Rutgers University Graduate School Industrial and Systems Engineering Time: TF 12:00-1:20 540:210 Engineering Probability Spring 2021 Instructor: Dr. E.A.Elsayed 14:540:210 Engineering Probability Assignment 1 Solution Find excel and MATLAB file including the set of commands attached. 1. First, we generate dataset A using excel normal random number generator and dataset B using MATLAB, both assuming mean of 333 and std of 10. Note: The numbers might change a bit as you rerun the files. a. Mean A= 334 Standard deviation A= 10 Mean B=331.98 Standard deviation B= 9.8 b. Skew A= 0.005 , it is close to 0 and we can consider the set is not skewed Skew B=-0.179 , it is close to 0 and we can consider the set is not skewed c. The samples offer a general idea of the overall population of underlying distribution for 2. We see thatnumbers we still generated. have a slightly datathe which is thesample result of randomness fo random thecan random It isskewed clear that largest size of 100 values number generators sample size. skewness will get closer to zero as the sample size demonstrates theand bestsmall representation of The the population. increases. d. The histograms represent a normal distribution, we can see a symmetric bell curve. Random number generators in both set A and B come from the same distribution, however, since the data and samples are randomly generated, we cannot claim they are truly equivalent because of the randomness that can lead to error in different metrics such as mean and standard deviation. As the population size increases, both distributions will become closer to normal distributions and both sets will have closer population means, standard deviations.