glycolysis plus the reduction of pyruvate. Alcohol Fermentation=pyruvate is decarboxylated to CO2 and Acetaldehyde, and then reduced by NADH to ethanol and NAD+. (Takes place in yeast and some bacteria. Lactic Acid Fermentation-takes place in fungi, bacteria and our own muscles. SO not all pyruvate molecules can be used for cellular repsiration right away, so pyruvate and NADH build up. TO keep muscles working the NADH must be oxidized. Lactic acid is produced instead of ethanol and produced burn are lowering of pH. Once O supply catches up with demand, lactic acid can be converted back to pyruvate is a process known as Cori cycle, the amount of O required is known as O debt. Cellular Respiration-generates 36-38 ATP per molecule of glucose, O is the final electron acceptor. There are three phases: Pyruvate Decarboxylation- only occurs in aerobic conditions but does not require O. Pyruvate s transported from teh cytoplasm into the midochondrial matrix where it is decarxoylated, loss of Co2. The remaining acetyl group is bouded to xoenzyme A, hence the name acetyl-CoA. For each acetyl one NAD+ is reduced. Citric Acid Cycle (AKA Krebs Cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle) starts with acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate to generate citrate 6C. Through a series of reactions, two Co2 molecules are released and oxaloacetate is regenerated. Each turn of the cycle generates one ATP via substrate level phosphorylation, along with 3 NADH and one FADH2 molecules. 2 molecules of water are also used for each acetyl coA molecule. The coenzymes then transport the electrons to the transport chainon the inner mitochondiral membrane, where ATP is produced via oxidative phosphyrlation. Electron Transport Chain: Cytochrome complexes resemble hemoglobin in that they each contain a central iron atom that undergoes reversible redox reactions as electrons bind and release. The first complex is NADH dehydrogenase and NADH gives itse elctron to FMN, which are passed to carrier Q (a small hydrophobic moelcule, not an enzyme like the rest), which passes teh leectron to complex II b-c1 complex which passes them to IV, the cytochrome oxidase complex. Oxygen takes the electrons from the last cytochrome in the complex as well as two protons to mkae water. Each NADH generated 3 ATP, while FADH2 only makes 2. FADH2 gives its electron driectly to carrier Q. Cyanide blocks the final transfer of electrons to O2, and DNP destroys the mitochondrions ability to generate a proton gradient. ATP generation and proton pump: As the reduced carriers give up electrons free protons are passed into the mitochondrial matrix where they accumulate, the ETC pumps these ions out of the matrix into the intermembrane space, the electrochemical gradient drives H+ passively back across the mitochondrial membrane, known as proton-motive force. However, the protons cant make it through the memberane because they are charged. Instead they use channels, called ATp synthases (enzyme complexes). As the H ions pass through the energy released allows for phosphorylation of ADP back to atp, oxidative phosphrylation. Review: Glycolysis involves investment of 2 atp and generation of 4 atp, with 2 nadh, pyruvate decarboxylation yields two nadh, one for each pyruvate, each turn of the TCA gives three nadh and on fadh2 butmultiply by two becuase two for each glucose, ATP from nadh yields 28 ATP, because the two from glycolysis only yield two atp bc like FADH they give electrons driectly to carrier Q. Prokaryotes dont ahve to get through mitochondiral membrane so save two atp and make 38. When low glucose levels we use carbs, proteins and fats. Carbs are broken down during digestion and then stores in the liver as a polysaccharide, glycogen, which is converted to glucose 6 phosphate when needed. Fats are stored in adipose tissue as triglycerides, three lon chain fatty acids are esterified to a glycerol which can be converted to PGAL a glycolytic intermediate. Fatty acids are activated in cytoplasm and are transporte dto mito matrix to undergo rounds o fbeta oxidation where acetyl coa is geerated, We can do 24 rounds of beta oxidation generatign 24 NADH and 24 FADH, Proteins are polypeptides made of amino acids, the removal of the amine by transaminases results in alpha ketoacids which can be converted to acetyl coa. Anabolic-to build up molecules like photosynthesis, Catabolic-break down like digestion Chapter 4 Reproduction: Unicellular organisms reproduce through division while multicellular organisms replace cells that are ready to retire through cell division. Prokaryotes divide via binary fission which is asexual, the DNA attaches itself to the cell membrane and duplicates itself while the cell grows, the cell membrane then invaginates creating two identical daughter cells. Eukaryotic autosomal cells are diploid, 2n, while sex (germ) cells are haploid, n. We have 46 chromsomes, 23 from each parent. The cell Cycle Interphase, is the longest part of the cell cycle. There are three phases. G1 -cells create organelles for energy and protein production while doubling in size. The transition to the S stage is governed by a restriction point. The checkpoint makes sure everything is in order before continuing. S-replicate or synthesize genetic material sot hat each duaghter will ahve identical copies. After each chromosoem consists of two identical copies, called chromatids boud together by the centromere. The ploidy is still the same even though there are double the number of chromatids. G2- quality control making sure there are enough organelles and cytoplasm to make two daughter cells. During interphase DNA is in the form of chromatin which is more spread out bc it needs to be transcribed but during M its preferable for the DNA to be tightly bound so as not to lose any. M Stage (Mitosis)-Mitosis as well as cytokinesis. We have prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Cytokinesis is the actual splitting. centrioles are organelles that regulate chromsome movement. They are outside the nucleus in a region known as the centrosome and are responsible for the correct division of DNA> Durign prophase the centrioles migrate to opposite poles of the cell and begin to form spindle fibers, made from microtubules. The attachment point on the centromers are asters. Prophase-chromsomes condense adn centriole pairs seperate and move to poles and the spindle apparatus forms between them. The nuclear membrane dissolves, while the nucleoli become less distinct. Kinetochores with attached kinetochore fibers appear at the chromosome centromere. Metaphase-the centriole pairs are not at opposite poles of the cell, and the kinetochore fibers interact with the fibers of the spindle apapratus to aligh the chromosmes at the metphase plate, which in the middle of the two poles. Anaphase-centromers split and pulled towards opposite ends by the shortening of the kinetochore fibers. Telmoeres are the last part to split they are repetitive dna on chromsome. Telophase and cytokinesis-the spindle dispapears a nuclear membrane reforms and the nucleopli reappear, the chromsomes uncoiland then cytokinesis occurs. Each cell can undergo 20-50 splits before cell death. After that the cell will incorporate errors. muscles and nerves never divide. while cancer cells divide continuously. Asexual Reproduction: Binary Fission-THe circular chormosome attaches to the cell wall, replicates, and divides into two equal daughter cells. IT is rapid. Budding-Equal replication followed by unequal cytokinesis. IT takes place in some small eukarya Regeneration-primarily in lower organisms is accomplished by mitosis. Livers in human can regenerate with a little. Parthenogenesis-whereby an adult organisms develops froma n unfertilized egg. They will be haploid. Sexual Reproduction-Unique offspring! specialized sex cells are gametes and are produced by meiosis. MItosis results in 2 identical diploid daughter cells where as meisos yields 4 different haploid gametes, somatic cells use mitosis, where as gametocytes undergo meiosis. The first division results in reductional division, where the chromosomes are seperated. Meiosis II is similar to mitosis in that it results in seperation of sister chromatids and is known as equational division. The rsult is four genetically unique haploid cells. Prophase I-After condensing homologous chormsomes come together and intertwine ina rpocess callled synapsis. The four chromatids in the synapsis are referred to as a tetrad. Homologous chromosomes may break at the point of snyapsis, aka chiasma, and exchange DNA, in a process known as crossing over. ITs not between chromatids ont he same chromsome because they are identical. Metaphase I-the homologous pairs line up at the equatorial plane and each pair attaches to a separate spindle fiber by its kinetochore. ANaphase 1-homologous pairs seperate and are pulle to opposite side, in a process known as disjunction. The chromosomes can be from male and female in both new cells. Telophase 1-nuclear membrane forms around each new nucleus, Each chromatid is the same except for the genetic recom on one. The cell divides by cytokinesis, and there may be a short interkinesis where chormosomes partially uncoil. Meiosis II-is the same as mitosis In females only one of the four haploid daugter cells are produced by gametes. Random distribution of chromosome sin emisois with crossing over in prophase I enable different genetic combinations. HUman sexual reproduction: Haploid sperm and ovum, produced by gonads, fuse during fertilization to form a single cell zygote in the fallopian tubes. Testes have twofunctional components the seminferous tubules and the interstitial cells (cells of leydig). Sperm are produced in the highly coiled seminefrerous tubules where they are nourished by sertoli cells. The cells of leydig secrete tesosterone and other male sex hormones (androgens). The testes are located in the scrotum, which is cooler. As sperm mature they pass through the epididymis and gain motility in the form of a flagellum and are stored until ejaculation. The maturation takes 72 days. It eventually passes through the vas deferens, ejacuatory duct, urethra and penis. The seminal fluid is produced by seminal vesicles, prostate gland and bulbourethral gland. THe combination of sperm and seminal fluid is semen. Seminal vesicles contribute fructose to nourish sperm, and the prostate gives the alkaline properties. Spematogensis: occurs in seminerferous tubulues. The diploid cells are known as spermatogonia. They replicate their genetic material and develop into primary spermatocyes. The first meiotic division results in haploid secondary spermatocyes. Then they ungergo meitosis II to generate spermatids which beome spermatazoa. The sperm consists of a head containing genetic material, a midpiece to generate energy from fructose for motility and a tail for motility. They have lots of mitochondria. Each sperm head is covered by a cap known as acrosome. It is derived from the golgi apparatus and is necessary to penetrate the ovum. After pub, 3 mill produced per day. Female Reproductive Anatomy: Ovaries located below digestive tract and contain thousands of follicles which are multilayers sacs that contain, nourish, and protect immature ova. One egg/month released to peritoneal sac, moves into fallopian tube (oviduct), which is lined with cilia, fallopian tubes are connected to the uterus, which is the site of detal development. The lower end of the uterus knwon as the cervix connects the vaignal canal, the external vagina is called the vulva. Oogenesis is the production of female gamets, all formed during fetal development. At birth females have prediffrentiated cells known as primary oocytes which are 2n and are frozen in prophase 1. Once a woman reaches menarche (first menstration) oen primary oocyte complets meisosis I per month producing a secondary oocyte and a polar body. Almost no cytoplasm is give to the plar body, which does not divide any farther. The secondary occyte is frozen in metaphase II unless fertilization occurs. 2 cell layers surround oocytes, the zona pellucida and teh corona radiata. fertilization occurs when sperm penetrate these layers, with the help of acrosomol enzymes. The secondary oocyte undergoes a second division leading to a mature ovum and another polar body which dies. So until menopause women ovulate one secondary oocyte every 28 days. After menopause the ovaries become less sensitive to their stimulating hormones and eventually atrophy. Since ovary production contributes to a negative feedback loop for FSH and LH when women go through menapause the levels hoot up. Fertilization: seondary oocytes can be fertilized within 24 hours of ovulation. Sperm surivve for on or two days in vag. IF fertilize forms a zygote. IF acrosomal enzymes digest corona radia and penetrate zone pellucida first sperm that contacts iwth secondary oocytes cell membrane forms a tubleike structure known as the acrosomal apparatus, which etends to and penetrates the cell membrane and its nucleus enters the ovum makign it no longer a secondary oocyte. A cortical reaction takes place and ca ions ar released in cytoplasm making a fertilization membrane which is impenaterable for other sperm. Monozygotic twins develop when a single zygote splits into two, they have same gentic material, but if split incmeplete attached. Dizygotic twins is if two eggs are relased in cycle and both are fertilized. They are only as similar as two siblings. Chapter 5 After fertilization in the fallopian tubes the zigote moves to the uterus for implantation and undergoes mitosis, durin ga process called cleavage. The first cleavage creates an embryo, splitting doesnt increase size, but does raise the ratio of surface area to volume and nuclear to cytopalsmic ratios. Indeterminate cleavege results in cells that can still develop into complete organisms, versus determinate cleavage. The first cleavage is at 32 hours followed by 60 and 72 t which point it is an eigt cell embryo in the uterus. After more divisions it becomes a morula-solid mass of cells. Then the morula undergoes blastulation and forms a blastula, which is characterized by the presence of a hollow fluid filled inner cavisty known as the blastocoel. In mammals the blastula is known as a blastocys and has two cell groups, the trophoblast and inner cell mast. THe trophoblast give rise to the chorion while the inner cell mass give rise to the orgnaism. (days 5-8) Now the blastocyst must implant in the endometrium of the uterine wall. Progesterone promotes proliferation of endometrial mucosal layer to help the embryo implant. Additionally embryonic cells secrete enzymes that burrow in the lining to all ow implantation, connecting to maternal circulation for nutrient and gas exchange. As we plant a seed, embryo, into the ground, endometrium, soild must be fertile, progesterone, and a shovel to plant the seed, proteolytic enzymes (enzymes which break down proteins), and as the tree grows it makes roots, the placenta. Gastrulation-the generation of 3 cell layers. From the study of sea urchins we know that during gasturaltion a small invagination in the blastula begins eliminating the blastocoel, formings a 2 layered gastrula, the inner layer is the endoderm, the outer is the