Never tire of learning new things. Stretch your mind. Broaden your experience. Introduction A computer is an electronic device capable of performing commands given by human. Program – Are sequences of instructions and decisions that the computer carries out to achieve a task Programmer – person responsible in writing a program Problem solving The process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution. Steps in Problem solving 1.Problem identification 2.Problem Analysis 3.Designing solution to the problem- algorithm 4.Coding (e.g. Java, Python, C++)- implementation 5.Testing and debugging 6.Documentation 1. Problem • Write a program to obtain average of 3 numbers given by a user. Display the 3 numbers and the average of the numbers. Review the problem carefully and understand what you are asked to do. 2.Problem Analysis • Identify problems: – Input – Output – Process INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Problem Analysis Determine what information should be given(input) and what result must be produced(output). Assign names to each input and output items. Determine the manner of processing must be done on the input data to come up with the desired output (i.e., determine what formulas are needed to manipulate the given data). Problem Analysis • INPUT 3 numbers • OUTPUT Print 3 numbers & average • PROCESS Calculate average Add 3 numbers Divide sum of the numbers by 3 3.Algorithm – Any computing problem can be done by executing a series of actions in a specific order. – A procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to be executed and the order in which these actions are to be executed is called an algorithm. – Is a logical solution that is inline with our daily language or mother tongue language. – Can be done using pseudo code or flow chart Pseudo code • • • • Is an artificial and informal language Usually it is use English language Quite similar to programming language The purpose of pseudo code is to make humans who do not understand computer programming can easily understand the flow of the problem solving. Example of Algorithm Start 1. Read 3 numbers: nom1, nom2, nom3 2. Add 3 numbers and assign the result to sum 3. Calculate the average, average = sum/3 4. Print 3 numbers(nom1, nom2, nom3) and the average End Example of Pseudo code START INPUT nom1, nom2, nom3 sum = nom1 + nom2 + nom3 average = sum / 3 PRINT nom1, nom2, nom3, average END Flow Chart • It is represented by using geometry shapes with connected line • Use a standard symbol Flow Chart TERMINAL Indicates the beginning or end of an algorithm PROCESS Indicates an input computational or data manipulation. INPUT / OUTPUT Indicates an input or output operation Flow Chart DECISION Indicates a decision point in the algorithm CONNECTOR Indicates an entry to or exit from another part of the flowchart FLOW LINES Used to connect the flowchart symbols and indicate the logic flow Example of a flow chart START Input nom1,nom2, nom3 sum = nom1 + nom2 + nom3 average = sum / 3 print nom1,nom2, nom3 print average END EXERCISE • Write an algorithm and a flow chart to calculate and display a volume of a sphere. Volume = 4/3 x pi x radius x radius x radius , where pi = 3.14 Solution • Analyze the problem – Input : Radius – Process : Calculate volume of a sphere Volume = 4/3 x pi x radius x radius x radius – Output : Print volume of a sphere Solution (algorithm) Start 1. Set pi = 3.14 2. Input radius 3. Calculate volume of a sphere Volume = 4/3 x pi x radius x radius x radius 4. print volume of a sphere End Solution (Pseudo code) START SET pi = 3.14 INPUT radius Volume = 4/3 x pi x radius x radius x radius PRINT Volume END Solution (Flow Chart) START pi = 3.14 Input radius Volume = 4/3 x pi x radius x radius x radius Print Volume END EXERCISE 1. 2. 3. Write a pseudocode to calculate and display an average of four numbers. Write a pseudocode to calculate and display a multiplication of three numbers. Write a pseudocode to calculate and display an area of a rectangle. 1.Problem Analysis • INPUT 4 numbers • OUTPUT average of 4 numbers • PROCESS calculate average of 4 numbers sum of 4 numbers average = sum/4 1. Example of Pseudo code START INPUT num1, num2, num3, num4 average = (num1 + num2 + num3 + num4)/4 PRINT average END 2.Problem Analysis • INPUT 3 numbers • OUTPUT Multiplication of 3 numbers • PROCESS calculate multiplication of 3 numbers 2.Example of Pseudo code START INPUT n1,n2,n3 multiplication = n1 x n2 x n3 PRINT multiplication END 3.Problem Analysis • INPUT width, length • OUTPUT area • PROCESS calculate area area = width x length 3.Example of Pseudo code START INPUT width, length area = width x length PRINT area END