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Dr. Ehab Foda Work Capabilities 2018

Dr. Ehab I. Foda Work Capabilities
Riyadh – KSA
00966 500462083
Dr. Ehab Foda Worked as a “Design and Projects Director”, Applying:
Professional Management for any Architectural and Engineering Design
Work, including Master Planning, Landscape and infrastructure, in multiple
Scales up to Mega Scale Site Projects.
Corporate Management System for all Design Stages. [The development and
preparation of the Design Work. Construction plans, specifications, estimates,
schedules, and other contract documents]. Development Strategic Planning, as
well as managing the Resources and applying them toward attaining the
company's objectives.
Responsible for Managing the Design Contracts that are being carried out by
multiple design consultancies (in case of Outsourcing).
Administers Sub-consultant Design Works by monitoring and evaluating
project design development, supervises the preparations of design changes and
revisions to construction plans.
Drive Performance to ensure client Retention and further Business Growth.
In addition to Provide Management System Enhancements, through:
 Total Quality Management Principles
 Strategic Management
 Talent Management
 Performance Management
 Project Management Professional (PMP) [Integration – Scope – Time – Cost
– Quality – Human Resource – Communication – Risk – Stakeholders]
Key Skills:
Develop and implement strategies to ensure effective Utilization and
Management of all available resources, for each and every Annual Plans.
Experience of directing diverse teams in line with complex strategic and
financial targets.
Application of “Value Engineering” and “Cost Control” in all Project life Cycle.
Creative and analytical skills for Development Projects Managing.
Negotiating, supervisory and leadership skills
Familiar with Researching, preparing and presenting Technical Proposals, and
Design Reports.
Write Articles, Technical Guidelines, Specifications and Design Standards for
Design elements. In addition to Update the Organization Manual to match the
Latest ISO 9001-2015
Strong Computer skills.