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Articles Assignment edited

Nancy Shehab
Articles Assignment
1- How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain
Book by Lisa Feldman Barrett
The study of colors and how they affect human behavior is known as color
psychology. It seeks to ascertain how color influences daily choices, such as the
things we purchase.
A rainbow appears as distinct strips of color, similar to the illustration on the left.
However, a rainbow in nature is a continuous spectrum of colors without any
stripes. Why can both of us see stripes? Because words like "Red," "Orange," and
"Yellow" have mental equivalents in our minds. These ideas are automatically used
by your brain to classify wavelengths in specific regions of the spectrum as the
same color.
Your brain ignores the variety because of the notions it has for "Red," "Blue," and
other colors since it is a cognitive miser.
Our brains only remember the six colors we were taught as children when we view
a rainbow.
2- The Effortless Way to Make Better Decisions and Be More Creative,
Backed by Science
Jeff Haden 11/18/2022
Sleep boosts memory and speeds up learning. In a study that was published in the
journal Psychological Science, persons who studied in the evening, went to bed,
and then completed a fast review the following morning not only needed to study
less but also retained more information for the long term by 50% more. Sleeping
on it makes the knowledge you've gained easier to access in addition to helping
your brain store it.
A research in the Journal of Business Venturing found that sleep-deprived
* Produce worse ideas than they would when well-rested
* Have a harder time telling the difference between good and terrible ideas
* Become more impulsive and are thus more likely to act on their bad ideas that
entrepreneurship's revival is a significant catalyst for creativity.
Beyond creativity, having enough sleep also increases productivity. According to a
2018 study published in the journal Sleep, those who routinely sleep for seven to
eight hours each night are 19% more productive than those who sleep for five to
six hours.
The (Literally) Effortless Way to Make Better Decisions and Be More Creative,
Backed by Science | Flipboard
3- 7 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly, According to Experts
Stressed? Center yourself with these speedy de-stressing strategies.
By Ashley Zlatopolsky 11/17/2022
Finding efficient strategies to release stress fast when it occurs will help you destress and return to a more balanced state of mind by teaching you how to regulate
your stress levels through healthy behaviors. Learning in-the-moment stress
management skills can help you get your brain and body back on track if you
discover that stress is preventing you from sleeping, working normally, or
maintaining good relationships. You may actually assist your body in relaxing
more quickly than you might imagine by slowing your breathing. Your body's
stress response can be decreased and your nervous system can be stabilized by
changing your breathing to use your diaphragm (think: inhale into the belly rather
than the chest).
In addition to reducing stress, muscle relaxation techniques can also speed up the
process of falling asleep and reduce headaches, anxiety, and nighttime awakenings.
Practice mindfulness or meditation.
Yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or a mix of the three are all effective techniques for
reducing stress quickly. You become more in control of your ideas, feelings, and
actions as a result of it slowing down your mind. "You may pause for a moment
and objectively observe your thoughts. Additionally, journal your feelings.
Verbal expression is a great method to process your thoughts and find some
relaxation when you're experiencing a lot of negative feelings that were either
brought on by stress or are the cause of your stress (or both).
Have a really good laugh.
You can feel better instantly with a good chuckle, especially if it originates from
your belly. The therapeutic effects of laughter on mental health have long been
examined by specialists, who have found that it lowers the body's cortisol (a stress
chemical) levels and changes the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and
dopamine, which are both involved in mood and happiness.
How to Grab and Keep Your Customer's Attention
Make it relevant.
It doesn't matter how many people pass by your shop to determine whether your
business is relevant. Relevance is more closely related to how effectively you can
draw in and influence your target audience in a meaningful way.
7 Effective Ways to Relieve Stress Quickly, According to Experts | Flipboard
4-Studies Show That Dogs Mirror Your Behavior As a Sign of Empathy
Anna Jamerson 11/15/2022
According to scientific research, your dog not only observes how you're feeling but
also imitates some of your actions to demonstrate it. Researchers came to the
conclusion that canines are capable of detecting human emotions as well as
differentiating between them.
The emotional bond between humans and dogs is the core of the relationship. Dogs
are amazingly social creatures who readily catch our warmth and joy, which means
that our negative emotions are also contagious.
The emotional bond between humans and dogs is the core of the relationship. Dogs
are amazingly social creatures who readily catch our warmth and joy, which means
that our negative emotions are also contagious.
When you become tense, so do they. Stress is bad for you since it increases blood
pressure, makes you tired, and generally makes you feel lousy.
Studies Show That Dogs Mirror Your Behavior As a Sign of Empathy | Flipboard
5-What does it mean when I fall in my dreams? News 6+ decodes your dreams
Tiffany Browne • 11/21/2022
The idea that falling and striking the ground will damage you is a popular myth,
yet there is excellent science to support it. There can be both an emotional and a
kind of physical interpretation, according to our research, which revealed two
things. He claims that while the physical side may occur as a result of a blood
sugar decrease, the emotional aspect may be related to us feeling as though we
have not met our goals.
Every time you go to sleep, you go through a number of different stages of sleep,
and throughout each of those, dreams occur. The main issue, though, is that a lot of
individuals wake up not remembering their dreams, so it's a memory issue rather
than a dreaming or not dreaming issue.
What does it mean when I fall in my dreams? News 6+ decodes your dreams |
6-Deprivation in Childhood Linked to Impulsive Behavior in Adulthood Neuroscience News 11/18/2022
Research has revealed that deprived children are more likely than other kids to
make impulsive decisions, which can eventually result in addictions.
People who grow up in deprived environments are more likely to make decisions
that, while they may be enjoyable in the moment, have negative long-term effects.
This involves binge eating, drug use, cigarette smoking, and gambling.
One of the numerous things that can cause impulsive behavior throughout a
person's lifespan is deprivation. An additional factor in impulsivity is genetics.
Deprivation in Childhood Linked to Impulsive Behavior in Adulthood | Flipboard
7- How is music being used to treat various forms of mental illness?
Thomas Leatham 11/21/2022
Research suggests that listening to music can sate our need for mental stimulation.
We adhere to its patterns because we're interested in where they might go. Almost
all brain networks and areas are activated by music.
Many distinct brain regions were excited in the participants' brains when they
enjoyed a certain song in a study to examine the impact of music on the brain. This
part of the brain is in charge of creating the feeling of "pleasant surprise."
In order to engage and comfort customers, businesses select a specific piece of
music that complements the setting and concept of their establishment.
How is music being used to treat various forms of mental illness? | Flipboard
8-Electrically stimulating the brain helps stop binge eating
“I’m no longer a craving person," said one trial participant.
By Kristin Houser 11/21/2022
Deep brain stimulation may aid those with binge eating disorder in controlling
their caloric intake and losing weight, according to a small study. This finding
gives millions of people with the disorder new hope.
Many of them are overweight or obese as a result, which increases their risk of
developing a variety of illnesses like heart disease, diabetes, and some types of
cancer. Additionally, they are more likely to suffer from psychiatric disorders like
Researchers found different electrical activity in the "nucleus accumbens," a region
of the brain, just before these urges, but not before non-binge eating.
These electrical activities were disrupted in the brains of mice predisposed to
obesity by those researchers using deep brain stimulation, and the mice consumed
noticeably less of a highly appetizing food than they would have without the
Electrically stimulating the brain helps stop binge eating | Flipboard