Received: 7 February 2018 Revised: 22 June 2018 Accepted: 24 June 2018 DOI: 10.1002/er.4166 REVIEW PAPER A review on energy allocation of fuel cell/battery/ ultracapacitor for hybrid electric vehicles Venkata KoteswaraRao Kasimalla Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Warangal, India Correspondence Venkata KoteswaraRao Kasimalla, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Warangal 506004, India. Email: Funding information Centre of Excellence (CoE) under TEQIP‐ II, National Institute of Technology Warangal | Naga Srinivasulu G. | Venkateswarlu Velisala Summary Depletion of earth's petroleum resources, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming issues are caused by the conventional vehicles around the globe. In recent years, automotive industries focus on emerging alternative energy sources to mitigate the relying on fossil fuels so as to reduce global harmful emissions. Researchers have focused on the different aspects of hybrid and battery electric vehicles, such as energy management, regenerative braking control, and architecture of power electronics. This paper emphasizes on review of various energy management systems (EMSs) based on fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEV) in combination with two secondary energy storage systems like batteries and ultracapacitors to provide high‐performance energy storage system. The performance of the FC–battery–ultracapacitor with various types of energy management schemes and experimental investigations is reported in this paper. This paper provides various braking control schemes to alleviate the hydrogen utilization of an FCHEV in connection with batteries and ultracapacitors and furthermore gives thorough investigation of FCHEV on their energy utilization, configuration, and EMSs developed by different analysts. This study focuses on energy allocation schemes, experimental approaches, recovery of regeneration, and EMS for next generation hybrid electric vehicles. KEYWORDS battery, bidirectional converter, energy management, fuel cell, regeneration energy, ultracapacitor 1 | INTRODUCTION Among existing hybrid powertrain structures, fuel cell (FC) advanced technologies were considered as a possible and preferable solution for automotive applications because of its zero emissions with the use of sustainable power source. Fuel cell hybrid vehicles (FCHVs) enables better feasibility because of its high energy density and provides better mileage when compared with battery‐ driven EV. In any case, energy components cannot help a snappy response to the heap because of lower power density contrasted with batteries. Accordingly, a hybrid Int J Energy Res. 2018;1–21. powertrain system made out of FC power device, battery, and ultracapacitors is a promising answer to accomplish both high energy density and high power density as of late. Hybridization of FC with energy storage systems (ESSs, batteries and ultracapacitors) is essential to reduce the hydrogen consumption, FC size, and powertrain cost. Paladini et al1 presented an optimal control strategy to power a hybrid vehicle with both FC and battery to reduce fuel consumption. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) including auxiliary power source, for example, battery and ultracapacitor, intended to assist transient power request, during uphill driving condition or acceleration. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 2 Acceleration performance of HEV relies on both high power density and high energy density storage devices.2 The energy sharing between battery and ultracapacitor is connected to direct current (DC) bus voltage via bidirectional DC‐DC converter, which is used to control the DC bus voltage and optimize the power distribution among the main source and secondary source. Xie et al3 developed a test station sourced by 1‐kW PEMFC, Li‐ion battery pack of 2.8 kWh, and ultracapacitor bank of 330 F/48.6 V. Experimental results concluded that the FC is responsible for slow dynamic variation, and the output of the battery pack and ultracapacitor is regulated to meet fast dynamic variations. Hardware in the loop composes of simulated system and hardware components and acts as a powerful technique in testing of vehicle energy control methodologies. Hybridization of FC combined with auxiliary energy storage devices like batteries and ultracapacitors can offer FC reliability and improved efficiency. Lithium‐ion batteries are preferred among the existing rechargeable batteries because of its high energy density and low cost. However, batteries are associated with disadvantages such as low power density, reduced life cycle, and more charging duration. Therefore, utilization of a battery alone as an ESS in FC hybrid electric vehicle (FCHEV) may not provide effective performance. To enhance the performance of FCHEV, ultracapacitor is integrated with batteries to alleviate the above said disadvantages.4 Ultracapacitors exhibit higher power densities in comparison with batteries and feature higher energy densities when compared with electrolytic capacitors However, the energy densities of ultracapacitors are usually less than battery structures.5 Battery‐ultracapacitor combination as ESS is recommended for vehicular applications as it inherits the features of high energy densities of lithium‐ion batteries and high energy densities of ultracapacitor.6 Incorporation of regenerative braking mechanism in energy source hybridization is a key innovation in HEVs. In general, the electric engine can be controlled to work as a generator changing over the vehicle's kinetic energy into power during regenerative braking.7 Regenerative braking system can enhance the fuel economy and durability of FC system, which leads to the increased lifespan of the FC system and decrease in hydrogen consumption. The potential effects of regenerative braking system on fuel economy of the vehicles can be exceptional. The rate of the utilized energy during deceleration in the total expended energy for three diverse driving cycles (ECE in Europe, Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule [UDDS] in USA, and 10–15 in Japan) can accomplish 60.1%, 43.3%, and 52.5% individually.8 The energy administration of HEV, which chooses the power undertaking between the FC power device and KASIMALLA ET AL. secondary energy buffer system, is an imperative strategy. Lately, an assortment of control techniques for energy management has been utilized to the HEV. The fundamental destinations of the energy governance methodology are to oversee control sharing between different segments and to ensure the power sources execution. The principle goal of energy management systems (EMSs) is to enhance the execution bringing down the hydrogen utilization all through the driving cycle. Energy administration procedures (EMSs) are calculations that choose at each testing time the power fracture among the principle control source and the ESSs. Remembering the true objective to accomplish the power that alters between the requested power and power source. Thounthong et al9 proposed DC connect voltage control by directing power converters however not concentrated on the system proficiency. Equivalent consumption minimization