ALGEBRA, fgo .l ;ri"i is nt"i week ) . (80 Mar*s) Chapter 1l Thgory of Numbgq (!2 hrs) Atgorithm - Divistbility;.frim^ ^ '{ '\'\r''!^''tcita nrtmbe*;oJ*:?:t:ri:tflrT.XH.illtHlffit"": I,l'ffJ'th1."iH'1ilffiil' uencss - rinear congruences and Lagrange. n-r,nr:Hil".::1': of Euler' ,i"JffiiTi'Hfi' aneous congruences - theorems Ghapter 2 :Theory of Equatlons (16 hrs) - polynomials. with integral coefficients of equatiols - Euclid,s algorithm (statement:ry] theo :'3l,Iffi - --.--^-'i 'i^^'s11'or at!6ora rcrions )ns equations by cardon,s methoo an coordinates - Remainder theorem - ;'l':*H':i0"":"illil"i'$ffffi: itj::,i-*'kn":$.,61"il1?'lllH':'ffffili[;JltTi"'' t*"r-"q'"tion'. ;;;!11t^t ..t*t^:i:15;y:t1'ti",t"ln'"-,n:::unn - roruing quartic rqu"ilon. by Descartbs'and Ferrari's Method' Chapter 3: Analytlcal Geometry ( 3{ hrs) cartesian co-ordinates and in three dimensional space - Relation between '' ^- (ca rtes i an ani-vecto r #ffi;- fo rm),:, il?1'j* t:'T*i"( :'31,il"o' two lines betwden ' Angle ?ffi lff Fio1""1on on a straight line I hedron. plalg: - Equations of planes ht lines (cartesian and vector form) coaxlal planes - parallel and Annta between hatween olanes pr"n"d - coaxial frJifi#i'ingr" of angles between perpendicutar frim a point to a plane - Bisectors lines. skew two Janb-pr"p. - Shortest distance between (34 hrs) Differentlal Catculus ,t Absolu e value - Interval: Chapter 4. - Inequalities - ;*,el-itgtiry,*3,gyl#'fi ^,F:itiT::^gl*"- H#::::fri,",J;t':ht""i ;!il;H:"'?'l',',T-ffi S--"fffl tunctions ffi ,Hfl"ffi - Maxima r r,*'"'- i/ronotone Numbers .;l'fi l#"l'JgJi^:iljrl'i'lt";,ffi:'.;lltdJ#il-iliSnit .!^- Fr-r-r uacAit arac annla heiweon thg fadiUS ffi ,ffi1*l: f, iilin:"i3"XT:f,t-#'J3'ff ':l:119:"r1,**"*g::lmil*:3gffi 'yrH,l;J;-,iiilli:i j*.1,::y""ngmm;f"roefg or curuahrre ll[i;?i,il3ll'I,?ffi radius p"i"i.n'oinates curvature - S",'.,rTilj5:[t;llilif:ffi:ffift;;;;il;;; evolutes' of curvature - for reference and Ganapathy - Algebra Natarajan, Manicavachogam Pillay of nnitytical Solid Geometry Shanthinaraydn :E6;;6 and 2 ral Calculu calculus and Analytical Geometry' courant and John - Introduction to Shanthlnarayan''Differential Calculus -topics from the Theory ol Numbers. Theory ;M. Vd;gradov' Elements of Number to Theory ol Numbers' Introduction 'nn H.d. l. Niven and S. e. Malik' Basic Number Theory' dilnO ,ig. 'i;.10. 11. i,itftit"n 3 Math. - SEMESTER JI ALGEBBn, ^nJlffiXfll?t"$frtl ii?.o.culus , Chapter - rl (96 hrs) (6 hrs/ week ) . (80 Marfuy 1. Matrfces (40 hrs) ffim;,%m$ I,fr;$lTg#l*'ffi#'$g*:^":l^:::[^'v i:: Hermitian and l.lH!%ffff :lff 9,;?:fl #ff;['*ifmll,'*lj":$i:t"lf '".,^t":^:.:*"fi ri'::TT,,T$'ii: :li;i:fffi skew -e ff :_!nlTco :5:i?:,*^ll;':?n:,'*gll':;:"i,":ld:i""'"'t::'ffi of rank u noe i r'"r" ni.r'i=ip"l'.,irons Inverse of a non-singuiar :tr:1tiT:. op€rations. efementary system of m linear equations in n unknowns 5il*3'lHilf - matrices associated,with linear equations t?'l"J*T,':1;':li:ri'*::g*;.*li,l',ilr,omof - ll by Diff valt infit trivial and non- Asl matrix "n.o-utanonon.homoseneous Eigen values and eigen vectors of. a square rnatrix - characteristic e_quation of a square matrix - Eigen values and eigen'vec-tors of a real symteiril rari, - prop"rti.. -.ol"gon"rir"iion of a reat symmetric to deiermine rhe rio*ei, or square llli?J";"?ofJr;,ffiil11"J.1ff::"'' matr'ices and - 6;i;;;'ns Chapter ofs Fun limit lhec deri 2. euadric curves (20 hrs) Jac, I'i$?:trff:'!".1?*",1r"^1':ffi1i1:i'?j1:jiT?