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Netflix Product Strategy Workshop Summary

Product strategy Netflix Workshop
source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gibsonbiddle_4-takeways-how-netflix-defines-productstrategy-activity-7019511408614678528-Ki7Z?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
tags:: #product/strategy
related:: Netflix Gibson Biddle
date:: 2023
 this is the takeaway from a workshop of Gibson for Lenny's paid subscribers
1. DHM: create delight in hard to copy, margin-enhancing ways
a. Judge hypothesized strategies on these 3 components: Netflix pursues strategies that delight
users -> benefit the bottom line -> build out their moat, compounding advantage
2. SMT: Strategies, Metrics, Tactics
a. Netflix interlocks each strategy with a good proxy metric -> defining metric and ideas impacting
that metric
b. Find a proxy metric (that help you learn quickly) -> ideally structure your team around a single
metric for focus and accountability
3. Keep roadmaps simple
a. Gib prefers quarterly roadmaps over outcome-based ones
b. why: aim to have high conviction about the tactics in the next quarter + ensure to learn
intensively during that quarter, that the remaining are outdated soon
4. GEM: (Stack-ranking) Growth, Engagement, Monetization
a. Frameworks do not give all answers, but unlock intelligent conversations
b. Gib advice: debate this question fiercely, agree, and then go all-in on execution