strategy shows to be vigorous under an extensive variety of working conditions. An EMS strategy is based on controlling the main voltage of hybrid vehicle by connecting PI controllers in series to generate proper reference signal energy source.10 Na et al11 applied a predictive control to FCHV. Erdinc et al12 and Ferreira et al13 suggested an EMS based on fuzzy logic control (FLC) to regulate the demanded load by the hybrid vehicle. Figure 1 depicts the configuration of hybrid powertrain, which consists of main power source FC and auxiliary power sources battery pack and ultracapacitor bank. All these power sources are connected to DC bus via unidirectional and bidirectional converters to achieve constant voltage and to get the desired drive power requested by the motor. The main objective of this paper is to emphasize the state of the art of the multiple energy sources for FCHEVs with respect to experimental approaches, power conversion configurations, comparison of different energy sources, recovery of braking energy, and different energy management strategy benefits and shortcomings. The specific aim of this review is to address and assess the existing research to explore the challenges and future scope for the FCHEV technology. This review paper is organized as follows: Section 1 explained about available energy sources for FC hybrid systems (FCHSs). Section 2 describes the overview of energy sharing between main source and auxiliary sources. Sections 3 and 4 represent experimental evolution so far in the FCHSs and structures of FC–battery– ultracapacitor. Then Section 5 overviews the recovery of braking energy stored in storage devices. Section 6 summarized the various energy management approaches applied for FCHEVs. Finally, Sections 7 and 8 overview the challenges and future scope associated with FCHEVs followed by conclusions in Section 9. KASIMALLA FIGURE 1 ET AL. 3 Configuration of FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor [Colour figure can be viewed at] 2 | ENERGY ALLOCATI ON OF F UE L CELL/BATTE R Y / U LT R A C A P A C ITO R A parallel energy‐sharing control of FC, battery, and ultracapacitor has been reported by Wong et al.14 Voltage of ultracapacitor is controlled with respect to vehicle speed to secure ample energy for vehicle speeding up and also enough space for vehicle braking energy. A novel hybrid powertrain composing of FC unit and Li‐ particle battery utilizing a snappy parallel structure with a ultracapacitor bank was exhibited by Xie et al.3 In this audit, a test station controlled by a 1‐kW FC power module control gadget system, Li‐particle battery pack of 2.8 kWh, and an ultracapacitor bank 330 F/48.6 V is formed and based on the introducing of stay singular module. Fuel cell framework is controlled to fulfill the moderate dynamic variety, and the ultracapacitor pack is regulated to meet quick unique load necessities. The assessment of the auxiliary sources like batteries and ultracapacitors in a FCHEV is investigated by Schaltz et al.15 Furthermore, analyzed FC volume, mass, productivity, and battery constancy because of the rating of the ESSs were introduced. The authors suggested that better outcomes can be achieved by overrating the Li‐ion battery pack storage device. 2.1 | Power conversion configurations In the hybrid powertrain system, battery/ultracapacitor and FC have been used as power sources. Among the available power sources, the FC generates low grade DC voltage, and it is converted as useful constant voltage by double DC/DC converters. One power converter transfers electrical power to the ancillary loads of the vehicle. Second converter sends power to inverter traction motor via DC bus. The battery and ultracapacitor are connected to the DC bus via bidirectional converters. The inverter converts high voltage DC to useful high voltage alternating current (AC) from the DC bus generated by FC, battery, and ultracapacitor. Hybrid powertrain arrangement used the regenerative braking energy of the traction motor, which is a stored drive battery. The battery assisted as power source during the initial cold condition of FC and ultracapacitor assists the power for transient load conditions. Different types of power conversion configurations are shown in Figure 2.16 The summary of these configurations is included in Table 1. The comparison between different energy sources with time constant is depicted in Figure 3.22 Among all the energy sources, FC and battery show useful high energy content but with less power density. Batteries show more discharge time, whereas ultracapacitors have low energy density but deliver high power densities for a short duration of time especially suitable for sudden power demands. Various energy densities of energy carriers for the vehicle range of 500 km using present technology are shown in Figure 4.23 Moreover, for midsize hybrid car applications, 220‐Wh capacity of ultracapacitor pack is required with less weight compared with other three energy sources.24 Comparison of different energy sources for HEVs is shown in Table 2.25-28 Bauman et al4 concentrated a top to bottom and itemized correlation of close ideal FC‐battery, FC‐ ultracapacitor, and FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor vehicles. Quickening time, mileage, and cost were considered in 4 FIGURE 2 KASIMALLA ET AL. Power conversion configurations of FCHEV16 [Colour figure can be viewed at] the target work and detailed that the FC‐battery‐ ultracapacitor mix has higher efficiency and can expand the battery lifetime because of less battery stress. Bauman et al29 proposed a new architecture to cut down the fuel consumption and to reduce the cost of the powertrain. The proposed new topology only needs one high‐power DC/DC unidirectional converter to step up the FC voltage. It produces a higher performance path to maintain the battery cycle efficiency. The design confirmed that the ultracapacitor can manage the variable power demands, thus lowering battery use and enhancing battery endurance. In a report by Zhao et al30 using different hybridization configurations, energy storage technologies and power split control strategies were modeled and evaluated. They reported that the fuel economy improvements are greater using ultracapacitors than batteries. Meanwhile for both energy storage technologies, the improvement increases as the size of the energy storage unit is increased. Meanwhile, Castaings et al31 explored real‐time energy control procedures for a blend energy buffering framework consists of a battery and ultracapacitor for an electric vehicle. The minimization of the battery current RMS esteem empowers to expand the battery lifetime. In a report, Hsieh et al32 developed a hybrid control source with a DC supply structure for electric forklifts. The power source includes an energy unit FC structure, lithium‐ion batteries, and ultracapacitor modules. The power yield might be isolated into power for raising and power for moving. The main purpose of this hybrid power source is to drop the wattage of the FC and to reduce the overall system cost. In the interim, Bunbna et al33 studied on the preferment of uniting ultracapacitors to a power module—battery hybrid travel transport tested on