^. ly:,,'.:r..o11desree - Discriminant and trace j5[?;":',il::':,',"ly"Tir;". Tfr :iTffiiJiile?'il'1,fl'TfJ'Til: ;jlr$:H33:i'jl1[f,il,i';i )i ;l d; X' I ; ; "&?'i E J iT'j' ['" g."g I ilfili, *:.', :,,"" ff lI ?*y,:9i^ : :il*;;;, iy:i, ; 3fflT""J"in'J'i""::L::'^'x,ll-jfr i "l ",,"IJf'.,"ilroli[,]'.;:"f,"i:ffilty'j i;ffi:li?jl:?:f;?Lf"_.H:il:H[:,:^;trff;?."#:::::!i#,1".'B",jn";"?:Bfff.'H; Hyperboloids - paraboloids -'Ruled Surfaces. Defi adc 2l ir Defi Bob Detinite integrals - properties. ;H:T #:"i :ffi1"H.:'^:"1 ';"*ons . Reduction 4.: Books for Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 2. 3. 5.i 6. ulus 1 and2 gral Calculus calculus and analytical geometry y.aF Ganapathy - Afgebra alytical Solid Geometry 4 Math. 1 SEMESTER III - MATHEMATICS MAT 303 CALCULUS -l (96 hrs)(6 hrs /weeh ){8O,Marks) Chapter 1. LlmlB and Contlnulty (10 hrs) Continuous functions - discontinuous functions - theorems on continuity =l: closed interval - Uniform continuity (explaining the idea). - / i - Functions continuous Chapter 2. Dlffercntlablllty and lts appllcatlons (26 hrs) - Theorems - Rolle's theorem - Lagrange's Mean value theorem - Cauchy's mean theorem - Taylor's theorem - Maclaurin's theorern - Generalized mean value theorem - Taylor's [tfr" power series expansion - Maclaurin's infiniie series -lndeterminate forms , and series fifinite points - Cusp, node and conjugate points - Tracing Asymptotes - Envelopes - Singular points - Multiple ,..0f itandard curves with Cartesian and polar equations. .{ Chapter 3. Partlal Derlvatives (30 hrs) Gtrapter 4. Llne and MulUple lntegrals (3(lhrs) Definition of a line integral and basic properties - Examples on evaluation of line integrals - Definition of a double integral - Conversion to iterated integrals - Evaluation of double integrals 1) under given limits 2) in regions bounded by given curves - Change of variables - Surface areas. Definition of a triple integral - Evaluation - Change of variables - Volutn€ as a triple integral. Boolee for reference: 1. Lipman Bers - Calculus, volumes 1 and 2 2. Asha Rani Singhal and M.K. Singhal - A first Course in Rear Analysis. 3. S.C. Malik - Real AnalYsis 4, Shanthinarayan' Differential Calculus 5. Shanthinarayan - Integral Calculus 6. N.Piskunov - Ditferential and Integral Calculus. 5 Math. SEMESTER IV ALG EBRA AND. DIFFER ENTIAL EOUATIONS 80 Marks (96 hrs) (6 hrsAreefty Chapter 1 - Group Theory (jS hrs) . Definition and examples of groups.-Some general propertles oftroups Permutations group of permutatlons cycllc permutatlons Even and odd permutations. Powers of an element of a group -Subgroups-Cyclic groups, Zn and Z Cosets, Index of a group Lagrange's theorem consequences Normal subgroups Quotient groups-Homomorphism lsomorphism Autornorphism Fundamental theorem of homomorphism - lsomorphism -Direct product of groups Cayley's theorem Sequenct sequenc€ Converge sequenc€ ., Chapter 2 - Dltterentlal Equatlons ( 48 hrs) Definitions and examples of differential equations. curves-Differential equations of first order, sepa coefficients-Exact equations Linear equations of ord Integrating factors found by inspection The determi by the equation. Bersoulli's equation.. Coefficients coordinates. Equations of first ord_er and higher degee Equations solvable for x, solvable 1or y, solvabte for p lnfinite st converge Alembert' test for at Cluciraut's equation- Singular solutions and geometrical meaning. Ordinary Linear differential equations with constant coefficients - complementary function - particular integral - Inverse differential operators. Summatir Books for Referencesi lmproper following integrals Daniel A Murray - Introductory course to Differential equations. Ranville and Bedient - A short course in Differential equations. l.N..Herbtein - Topics in Algebra. 