ectoderm and the cavity is the archenteron which becomes the gut. THe opening of the archenteron is called the blastopore. In deuterostomes, such as humans, the blastopore developes into the anus. In protostomes it becomes the mouth. SO the endoderm is what lines the archenteron, eventually some cells migrate into the area between the derms and is the mesoderm. THe ectoderm develops into the integument (protects body from damage, including epidermis, hair, nails, epithelium of the nose mouth and anal canal, lens of the eye and nevrous system. SO the ectoderm is the attractoderm. The mesoderm is the musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, excretory system, gonads, and muscular and connective tissue coats the digestive and repsitory system. THis is th means-o-derm, including heart and bones, and vessels. Endoderm-is the epithelial lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts, lungs parts of the liver and pancrease, thyorid bladder and distal urinary and reproductive tracts. This is the endernal system, Embryonic stem cells are derived from early stage embryo, probably inner cells and are pluripotent. In the human, a week after fertilization, the embryo contains 100-150 cells in the form of a blasula of which the outer cell mass becomes the placenta and the inner cell mass becomes the fetus and after 3 weeks forms the gastrula. The kidney is derived from the mesodermal cells despite being internal organs b.c they are not really in the abdomen and are external to the peritoneum (gut sac) making them retroperitoneal organs. Selective Transcription allows for selectivity of cells. It is related to the concept of induction, which is the ability of a certain groups of cells to influence the fate of other nearby cells. Chemical substances called inducers are passed from the organizing cells to the responsive cells. Neurulation-is the developmen to fth enervous system and begins once the three germ layers are formed. The nervous system develops from the ectoderm but its on the outside of the gastrula. So the cell sare induced to migrate inwards. First a rod of mesodermal cells known as the notochord forms along the long axis of the organism. These cells induce a group of ectodermal cells to slide inward to form neural folds, which surround a neural groove. The neural folds grow towards one another until they fuse into a neural tube, which gives rise to the central nervous system. At the tip of each neural fold are neural crest cells. The cells migrate outward to form the peripheral nervous system including sensory ganglia, autonomic gnaglia, adrenal medulla and Schwann cells. Finally ectodermal cells will migrate around the neutral tube and and surrounding the tube. The placenta and umbilical cord develop in the weeks after fertilization. The placenta is formed from extra-embryonic membrane called the chorion which develops from trophoblast cells and provide nutrition for hte fetus. The other three extra-embryonic membranes are the allantois, amnion and yolk sac. The allantois is surrounded by the amnion which is a thin tough membrane filled with amniotic fluid which serves as a shock absorber. Beyond that is the yolk sac which is the site of early blood vessel development and the outermost layer is the chorion. Chorionic villi eventually grow into the placenta and support maternal fetal gas exchange. THe umbilical cord is surrounded by a jelly like matrix and is the initial connection between mother and fetus. The placenta is the site of nutrient, gas and waste exchange. No mixing of blood is possible because of different types. Water, glucose, amino acids and inorganic salts are transferred via diffusion. In addition to a gradient for O2 the fetal hemoglobin (Hb-F) also has greater affinity than Hb-A. The placental barrier also provides immune protection bc many foreign particles are too large to cross the placental barrier by diffusion, however viruses like HIV, alcohol and toxins are not. Fetal Circulation: In the fetus the lungs and liver are under developed so the placenta carries out their functions. BLood must be kept away from the lungs. This is accomplished with two shunts within the heart, the foramen ovale, which connects the right and left atria. Blood enters the right atrium from the superior vena cava flows into the left atrium instead of the right ventricle. For blood to travel from the righ tto the left there must b ea pressure differential, pressure higher in right and is accomplished by the foramen ovale, which must be shut for the adult heart to function porperly. However, the valve connecting the right atria with the ventricle is not entirely shut so some blood flows in. THe ductus arteriousus shunts leftover blood from the pulmonary artery to the aorta based on pressure. The liver which generally detoxifies, stores sugar etc... it cant do all of this since its still underdeveloped and gets help from the placenta. SO the ductus venosus shunts a lot of the oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava so that the liver does not steal the O2 from the rest of the body. Instead the liver gets its O2 from arteries leaving the heart. Arteries take blood away from the heart and veins bring it to the heart. So umbilical arteries carry deoxygenated blood. Gestation-(pregnancy) lasts 266 days for humans, the bigger the animal the longer and fewer the offspring. During the First trimester the major organs begin to develop. The heart begins to beat at 22 days and soon afterwards the eyes, gonads, limbs and liver start to form. During the seventh week the cartilagnious skeleton begins to harder into bone. By the end of 8 weeks most organs have formed the brain is developed and the embryo is referred to as a fetus. And at end it is 9 cm long. During the second trimester-basically just grows and starts to look human at end its about 30-36 cm long. During the third trimester rapid growth brain development, during the 9th antibodies are transported by highly selective active transport from mom to fetus for protection against foreign matter in preparation for after birth. Growth rate slows and becomes less active due to space constraint. Birth ultimately arrises from rhythmic contractions of uterine smooth muscle, coordinated by prostaglandins (type of lipid) and the peptide hormone oxytocin. Three phases, cervix thins and amniotic sac ruptures, water breaking, next the strong uterine contractions result in birth, finally placenta and umbilical cord are afterbirthed. Review: Blastula has the greatest nuclear to cytoplasm ratio becuase of lots of division without growth. The thyroid is part of the endoderm When a baby is born Hb-A, becuase starts breathing resistance in pulmanary vessels decreases, which causes an increase in blood flow, and pressure in right atrium increases, Brain develops in first trimester so tetrogens are worst then. hCG is a hormone made by embryo and small enough to diffuse into mothers blood, as is CO but not not white blood cells. Some blood must reach lungs because nourish the developing lungs. The blood delivered via the aorta will have a lower partial pressure of O2 than blood delivered to the lungs, becausre oxygenated and deoxygenated blood mix in the foramen ovale. The ductus venosus degenerates over time, completely 3 months after birth. The placenta releases progesterone, hcG and estrogen, and acts as an endocrine gland, but not LH which is secreted during menstrual cycle by anterior pituitary to stimulate ovulation. Chapter 6 Exoskeletons encase whole organisms and are common for arthropods-shed to grow. Vertebrates have endoskeletons. The axial skeleton consists of the skull, vertebral column, and rigcage while the appendicular skeleton consists of arms, legs, pelvic and pectoral girdles. The skeleton is composed of cartilage and bone. Cartilage is more flexible, consisting of a firm elastic matrix known as chondrin , secreted by chondrocytes. Adults have cartilage where need flexibility like external ear, nose, larynx, trachea and joints. Arthritis is the degradation of the cartilage. It is also relatively avascular without blood and lymphatic vessels. Bone is harder, stronger but light. The adult has 206 bones. There is compact bone, which is strong and compact and spongy or cancellous bone which looks like a sponge. The latter consists of bony spicules known as trabeculae. The cavities are filled with bone marrow which can be red or yellow. Red is filled with hematopoietic stem cells which generate all cells in blood. Yellow is mainly composed of fat and is inactive. Hemo means blood and poisesis means to make. Appendicular bones are typical long bones characterized by cylindrical shafts called diaphyses and dilated ends called epiphyses. The peripheries are composed of compact bones while internal of diaphyses is full of marrow while epiphyses have a spongy bone core inside their compact bone sheath to disperse force better. The epiphyseal plate seperates the epiphysis from the diaphysis, which is a cartilaginous structure and the site of longitudinal growth. A fibrous sheath called periosteum surrounds the long bone to protect it as attach to muscles. They are also capable of differentiating into bone forming cells and is necessary for bone growth and repair. Compact bone is strong because of the bone matrix, which is composed of collagen, glycoprotiens and other peptides as well as Ca, phosphate and hydroxide ions that harden together to form hydroxyapatitte crystals. Other minerals like Na, Mg, and K are also stored in the bone. Strong bones require uniform distribution of inorganic material. The matrix is ordered into structural units known as oseons or Haversian systems. Each osteon encircles a central microscopic channel known as a Haversian canal surrounded by concentric circles of bony matrix called lamellae. The canals contain blood vessels, nerve fibers and lymph that keep the bone in peak condition. In between the lamealla are lacunae which house mature bone cells known as osteocytes, which are involved in bone maintenance. Each lacunae is interconnected by canaliculi which are little canals that allow for exchange of nutrients and waste between them and the haversian canals. Endochondral ossification is the process of cartialge turning into bone. Bones can also be formed through intramembraneous ossification in which embryonic connective tissue (mesenchymal tissue) is transformed into and replaced by bone. Osteoblasts build bone and osteoclasts resorb bone which allows for the maintenance of bone. During bone reformation, essential ingredients like calcium and phosphate are obtained from the blood. During resorption (break down) the ions are released into the bloodstream. Bone remodeling is affecting by exercise and use. Joints-made of connective tissue and are either movable or immovable. Movable work like hinges, stregthened by ligaments which are pieces of fibrous tissue that connect bones and have a synovial capsule that encloses the actual joint cavity. Synovial fluid eases the movement of the bones. Articular cartilage coats the articular surfaces of the bones so the impact is restricted to the lubricatd joint cartilage region. Immovable joints like in the skull fix bones together Muscles come in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. The somatic nervous system allows for controlled movements. The skeletal muscle system allows for such movements. Muscles are made of repeating units, the basic contractile unit is the sacromere and are put together to form myofibrils, which are surrounded by a covering known as sacroplasmic reticulum, which contain much Ca2+. Outside the Sacroplasmic reticulum is the sarcoplasm, modified cytoplasm, and outside is the cell membrane known as the sarcolemma. Many myofibrils can be contained within one myocyte (muscle cell). Many are multinucleated due to fusion of several embryonic uninucleated cells. The nuclei are on the peripheri and the muscle is simply a parallel arrangement of many myocytes. The sacrolemma is capable of propgating an action potential. A system to T-tubules is connected to the sacrolemma and oriented perpendicularly to the myofibrils allowing for ions to flow. skeletal muscle is striated due to alignment of Z lines. They consist of red and white fibers, red muscle fibers are slow twitch which have a high myoglobin content and primarily derive their energy aerobolically. Myoglobin is similar to hemoglobin but consists of a single polypeptide chain, it binds O more tightly than hemo. White fibers are fast twitch and are anaerobic and have less myoglobin. Red fibers are mitochondiria rich becuase they derive enrgy aerobically. White contract more rapidly but are easier fatigued. Sacromeres are made of thick and thin filaments, the thick are mysoin and thin are actin mixed iwth the proteins troponin and tropomyosin. Z lines are the boundaries of each sacromere. The M lines run down the center of the sacromere and the Iband is the region exclusively made of thin filaments while the H zone is exclusively thick filament. I is thinner than H to remember that the thick is myosin which is also a thicker wrod than actin. The A band is everything but the I band. During contraction the H zone, the I band and distance between Z lines all become smaller while A band remains constant. A band is length of actin. Binding of NT like acteylcholine in the synapse results in contraction of the muscle due to bidning at receptor. The connection between teh never and muscle is called the nueromuscular junction. This happens with depolarization of sarcolemma and is the initiation. The action potential generated will be conducted along the sacroleema and T-system and then transmitted into the muscle fiber. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is full of Ca2+ and is responsive to depolarizationand prompts release of Calcium cations, which bind to troponin causing tropomyuosin to shift and exposing myosin bidning sites on actin. Ca is like a ticket to get by the security the tropomyosin, and exposes the myosin binding sites on the actin. The globular heads of myosin molecules move towards and bind exposed sites on actin which draw the thin filaments to the center of the H zone and shortens the sacromere. ATPase activity in the mysoin heads provide the energy for th epower stroke and resutls in dissociation of actin from myosin. The myosin resets itself by binding another ATP. Relaxation-SR's receptors are no longer stimulated so the calcium levels fall, The product of ATp hydrolysis that were released from the myosin head during the power stroke leave room for a new ATP to bind, leading to dissociation of myosin from the thin filament, sacromere returns to original width and myosin-binding sites are covered by tropomyosin. Rigor mortis arises because ATP cannot detach actin Muscle cells work by all or none response based on a threshold value. Muscles control overall force by the number of fibers they recruit to repsond. Tonus refers to muscles in a constant state of low level contraction, which is necessary for some muscles. Simple twitch is the response of a singl fiber, consisting of a latent period, contraction period and relaxation period. Latent is time between thresholds and onset of contraction. After the latent period there muscle is unresponsive to stimuli which is known as refractory period, of which there is absolute or relative. Absolute is when no amount of stimulus will generate a response while relative the muscle can still be activated but a higher than normal stimulus is required. If tehre is to little time for relaxation, the contractions combine and become stronger and more prolonged, known as frequency summation. When there is know time to relax, it is called tetanus, if prolonged causes fatigue. Smooth Muscle is controlled by the autonmic nervous system, and is found in digestive tract, bladder, uterus, blood vessel walls, and toehr spots. They ahve a single nuclei, have actin and myoin but not in straited fashion, smooth can contract for longer and without nervous system input known as myogenic activity. Cardiac musclesare made of smooth and skeletal muscle, mostly uninucleated, Ca is required in all contraction of all muscle types. Cardiac also exhibit myogenic activity. Smooth muscle is good for smooth (continuous contractions) while the rest are for strong forceful. Smooth and cardiac are involutary ANS while skeletal is voluntary (SNS) Smooth has 1 nuclei, cardiac 1-2, and skeletal many. Smooth is also the only non striated. Muscles can generate ATP from fatty acids, glycogen and glucose as well as high energy compounds known as creatine phosphate. During times of plenty we storew creatine phosphate by transphering a phosphate from ATP to creatine, which is reversed during muscle use to rapidly generate ATP. As exericisng muscles run out of O2 we use myoglobins reserves to keep aerobic metabolism going. Connective Tissue: Loose connective tissue is found throughout the body attaching epithelium to underlying tissues and holds organs in place. It contains proteinaceous fibers of three types, collagenous fibers composed of collagine and have great tensile stregth, elastic fibers which are composed of elastin and endow connective tissue with resilience, and reticular fibers which join connective tissue to adjoining tissue. There are two major cell types in loose connective tissue, fibroblasts which secrete substances that are components of extracellular fibers and macrophages which engulf bacteria and dead cells via phagocytosis. Dense connective tissue has a higher proportion of collagenous fibers, organized in parallel bundles giving high tensile strength, and can form tnedons, which attach muscle to bone or ligamens which hold bones together at joints. If a given muscle is attached to two bones, contraction will cause only one of the bones to move. The end of the muscle attached to the stationary bone is the origin, and in limb muscles corresponds to the proximal end, the other end is the insertion or th in limb muscles the distal end. Muscles oftne work in antagonistic pairs, one contracts as the other relaxes, bicep and tricep. The contraction of the antagonistic muscle will lengthen the paired muscel, so if bicep contracts tricep elongates. Synergistic muscles assist principal muscles during movement. Flexor decrease the angle of ajoint, while extensors straighten out joint and increase. An abductor moves a part of the body away fromt eh bodys midline, and an adductor moves towards. Review: Ca2+ binds to troponin which causes strands of tropomyosin to shift exposing myosin biding sites. Osteoblasts are involved in secretion of bone matrix, clasts are large multinucleated bone resorpers, cytes are mature blasts that involve in maintenance, The epiphyseal plate is the site of longitudinal growth. Articular cartilage keeps bones from rubbing against one naother. When mesenchymal cells directly create bone matrix like when ossification occurs in the skull, it is known as intramembranous ossification. Adipose tissue is body fat, loosely connected tissue. Chapter 7 Extracellular Digestion: Digestion occurs within the lumen of the alimentary canal, This canal is outside of cells and goes from the mouth to the anus sectioned by sphincters. Epithelial cells cover our exterior surfaces as well as interior. They are our first line of protection. They are tightly joined and may be ciliated. The epithelia are known as mucous membranes. Our skin and epithelial lining prevent fluid lloss by allowing for selective absorption of materials. It is bound to a connective layer of tissue known as teh basement membrane. Because of corrosive environment, the epithelium along digestive tract is replaced every few days. Epithelial cells can be simply layered meaning one layer, stratified is multiple, and pseudostratified is when looks like multiple but really one. They can be cuboidal, columnar, and squamous (scale like as on a snake). In the mouth there is mechanical and chemical digestion. Mastication is chewing, increasing surface area to volume ratio allowing for greater gas and nutrient exchange despite no brekaing of chemical bonds. Hwoever there is enzymatic activity to break chemical bonds. Salivary glands sevrete saliva which aids mechanical digestion by moistening food, as well as salivary amylase (ptyalin) and lipase, which hydrolyzes starch into smaller sugars and lipids, respectively. The tongue than forms the food into bolus before it is swallowed. The pharynx is the vacity that leads from the mouth and nsoe to the esophagus, it also connects tot the larynx, part of respiration and the epiglottis folds down and covers the trachea during swallowing. The esophagus comes next and connects mouth to stomach, starts as striated muscle and tranisitions into smooth muscle, so its mostly involuntary. We can initiate a swallow, but the conintuation of muscle contraction, peristalisis, is involuntary. As teh bolus apporached the stomach a muscular ring known as the lower esophageal sphincter opens to allow the passage of food. The mucosa lining the stomach is thick to rpotect from autodigestion. The mucosa contain gastric glands and pyloric glands. The gastric respond to signals from the brain, activated by sensing food, and they consist of mucous, chief, and parietal cells. mucous cells produce mucus b/c pH of 2 and proteolytic environment. Gastric juice is a product of the cheif and parietal cells. The chief secrete pepsinogen which is the zymogen form of the prteolytic enzyme pepsin. pepsin will digest proteins by cleaving peptide bonds near aromatic amino acids. Parietal cells secrete HCl. The zymogens must be activated by HCl, so pepsin in unique in that it is most active at pH 2. The acid also kills most harmful bacteria, with the exception of helicobacter pylori which causes ulcers. The pyloric glands secrete gastrin, a hormone, which induces our stomach to secrete more HCl and produce an acidic semifluid mixture known as chyme, which is passed to the small intenstine. Certain substances like alcohol and aspirin can be absorbed in the stomach but it is primarily a digestive site. Food leaves the stomach through the pyloric sphincter entering the duodenum of the small intestine. SI is 6 meters long. the surface of the SI is covered in villi each of which has a set of microvilli, increasing the surface area dramatically. Bacteria line the duodenum. Most digestion in the duodenum, and accessory organs like liver gall bladder and pancreas are important. Chyme triggers teh release of hormones that leads to secretions from SI and accesory organs. Pancreatic juice is a complex mixture of several enzymes in a bicarbonate solution important for neutralization of acidic chyme. Enzymes produced by the pancrease are most active at pH of 8.5, the enzymes can break down all three types of nutrients. Pancratic amylase breaks down large polysaccharides into small disaccharides (carbs). Pancreatic peptidases (trypsinogen, chymotrypsinogen, eslatinogen, and carboxypeptidase) are released in their zymogen form and are responsbile for protein digestion. Enterokinase, produced by teh small intestine is the master switch, activating trypsinogen to trypsin, which actiaves the other zymogens. The pancrease also secretes lipase which breaks down fasts to free fatty acids. Bile is acomplex lfuid made up of bile salts, pigments and cholesterol, produced by the liver and stored in gall bladder, which releases it into the duodenum by way of the bile duct, in repsonse to the hormone CCK, chloecytoskinin, which is released by SI in response to movement of chyme from stomach to SI. Bile has pH between 7.5 and 8.8 to similarly neutralize the chyme. Bile salts made from cholesterol are not enzymes so do not cleavage enzymatically but have an important emchanical role which facilitates digestion of lipids. Like phospholipids bile salts have a hydropho and hydrophil region. They allow fats to be emulsified, because chyme is aqueous without bile fats would seperate out of the mixture, instead the cholesterol mixes and forms micelles, which also expose more of the surface of fats to actions of lipase, so we need bile and lipaseto work together. Lipase hydrolysed those ester bonds. Chyme in the duodenum causes SI to release disaccharidases such as maltase, lactase and sucrase, peptidases, including dipeptidiases inlcuding enterokinase secretin and CCK. Peptidases break down proteins, Secretin is a hormone that causes pancreatic juice to be exuded by the pancrease and CCK stimulates the release of pancreatic juice and bile. If we had a very fatty meal the duodenum releases teh hormone enterogastrone to slow the movement of chyme allowing more tiem to digest fat. When digesting feel tired because of parasympathetic versus sympathetic divistion of digest or fight or flight, respecitvely. Absorptive functions mostly occur in teh jejunum and ileum. sugars and AA are absorbed by active transport and facilitated diffusion. into the epithelial cells lining the gut. Move across to the intestinal capillaries, and blood carries them away following concentration gradients, blood has lowest concentration, absorbed molecules then go tot he liver via teh hepatic portal circulation. Most fat bypasses the liver. Small fatty acids follow same process as carbs and AA difusing into intestinal cappilaries and dont need transporters becuase they are nonpolar, easily traversing celluar membrane, larger fats, glycerol and cholesterol move seperately but reform. Teh triglycerides are packaged into chylomicrons and ratehr then enetering lboodstream endter lymphatic ciruclation through lacteals, small vessls that form the begining of the lymphatic system. The lacteals converge and ente the venous circulation throug the lymphatic duct in the neck region. Chylomicrons are processed directly in the bloodstream into low density lipoproteins, bad cholesterol, and can lead to atherosclerosis. Ldl moelcules can be taken up by the liver and turned into HDL H for healthy. Vitamins ADEK are fat soluble adn the rest are water soluble. Failure to absorb fat would cause failure to absorb vitamins but water soluble are absorbed with water, AA and carbs across the endothelial cells and pass directly into plasma. The large intestine is involved in water absorbtion and salts (thereby controlling constapation and diarrhea), and has a larger diamter but is only 1.5 m long. The large is divided into cecum, colon, and rectum, Cecum is a pocket with no outlets that connects the SI and LI and contains the appendix, which wards off bacterial infections. The colon absorbs water and salts and is a last chance to absrob nutrients. The rectum stores the feces, which is indigestible waste like water, bacteria. The anus is the opening through which wastes are eliminated, and consists of two sphincters the internal and external. The external is voluntary (somatic) but internal is autonomic. In dueterostomes the blastopore gives rise to the anus. Review: Chief cells secrete pepsionegen, the zymogen of the protein hydrolyzing enzyme. Enterokinase activates trypsinogen to turn to trypsin, which activates caroxypeptidase, chymotrypsin is the active form of chymotrypsinogen, also activated by enterokinase. Proteins are digested in stomach and SI pepsin works at low pH Food should not go to trachea chylomicrons go through lacteals Chapter 8: Air enters the external nares of the nose, which will then filter with cilia, pass through pharynx and larynx. From the lar it passes into the trachea and then to two bronchi, which split into broncholes and then alveoli. The bronchi and trachea also contain ciliated epithelial cells to filter, each alveolus is coated with surfactant, that lowers surface tension and prevents alveolus from collapsing on itself. Ther eis anetwork of ccapillaries for gas exchange. Lots of surface area. The lungs are contained in teh thoracic cavity, which also contains the heart. and are seperated from digestion by the diaphragm. Inspiration is a term for drawing air into the lungs. Skeletal muscle lines the diaphragm despite breathing being automatic. The cehst wall is the boundary of one side of the thoracic cavity. Pleurae surround each lung, and are a closed sac. It is composed of the visceral, whcih toughes the lung and the parietal pleura. The space between is called the intrapleural space, which contains a thin layer of fluid. There is a pressure differential beteen the intrapleural space and the lungs, which is important. During inhalation we use our diaphram as well as external intercostal muscles, which are between the ribs to expand the thoracic cavity, this decreases pressure in the intrapleural space, but the gas in the lungs is at atmpospheric pressure which is higher. As teh lungs take in air they expand, which is called negative pressure breathing because the driving force is the lower, pressure in the intreeapleurla space. Exhalation occurs as diaphram and external intercostals muscles relax, the chest cavity decreases and pressure in intrapleural space increases, so air will be pushed out of lungs. When exericising we also use internal intercostal muscles, which oppose the externals. Ventilation is primarily regulated by enurons, ventilation centers in teh medulla oblongata, sensitive to CO2 levels and increase respriration with increased CO2. Chemoreceptors on the neurons surface monitor blood pH, I believe as pH goes up that means more CO2 because of lechatelier more H2Co3, which is an acid. We can control breathing but if we hyperventillate of hypoventilate the medula takes over. The spirometer is used to measure amount of air normally present in lungs and rate of ventillation. Normal respiration is 12/min but higher up less O2 nead more breaths. Total lung capacity for a healthy human is 6-7 L. IF we breathed out until entirely, the total amount we force out was the vital capcity. The amount left over is the residual volume. Expelling all the ari would cause lung collapse, So the residual volume pluis vital capacity =TLC. However we mostly breath in less, the ttidal volume, and the this si also the same amount that is exhaled in normal breathing. If we use respriratory msucles the last bit of air that gets pushed out is the expiratory reserve volume. The inspiratory reserve volume is the amount of extra air we can take in. THe TV+ the ERV and IRV=the Vital capacity, whcih is the total amount of gas that can be moved. The capilaries bring deoxygenated flood from pulmonary arteris from the righ ventricle, as they apporach the single celled alveolar layers allow for diffusion of co2 from blood