two driving cycles (Manhattan Bus Cycle and UDDS). Simulations were driven using our linear frequency modulated powertrain test framework, which was made in MATLAB/Simulink programming. Simulation outcomes demonstrate the by adding of ultracapacitors can extraordinarily enhances the execution of parameters, for example battery C‐rates. They contemplated that the coordination of ultracapacitors into the ESS licenses the shrinking of the battery pack that can decrease the cost and weight and extends battery lifetime. Kim et al34 presented the regenerative braking control of a permanent magnet motor in a light FCHEV by using prototype experimental test bed, and the results are discussed. However, the DC bus voltage was limited to KASIMALLA TABLE 1 ET AL. 5 Summary of power conversion configurations of fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle Configuration Energy Component Controller Description Advantage Author C1 PEMFC/UC PWM controller FC is interfaced directly with energy storage system without power converter and DC bus connected with inverter drive motor Suitable for single stage conversion Azib et al17 C2 PEMFC/battery Thermostat and fuzzy logic controllers FC is coupled with boost DC‐DC converter. Battery is directly coupled with DC bus and the electric motor connected with inverter Power split control on fuel cell and energy storage systems Mallouh et al18 C3 PEMFC/battery/ ultracapacitor PI controller FC system directly interfaced with DC bus and energy system linked with DC‐DC converter Minimized the bidirectional dc/dc converter loss by maintaining soft switching operation during sudden load conditions Wang et al19 C4 PEMFC/battery Fuzzy logic controller Both FC and storage devices are interfaced with DC‐DC converters Provides stable DC voltage Kisacikoglu et al20 C5 PEMFC/battery/ ultracapacitor Fuzzy logic controller FC is linked with boost converter and energy storage devices interfaced with a bidirectional converter Integration of high power and high energy storage devices Gao et al7 C6 PEMFC/battery/ ultracapacitor Wavelet and fuzzy logic control All the power sources connected via DC‐DC converters Effective control of DC bus voltage. Ultracapacitor can regulate the sudden power demands and battery to store braking energy efficiently Erdinc et al21 60 V for the regeneration during the braking operation. On the other hand, Cao et al35 proposed a new battery/ ultracapacitor hybrid ESS (HESS) in which a smaller DC‐DC converter used to regulate the voltage of the ultracapacitor higher than the battery. The new topology has the ability of utilizing the system configuration for fast charging via ultracapacitor. They concluded that the new topology is benefited in reducing the cost of the design and increases the battery life. Feroldi et al36 also reported approach for the determined electrical topology and hybridization degree according to the drivability conditions. They concluded that the hybridization improves the notable advancement in hydrogen economy from the braking energy and integrating the batteries with ultracapacitors can enhance the vehicle performance. 3 | EXPERIMENTAL EVOLUTION Bo Long et al37 illustrated about power circuit structure of the hybrid power supply system. They reported the energy allocation between the battery and ultracapacitor. A practical DC‐DC converter is designed based on H‐infinity and proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers. They concluded that the average charging power for H‐infinity is 10 and 9.5 kW for PID controller. Therefore H‐infinity can achieve 5.3% more braking energy than conventional PID controller. Bernard et al38 proposed an ongoing control technique to decrease the hydrogen utilization by utilizing proficient power sharing procedure between the FC unit and ESS, and they approved the methodology with a hardware‐in‐the‐loop (HiL) test bench based on 600‐W 6 KASIMALLA FC system. They reported that the hydrogen consumption is reduced by 3.5% for simulation and 4% in a test bench. Odeim et al39 investigated an experimental FC/battery/ ultracapacitor hybrid system for power management and optimization of fuel consumption, battery loading, and acceleration performance. Two power control strategies were used in this analysis, and an advantage feature like charge exchange between battery and ultracapacitor is avoided, and battery power demand is estimated based on ultracapacitor state. Amjadi et al40 proposed four‐quadrant SC Luo converter control strategy based on traction motor power flow and battery current variation. Both Voltage buck‐ boost capability and bidirectional power flow are attained in a single circuit and are tested with experimental prototype. They reported the advantage of proposed strategy, which enables the lower source current ripple, simpler dynamics, and control. Thounthong et al41 conducted an experiments on a test bench with a PEMFC: 500 W, 50 A; a battery bank: 68 Ah, 24 V; and an ultracapacitor bank: 292 F, 30 V, 500 A. Hybrid energy was unbiased by the DC bus voltage control. They used three voltage ET AL. control loops such as DC bus voltage controlled by ultracapacitor bank, ultracapacitor voltage influenced by battery bank, and battery voltage influenced by FC. They presumed that the fast change of the FC and battery powers and after that lessening the FC and battery stresses. Hongwen et al42 developed and verified the FLC methodology for a hybrid power framework utilized for crossover vehicles. They uncovered a trial examination to affirm the energy administration under the UDDS. The limit utilization of HESS can be brought down by 4.1% with FLC methodology contrasted and run based control technique. Meanwhile, Zandi et al43 presented an energy administration strategy, for example, electric hybrid power control source (EHPS) in view of flatness control method and FLC. Electric hybrid power control source is consolidated with energy unit source as principle source and two assistant sources a bank of ultracapacitors and a bank of batteries. By hybridizing the two secondary sources with the fundamental source, the span of the EHPS can be minimized. An EHPS has been furnished with ongoing framework control utilizing digital signal processing and control engineering. The flatness control FIGURE 3 Specific energy against specific power of energy storage system22 [Colour figure can be viewed at] FIGURE 4 Energy storage system weight and volumes for various energy carriers23 KASIMALLA TABLE 2 ET AL. 7 Comparison of energy sources for fuel cell hybrid vehicles25-28 Power Source Fuel cell Pros Cons Directly converts chemical energy into electrical energy Zero harmful emissions Expensive to fabricate due to the high cost of catalysts (platinum) Lack of infrastructure to support the distribution of hydrogen Highly inflammable Storage of hydrogen gas More energy efficiency compared with IC engine Compact and robust Silent and smooth operation Environmental friendly Renewable energy Higher part load efficiency Only water vapor as bi‐product Li‐ion battery High specific energy Self‐discharge is much lower than that of other rechargeable batteries Low maintenance Cell voltage: 3.6 V nominal Batteries cannot be charged or discharged at