4. G.D. Birkhofi and S Maclane - A briei Survey oi Mociern Algebra. 5. J.B. Fraleigh - A first course in Abstract Algebra. 1. 2. 3. 6 Math. _i I Books fr 1. Lipm. 2. N.Pis 3. Asha 4. S. C. 5. B.S. 6. E.Kn SEMESTER V iIATHEIIATICS MAT 505 80 Marks (48 hrs) (3 hrs /week) CALCULUS ll Chapter 1. Real Numbers (6 hrs) - - Order structure - Bounded and unhrlunded sets - Supremum and infimum important subsets of R - Archimedean Property of real numbers - Countable Sorne FieH stLcture - urpuntaHe sots. Chapter 2. Real Sequences (16 hrs) - Infimum and supremum of a Bounded and unbouncled sequences Sequences of real numbers quotients theorems on lirnits product limits Standard of and sequence -Limit of a sequence Sum, properties Monotonic Subsequences Standard sequences Convergent, divergent and oscillatory principle general of convergence. point Cauchy's sequence properties of a Limit sequences and their - - eous r-Ber rsted rclar orP - Chapter )s of - - 3. Infinite Serles - - - - (16 hrs) - Properties of Convergence divergence and oscillation of series lnfinite series of real numbers test D' root Cauchy's tests Comparison series Geometric term series Positive convergence Alombert's ratio test, Raabe's test, Integral test - Absolute and conditional convergence - D'Alembert's test for absolute convergence - Leibnitz's test for alternating series. - - - ' - Summation of Binomial, Exponential and logarithmic series. Chapter 4. lmproper Integrals ( 10 hrs) lmproper integrals of the first and second kinds - Convergence -Gamma and Beta functions, and results foliowingi the definitions - Connection between Beta and gama functions - Applications to evaluation of integrals - Duplication formula' Sterling formula. Books for fieierence 1. Liprnan Bers - Calculus, Volumes 1 and 2 2. N.Piskunov - Differential and Integral Calculus g. Asha Rani Singhal and M.K. Singhal- A First Course in Real Analysis 4. S. C. Malik - Real Analysis 5. B.S. Grewal - Higher Engineering Mathematics 6. E.Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering Mathematics . 7 Math. SEMESTER V nLceenA AND "iltlTttot'* TATn:?lr hrs) (3 hrsftveek) Chapter 1. Rlngs and Flelds ( 32 hrs - ) Rings - Examples tntegral Domains - D ring - Ordered integral domain lmbeddi - Algebra of ldeals - Principal ideal ring Elements - Polynomial rings - Divisibili Common Divisois - Euctidean Algorithm - Unique f Homomorphism of rings - Kernel of a ring homomorg Maximal ldeals - Prime ldeals - Properties - Unique Factorisation domain irreducibility. B ft- e' - Einstein's Ctiterion of (r B Chapter 2. Riernann Integration (16 hrs) The Riemann integral - Upper and lower sums - Criterion for integrability - Integrabitity of continuous functions and monotonic functions Fundamental theorem of Calculus Chlange'of variables integration by parts - First and second mean value theorems of integrat calculus. 4 6, 6 'i Books for Reference 1. N. Herstein - Topics in Algebra 2. G.D. Birkhoff and S. Maclane - A Brief survey of Modern Algebra 3. T.K. Manicavachagom Pillai and K.S. Narayanan - Modern Atgebra Volume 2 4, J.B. Fraleigh - A First Course in Abstract Algebra 5. S.C. Malik - Real Analysis. 