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RNA Secondary Structure Prediction: Comparative Approach

Comparative Approach
• Uses multiple evolutionarily related RNA sequences – to obtain structure
• Homologous RNA sequences - same secondary structure
• Predicting secondary structures for each individual sequence - produces errors
• Group of aligned RNA sequences --> comparing all predicted structures --> draw a
• Commonly adopted structure selected
• Other possible structures can be eliminated in the process
RNA functional motifs - structurally conserved
sequences evolve
Mutation occurring in
Maintain base pairing
one position
and the stability (of
secondary structure)
Mutation in the
corresponding basepairing position
Comparative Based Algorithms
Do not use
Algorithms That Use Pre-Alignment
Input : pairwise or multiple alignment
• Obtained using standard alignment programs such as T-Coffee,
the input alignment.
PRRN, or Clustal
• Prediction programs compute - covariation + consensus
• Successful for - reasonably conserved sequences
If there are errors in the
alignment - covariation
structure common for all the sequences
• Thermodynamic calculations included to improve accuracy
Depends on the quality of
signals will not be detected
The selection of single
consensus structure alternative and evolutionarily
• Requirements
unconserved structures are
1. Appropriate set of homologous sequences, similar enough to
not predicted
allow accurate alignment
2. Divergent enough to allow covariations to be detected