high currents Batteries have less cycle life Low specific power Requires protection circuit to maintain voltage and current within safe limits. Charge time: 10 to 60 min Specific energy (Wh/kg): 120 to 240 Specific power (W/kg): 1000 to 3000 Cycle life: 5 to 10 years Cost per kWh: $200‐1000 (large system) Ultracapacitor High specific power and low resistance enables high load currents Ultracapacitors can produce sudden burst of powers with better performance and unlimited cycle life Ultracapacitors can charged and discharged at high currents Cell voltage: 2.3‐2.75 V Charge time: 1‐10 s Specific energy (Wh/kg): 5 (typical) Specific power (W/kg): up to 10 000 Cycle life: 10 to 15 years Cost per kWh: $10 000 method is connected to deal with the energy between the fundamental source and secondary source, and FLC is connected for energy sharing among battery and ultracapacitor. However, the study was limited to the energy sharing between main and auxiliary sources only, and the performance of state of charge (SOC) variation for two auxiliary sources was not mentioned, and it is observed that the maximum load was restricted to 780 W. When integrating batteries and ultracapacitors to hybrid system, its volume and system mass can be decreased. In this regard, the high energy density of the batteries and high power density of the ultracapacitors are used as key energy storage devices for vehicle accelerating demands.44 Both battery and ultracapacitors are essential for hybrid powertrain systems; the battery exhibits low power density and high energy density, while the Low specific energy Low cell voltage requires series connections with voltage balancing High cost per Watt High self‐discharge, higher than most batteries ultracapacitor exhibits vice versa. The energy is drawn from the main source and auxiliary source supported into DC transport voltage and into the inverter that can change the voltage from DC to AC voltage and after that AC voltage prepared to move AC electric motor.45 Gauchia et al46 presented a FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor multistorage energy system based on Energetic Macroscopic Representation of the multisource powertrain system. The tests were conducted on 1.2‐kW FC (Nexa Ballard), 22‐ to 50‐V source with a 50‐A peak current. The stack model is scaled to show 300 cells in series with a voltage bound between 138 to 318 V. Hannan et al47 exhibited an energy regulation for light duty hybrid vehicles that composes of FC, battery, and ultracapacitor separately. Vehicle speed results were in contrast with that of the battery power source only, multiple sources (FC‐ 8 battery‐ultracapacitor) tested for ECE‐47 test drive cycle; the powertrain showed 94% productivity contrasted and, with battery power source, exhibited 84.9% proficiency, whenever the vehicle tried in elevated driving condition. Li et al49 developed a tramway hybrid configuration with dual FC stacks along with batteries and ultracapacitors and proposed a state machine control strategy to integrate the power sources and reduced the sudden power demands. The control strategy has improved hydrogen consumption as well as power source efficiency. Marzougui et al50 described an energy management algorithm for FCHEV using MATLAB/Simulink and validated experimentally with real‐time controller with digital signal processing and control engineering. Zhou et al51 proposed an online energy management based on optimized offline fuzzy logic controllers with data fusion approach for three different types of road conditions. A probabilistic support vector machine online controller results are compared with HiL tests. Fathabadi52 proposed a novel FC/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid power source for HEV. Experimental verifications are made with prototype of FC/battery/ultracapacitor and achieved 96% power efficiency at rated power. The proposed powertrain achieved better performance in terms of maximum speed, acceleration, and cruising range of the vehicle. Shin et al53 analyzed about the PEMFC and ultracapacitor hybrid system and demonstrated about the break‐even point of hybrid system to reduce the fuel cost at extra cost of hybridization level. In any case, the review was restricted to simulation results only, and the energy‐restoring and ‐releasing capacities of the battery and ultracapacitor were not obvious. Yu et al54 proposed an energy component battery‐ ultracapacitor control portion methodology, which was done in Matlab/Simulink. Energy regulation was divided by two blocks, FC‐battery, and battery‐ultracapacitor, and the energy allocation schedule was done in Matlab/ Simulink programming. The range of battery SOC was set between 40% and 90%, although that of ultracapacitor was inside 25% to 100%. However, the present review was centered around city and expressway level roads. Subsequently, driving in uphill and downhill was not considered. Souleman et al55 reported on energy control for a FC‐ battery‐ultracapacitor HEV, and that contemplated five particular control methodologies: (1) state machine design methodology, (2) FLC‐rule based, (3) traditional proportional integral control technique, (4) frequency decoupling and FLC, and (5) equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS). All these simulations were performed by means of Matlab/Simulink utilizing the Sim Power Systems tool box, and the simulations were additionally tried progressively through Lab VIEW on NI‐PXI 8108 that KASIMALLA ET AL. showed a DC transport voltage of 280 V. The exploration for a 15‐kW FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor HEV created comes about for every one of the methodologies, concentrating on the hydrogen utilization and stress examination of every system; in any case, there was no obvious review on speed and load control profile. Paladini et al5 reviewed on HEV sourced by an FC‐ battery‐ultracapacitor. In his review, a PEMFC, Ni‐MH battery, and Maxwell ultracapacitor were picked to accomplish a streamlined HEV. The energy control to regulate the power flow between the FC system, battery, or ultracapacitor was basically utilizing the ECoS code and traction regulation approach that was simulated in MATLAB/Simulink. The energy control was tested for four driving schedules using Pareto front analysis, to be specific, the New European Drive Cycle (NEDC), UDDS, Highway Fuel Economy Test, and Japanese driving cycle (10–15). In light of the outcomes, the framework was obviously ideal on the NEDC and just 6.75‐g/km hydrogen fuel utilization. Be that as it may, the report concentrated more on the correlation of the drive cycle tests and did not expound on the EMS. Meanwhile, Garcia et al56 have given an account of five distinctive control methodologies for pinnacle control HEVs and thoroughly outlined the control procedures for FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor HEVs. These control strategies include fuzzy logic, operation mode, course type, equivalent fuel consumption minimization, and predictive technique individually. The regulation procedures were inspected by differentiating their presentations on a 400 kW assessed hybrid powertrain. They suggested that ECMS control investigated the most reduced