into lungs and O2 the opposite way. and the O blood returns via pulmonary veins. The driving force is the pressure differnetial of the gases through a concentration gradient, so no energy is needed. Hemo is always used to transport the O2 When O2 shortage we can also make more red cells to carry the O2 instead of jsut breathing more, or even more blood vessles, which would facilitate the dsitribution of a lwoer amount f O or we could alter the bidning dynamics of hemo. Review: Thin and moist alveolar surfaces faciliatate gas exchange Negative pressure breathing refers to inhalation To prevent the lungs from collapsing we have the pleurae surrounding and protecting the lungs, and the surfactnat reduces sufrace tension preventing colapse. The epiglottis coers the glottis to ensure that food does not enter the trachea during swallowing, pharynx->larynx->trachea->bronchi->alveoli Exhalation and gas exchange but not inhalation are passive processes. Chapter 9: The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart is two punps connected in series, the right pump accepts deoxygenated blood from the body and moves it to the lungs by the pulmonary areteries, the left pump receives o blood from lungs by pulmonary veins and forces it to the body through the aorta. Each side of the heart is made of an atrium and a ventricle, teh atria are thin walled, and then pass it to the ventricle which is muscular and work as the pump. The aorta is the largest artery, and breaks into important arteries like the coronary, commor carotid, and renal, which then break into arterioles and ultimately capillaries. on the venous side of the capillary network the cappilaries join together to form venules and then veins, ultimately to the inferior or superior vena cava. Sometimes blood passes through 2 cappilary beds, connected by venules before returning, and these are portal systems, such as hepatic portal which goes from intestines to liver and hyophyseal portal system which goes from they hypothalamus to the pituitary gland. The heart is located between the lungs, and cardiac muscle is the only type of muscle in the heart. The left side must be more muscular. the total volume of blood is about 5 liters/ minute. Valves- the heart moves blood throug the vasculate by generating pressure through contraction. Different valves ensure the blood flows in one direction, between the atria and ventricles we have the atrioventricular valves, the right AV valve is caleld the tricuspid valve, because it has 3 leaflets, the left has only two and is the bi cupsid or mitral valve. Each ventricle is protected from backflow by the semilunar valve. the right is called the pulmonary valve, and the left is the aortic valve. AV valves prevent backflow durign contraction (systole), while ventricle valves prevent backflow during relaxation, (diastole). cardiac output is the amount of blood volume pumped per minute. It is the product of heart rate and stroke volume (volum eof blood pumped per beat. Cardiac muscle like smooth muscle demonstartes myogenic activity, so heart can beat without brain or with autonomc nervous system regulation. Each heatbeat is composed of systole, ventricular contraction and closure of AV valve and disatole where heart is relaxed and semilunar valves are closed. If the walls of arteries were not elastic teh diastolic blood pressure, which is the gauge pressure would plummet to zero and we would die. The coordinated contractions of the cardiac muscles originates inan electrical impulse through four excitable structure,s the sinoatrial node, the atrioventricular node, the bnundle of His (AV bundle) and the purkinje fibers. Initiation begins at the SA node, located in the wall of the right atrium, depolarization spreads causing two atria to contract simultaneously, the systole causing an increase in atrial pressure pumping blood into the ventricles. next the signla reaches the AV node between the atria and ventricles and can be delayed so the ventricles fill, then travels down teh bund of his embedded in the interventricular septum, and to the purkinje fibers which distrubte the electrical sginal through the ventricular muscle causing ventricular contraction. The double sound of the heart is acutally teh valves closing and so the pumping happens at the same time in each half of the heart. The SA node adn human heart rate is 60-100 signals per minute. The autonomic division which consists of parasympathetic and sympathetic which controls rest veruss flight, controsl the heart. para slow the heart via the vagus nerve, while sympathetic speed it up. Arteries are are strong, thick walled structures that carry blood away from the heart. Veins are thin walled nad inelastic and transport blood to the heart. The exception of O are pullmonary and umbilical vasculature. The same cells comprise arteries and veins. Arteries have more smooth muscle than veins. Arteries over high resistance because of elasticity, this elasticity recoils and ensure blood continues forward. Veins are capacitive and can carry large amounts of blood and actually contian more blood at any point in time then arteries. Pressure at bottom of veins is high, so how do they prevent backflow. Larger veins have one way valves to prevent backflow. blood flowing forward pushes valves open, but closes when moves backwards. Failure leads to vericose veins. pregnant women are susceptible becasue of added blood volume. Also most large bveins are surrounded by skeletal muscle which squeezes the veins as muscles contract forcing the blood up against gravity, this is why sitting otionless for logn periods of time can increase risk of pulmonary embolism. So a clot could form in a vein adn then spread and get stuck in smaller vein. Capillaries are vessels with a single endothelial cell layer that makes exchange easier, often blood cells go by in single file. Blood pressure, is based on pressure gradient, and is measured in force per unit area exerted on the wall of blood vessels. A sphygmomanometer measures gauge pressure in the systemic circulation, recorded as a ratio of systolic to diastolic pressrues. The largest drop is across areteriorels because need low pressure for caps but continues to fall through veins to vena cava. Using a centrifuge we see that blood is composed of 55% liquid, 45% cells, Plasma is the liquid portion and is an aqueous mixture of nutrients, salts, respiratory gases, hormones and blood proteins. The cells are made up of erthrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. They are all formed from hematopoietic stem cells, which originate in the bone marrow. Erthroctes are specialized for O2 transport. Each contians 250 milliom hemoglobin porteins and each can bind four moelcules of O2, On the surface they have a biconcave disk shapethat serves a dual purpose, assisting in travelling through tiny capillaries and increasing SA. As they mature, they lose their nucleus, mitochondria and other memranous organelles, clearing room. This means rely on fermentation and cannot divide. Cells in the spleen and liver phagocytize them for recycled parts after 120 days. Leukocytes (White blood cells) form in marrow, only 1% of blood volume except during infection because important for immune system. There are 5 different types categorized as granulocytes or agranulocytes. Granular leukocytes include neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils and act as bombs containing toxic compounds for invading microbes. The agraulocytes do not contain granules consist of lymphocytes and monocytes. Lymphocytes are important for specific immune responses, to viruses and bacteria by fighting an infection and maintaining a memory bank. Lymphocytes can mature in the spleen or lymph nodes and a referred to as B-Cells, if they matured in teh thymus they are T cells. B cells are responsible for antibody generation while T cells kill virally infected cells and activate other immune cells. Monocytes phagocytize foreign matter like bacteria and are named macrophages once they leave the marrow. In the brain they are called microglia. Platelets are cell fragments derived from the breakup of cells known as megakaryocytes in the marrow. They clot blood. A direct way to identify a cell type is to examine proteins expressed on the extracellular surface of the cell membrane. These proteins are referred to as antigens. For blood cells their are the ABO antigens and the Rh factor protein. If one is a blood type A the antigen is A and produce anti-B anti-bodies. AM makes no antibodies and O makes anti a and b A and B are co-dominant. O is recessive to both. The Rh factor is a surface protein expressed on red blood cells and one predominant variant indicated by + or -. Rh+ indicates the individual express the Rh protein and + is dominant. During child-birth women are often exposed to fetal blood and if a woman is - and her fetus is + she will become sensitized and her immune system will make antibodies, for subsequent pregnancy , maternal anti Rh antibodies can cross the placenta and attack fetal blood cells, resulting in hemolysis of fetal cells, erthroblastosis fetalis, wchih can be fatal. ABO do not cross placenta though. Actual binding of O2 on hemo is by the Fe atom which can maintain different oxidation states. As first O binds to a heme group it induces a conformational shift from taut to relaxed, and increases affinity for O, once full removal of O results in conformational shift, COOPerative BINDING and the graph has a sigmoidal shape, it is an allosteric effect. CO2 can be carried by hemo but generally exists as bicarbonate, When Co2 enters a red blood cell it encounters carbonic anhydrase, catalysing combination fo water and Co2, it will lose a proton. Once blood reaches caalveolar caps the process is reversed. pH of blood has effects on hemoglobin. Increased proton concentration shifts the curve to the right, meaing we have less saturation of Hb, known as teh Bohr Effect, which will be when we have high energy demands like running a race. We also require more O2 because of cellular metabolism, which yields more Co2 and accumulation of lactic acid, both of which decreases pH signaling to the hemo that the tissues need more O2. So hemo will experience reduced affinity for O2and we will be able to give off or dump more O2 to metabolically active tissue, because its a down right shame not to have enough O2 to finish teh race. So the allosteric effect of protons is shifting curve to the right meanign lower affinity. pH of blood is 7.4 miantained by carbonic buffer. If there is acidosis the respiratory rate wil licnrease to reduce the systemic PCO2. Once in the blood stream fats are packaged in lipoproteins which are water soluble. CO2, ammonia, and urea enter the bloodstream throughout the body as they travel down concentration gradient from tissues into capillaries. Blood passes through excreatory organs where waste is fitlered or secreted fro removal. In blood we have pressure gradient related to fluid volume and solute concentration. They are controlled by hydrostatic and oncotic (osmotic) pressures. Hydrostatic is generated by contraction fo the heart and elasticity of the arteries. Capillaries are leaky so fluid will be forced out of blood stream into inrstitial space. By teh veins the hydrostatic pressure drops below oncotic pressure, which is the pressure generated by teh concentration of particles and in capilaries nutrients filter out and wastes in at a relatively equal rate. Oncotc pressure exerts an inward force and drwas fluid nutrients and wastes out of the tissue and into the stream. The balance of the forces is called the starling fong forces, and is important for proper concentrations. Too much fluid in interstitum is called edema, and is taken up by lymphatic system, which is another circulatory system and eventually returns to central circulatlory system by way of a channel called the thoracic duct. Platelets protect the vascualr system in teh event of damage to a vessel by forming a clot, preventing loss of blood. Connective tissue is partially composed of collagen, and platelets come in contact they sense this as evidence of injury, release content and gein aggregating, and release a clotting factor known as thromboplastin, which converts prothromin into thromibn with some hlep from cofactors like Ca and vitamin K. Thrmobin converts fibrinogen into fibrin which makes fibers that aggregate into a net capturing red blood cells and paltelets forming a clot. Hemophilia causes malfunction in the cascade. Review: Hemoglobin affinity for O2 decreases as blood pH decreases Mature erthrocytes have no nuclei O- if we dont know someones blood and they need a transfusion. The relative lack of smooth muscles in venous walls allows stretching to store most of the blood in the body Osmotic pressure of surroudning tissues is contanst but hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end is greater than at the venous end, so fludi movs out at teh arterial end and back in at the venous end Chapter 10 Leukocytes which are vital for specific immunity are made in the marrow and contribute to innate (general) or adaptive (specific) immunity. Granulocytes include neutrophhils, eosinophils, and basophils. Agranulocytes include lymphocytes (antibdoy production, immune system modulation and targeted killing of infected cells) split into B cells and T cells (mature in spleen and thalamus respectively), while monocytes (primarily macrophages nonspecific sanitation workers that travel the body picking up debris of invaders and doemstic. The specific immune system can be broken down into teh humoral immunity driven by B cells and antibodies and cell mediated immunity provided by T cells. Antigens allow immune system to distinguish us from them. The immune can learn to specifically recognize some antigens. Autoimmunity is when body attacks itself. Allergies is when the body identifies a harmless particle like peanuts as threatening causing hypersensitive reactions. Nonsepcific Defense: skin or integument is the first defense, sweat contains an enzyme that attacks bacterial cell walls. Next we have mucous membranes lining respiratory passages to trap particulate matter and push it up towards the oropharynx, so it can be swallowed rather than reach the lungs. tears and saliva also contain lysozyme to destroy bacteria. When foreign particles do make it past, macrophages phagocytize them. They come to sites of inflammation by chemicals such as histamine which cause vasodilation (widening of blood vessels) to allow movement from blood stream to tissue. Granulocytes, especially neutrophils may be called out in a similar manner. This works well against pathogens that are extracellular like bacteria. Cells infected with viral particles produce interferon, a protein that prevents viral replication and dispersion. However, these systems are not adaptive. The adaptive immune system forms an immunological memory. Adaptive immune takes time, The humoral immunity which involves production of antibodies may take a week but are specific to the antigens of invading microbe. Antibodies are produced by B-Cells. Antibodies which are also called immunoglobulins bind to antigens, attract other leukocytes to phagocytize, or clump together to form large insoluble complexes that can be