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Math as a Language: An Essay on Teaching Methods

Name: Kaye A. Rioflorido
Subject: GED0103
Section: SEC 95
Schedule: M-TH 12:00 – 1:30 pm
As I’ve watched Randy Palisoc’s give voice to his speech “Math isn’t hard, it’s a language”. He claims that
Math is a human language, just like English, Spanish or Chinese, he also stated in his speech that the language of
Math is not new, it was used in ancient times to conduct trade, to build monuments and to measure the land for
farming. As years passed by, the language of math change and absorbed by us in a different way that the children
nowadays are finding it difficult to understand.
Math is a human language because it is a part of every people’s everyday routine. From waking up and
calculating how many minutes in the morning and calculating how many minutes are left before you can arrive at
school, or counting how much money do you still have to get through the whole week. Math for other’s perspective
is a non-ending confusing equation but in reality, Math is an element that we need to get through every day.
We should consider that Math is a universal language. Why? Well, a lot of people disagrees with this
because for them, especially for adults and teenagers, Math is just a bunch of confusing system. What if we
introduce Math not as a subject that we should pass at school, but a helpful yet fun way on how to use it every day.
Take the example of the speaker’s way on how he taught his niece about Math. He didn’t teach it in a confusing way
but he taught it in a simple yet understandable way that even a five-year-old can learn Math as simple as 1,2,3.
There are other methods that we can do or implement to teach children math in a way that makes sense to them
without confusion and frustration.