fuel usage and the slightest troublesome control procedure. The author gave an unequivocal commitment to an FC‐ battery‐ultracapacitor HEV. Regardless, this survey was quite recently restrictive in real time application. Jennifer et al57 investigated about the powertrain topologies of FC, battery, and ultracapacitor using MATLAB/Simulink. They conducted parametric study to achieve optimal component sizing of power sources. An FC of 40 kW, high power lithium ion battery of nominal voltage 346.5 V, and ultracapacitor voltage of 400 V were used in this study. They suggested that the highest fuel economy was achieved with FC‐battery‐ ultracapacitor combination that benefits the increase in battery life due to less stress on battery. The structure of PEMFC stack, battery pack, and ultracapacitor bank is connected to DC bus via power electronic interface that is shown in Figure 541 with unidirectional converter and bidirectional (two‐quadrant) converters for FC stack and energy storage devices (battery and ultracapacitors), respectively. KASIMALLA FIGURE 5 ET AL. Structure of fuel cell/battery/supercapacitor41 [Colour figure can be viewed at] 4 | S T R U C T U R E S O F F U E L C E L L– B A T T E R Y– U L T R A C A PA C I T O R FC + B + UC drive structure of the hybrid vehicle is shown in Figure 6.58 Moreover, ultracapacitor together gives supplemental power for the transient driving conditions. The ultracapacitor parallelly interfaces the DC transport by a bidirectional DC/DC converter. The benefits of this structure are that the ultracapacitor can give the peak power control and recuperate braking energy, so the weight of FC stack framework and battery are diminished and furthermore extend the life of the battery. The experimental evolution of FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor system is depicted in Table. 4. FIGURE 6 9 From Figure 7, during the motoring mode, it is observed that the most of the transient power supplied by the ultracapacitor bank during the motor acceleration period. At steady speed conditions, all the three sources assisted the motor power demand. During the cruising, speed battery module assisted the motor with constant current discharge. 5 | R E CO VER Y O F R E GEN E R A T IO N EN ERG Y Zhang et al59 reported on the braking energy control of a FC hybrid electric bus. By coordinating regeneration FC + B + UC drive structure of hybrid vehicle58 [Colour figure can be viewed at] 10 KASIMALLA ET AL. Hybrid power source variation during motoring mode to a final speed of 800 rpm41 [Colour figure can be viewed at] FIGURE 7 braking system with pneumatic braking system leads to recapture the braking energy and improve fuel economy of a FCHB. They concluded that the hydrogen consumption was reduced by 16% and fuel economy was increased by 9% in coordinated regeneration braking strategy, and also hydrogen consumption was improved by 11.5% by replacing Ni‐MH with Li‐ion battery in test results. However, they did not elaborate the SOC variation of the ESS. Huang Liang et al60 reported an HESS, which composes of battery and ultracapacitor. They proposed a power KASIMALLA ET AL. splitting strategy based on frequency‐varying filter method. They found in their prototype electric vehicle tests most of the transient demand supplied by the ultracapacitor, and 30% of the energy recouped by the ultracapacitor in each driving cycle test. Anyhow, there is no evidence on study of power and fuel economy fulfillment. Qian et al61 reported a simulation model for a FCHV. They built the power control technique utilizing logic threshold method by using hybrid power control unit. The control system recuperates braking energy and nourished to the battery. The top threshold value agreeable in NEDC driving cycle and at top and general threshold values were acceptable in highway cycle. Kim et al62 studied experimentally an FC‐battery hybrid system equipped and tested with a generator alternative for motor to recover braking energy. They conducted the experiments using NEXA power module of 1.2‐kW FC hybridized with 50 Ah Ni‐MH battery and reported a regeneration efficiency improved using generator is 63.8% compared with the 24.2% efficiency of regenerative braking using the motor. Feroldi et al19 represented an approach for plan and examination of FCHS. The entire study was performed with detailed model of FCHS in Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR) to determine the degree of hybridization according to driving conditions, investigation of power flows, and the ideal hydrogen utilization. Hybridization allows the notable improvement in fuel economy through recovered braking energy. They reported that the recovered energy from braking was 6.8% for NEDC, 10.5% for UDDS, 10.2% for FTP, and 2.1% for HWFET with respect to the percentage of hydrogen energy. Long et al20 illustrated about power flow design of the hybrid power supply system. They reported the energy allocation between the battery and ultracapacitor. A practical DC‐ DC converter designed based on H‐infinity and PID controllers. They concluded that the moderate charging power for H‐infinity was 10 kW and, for PID controller, was 9.5 kW. Therefore, H‐infinity can achieve 5.3% more braking energy than conventional PID controller. The ultracapacitors have the ability of capture large currents by its nature well suited for capturing of braking energy. From Figure 8, during the regenerative mode, it is observed that the energy is recovered by the ultracapacitor and battery through bidirectional converters. During this period, FC supplies the power for both energy storage devices. When the ultracapacitor is full of charge, then the FC provided energy to battery only. Yanan et al63 reported braking energy recovery of an electric vehicle designed in ADVISOR. The recovery efficiency was achieved around 60% by using rectifier filter, changing frequency, rectifier output, and driving motor 11 generation and increases the driving mileage. Patil et al64 described about multiple ultracapacitor banks that will assist continuous storing of braking energy and expend on to the load once fully charged. They controlled by an NUC140 ARM CORTEX M0 PROCESSOR the energy bank in each charging and discharging for efficient utilization of recovered braking energy. The potential effects of regenerative braking system on fuel economy of the hybrid vehicles can be exceptional. The rate of the used energy during deceleration procedure in the total expended energy for the three different driving cycles (ECE in Europe, UDDS in USA, and 10–15 in Japan) can accomplish 60.1%, 43.3%, and 52.5% individually.8 Chengqun et al65 presented a novel methodology to increase regenerative braking energy efficiency for electric vehicle. The author proposed three types of braking control strategies such as serial 1, serial 2, and parallel control strategies for the road tests performed under city conditions. Among the three control strategies, serial 2 control strategy gives better results. 