phagocytized. Antibodies are y shaped molecules that are made of two identical heavy chains and 2 light chains, Disulfide linkages and noncovlaent interactiosn hold the chains together. Each has an antigen bidning region at the top tips of theY and have specific pollypetide sequences that will bidn one specific anigenic sequence. Each B cell makes on antibody but we have many B cells so the immune system can recognize many antigens. The rest of the antibody si the constant regiona nd is invovled in recruitment and binding to toher immune modulators like macrophages. B cells wait in lymph nodes for particular antigens to come along. Upon exposure B celsl makes two daughter cells, Plasma cells which produce large amounts of anti bodies and memory cells which stay in lymph nodes, for re-exposure. This takes 7-10 days and is the primary response. Plasma cells die but memory last a life time. If the same microbe is ever encountered again the memory cell jumps into action producign anitobdies which is fast and large called the secondary response. This is the basis for vaccines. Cell mediated immunity like humoral immunity is a sub section of specific immune response but uses the T-lymphocytes, also originally from bone marrow, but these mature in thymus. There are three types. help T, supressor T and killer (cytoxic T cells. Helper aka T4 express the CD4 cell surface protein, coordinat the immune response by secreting chemicals known as lymphokines. They recruit other immune cells like plasma cells, killer T and macrophages.. The loss of these cells impairs the immune response to infection. HIV destroys T4 cells. Cytotoxic T cells aka T8 express the CD8 surface protein and directly kill virally infected cells by secreting toxic chemicals. Supressor T are another group of T8 cells, which help tone down immune response once infection is contained. T cells also form memory cells so the next exposure will be more efficient. Autoimmunity and when liver donor use immunosuppressants. Immunization can be achieved in an active or passive fashion. Active immunity can be achieved through natural or artificial exposure either way the B cells are activated and mkae memory cells. Passive immunity is when antibodies are transfered, such as transfer across the placenta. An artificial method is to give a drug to an Rh- woman to prevent sensitization to the Rh+ fetus blood. The vaccines also make T cell memory. Note T cells mature in thymus which is near the lungs not thalamus. The lymphatic system is a type of circulatory system with one way vessels that become larger as they move towards the center of the body. The vessels carry lymphatic fluid and join to comprise a large thoracic duct in the chestExcess fluid not reabsorbed in interstitial space is colelcted by lymphatic vessels and returned to cardiovascular circulation. The smallest lymph vessels, lacteals, collect fats in the form of chylomicrons from teh villi of the small itnestine and eliver them to the bloodstream. Swelling in the vessels are lymph nodes contianing B cells, like security check points. Active immunity requires weeks to build and is long lived, while passive is short lived because antibodies in circulation but once born gone. Chapter 11 The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. Each kidney is divided into the cortex on the periphery and the medulla medial. Then there is the renal pelvis which is even more medial and the renal artery, vein and ureter enter and exit the pelvis. The renal artery branches out through the medulla and intot he cortex as afferent arterioles. The capillaries that emerge are called glomeruli, and form a highly convuluted structure. After blood passes through the glomerulus the efferent arterioles lead the blood away. So its not that they lead to venules. The arterioles then lead to a second set of capillaries known as the vasa recta. The clompex net of capillaries is surrounded by a cuplike structure known as bowmans capsule, which leads to a long tubule with many distinct areas, leading to the proximal convoluted tubule, descending and ascending limbs of the loop of henle and the distal convoluted tubule and finally the collecting duct. Filtration-20% of blood that passes through the glomerulus is filtered into bowmans space. The collected fluid is known as the filtrate and lacks cells or proteins due to the filters selection based on size. So molecules biger than glomerular pores remain in the blood. Then the the blood goes throughe fferent arterioles to the vasa recta. The filtrate is isotonic. Secretion-nephrons also secrete salts, acids, bases, and urea into the tubule by active and passive transport as well as remove other substances present in excess in teh blood. Secretion also works for excreting waste too large for glomerular pores. Finally the nephron can also perform reaabsorption of amino acids and lgucose so as not to throw out the goods. So the nephron starts at the glomerulus and bowmans capsule and continues through tubules. Proximal and distal tubules reabsorb many substances including water. The ascending and descending limps are more selective. The descending limb is permable to water but not salt, while ascending is permeable to salt but not water. The collecting duct almost always reabosrbs water but hte amount is variable. When teh body is well hydrated, the collecting duct will be fairly imperable to salt and water, in conservation mode, antidiuretic hormone and aldesterone will act to increase permeability of the collecting duct allowing for greater reabsorption and more concentrated urine output. The kidney can alter the osmolarity of the interstitum, allowing for reabsorbing or excreting different compounds. Together they work as a countercurrent multiplier system. Normally, the osmolarity of the cortex is the same as blood. The medulla interstitum can be isotonic with blood, to four times moure concentrated, when trying to conserve water, b/c water moves out of tubule into interstitum and back into blood In proximal convoluted tubule, glucose, AA, soluble vitmans and majority of salts are reabsorbed along with water but the filtrate remains isotonic to the intersittum. Protons are the only thing that enter. In the descending limb of the loop of henley only water is permeable and the concentration of interstitum rises to water is pushed out. The ascending limb is permeable only to salt and as moves up concnetration of external decreases and alt will be pumped out of the limb. The distal convoluted tubule maintains the same concentration as the cortex by reabosrbign salt and water in equal proportions. The final concentration depends on the permeability of the collecting duct. As perm increases so does water removal, which is controlled by the antiduretic hormone ADH and aldosterone. Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex in response to decreased blood volume, which causes low blood pressure (hypotension). Aldosterone is released in response to an increase in angiotensin which is regulated by renin. Aldosterone works by altering the collecting ducts ability to reabsorb more sodium, which means water will follow it out, increasing lbood volume and blood pressure. Aldo also increases K excretion. For people with high blood pressure, we give them a durg that blocks aldosterones receptor, so less sodium and water are reabsorbed. ADH aka vasopressin is a peptide hormone that directly alters permeability of the collecting duct cells, allowing more water to be reabsorbed by making the cell junctions leaky, increasing concentration in the interstitum, which causes reuptake of water from the tubule. ADH is made in the hypothalamus, and kept in the posterior pituitary, and secreted when blood osmolarity is high, alcohol and caffeing inhibit adh leading to dilute urine. (ADH and aldo both icnrease concentration one through salt and the other though water). After collecting duct there are no further transporters or reuptakes. Filtrate is collected in teh renal pelvis, consisting mostly of urea, uric acid, and excess ions, and flows through the ureter to the bladder where it is stored till voiding. IT is excrete through the urethra. There should never be blood, protein or glucose in urine. The liver also helps with blood glucose regulation and elimination o fnitrogen waste through urea. Nutrients absorbed during digestion are delivered tothe liver through the hapatic portal vein. The liver transforms glucose into glycogen when excess. During famine, glycogen is broken down. The liver also can make new glucose from other precursors through gluconeogensis. Proteins are composed of amino acids contianing amino groups. Amino acids can be used for cellular respiration, but first they must undergo deamination, which leaves toxic ammonia, but hte liver combines it with carbon dioxide to create urea. The liver is also involved in detoxification, storage of vitamins, destruction of old erythrocytes, sythensis of bile and blood proteins, efense against antigens, beta oxidation of fatty acits to ketones, and gluconeogensis. The large intestine is also capable of reabsorbing salt and water but not directing overall fluid balance. The skin is the largest organ and is made up of layers, epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Skin comes frome ctodermal germ layer. The epidermis is divided into the startum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spionsul and startum basalis in order from exterior to interior. The outer layers are formed from cells that have pushe dup from teh startum basalis. At the outeermost layer they die and lose their culei forming scales of keratin. Hair projects out and are openings for sweat glands. The ermis also has multiple layers including the papilalry, followed by the reticular layers. The sweat glands, sense organs, blood vessels and hair follicles are in dermis. The hypodermis is the layer of connective tissue that connects our skin to our bodies. The skin portects from UV light, and allows for thermoregulation in endotherms, maintain a constant temp aka homeotherms rather than ectotherms. Melanocytes are epidermal cells that secrete melanin, which keep us safe from UV. Thermoregulation is also achieved by vasodilation and vasocontriction. HEat loss is prevented by fat insulation as well as hair. Long period of decreased arousal, torpor, when warm aestivate, and cold hibernation, metabolic, heart and respiration are slowed. Review: Platelets and most proteins are filtered by the glomerulus. Sodium is actively transported out of every part of nephron excep loop of henly where its passive. Water is always passive. Chloride ions are always passive. Protons and Potassium are always active. Based on negative inside and positive outside other than amino acids and glucose which are active. Also anything entering other than urea is active. ADH acts on the collecting duct not proximal tubule. In the nephron AA, glucose, salts and water enter the vasa recta via reabosrption. The hypothalmus functions as a thermostat regulating temperature. Bile is produced in liver but not stored. To think about tonicity think in terms of cell placed in a hypertonic or hypotonic solution, hypo means it will explode. So hypotonic to something means it has a lower concentration Chapter 12 Autocrine is when signalling takes place within the cell, paracrine is when a nearby cell and endocrine is when its far. Different hormones are involved in the signaling. Many organs of endocrine capabilities including the hypothalamus, pituitary, testes, ovaries, pineal gland, kidneys, gastroinestinal glands, heart and thymus. Each can synthesize and secrete a hormone. Hormones can be peptides or steroids and must be able to bind to receptors. So hormones are controleld by release and presence of receptors on target organs. The hypothalamus is the master control gland in teh brain. It regulates the pituitary. The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary via the hypophyseal portal system (hypo means below) where hormones are rleased by hypothalamus and travel to the anterior pituitary and stimulate the relase of others. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (from hypothal) causes the anterior pituitary to release follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The growth hormon releasing hormone causes the release of the growth hormone. The prolactin inhibitory factor releases prolactin The thyroid releasing hormone releases thyroid stimulating hormone The corticotropin rleasing hormone releases adrenocorticotropic hormone. For each the increase of relase from Hthal causes increase release from pituitary except the PIF/prolactin relationship where prolactin is inhibited by prolactin inhibitory factor. The Hthal always has releasing in it and a similar name while the pituitary hormones often have stimulating. Excessive levels are dangerous os there is always feedback inhibition. For example with the corticotropin releasing factor, it increases adrenocorticotropic hormone which goes to adrenal and causes increase in cortisol but the hthal and pituitary have receptors for cortisol for negative feedback. Oxytocin and ADh are made by Hthal but stored in posterior pituitary which is activated not by hormones but by axons. The anterior pituitary can be caterogized by direct or tropic roles. Direct hormones bind to receptors on the target organs and act directly. Tropic hormones bind to receptors on an organ and cause the relase of effector hormones Direct Hormones: PEG- growth hormones work by preventing lgucose uptake in certain non growing tissue and stimulating breakdown of fatty acids, increasing glucose levels which are necessary for the bone and muscle growth. Growth Hormones are of course tied to GHRH. Growth in bones occurs at epiphyseal plates, which seal at puberty. An excess or defecit of GH in childhood results in gigantism or dwarfism. GH can effect adults, particularly smaller bones, and if in excess its called acromegaly. Prolactin is important in females and stimulates milk production in mammary glands. Milk prod in males is bad. Endorphins modulate pain and morphine mimics it. Tropic Hormones act indirectly and ACTH is reuglated by CRF and induce the release of glucocorticoids, which affect sugar balance in the body. TSH controleld by TRH stimualtes the thyorid to take up iodine and release thyroid hormone. LH and FSH controlled by BnRH affect the ovaries and testes. For posterior Pituitary ADH and oxytocin. Oxy is secreted during childbirth to coordinate contractions of uterine smooth muscle, and can be secreted as ar esult of suckling which lead to mulk production. ADH works with colelcting duct making it more permeable to water based onl ow blood volume detected by baroreceptors or by osmoreceptors which are sensitive to osmolarity. The thyroid is controlled by TSH and has two functions, setting basal metabolic rate and calcium homeostasis. It controls basal metabolic rate by releasing thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Calcium levels are controlled by calcitonin. THyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) are produced by iodination of the amino acid tyrosine in the follicular cells of the thyroid. 