LESSON PLAN SCHOOL – Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Brancoveanu Targoviste TEACHER –Leurzeanu Cristina- Elena DATE – 11st of March 2021 GRADE – 10th NO. OF STUDENTS: 22 LESSON – Unit 6, Necessity is the mother of invention TOPIC: Modern invention TYPE OF LESSON – acquisition of a new vocabulary and language TIME – 40 minutes TEXTBOOK: Click on 4, Express Publishing SPECIFIC COMPETENCES 1.1 Identificarea unor informaţii specifice dintr-un text citit / ascultat pe subiecte familiare, articulat clar şi cu viteză norma 1.2 Desprinderea sensului global / a ideilor esenţiale dintr-un text, pe baza unor întrebări de sprijin 2.2 Elaborarea – oral sau în scris – unei descrieri simple a unui eveniment sau a unor experienţe personale, pe bază de suport vizual sau pornind de la un plan de idei AIMS At the end of the lesson students will be able to : 1. match at least 4 pictures with inventions to their inventors 2. ask / answer al least 4 questions using such structures : I think the most important invention was…………….. 3. identify at least 6 inventions in the video. 4. to imagine a dialogue between them and a great man of science. SKILLS · speaking · reading · writing listening TECHNIQUES · dialogues · individual work · observation · explanation · pair work RESOURCES · laptop · flipchart · Teams whiteboard · notebooks · interactive worksheets flashcards Click on 4- Pupil's Book ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS Students might - not know all the inventions from the flashcards and the years of their discovery. - find difficulties in expressing their point of view, so they will be prompted by the teacher. ACTIVITIES WARM UP AIM *creating a pleasant atmosphere for the English class; *helping students feel relaxed. *T – Ss *Ss - T *T asks Ss How are you today? / Is anybody absent? / Are you ready to start the English class?; *Ss answer T’s questions; *3 minutes INTERACTION PROCEDURE ESTIMATED TIME TRANSITION TO THE NEW TOPIC AIDS AIM INTERACTION SS’ homework *checking if there were any problems with their homework. PROCEDURE *Ss – T *T asks Ss what their homework was; *Ss read their homework sentences, *3 minutes ESTIMATED TIME PRESENTATION: A. Modern inventions 1. LEAD IN AIDS AIM COMPETENCES INTERACTION Teamsboard *eliciting information about inventions. to develop positive attitude towards learning English *Ss – T *T – Ss; *T announces that today’s lesson is about Modern Invention *T writes the title of the lesson and asks the students ‘’What is an invention?’’ PROCEDURE ESTIMATED TIME 2 . PRESENTATION AIDS AIM COMPETENCES INTERACTION PROCEDURE *T shows a PPT using Share Screen with inventions *7 minutes B. *flashcards, pictures *matching pictures to sentences with inventions and years of discoveries - finding matching pairs (picture&sentence) ; *Ss – Ss *Ss - T *T projects a Picture using share screen with the title Modern invention; All this time everybody can watch on the board the task ESTIMATED TIME DEVELOPMENT/ PRACTICE AIDS AIM COMPETENCES INTERACTION PROCEDURE ESTIMATED TIME AIDS AIM COMPETENCES INTERACTION PROCEDURE ESTIMATED TIME PRODUCTION/ FEED-BACK AIDS AIM COMPETENCES INTERACTION PROCEDURE fulfillment. *T chooses each time a student to match a sentences using a year of invention *4 minutes Practice 1- Which of the following objects do you have in your home? Worksheet and pictures *eliciting information about home objects; - talking about people using words related to home objects. *Ss - Ss *T-Ss *T asks Ss to talk about the objects they have in their home At my home , I’ve got a mobile phone , …………. *Ss express their opinion. *5 minutes Practice 2 : Discuss how the items make your life easier -pictures * using appropriate words /structures to express opinions - identifying the right forms expressing items of inventions; *Ss –Ss *Ss – T *T shows the students some picture with items about *Ss are expected to watch carefully, read the sentences and write/ choose the correct answers. *T checks Ss answers. Ss tell the T where they didn’t answer well. *8minutes Role play- pair work worksheet * fulfilling different tasks about inventions *understanding written messages *Ss- Ss *Ss – T ESTIMATED TIME Teacher asks the students to imagine that one of them is a reporter and another student is a great man of science. The reporter asks the science man about the importance of his discovery. *7 minutes Emotional Feedback/ Aims’ checklist AIMS INTERACTION PROCEDURE ESTIMATED TIME *getting feedback from the Ss *Ss - T *T uses one question *1 minute Assigning Homework AIM INTERACTION PROCEDURE *consolidate the vocabulary about modern inventions. *T - Ss *T gives exercise no.8, page 86 for homework Teacher thanks the students for their involvement in the lesson and says goodbye. ESTIMATED TIME *2 minutes