MBEYA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (MUST) INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCE AND MINING TECHNOLOGY FIELD PRACTICAL TRAINING REPORT NEW LUIKA GOLD MINE, SONGWE. STUDENT’S NAME: BENJAMIN SIMEON WARYUBA REGISTRATION NUMBER: 19101023110043 EXAMINATION NUMBER: UE/DME/20/8854 COURSE: ORDINARY DIPLOMA IN MINING ENGINEERIN ACADEMIC YEAR: 2020/2021 LEVEL: NTA 05 Qn; Explain the wall/rock supporting mechanism applied at you IPT location by focusing on the following areas (tools used, nature of the enclosing rock, how effective and reliability the support system used are) The following is how in my IPT site rock support is conducted. After every excavation or a cut has been made primary support is installed, it involves the use of wire mesh and split set rock bolts, the below are the specification of installation. A. WIRE MESH It is specifically installed to prevent the fall of smaller rocks majorly caused by blasting. The wire mesh used at my IPT site is (2400 by 3000) mm. B. SPLIT SET ROCK BOLTS The split set used are mechanically grouted, are used to help the discontinuity of a rock become a continuity, have got the following specification. Split set with the dimensions of (39 by 900) mm is used for joining mesh intersections. Split set with the dimensions of (49 by 1800) mm is used for supporting the walls. Split set with the dimensions of (49 by 2400) mm is used for back supporting. The diameter of 46 mm is used for split set installation. In very wide areas cable bolts are applied, they are very reliable, they act as needle that sew the rock mass, the cable bolts used at my IPT site are 6 m and 8 m, the hole diameter used is 64 mm. Picture of split set, wire mesh, and cable bolts installed. BACKFILL Are used to fill the void caused by exaction made, helps to prevent confinement though it should be noted that it has weaker mechanical properties compared to the rock mass excavated this is so because it is made of soft materials, hence monitoring is required. At my IPT site monitoring is conducted using MPBX. The following are the materials used to obtain back fill; Aggregate of -50 mm, helps in increasing strength of the back fill. Cement is used for binding Tailings are used to minimize the amount of cement used this helps to minimize costs encountered. Water is used for mixing of the material. The backfill material are dimensioned depending on the need, it requires a minimum of 28 days to heal and harden. SHOT CRETE It is made of concrete, cement, tailings, and water. Additives such as super plasticizer may be used, the aggregate used is -20 mm.it is used to add a new layer to very weak rocks also it is used to hold together small openings or fractures.