3 vs 4 refer to number of iodine. THe thyroid hormones make energy production more or less efficient, as well as altering utilization of glucose and fatty acids. Increased amounts of T3 and 4 lead to increased cellular respiration. High plasma levels of thyroid hormones cause decrease in TSH and TRH synthesis as neg feedback system. A deficiency in idoine or inflammation of thyroid can cause hypothyroidism, where not enough thyroid hormones secreted, causing lethargy, decreased body temp and slower respiration adn heart rate, as wella s weight gain. In children low levels cause mentral retardation and cretinism (developmental decay). Hyperthyroidism is the exact opposite. In either condition the actual thyroid may enlarge, known as goiter. Follicular cells build thryoid hormones and C cells produce calctonin, and decrease palsma calcium levels by increasing exretion from kideys, decreasing absbrtion in gut, and increasing storage in bones. The parathyroid gland makes the parathyroid hromone, and is antagonistic to calcitonin, increasing plasma levels of calcium by reversing the effects of calcitonin (tones down), including causing bone resorption (removing Ca from bone) PTH also activatess Vitamin D to its active form, which is required for absorbtion of Ca in teh gut. ANd as levels of plasm aCA rise PTH secretion is decreased. Adrenal glands are atop the kidneys, and consist of cortex and medulla. The cortex secretes corticosteroids, in response to ACTH stimulation, all corticosteroids are steroid hormones meaning they are derived from cholesterol, and are divided into glucocorticoids, mineralcorticoids and cortical sex hormones. The three S;s sugar slat and sex. The two glucocorticoid sare cortisol and cortisone, they incresae gluconeogenesis and decrease protein synthesis. They also decrease iflammation and immunological responses. It is also released in response to stress. Mineralcorticoids-control salt balance through kidneys. Aldosterone is an example-leading to higher blood pressure. It can also enhance secretion of hydrogen ions and potassium ions by making them more permeable to the tubule. aldosterone is controled by the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone sytem. Decreasing blodo volume causes the juxtaglomerular cells of the kidney to secrete rening, which cleaves an inactive plasma protein, angiotensiongen to its active form, which converts to angiotensin II, whch stimualtes the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone. Once fluid volume is restored, negative feedback and no renin is released. The adrenal also makes male sex hormones (androgens) but since in maels more made in testes not important as in females. Too much has masculainizing effects. In the adrenal medulla (derivative of nerbous system) flight of flight hormones are controlled by epinephrine and norepinepherine, and secrete them directly into the circulatory system, which are peptide hormones that are part of catecholamines. They decrease digestion, epinephrine increases convesion of glycogen back to glucose in liver and muscle as well as increasing the basal metabolic rate. Both compounds increase heart and repsitarotry rate, and increase blood flow by vasodialtion leading specifically to skeletal msucle heart lungs and brain. and vaso constriction to guts kidney and skin. Pancreas: (endocrine to blood stream exocrine to external environment) The islets of langerhans is very important, there are three types of cells, alpha beta and delta. The alpha secrete glucagon, beta insulin and delta somatostatin. Glucagon is a hormone that is antagonistic to insulin, and is secreted during famine, stiulating degradtion of protein and fat conversion of glycogen to glucose. Also gastrointestinal hormones like CCK and gastrin increse glucagon release. During feasts it is inhibitted. Insulin induces muscle and liver cells to take up glucose and store it, and stimulates anabolic process such as fat and protein synthesis. In excess insulin causes hypoglycemia, low blood glucose, insensitivity to insulin or insufficicent secretion result in diabetes mellitus, characterized by hyperglycemia. Exccess with result in presence in urine. and exccess excretion of water, so diabets often reporty polyuria, incresaed urination and polydipsia, increased thirst. Typie I is caused by autoimmune destruction of beta cells, so inject insulin, Tpe II body resisting effects of insulin Drugs and diet can control. Its important to keep in mind that growth hormone and glucocorticoids and epinehphrine are also capable of icnreasing plasma glucose. Somatostatin is an inhibitor of insulin and glucaon, stimualted when high glood glucose and amio acid concentrations. Testes: spermatogensis requires interplay of FSH and LH. FSH stimualtes the sertoli cells and is necessary for sperm maturation, while LH causes the intersitital cells to produce testosterone, the major androgen, important for spermatogensis, and for male embryonic differentiation, development at puberty, and maintenance of secondary sex characteristicsts, like pubic hair. It also provides negative feedback to GnRH, If receptros for testoseterone dont work, the result is andogen insensitivty syndrome, in which a gnetic male has secondary female sex characteristics. Ovaries: They are also controlled by FSH and LH, and produce estrogens and progesterone. Estrogens are repsonsible for development and maintenence of secondary sexual characteristics, thickening of endometrium for preparation of implantation, development of female reproductive tract, and are secreted by ovarian follicles and the corpus luteum. Progesterone- secreted in response to LH stimulation, released from the corpus luteum (remant follicle on the ovary surface), responsible for development and maintenace of endoemtrium, bu tnot generation. By the end of the first trimester progesterone is supplied by the placenta and corpus luteum stops functioning. Each mont the endometrial lining grows shed in a cyclical manner, menstural cycle, controlled by levels of E and P, and can be divided into four stages, the follicular, ovulation, luteal and menstration. The follicular phase begins when menstural flow stops. GnRH secretions in response to low levels of E and P, which leads to FSH and LH, develop ovarian follicles, which produce mostly E, which causes negatigve feedback of GnRH, and E works to regrow endometrial lining, stimulating vasculation and glandularization of the decidua. During Ovulation estrogen has negative and positive feedback effects, late in teh follicular phase follicles secrete more and more estrogen, eventually reaching a positive feedback elvel where GnRH levels spike, which induces ovulation, the release of an ovum from teh ovary into the abdominal cavity. In the luteal phase, LH causes the ruptured follicle to form the corpus luteum which secretes progesterone, so e helps regenerate endometrium but P maintains for implantation, P levels rise, E levels stay high, which cause negative feedbck on GnRH, to rpvent development of multiple ova, If no implantation, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG an LH analogue, will not be made, so corpus luteum is no longer stimulated, and progesterone levels decline, uterine lining is shed, and the low levels of E and P end the negative feedback of Gnrh. hCG is used in preg tests. If fertilization corpus luteum is maintained, by presence of hCG which is secreted by the glastocyst and developing placenta. 1st tri E and P secreted by CL that keep uterine lining in place, by 2nd tri hCG levels decline but E and P rise isnce they are now secreted by the placenta itself. and high levels of E and P prevent further GnRH secretion. Menopause resutls from decreased responsiveness of the ovaries to FSH and LH. Fewer follicles will begin tod evelop each month and some may fail to rupture, leading to decreased levels of E and P, and lose negative feedback so high levels of FSH and LH. During ovulation E peaks, then FSH and LH peak, FSH to a lesser degree, and then P peaks and E peaks again, then by menstration rates lower abruptly. Pineal Gland-secreates melatonin, probably involved in circadian rhythems. In the gastrointestinal tract, there is glandular tissue in teh stomach and intestine, and release secretin, gastrin, and cholecystokinin, which are released after foot intake. The kidney produced erhthropoietin, which stimulates bone marrow to increse production of erythrocytes, in response to low O2 levels in blood. Th heart releases atrial natriuretic peptide ANP, to regulate salt and water balance and the thymus releases thymosin, important for T cell development and differnetiation. Hormones can be petide, steroid or amino acid derived. Peptide are made of AA, and are dervied from larger precursors that are celaved, transported to the golgi, site of modification, direct it to the correct location in the cell, and released by exocytosis becuase they are charged adn cannot just cross membrane. so also bind receptors on exterior of cell targets. and stimulate production of secon dmessengers, like cAMP which can then bind to intracellular targets like proteins or DNA to exert the hormones effect. The connection between hormone at surface and the effect brought about by cAMP is known as signaling cascade, and there is a possibility for multiplication. One hormone can bind to multiple receptor moelcules before degraded. Each receptor can cativate several adenylate cyclases to make cAMP, making more signaling. cAMP is terminated by phospodiesterase. CAMP has a short life but acts quickly. Steroids are derived from cholesterol, and end in one or en, while peptides generally end in, in I think. They are nonpolar so cross the membrane, receptors are intracellular or intranuclear, and dimerize, with another receptor after bonding to the first, which can alter DNA transcription increasing or decreasing depending on hormone and gene in question. the effects are logn lived as they alter the amount o fmRNA and protein present in a cell, but longer lived as process of transcription and translation are not as immediate. Amino acid derivatives are hormones that come from one or two amino acids, with some modification, and depending on poalrity can act like steroid or peptides. Review: PEG directly stimulate, Flat tropic the parathyroid gland increases blood Ca2+ levels, E is highest jsut before and after ovulation Hypothyroidism in newborns is called cretinism LH stimualtes ovulation, FSH does stimualt ethe maturation of ovarian follicles but LH stimualtes the development of the corpus luteum from an ovarian follicle. Too much aclcitonin leads to low levels of Ca in blood, muscle weakeness and slowness of movement as well as CA deposits on bones best treated by raising PTH levels Thyjus gland secretes hormone ssuch as thymosin which stimulate T cells which defend against viral and fungal infections. Chapter 13 The nervous System Som ais the cell body of the nuern, housing nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. The dendrites are connected, the axon hillock is where the axon connects, a nerve fiber specialized to carry electrical messages. Most mammalian neurons are insulated by myelin to prevent signal loss, and increasing speed of conduction, it is produced by oligodendrocyts in the CNS and Schwann cells in the periphery. The nodes of ranvier are the poitns between the mylenin sheath. At the end is the nerve terminal or synaptic bouton. The space between neurons is the synaptic cleft, or the synapse. All or nothing action potentials. Neurons use selective permeability to ions and the sodium potassiump ATPase to maintain a negative resitng membrane potential. Inside the neuron there is much K but little Na. Outside Na is high but little K. The negative resting potential is generated by negatively charged proteins and gerater permeability to K compared with Na. Since K concentration is higher on inside it diffuses down its gradient out of the cell. So the K moves out making the inside more negative but it sitll has more K but Na cannot enter to compensate. After action potential we need sodium potassium ATPase to restore the gradient. They transport three Na out fo the cell for two K into the cell at the expense of one atp because both move against gradient. To reveiw more Na outside more K inside atpase makes negative b/c 3:2 but ATp needed because against concentration gradients. As the information is integrated at the aon, depolarization or hyperpolarization can occur. Inhib cause hyperpolarization. If it reaches threshold value (-55--45) an action potential is triggered, and ion channels in the emembrane open voltage gated ion channels, Na and K are the ions. First Na channels respond to depolarization, higher concentration outside, and thse inside is negative so electric and chemical gradient. The cell becomes positive, and at +35 mV the Potassium channels are openned electrochemical gradient pushes it out. and then repolarization, restoration of negative membrane potential. Often over shoot and hyperpolarize. Neurons like muscles have refractory periods which are absolute. There is also a relative refractory period where stimulation must be greater than normal to cause action potential. Impulse propagation occurs because as the soidum from the axon hillock rushes in, it causes depolarization in the region surrounding it, which resutls in the opening of sodium channels along the axon in a wavelike fashion and shut as potassium channels open at +35. The potential doesnt move backwards becuase of refractory. The longer the axon and cross sectional area the less resistance. The node of ranvier is where ions move. This is known as saltatory conduction, moving from node to node. Presynaptic terminal (neuron) and postynaptic. If its signals to a muscle or gland it is an effector cell. The synapses are chemical in nature, using NTs, which are calcium dependent. To stop effects of NT they can be broken dwon or use reuptake carriers to be recycled, and others simply diffuse away. Afferent neurons are sensory, while efferent are motor. Interneurons are involved in local circuits. Many axons together make nerves, cell bodies also cluster. In the PNS collectionsa re known as ganglia in teh CNS they are nuclei. The central nervous system is composed of brain and spinal cord. The gray matter, is unmylenated and white matter is ylenated. Divide brain into forbrain, mid and hind brain. Forebrain, is the newest evolutinarily and is broken down into the diencephalon and telencephalon. Telencephelon consists of the cerebral cortex, and inside is the diencephalon which consists of thalamus and hypothalamus. Sensory info goes through the thalamus. The midbrain passes sensory and visual info to the forebrain while receiving motor instructions fromt eh forebrain and passing them to the hindbrain. The hindbrain involuntary functions conissts of cerebellum, pons and medulla together called the brainstem. It check that motor and snesory info align. The medulla modulates ventilation, heart and gastrointestinal tone. The spinal cordis divided into the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. It is protected by the vertebral column. The spinal cord runs through the hollow column inside bones with nerves entering and exiteing at each vertebra. So its also capable of reflex arcs because at dorssal end receive sensory info and there is some gray matter which can transmit to ventral and motor repsonse. The cell bodies of the sensory neurons are found in the dorsal root ganglia. The PNS has 12 cranial nerbes, 31 spinal nerves and divide peripheral innervation between somatic and autonomic, Somatic is voluntary movement, The interface between effector cell and muscle is neuromuscular junction. The SNS also does refleces which can be monosynaptic or polysnaptic. Mono is when a single synapse between sensory neuron, and motor neuron that responds, Polynaptic is when there is at least one interneuro So for withdrawl reflec monosynaptic to jump off thumb tack but opopsite leg must be stimulated to stabilize. The interneuron is in the spinal cord. The ANS controls smooth and cardiac muscle. ANS is a two neuron system, a motor neuron in teh SNS goes directly ot th emuscle without snyapsing, in teh NAS two nuerosn work to transmit the first is the preganglionic and the second is the post ganglionic neurons. the Pre has its soma in teh CNS while the axon travels to a ganglion in the PNS. The ANS can regulate each organ individually or it can coordinate its effects. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for fight r flight, increase blood flow to herat and skeletal muscle, breath rate and heart rate, pupils dilate so keep eyes on bear, pregang use acetylcholine while post gang use norepinephrine. The parasympathateic nervous sytem does the opposite, the vagus nerve, one of the 12 cranial nerves is responsible for the effects in the thoracic and abdominal cavities. pre and post ganglionic neurons use acetylcholine as NT. Sensory neurons come in three varieties, interoceptors, proprioceptors and exteroceptors, monitoring internal environmen tparametrs like blood volume, pH and Co2, position of body, and light soudn touch test and pain and temp resepcitvely. nociceptors also sense pain and relay that information to the brain. The eye detects light, covered by sclera, which is the white, but doesnt cover the cornea, The choroid is beneath the sclera and provides nutrients and O2, and beneath that is the retina which contains the photoreceptors. Light first passes the cornea, that bends and focuses it, then through pupil, the msucular pigment is the iris which adjusts amount of light entering the eye, then through the lenswhich focuses the image on the retina. Cones and rods are photoreceptors, rods have only rhodopsin which explain monochromatic nature. After excitation by light they send a signal to bipolar cells, which relay info to the retinal ganglion cells, which bundle to form the optic nerve, which is the location fo the blind spot. The aquesous humor and vitreuos humor make light transmission easier. The ear Tranduces sound waves, into electrical signals, the outer ear channels sound to the tympanic membrane which starts the middle ear and includes the ossicle, malleus, incus, and stapes, which transmit info through vibrations to the oval window to the fluid filled inner ear made of the cochlea and semicircular canals, which create fluid waves that depolarize hair cells, and sned siglas down the auditory nerve to the brain. The semicircular canals are improtant for balance, there are three for each dimension and are fileld with endolymph, putting presure on hair cells in different ways maintaining balance and processing acceleration. Olfaction and gustation, taste buds are composed of 40 epithelial cells, on the tongue, soft palate and epiglottis. The outer surface of taste buds contain a taste pore, from which microvilli, taste hairs protrude. we taste sour, salty sweet and bitter. Respond to all four but preferentially to one. Smell olfactory hairs or cilia project, chemicals bidn to receptors, project to olfactory bulb in brain. Review: Organ of Cort is the structure that trasnduces pressure to action potentials. To increase intensity of stiumulus increase frequency of action potential. The cell is has a greater permeability to K+ then Na+ so there are more K+ inside the cell and other ions help maintain the negative resting potential. Chapter 14 True breeding-offspring always have same traits Mendels Four Tenents: genes exist in alternative forms (alleles), An Organism has two alleles for each gene one from each parent, The aleles segregate dureing meiosis resulting in gameetes that only carry one allele, and if two alleles in an individual organism are different only one will be fully expressed (dominant versus resessive) A cross of only one trait is said to be monohybrid, there is a parent generation followed by a fillial generation. Then a Fillial 2 generation. If the F1 generation crosses with itself its called an self-cross. Test-cross (back crosses) for unknown genotype by crossing it with a known resessive. We can also do a dihybrid cross, using Mendels law of independent assortment, meaning the genes are not correlated. On allele is located on one chormosome and the other is located on the homologou schromosome of diploid speceies. The replicated DNA is held together at the centromere, together known as sister chromatids. and homologous pairs of chromosomes line up in metaphase I and then seperate during anaphase I. Homologou spairs seperate, reductional division, but chormatids attached until meisosis II but independent assortment occurs during meiosis I. Frequency of recombination can range from 0% completely linked, to 50% completely unlinked, caused by crossing over, exchange of DNA between homologous chormosomes paired during meiosis. The distance between gene loci determine the degree of genetic linkage. So tightly linked genes recombine at freq close to 0. One map unit corresponds to a 1% chance of recombination. Incomplete dominance is when heterozyg end up a mixture, red and white in plants end up pink. For co-dominance there must be multiple coding alleles for a gene and more than one alleles must be dominant when expressed with a recessive allele. When two dom together both expressed like ABO blood. So there are three coding alleles but only two alleles in any partiuclar individual. Penetrance and Expresivity deal with interplay between genes and environment. Penetrance is the number of individuals carrying the allele who express the phenotype. Huntingtons is dominant but 5% dont express symptoms but it is highly penetrant. Expressivity is when have the genotype but exresss to a varying degreee. So you could have all the syptoms, highly expressed or few. Recessive diseases stay in gene pool better, especially since in case of sickle cell more resistant to malaria. Dominant diseases must be late acting to remain in population, like huntigtons. 22 aytisines abd 1 sex chromosome, sex determined by pops because maybe contribute Y. A sex linked trait is hemizygous for men, because despite only on one allele still expressed. There are frew X linked dominant diseases, if a mutation on the Y then all males will ahve the disease. For sex-linked use X'Y '= carrier. On a pedigree males are squares, and shaded means affected. Carriers are half shaded. IF only males probably sex linked. In humans diploid number is 46 chromosomes. variations are aneuploid, most commonly caused by nondisjunction. If during meiosis I homologou schormosmes or doruing MII sister chormatids fail to seperate, extra gneetic material. If the problem was in M2 we could get trisomy or monosomy if its the 21st tri is down syndrome. For sex chromsomes, females may be born with a single X, short and sterile, or an extra X, metafemales or superfemales, can be retarted and sterile. Kilnefleter males are XXY and ar etall develop breasts and undescended testes. XYY is also possible and are taller. Chomosomes can be damaged by environmental factors like X-rays and chemo, losing material is called deletion. The lost fragment may join to ta homologous chomosome known as duplication, or a totally different chormosome known as atranslocation. It can also find its way back but in reverse, inversion. If in the germ line this is passed on. Review: For a test cross we can also use heeterozygous. Recombinants are genotypes not found in the parent generation Chapter 15 Molecular Genetics: DNA is a polymer with the asic unit of a nucleotide that consits of deoxyribose sugar, a nitrogenous base and a phsopahate group. The sugar is in the middle, the nitrogenous bases are ACGT, Cytosine and thymine are single ringed pyrimidines, adenine and guanine are double ring purines. (cut the pie) CUT are py If the nitrogne base is the primary carbon, the three prime connects to the phosphate of a different nucleotide and the five prime connects to the phosphate above. Deoxyribose sugar because the 2' has an H instead of OH but according to th ebook the 3' and 5' are OH. They loose H and make connections. The two stands of DNA is antiparallel, So one strand appears 5'-3' and the other 3'-5'. DNA undergoes semi-conservative replication. Each new helix containing a strand from the parent DNA and a newly synthesized strand. Because there are so many bases, DNA first unwinds in multiple origins of replication, to allow for efficient replication. The gneeration of DNA proceeds in both directions creating replication forks, because looks like fork in the road. Helicase is the enzyme that unwinds the helix, to keep from reforming, single strqand binding proteins stabilize the singles. But unwinding can cause positive supercoiling that strains the DNA helix, DNA gyrase relieves this by introducing negative supercoils. Then RNA primer which is several nucleotides logn comes along, which is made by primase, an RNA polymerase, is th enzyme that generates the RNA primer, so tha tthe DNA polymerase can start adding individual nucleotides. The first nucleotide bind sto the 3 prime end of the primer chain. DNA polymerases are a number of different enzymes that catalyze the process and it also cuts the phosphodiester linkage of a new nucleotide triphosphate to incorporate the new base. The 3'=5' whose complement is 5'-3' is fine for DNA polymerase and forms the leading strand. But the 5'-3' strand would have to make 3'-5' and DNA polymerase cannot, so small sections known as okazaki fragments, (1000 base pairs) are produced at at ime. The primer is introduced as far forwards as possilbe and dna polymerase works back towards the origin of replication and forms th elagging strand. So the lagging strand is produced discontinuously through the formation of okazaki framgents. The summation of okazaki framents is in the 3'-5' direction and the samll gaps between the fragmetns are filled with nuecleotides and the sugar phosphate backbone is added by DNA ligase. RNA has three amjor difference, generally single stranded, U instead of T, and ribose instead of deoxyribose, it can be found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm and participates in transcription and translation. mRNA (messenger) carries genetic message from nuc to cytoplasm to be translated into a protein. In eukaryotes, mRNA is monocistronic, each has one product, while in prok a few proteins can be fromed by starting translation at different spots on mRNA> Transfer RNA (tRNA) is found in the cytoplasm and ther eis a differnet tRNA for each amino acid. Ribosomal RNA rRNA is synthesized in the nucleus, and is important for ribsoomes used for protein assembly. hnRNA (heterogeneous Nuclear rna is the precurson to mRNA. Transcription-DNA cannot leave the nucleus, so encoding of mRNA is known as transcription. First the DNA helix is unwound, and the antisense strand is used, and can only occur 5'-3' and is catalysed by RNA polymerase. Specailized DNA regions, promotoers, signal where to being transcription as well as termination sequences, to indicate where to stop. The product is hnRNA. Before it can leave the nucleus a 5' guanosyl cap is added to stabilize the starting end, a poly adenine tail is put on the 3' end and finally the introns are removed, exons are coding part sof the genome while introns are nonsense. Each three letter combo of ACC for example represents a protien. There are 20 amino acids but 64 options which leads to degeneracy aka redundancy. The triplet word is known as a codon. Translation: the process of builiding the protein sequence requring, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, amino acids and energy. tRNA- shuttles the correct AAto the ribosome when needed, so it can recognize both the codon adn the amino acid that it translates into. So on on eend there are nucletides that are complementary to th ecodon, they are known as anticodon, and on th eopposite side tRNA is bound to the AA that corresopnds. Codons and anticodons are always written 5'-3' Each tRNA has a CCA nucleotide sequence where the AA binds, this is accomplished by using the tRNA synthetase enzyme that binds the AA to the tRNA using GTP, the result is aminoacyl tRNA complex. Ribosomes are composed of two subunits, both made up of ribosmal proteins and rRNA. The large and small subunits bind together during protein sythensis. They ahve three binding sites, one for the mRNA and the other two for the tRNA. The binding site for the tRNA are the A site which holds the aminoacyl-tRNA complex, and the P site which binds to the tRNA which binds to the attached to the growing polypeptide chain. So three stages, intiiation, ellongation and termination. Initiation-mRNA seeks out a small ribosome, and bind in the presence of initiation factors and the samll ribosome slides along the mRNA until it reaches the start codon AUG. The initiation aminoacyl-tRNA complex, methionine tRNA pairs with the start codon. Then the large ribosomal subunit joins the complex, completing the ribosome. The tRNA is in the P site. Elongation- Once the complex is formed the ribosome slides along the mRNA adding new amino acids as it goes. Hydrogen bonds form between the mRNA codon in the A site and the tRNA anticodon filling the A site, and ther eis a charge aminoacyl tRNA in both the A and P sites. The enzyme peptidyl transferase, uses the energy stored in the amino-acyl tRNA complex when the amino acid was loaded, having used GTP, to catalyse the formation fo the peptide bond. the aminoacyl-trna used for this is the one in the P site and the bond is made between the single AA in the A site and the methionine int he P site. Translocation is necessary to add the next amino acid residue. The ribosomal assembly slides in a 5'-3' direction along the mRNA, moving th next codon into place in the A side, the uncharged tRNA in the P site is expelled adn the aminoacyl tRNA is moved to the P site. Termination- translation has stop signs, using termination codons, if the codon in the A site is UGA, UAA or UAG. and instead of tRNA a protein called release factor binds to the termination codon casuing a water molecule to be added to the polypeptide chain. The polypetide chain is released fromt eh tRNA in the P site and the ibosomal subunits dissociate. Sometimes multiple ribosomes may translat ea message at the saem time, polyribosome. The polypetide then folds into a secondary structure based on lowest energy conformation, and can be cleaved or have sugars added to it. Other modifications like phosphorylation, carboxylation and methylation are all possible. Possible mutations include, base pair mutations, insertions and deltions. mutations are also called point mutations, whereas