6 | ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The comparison of various energy management control strategies for FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor hybrid systems is illustrated in Table 3.48 Li et al58 applied an FLC to reduce the fuel consumption of a hybrid powertrain with FC‐battery‐ultracapacitor combination developed in ADVISOR software. The FLC for FC + B + UC has better execution as far as mileage under every single driving cycle. Castaings et al3 reported real‐time energy management strategies to minimize the minimization of the battery current RMS esteem empowers to expand the battery lifetime. They illustrated that the ‐גcontrol and filtering base control strategies and concluded that the ‐גcontrol is better suited for high ultracapacitor voltage ranges, whereas filtering base control is favorable for low voltage ranges. Hongwen et al42 proposed an energy regulation strategy for a hybrid power system based on FLC, which composes of battery and ultracapacitor used in electric vehicle was developed and verified on HiL test bench. They concluded that the FLC strategy can save 4.1% energy capacity of a hybrid system than the conventional rule‐based control strategy. However, no evident on SOC variation of ESSs. Liang et al60 proposed a power allocation technique based on frequency‐varying filter method. They found in their prototype electric vehicle tests, most of the transient demand supplied by the ultracapacitor, and 30% of the energy recouped by the ultracapacitor in each driving cycle test. Schaltz et al66 proposed a power sharing scheme for the main source and additional sources, to 12 KASIMALLA ET AL. Hybrid power source variation during regeneration mode from initial speed of 800 rpm to stop41 [Colour figure can be viewed at] FIGURE 8 reduce the power rating of the batteries. However, failed to improve the power output efficiency and the control strategy has the limitation to analyze the average positive and negative needs. The different control strategies used in HEVs is shown in Figure 9,67 and the comparison of these strategies is included in Table 5. Odeim et al39 described the genetic algorithm and Pareto front investigation to limit the normal battery power and hydrogen utilization in a multitarget work. By implementing these two analysis, both hydrogen consumption and average battery power were minimized. Erdinc et al21 proposed an EMS in light of fuzzy logic and wavelet transform to manage power sharing in a hybrid PEMFC‐battery‐ultracapacitor vehicular framework to increase fuel economy and lifetime of FC system. analyzed optimal control strategy with thermostatic control strategy Traction control strategy using simulation code ECoS Comparison fuzzy logic in fuel cell–battery and fuel cell–battery– ultracapacitor Comparison of control strategies like rule‐ based fuzzy logic classical PI state control machine, Frequency decoupling + fuzzy logic, ECMS Zhihong et al34 Vanessa et al36 Qi et al42 Souleman et al35 Operational control Analyzed control methodologies ECMS, fuzzy logic and predictive control etc. 33 EMS/Control Strategy Garcia et al37 Hannan et al Author Matlab/Simulink Simpower system. Hardware: NIPXI8108 Matlab/Simulink: ADVISOR (UDDS, HWFET, US06, ECE + EUDC DRIVE CYCLES) Matlab/Simulink: (NEDC, UDDS, HWFET, 1015 Drive cycles) Matlab/Simulink: (UDDS,US06 Drive cycles) Matlab/Simulink: Simpower system Hardware (urban railway) Matlab/Simulink (ECE‐47 test Drive cycle) Simulation/ Hardware 12.5 kW; 60 V 50 kW 48 V 48 kW 150 kW; 621 V 6 kW; 45 V FC Stack TABLE 3 Energy management system for fuel cell (FC)–battery–ultracapacitor48 40 ah; 12.8 V 25 ah 48 V 2 ah 1330 Wh 90 ah; 4.25 V 48 ah; 24 V Battery Pack 88 F; 48.6 V 2500 F 48 V; 45 ah 96 Wh 63 F; 125 V 40 F; 13.5 V UC Pack 270 V 48 V 300 V 750 V 120 DC Bus Classical PI control gives less H2 consumption (235 g)and sate machine control gives less battery stress (21.91) FC + B + UC powertrain achieved with 58.7 m in 5 s and reach 400 m in 16.9 s fuel consumption 0.87 kg (=3.3 gge) of H2 in urban driving condition 10–15 Japanese driving cycle achieved less fuel consumption with 37 g Optimal control saves 46% of Energy compared with thermostatic control ECMS gives lowest hydrogen consumption of 3.82 kg among all control strategies Around 38% more acceleration and 11.4% more effective in gradeability condition compared with BEV Advantage Energy storage stress analysis and hydrogen consumption only Limited to simulation Simulation only, aimed at fuel consumption and storage utilization. Simulation only, not focused on gradeability performance Generated power: 400 kW but demand power: 500 kW Limited to simulation only and tested for short time Remarks KASIMALLA ET AL. 13 H‐infinity and PID controllers Real‐time control technique from an ideal control algorithm DC bus voltage regulation Fuzzy logic control and rule‐based control Flatness control technique and fuzzy logic control Energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) Regenerative braking control Frequency varying filter method Bernard et al7 Phatiphat et al23 Hongwen He et al4 Majid Zandi et al29 Lucia Gauchia et al32 Junzhi Zhang et al38 Huang Xiao et al39 EMS/Control Strategy Bo Long et al20 Author Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS) electric vehicle prototype HiL HiL (NEDC) dSPACE HiL (UDDS) HiL HiL Hybrid power supply system (HPSS), Electric vehicle Rated power:20 kW Simulation/ Hardware TABLE 4 Experimental evolution of fuel cell–battery–ultracapacitor Motor Peak power: 2 kW × 2 80 kW 1.2 kW50 A 138‐318 V 42 Ah × 6 (Ni‐MH) 300 V 10 Ah (Ni‐MH) Pb‐ acid: 24 V 30 Ah — 300 W, 11.5A; 35 V 68 Ah; 24 V Pb‐ acid: 18 Ah Rated capacity: 245 Ah Battery Pack 500 W; 50 A 600 W — FC Stack 90 V 64 F module ×3 3000 F 300 V 291 F; 30 V 500 F 292 F; 30 V; 500 A Peak current: 100 A 42 V — 30% of the energy recouped by the ultracapacitor in each driving test H2 consumption: 16% reduced Fuel economy: 9% increased in coordinated braking H2 consumption: 11.5% improved when Ni‐MH battery replaces with Li‐ion battery Higher recharge power was enabled during braking. The power distribution depended on load power SOC of UC and battery FLC‐based control saved 4.1% capacity than rule‐based control Storage system absorbs excess energy during regenerative braking period. Fuel consumption was reduced by 4% — Advantage H‐infinity can achieve 5.3% more braking energy than conventional PID controller 42 DC Bus Rated voltage:350 V Rated energy saving: 43 kJ UC Pack 14 KASIMALLA ET AL. KASIMALLA FIGURE 9 TABLE 5 ET AL. 15 Control strategies used in hybrid electric vehicles67 Comparison of energy management approaches for fuel cell hybrid vehicles Energy Management System Advantages Disadvantages Reference Fuzzy logic control No dependency on overall mathematical model, applied to more complex structures, computational efficiency, robustness to modeling uncertainties Designer need skillful knowledge about the problem 3,42,68-70 Thermostat (on/off) control Robustness, simple and easy to control. Energy sources turn on and off depend on the SOC of sources It does not consider the powertrain component efficiency directly 71,72 Equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS) Main purpose of ECMS is to minimize the fuel consumption of system in real‐ time without affecting the power load sharing and to control the battery SOC High computational load makes the DP optimization prohibitive on typical onboard microcontrollers 73-76 Neural networks Provides sufficient and fast responses to new information Need some training procedure 77,78 Global optimization approaches It can give optimal solution Not adopted to real‐time scenarios and, low computational efficiency. 