6. Leadership Project, Bombay University -1-ext Book of Mathematical Analysis. cl SEMESTER V MATHEMATICS IIIIAT 507 APPLIED MATHEMATICS - B0 Marks 48 hrs (3 hrs/week) Chapter 1. Laplace Transforms (14 hrs) Definition and basic properties - Laptace transforms of exp kt, coskt, sinkt, t n, coshkt and sinhkt Laplace transform of e"t f$Vz - problems - Theorems on the derivative of Laplace transform and the transform of derivatives - lnverse Laplace transforms problems - (alpha- funclion theorem on the Laplace transform of integrals - Laplace transform of F (t) A Convolution theorem - Simple initial value probtems - Special integral equations Solution of first and second order differential equations with constant coefficients by Laptace transform method - Systems of equations - Laplace transforms of periodic functions. Chapter 2. Fourler series (10 hrs)' Introduction range series - Periodic functions - Change of interval Fourier series and Euler formulae - Even and odd functions - Hall . Chapter 3. Llnear dilferenilat Equations. ( 14 hrs) Cauchy - Euler differential equations - Simultaneous differential equations (two variables with constant coefficients) - Solution of ordinary second order linear differentiai equations by the followinj methods 8 Math. t\J ' changing the independerlf variable !ii) oparameter:. cnansins con i) Reduction iii) ;ufficient ;ffit*t ,'lQl equations or the fiil j.J\:*:ll*iJ:SiX^TTll'1ff;"X,'.H?;i: . ,A -,--r?r, .r-rEr dzlR' torm dxlP - dy'o = (10 hrs) Chapter 4. Partlal dltlercntlal equatlfie g' - Formation by e.rimination 91 1f'll"'i ^T::Pf;,1,gl*[:,H""j'i'tx'l?:^?t#iili3] 1,:3,T:",q5'':,1";":?gl"lff;i,l'13'j Ii"Eff,L" $iJi]ii'ol'[iHi[i'!iiii;di^t:':t'."1^Y :T'i' ti1;d_{1.,ry:1ft*,:l*#l^;"::ll,,A1',:' i.['Jf#'?l,Tl3ii,.?iir; :T,"i',?tr -p;n,curar /Fgts"' concepts / Prime eatest ings rism - ei:?:iT'J"30.-'il";[-"d[T1;1','fi;il;;.:f:::"::l',1ffi[::T separation or variabres inte$ar Method ol ;"31i#":lX'il3'[: ;3#,fii1,'-ffT{,*,,i31"n*T::"tlJ"il^?."i'ii" ""i':b? ion ot $ G.stephenson 1 - An Introduction rms hematies Mathematlcs hort Course in Ditlerential Equations Differential Equations' t{' iflUOUS rles - to Partial Differential Equations' 1 { $' f, s aum Series) ntial Equations . SEMESTER VI MATHEMATICS MAT 608 NUMEF|CAL,atrauvs|sANDvEcToRcALcuLUs 80 f,larks (48 h:e! {3 hrs lwaek} Chapter l. ( I hre ) - Bisection method - The method of false equations ar sorutions of Argebraic and transcendentai -|terationmetnoi-lt"*ton-Raphsonmethod-Secantmethod.'| - inhkt rnd the on the Chapter2( B hrs) equations merical solutions of first order linear differential Picard's method order : fourth Xutta illd Cung. - - Euler - cauchy method method' - Eule/s modifierd -: and ms of Chaper3( 14 hrs) il:f#l'iji,ffiil"jffi ffi ,i#:Wif 'fffi',[.{:tili:1il,h'}:"Jffi',:""i'iino]ig'Lrt .l Diffe rence oquations. -gj"e:y j:*:.-l*"0i;1ff |i::formurae ffi :fiffi inierporation usins10*:'[ffi "iJJ*6nJ Jerivatives Chapter4. (8 hrs) ronstanl nethods .Numericar integration - General quadrature formula th rule - Weddlo's rule' - Trapezoidal Rule 9 Math. - simpson's 1/3 rule - simpson's -! vectons - scalans Clatrrr - Vector fleld'- scatar 6. V,ootor Getcufug (lO rrr") ".. - v-Tj9, diff.e.renfiqtion - The vestor differental operator n" oiversance in*,,, del, or n"m*ni::%"#llnresrarion - frelcl ;$',9':$;:l:"ffi?n,3;l;,,tff:H gcpfi.lor_Retltrlna: l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. lrgblems of V€c1or Analysis A Tert Book of Vec.tor C6fculus I ance and !,q. qh"stry - flbigl Intrcctuctory Methods B.S. Grewal- r.trmerical Methods E. Kreyszig - Advanced Engineering gEF rs fo il neers Egua 0omF SEiIESTER VI Lf vector spaoes Afgebra of - NEAR Introduction subspaces o.oHf :T$l[t#itTl (3 hrc/u,eek) Chaptcr 1. Vector Specec (2a hm) Examptes - Vector subspaces - criterion "?