insertions and deletions are known as frameshift mutations. Point mutations involve a single nucleotide and if no effect are called silent mutations, b/c of degenerecy. A missense mutation is when one amino acid is substituded for another. So point mutations can either be missense or silent. Frameshift-codons consist of 3 nucleotides, aka a reading frame, usually more serious, Mutagenesis, new mutations can arise from DNA polymerase making a mistake, UV rays, or transposons can remove and insert themselves into the genome possible in the middle of a coding sequence. Insertions and deletions can be of one base pair or more. Viruses come in sing or double stranded DNA or RNA and can vary in number of jeans but they are specific as with regards to host cells. For example only neurons. Viruses dont reproduce on their own, but invade a host cell and hijack its machinery. Viruses can only infect cells that have receptors that recognize the viruses protein coat, capsid. Different viruses inject different amount of material into cells. Viruses like HIV completely insert, while bacteriophages only insert gnetic material, leaving the capsid outside. DNA viruses hav elife easier as they enter nucleus and make use of DNA and RNA polymerases found there. Some DNA viruses carry out replication in cytoplasm and brign their own polymerase. RNA containing viruses sometimes bring RNA replicase with them, while otehrs wait for the enzyme to be translated from their own gneome, which acts as mRNA. A subclass, retrovirsues, create a DNA copy using an enzyme called reverse transcriptase creating dna from rna, literally reverse of normal transcriptase. The DNA is then integrated into the hosts DNA> So to remove the virus the host must destory the whole cell. Using all the RNA and AA of the host cell the transcribed genes are now translated into proteins, which allow for creation of new viral particles called virions. The viral progeny can be released because the host cell may lyse as a result of being filled with viral particles or the viral invasion can initiate apoptosis. A virus can leave the cell by extrusion, which is like budding off of the plasma membrane. This allows the cell to live and is known as the productive cycle. Bacteriophage specifically target bacteria, inserting DNA while keeping viral enevelopes and other sturctures outside of the cell by boring a hol ein teh bacterial surface. Depending on the growth cycle of the virus it can be lytic or lysogenic. They are similar to lysis and productive cycle. Bactereophase lyse the cells during the lytic phase. During the lytic cycle the virus makes maximal use of cells machinery with little regard for damage to the cell. Once the hos tis swollen with virions the cell lyses, and bacteria in the lytic phase are called virulent. If the virus does not lyse the bacteria, it can integrate into the hos tgenome as a provirus, so as bacteria reproduces the virus will too. It can remain indefinitly, but at some point environmental factors cause the provirus to leave the genome and revert toa lytic cycle. Some viruses are not so harmful, and once have one in genom eless likely to get a second more lethal superinfection. Bacterial genetics- they are prokaryotes, single celled organisms containing circular DNA genome, localized in the nucleoid region, and no membrane bound organelles. They also have extrachromosomal material known as plasmids, episomes are a special type that can integrate into the genome. There is no gap between transcirption and translation and there are polycistronic messages, multipl eproteins for same mRNA. For replication bacteria are much smaller so only one origin of replication, and can occur in both directions quickly. Under favorable conditions bacteria utilize binary fissin, which is asexual to increase their numbers rapidly, but genetically identical. To increase diversity there is transformation (where foreign plasmid is integrated into the host genome), conjugation (where there is mating like sexual reproduction involving a cytoplasmic bridge, where male donor donates to the recipient female, made from appendagies called sex pili found on the male, which to form the bacteria must contain sex factors plasmids, in E coli the sex facto ris called the F factor and cells that have it conjugate with F- cells and replicate the F factor and then pass it along making the Fcell F+ [sometimes the sex factor is transormed into the hos tgneome, when conjugation occurs the entire genome replicates and attmepts to transfer into the recepient, usually unsuccesfullybut these cells are referred to as Hfr fo rhigh frequency of recombination]), and finally transduction where bacteriophages excise from gneome and take along some bacterial genome sometimes whole genes, and when infect new bacterium, new hos twill receive new genes. Prokaryots regulate at the transcriptional level to regulate metabolism. The ability to transcribe a gene is based on the RNA polymerase's access to the genome. Operons direct this process and ar emade up of structural genes, an operator gene and a promoter gene. The structural genes code for the protien of itnerest, for example lactase. NExt the operator site consiststs of a nontranscribable region of DNA capable of binding a repressor, and the promoter gene provides a place for the rna polymerase to bind. The repressor can bind to an opearator sequence and act as a road block because RNA polymerase cannot get from the promoter to the structral genes. The system can either be inducible or repressible. Inducible sstems require the presenece of a compound known as an inducer to cause transcription, while repressers only stop transcription when present, In inducible systems, the repressor is always made but to remove the block an inducer must bind the repressor protein so that RNA polymerase can move down the gene. They are similar to compettive feeddback for enzyme activity so as we raise level of inducer, most of the repressor will be bound to it rather than the operator sequence. So the gene only produces, when it is needed. The laxtase operon codes for enzymes that allow a bacterium to digest lactose in place of glucose, which is more energetically expensive bacteria us this only when lactose is high and glucose is low, so enzyme only goe son when there is lots of lactose. Repressible systems work based on negative feedback. The final structural product can serve as a co-repressor, so not too much is made. Review: Remember that nucleotide includes the sugar and phosphate so on nucleotide in a single strand of DNA is linked by phosphodiester bonds. peptidyl transferase catalysed the formation of a petpide bond in protein synthesis. All stages of translation require energy. Topoisomers such as DNA gyrase are involved in DNA replication. DNA gyrase is a type of topoisomerase that enhances the action of helicase enzymes by introducing negative supercoils. trp is an examply of a represser operon and is binded by tryptophan. lac operon is an inducible operon. Chapter 16: Evolution Lamarck proposed use and disuse with respect to organs, leading to acquired characteristics, but they are inherited not acquired. Darwin: organisms produce offspring few of which survive to reproductive maturity, chance variation is inheritable and can be favorable for survival, this leads to natural selection and fitness based on reproductive success. Darwin was not totally right as we do not have a small appendix because it is advantageous but he was basically right and the accespted theory is known as neo-darwinism or modern synthesis. This is Darwin witht heupdated understanding of mutation. The term is differential reproduction where after time succesful organisms will become pervasive in the gene pool. Punctuated equilib suggests that changes in species occur in rapid bursts rather than evenly over time. By relating the ages of differen tfossils and their anatomies and abudnances paleontolgoists can determine chronological succession of species in the fossil record. Biogeography-evolution not equal across the globe. Animals can migrate to a land and then evolved speerately called divergence. Analogous structures serve same function but evolved seperately, insects and birds flying. Compartivie embryology-gills present in chordates which include fish birds and humans, we also have tails in first four weeks. Molecular bio shows that as species become more taxonomically distant the amount of shared genome decreases. How often an allele appears in a population is known as gene frequency. Evolution results from cahnges in these gene frequencies in reproducing populations over time. The population is large, there are no mutations that affect the gene pool, mating between individuals in the population is random, there is no migration of individuals in or out of population, the genes are equally succesful at reproducing, then the population is in hardy weinberg equilibrium and we use a pair of equations to predict the allelic and pheontypic frequencies. If we assume two alleles, T and t and call p the freq of T and q the freq of t then p+q=1 and we can square both sides where p squared is the frequency of TT 2pq is the frequency of Tt and q squared is the freq of tt P^2+2pq+Q^2=1 There should always be double the amount of alleles as population for each person has 2 alleles. These equations show that if no microevolution is occuring the gene frequencies will remain constant from generation to generation. So the first equation give syou frequency of alleles but the second gives you the actual genotypes of the population. We can show using a punnet square that this is true using p and q as the alleles of the parents. There are five agents of microevolution that make Hardy Wein purely hypothetical. Natural selection, some will be able to reproduce more than others in gene pool. Mutations-change allele frequencies in a population shifting equlibria. Assortive mating, mates are chosen based on proximity and phenotype. 1/300 people are carreirs of taysachs so multiply 1/300 and 1/300 and 1/4 for the fact that its recessive. but ashkenaz raise rate. Genetic drift-cahnges in composition due to chance, more pornounced in small populations Gene flow-migration of individuals between poplations result in al oos or gain of genes and change composition of gene pool. Natural selection is the only method capable of gneerating stable evolutionary chagnes over logn period ds of tiem rather than short. It can occur as stabilizing, direction or disruptive selection. Stabilizing selections work to keep phenotypes within a specific range by eliminating extermes, for example human birth weight is maintainged within a narrow band by stabilizing sleection. Fetuses that weigh too little or too much will not live. Directional selection-as a result of differential survivorship some mosquitos will be resistant to DDT and now most are. Disruptive selection-is when both extremes are selected over the norm, large or small beaks on Galapagos. Altruism-larges castes that are sterile for the sake of the community like in ants and bees, but its impossible that a sterile gene gets passed on, so group selection with gene for sterility was rejected. Kin selection suggestst hat organisms will behave altruisitically if they are closely related to succesful reproducing organisms, because related to fertile queen. Inclusive fitness refers to the number of alleles an individual passes on to the next generation even if only indirectly through altruistic bheavior. Speciation is the emergence of a new species that can mate with each other but nto with members of other species. This arises if geographically secluded and repodcutive isolation. prezygotic mechanisms prevent formation of zygote completely while postzygotic mechanisms allow for gamete fusion but yield inviable or sterile offspring. Prezygotic isolating mechanisms include temporal isolation, like if the two mate at different seasons or times of day. Ecological isolation if they live in different habitats and rearely meet and cant mate. Bheavioral isolation is if the two species are not sexually attracted to each other because of differences in pheromones and courtship displays. Reproductive isolation is if the gnetilia of two species are incompatible. Gametic isolation is if intercourse can occur but fertilization cannot. Postzygotic isolating mechanisms include hybrid inviability is if zygote is aborted. Hybrid sterilitity is if the offspring is sterile. Hybrid breakdown is if the first generation are viable but second are inviable. Adaptive radiation is when one species gives rise to many different. Each species diverges and oocupies a unique ecological niche. THis quick evolution decreases competition between species. Patterns of evolution include divergent, parallel and convergent. Convergent refers to indpendent development of similar characteristics without sharing a common anscestor. Fish and dolphins resemble each other physically but different classes of vertebrate. Divergent evolution is if indepndent development of dissimilar characteristicsfor example seals and cats are both mammals. Parallel evolution is when related species evolve in similar ways for a logn time in response to analogous environmental pressures. The earliest evidence of life is in stromatolites, with evidence of photsynthetic bacteria 3.5 billion years ago. Dudes believed that conditiosn of early Earth favored the creation of organic molecules such as simple AA. The mixture of O, N H and C is called primordial soup, because these atoms were found in high concentrations in the seas. Furthermore there was much energy from sun, lightning, radioactive decay and volcanic activity, thus bonds formed. Experiments proved this to create AA. Furthermore, polymers in an aqueous solution were found to assemble into tiny proteinaceous dropets called microspheres, which had selectively permeable membranes. Colloidal droplets called coacervates were formed from a solution of polypetptides, nucleic acids and polysaccharides capable of enzymatic activity, but they were not living cells. The collection of organic polymers bleieved to have been the primitive ancestors of cells are called protobionts. They would have been able to grow and divide but did not hav ea way of transmitting info to the next generation. It is believed that RNA comes in here as free bases can allign with complementary based on a short sequence, then AA probably came to associate with RNA sequences and onwards to humans... Review: Part of Darwins theory of natural selection is that organisms become seperated groups depending on how adapted they are to a particular environment and these groups eventually seperate to become distinct species. There should be no mention of individuals with Darwin. Analogous structures versus convergent evolution. To review abiotic is something non living in environment, and abiotic polymers in aqueous soluton were found to assemple into microspheres which had selectively permeable membranes. A coacervate is a tiny spherical droplet of assorted organic molecules (specifically, lipid molecules) which is held together by hydrophobicforces from a surrounding liquid. They are not the same as microspheres. Review for Chem: What is the difference between a transition state and an intermediate.