79 Local optimization approaches Applicable to real‐time applications Does not evidence the optimum solution, not computationally efficient Frequency decoupling techniques Suitable for real‐time environments, load can be shared for individual hybrid energy sources Not incorporate the control of multiobjectives 80 Linear controllers (PI, etc) Easy to implement in embedded systems and realize with analog circuits Not applicable for multiobjective control of complex structures 76,81 1. Adaptive and robust approaches 2. Pontryagin's principle 3. Particle swam optimization 1. Suitable for uncertainty systems 2. Has not require any expertise 3. Applied to both scientific and engineering use 1. Robust technique is static and not applicable to measurement and implementation variations. 2. Both techniques need an elaborate mathematical knowledge on system. 3. Trade‐off between fuel consumption and fuel cell life. 4. Does not guarantee optimal solution 70,82-84 85,86 16 Bernard et al87 proposed a real‐time control, charge‐ sustaining, strategy for FCHVs based on the Pontryagin Minimum Principle. The control strategy is validated experimentally using a HiL test bench. Paganelli et al88 exhibited a technique in view of a control system called Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy. This procedure shows to be robust under an extensive variety of working conditions. Rodatz et al89 also executed a real‐time control by utilizing the idea of comparable hydrogen utilization, indicating practical results. In the same way, fuel consumption minimization‐based methodologies were also utilized by Garcia et al90 for FC/battery/ultracapacitor combination for tramway in simulation approach. The advantages and disadvantages of various energy management approaches for FCHVs is shown in Table 5. Wang et al91 proposed a novel coestimator to evaluate the model parameters and condition of‐charge all the while to decrease the estimation exactness altogether. To diminish the meeting time, the recursive minimum square calculation and the disconnected recognizable proof strategy are utilized to give starting esteems little deviation. Trials are executed to investigate the heartiness, dependability, and exactness of the proposed strategy. Fletcher et al92 suggested a model to gauge the impact of the EMS on the power module degradation. They recommended an ideal methodology for a low‐speed ground vehicle utilizing stochastic dynamic programming. The stochastic dynamic programming controller endeavors to limit the aggregate running expense of the power device, comprehensive of both fuel utilization and debasement, each weighted by their individual expenses. Ansarey et al93 Explored the model‐based ideal energy administration of an FCHV outfitted with battery and ultracapacitor by applying multidimensional dynamic programming and achieved a most extreme decrease in fuel utilization by including ultracapacitors. Fathabadi et al52 proposed a novel FC/battery/ultracapacitor hybrid power structure to be utilized as a part of the FCHEVs. A model of FC/battery/UC built and checked tentatively with 96.2% appraised control proficiency. They accomplished the greatest speed of 161 kmph and a acceleration execution of 0 to 100 kmph in only 12.2 seconds. Martinez et al94 exhibited the practical control structure and energy administration systems in view of lively naturally visible portrayal to assess the execution of power module testbed HEV. Reproduction comes about have demonstrated that this methodology is well performing and meets the necessities. Song et al95 proposed a novel semidynamic HESS that uses a converter with the most minimal rating among the semidynamic HESS. The primary targets were to limit the measurements of the battery‐SC framework to decrease KASIMALLA ET AL. its cost and to limit a capacity loss of the batteries because of its thermal runaway. Wei et al96 concentrated on the coveted execution of the vehicle by lessening the original battery pack by including ultracapacitors in the hybrid system. The hybrid system was worked at a high voltage, and it was associated with the inverter without DC/DC converter to avoid the energy loss. Their outcomes recommended the batteries to give normal power while the ultracapacitors help peak power requests. Bassam et al76 proposed a proportional integral (PI) strategy to improve the energy consumption, FC efficiency, and hydrogen consumption for a marine passenger vessel, which is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink environment. The proposed PI strategy is compared with the ECMS, original PI, and state‐based energy management strategies. The new proposed PI gives better results compared with ECMS in case of energy consumption and operational cost, but it has higher energy and operational cost with state‐based energy and original PI strategies. Bizon et al97 proposed four new control strategies for stationary and vehicle applications based on load following and maximum efficiency point tracking in order to control fuel consumption rate and enhance the FC net power availability. Results indicate that the 12% FC net power increased by using maximum efficiency point tracking control and load following control reduces battery size, and it will operate in charge sustaining mode. Allaoua et al98 presented a PEMFC and ultracapacitor bank HEV. This study enables the prediction of hybrid power source dynamic behavior under driving cycles. The hybrid powertrain simulated in MATLAB/Simulink environment to know the feasibility of energy management between two power sources. Hames et al99 presented different control strategies to increase vehicle energy efficiency using batteries and ultracapacitors in order to reduce the slow dynamics of FC. Peak power source, operating mode control, FLC, and equivalent consumption minimization strategies are used. Equivalent consumption minimization strategy gives better results. Karaki et al100 proposed an energy management using forward dynamic programming to reduce hydrogen consumption and to increase battery life by controlling charge sustained (CS) and charge deplete strategies of vehicle. Payri et al101 proposed a new energy management to optimize power management for vehicle using stochastic approach, which is used by upgrading ECMS method to predict the future driving conditions using existed vehicle driving data. Wilberforce et al102 explored the current advances in FC electric hybrid vehicles. The author described about latest designs of hybrid vehicles in the market with technical specifications as well as challenges faced by FCs. KASIMALLA ET AL. 7 | FCHEV CH ALLE N G E S Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicle faces various challenges such as economical, technical, and others that need to be solved to make FCHEVs commercial and successful contender with existed vehicles for consumers. PEMFCs are well suited for vehicular applications. To minimize the basic component