^_-!,1""i-rp"n. and rinear $1Ht;lTr:fof,T"fic svstems - Quotrent spaces - tor a subset to be a subspace ,cependence - dependence and tinear 0"n." - Basis or a vector Ihe ( Homomorphism "t!lii!$r::3:l!n::transroJri$:131*:ffi$T - Dlrecl sums - lnner p.o,r.irpaces - Eucridegn vector space - Distance - iength Propertfes Normal orthogonal ,eciors --e"am-scrrmioi onhogonariz"fir--pr*"r. complement. orthogonal veclor spaces Greer lunctir - Liou ChrtrEr 2. UnrerTrenrfonnaflonr (24 hn) urrar hansformations - Linear maps ag matri'.o-r-'-h^--,-r.^--- -r L -'L-KEmelanOimaoeof and image of a allnearlransfnnnqrr^nllnear transformation lransformalions-- gnmeniaru'r"tri"es anrt c r arlcte risuc por ynom i" c Jr',l ' nct nd_elfectof effect of associated associatedmatricesmatrices 5"t* -lrancr^ - lingular and non-singular linear I'8il"ffi1i:ff"t''Ig[9ffiffii;;glg-"9,T,".],:::.::,:Tl:n":E,3::'?:ft[1X#'J[XllTiX[il r--,il6ilH ;:'ffi?."i' ff .f,lt"i' polynomial. Automorphlsrn r ,t Definil Slretc of four Oonlo Boolrr for Reference l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ffi:nm pltay - Modem Atgebra, G.D.Birkhoff and s.Madane Briet survey or Modem Argebra Gopalakrlshna - University Algebra Saymour Upschitr - Theory ario broofems of Linear Atgebra. Zeros, Votume 2 Boolrr l. L.r 2- Br &Se dsl 5. s, 6. R. l0 Math. SEMEEIER VI itATHEifiA:lrcgmfr6m: GOIIPLEI( ANALYSIS - (S0 Madc)'(4&hrs); (3 hrs I weel$ Cha$rr l'. Introdustlott - Gomp|u' llumbett' (e hnq of dtomplex number - Geometriel - Absolute value andOeconfugate - &rle/s formula - Dot and theorem Moivre's numbe6 complex of POlar form - comptex number system rsentation product. - - points Open sets Enf,,Uoutt oods Umit points Interior, Exterior, lsolated and boundary regions. connected Simply Domain sets Connected fiilg;";d"d sets - Compact sets - - - line in complex form &uation to a circle and a straight fuRtet - Jordan arc - Closed contour Plane. Chapter 2. Functlone of a Complex Varlable (1'2 hre) - - Closed The extended ' of a function - Continuig and differentlabillty - Analytic functions Onctlons ol a complex.variable Umit points - baucny.Riemann equations in cartesian and polar forms Necessary and sufficient Reat and imagiqw pals analytic function are ;,rdtid for f to ue Jnatytic - Harmonic lunctionsi)-Mllne ii) using the concept of Thomson Method of anatytic lunctions - i6iil6 ilrrJni" - ' construaiori lilarmonic function. Chapter 3. Compler Integratlon ( 10 hrs ) Proof of Cauchy's Integ;al theorem using Co Grssn,s function fhe em - The Cauchy's Integral formula lor the of simple line integrals - Cauchy's inequality - Uouvi ' Chapter 4. TransformaUons (10 hrs) r,i.. -A-^-- 6-a:^ l - YsvYr lltrv! Jacobian of a transformation - ldentity_transformation - Reflection - . ilefinit6n ttllll -^? ^ -^ Srietcnins -rnveision -liiraiit".tformations -P.1119il^: T?iil,I:?:5::j:,T?H:" :ltff^Rn: and circles Ratio preserving propefi - Preservation ot the f"l,! oI straigh!.!in",: p"i.sCross v ;t"fil v lvur lrv.. ru th(z+1lzl' oli'nb trinsformations w =22, w = sinz, w = ez, w = Translation Rotation - tdf;fi;ir"pp,nir-Disrrsrion * .--^.--^ tr--lJ..^^,d L--t -, Resldueg (8 hre) of Ghapter 5. Calculus T ilt L.V.Ahlfors - ComPlex AnalYsis p.pallca - tntroducfioh to the Theory of Func'tion of a Complex Variable 2. Bruce $ 0, tions of a Complex Variable Complex AnalYsis 6. Analysis' d * * * I I Math. tr