system packaging needs, and the specific power targets of PEMFC have been achieved, but some additional developments are essential. The predictable specific power for vehicle application is 8 kW/kg; however, the attainment until year 2016 has reached 1.6 kW/kg only. The platinum is used as catalyst in PEMFC, which is costly and noble material. Fuel cell is expensive because of the high cost of catalyst material. Presently dealloyed PtNi/C catalysts increase power density at lower system cost. Performance and longevity are other aspects needed to be developed. Hence, FC stack size and weight need to be reduced for commercialization of this technology. The future challenges for FC system are the hydrogen infrastructure, robustness, reliability, and performance. Energy storage system occupied a major role of the power source of FCHEV. The performance of the ESS is essential in FCHEV, which depends on the hybrid system design and energy storage used. The demand for ESS of FCHEV is an integration of both high energy and high power density devices to manage the cold start issues and the transient load demands. Thus, the designing a perfect ESS is a major problem for FCHEV automakers. At present, Li‐ion battery packs and ultracapacitors banks are implemented individually or coupled for FCHEV ESS, and the recycling technology of these devices needs to be developed. Present research labs developed graphene‐ based ultracapacitors with high energy densities such as 50 Wh/kg. Flywheel is another probable storage device that needs to be explored in future. Higher capital expenditure, higher consumable cost, big size, weight, performance, and robustness are the main technical challenges for FCHEV ESS. However, lifetime testing of ESS in field and commercial production facility are still need to develop in future. High temperature resistant and low priced permanent magnet motors can increase the robustness, speed range, and performance of the hybrid powertrain. Thus, the future focuses on developing compact motors with wide range, peak torque, and increased lifetime. Other challenges such as hydrogen production and infrastructure, on board hydrogen production, and storage are also still needed to be addressed. Other hydrogen generation technologies could also change the hydrogen cost assumptions such as biologically produced hydrogen, 17 direct solar to hydrogen, hydrogen production from base load nuclear, or smoothing of renewables. 8 | F UT U R E SCO P E Fossil fuel reserve is diminishing gradually day by day. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles can play a noteworthy role in the future hybrid vehicle market to competent the conventional ICE vehicles. Researchers have to focus cost estimation analysis to predict the cost of FCHEV in near future. Potential energy management techniques, methodologies can enhance the FCHEV performance. Connected Autonomous Shared Electric is an emerging mobility of the future technology that needs to adopt for FCHEVs. 9 | C ON C L U S I ON S From the literature, it was observed that the energy distribution between FC, battery, and ultracapacitor via bidirectional DC‐DC converter, which is used to control the voltage of DC bus and optimize the power distribution among the base power and auxiliary power sources. Fuel cell, battery, and ultracapacitor were considered in the present study to meet the transient power request of a hybrid vehicle and to increase the acceleration and gradeability performance. By pairing of ultracapacitors into the ESS allows the minimizing of the size of the battery pack that can reduce the cost and weight and increases battery lifetime. By pairing the high power density of ultracapacitors with high energy density of batteries leads to reduce in FC stack size and total cost of hybrid powertrain. The dual energy storage can assist the FC for different driving conditions. The power sharing between the three power sources should be properly analyzed and unified in order to arrange a stable hybrid powertrain. Regenerative braking system is an essential method to recover the braking energy during urban and downhill driving conditions in order to reduce hydrogen consumption and to enhance the durability of a FC. It has been discussed that the hybridization improves the fuel economy and vehicle performance. Various studies have been discussed on the experimental EMS for FCHEV. However, most of the approaches were limited to flat roads of urban and highway driving conditions. In particular, some studies conducted only via simulation and require sufficient research involving real‐time application for gradeability road conditions and acceleration performance of the FC hybrid powertrain. Especially, maintaining the FC at constant power output near its peak efficiency to reduce the hydrogen consumption. Further, focusing requires on constant FC strategy that allows on/off operation and 18 charge depleting (CD) strategies to ensure optimum power management. The principle point of the energy management is the dispersion of the power stream in the powertrain framework. Energy execution is a vital factor in driving efficiency. Equivalent fuel consumption that need not require earlier proficiency of the driving conditions for hybrid structures in real‐time approach. This approach depends on limiting the prompt aggregate utilization of the principle power source and the equivalent fuel consumption of the restorable battery framework. 9.1 | Observations from literature review • New hydrogen production technologies and low cost catalyst materials can lead to lower hybrid powertrain cost. Moreover, advanced power converter configurations need to be implemented to enhance the FC power as well as regenerative power efficiency. • Hybridization improves the notable advancement in hydrogen economy. • Integrating the batteries with ultracapacitor can effectively store braking energy result in enhanced vehicle performance. • Life span of main energy system (battery) can be increased by coupling of ultracapacitor bank to the hybrid system. • Ultracapacitors have the ability to capture large currents by its nature and are well suited for capturing of braking energy. Thus reducing stress on battery pack by at least a factor of two. • Among the all energy management approaches, ECMS has given better results to reduce fuel consumption • By pairing the high power density of ultracapacitors to hybrid powertrain system along with high energy density of batteries leads to reduce in FC stack size and total cost of hybrid powertrain. • By downsizing the FC stack power and incorporating sufficient energy storage power to compensate the FC power can lead to reduce the overall powertrain cost. • Cost prediction analysis with reducing technology prices and introduction of newer technologies need to be performed more frequently for accurate cost estimations. A C K N O WL E D G E M E N T This work was supported by the Centre of Excellence (CoE) under TEQIP‐II, National Institute of Technology Warangal. KASIMALLA ET AL. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare no conflict of interest. ORCID Venkata KoteswaraRao Kasimalla 0002-0929-6835 RE FER EN CES 1. 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