WOUND CARE WOUND- Damaged skin/soft tissue resuls from trauma (injury) EX: Cuts, blows, poor circulation, excessive heat/cold/ blows Open wound is surface of skin is not longer intact ex: a surgeon makes incises on tissue CLOSE WOUND- no opening in skin ex: blunt trauma or pressure aka BRUISE WOUND REPAIR -consist of 3 phases INFLAMMATION, PROLIFERATION, AND REMODELING INFLAMMTION- process after tissue injury, lasts 2-5 days purpose: limit the local damage, remove injured cells/debri, and prepare wound for healing. 1st stage of inflammation -BLOOD vessels constrict to control blood loss and control damage. Then the blood vessel dilate to deliver platelet that form loose clot. damage cells become permable, causing release of plasma/chemical substance that feels of discomfort. 2ND STAGE when polymorphonuclear leukoctyes (neutrophils) and macrophages(monocytes) which white blood cells move to site of injury, and body produce more WBCs to take their palce. Leukocytosis is increased production of WBCs is then confirmed monitored by counting number and type of WBCs in sample of client blood. the LAB test is called WBCs count and differential count. Increased production of WBCs suggest infammatory, infectionious process NEUTROPHILS and MONOCYTES are responsible for phagocytosis (a process that cells emigrate from blood vessels to consume pathogens, coagulated blood, and cellular debris. Consumed substancr are enclosed within lysosomes, enzymatic sac, inside phagocytes that digest the engulfed matter. Once digestion occur, the degraded produced goes to extracellular fluid.* N AND M clean the injured area and prepare the site for wound healing* PROLIFERATION -period during new cells fill and seal a wound this occurs from 2-3 weeks after antiflamatorry phase. It is chactrazcited by the appearance of granulation tissue( combo of new blood vessels ,fribroblasts, and epithelial cells) that form in the bed of open wound. *Granulation is irregular surface and look bright pink to red b/c of extensive projections of capillaries in the area GRANULATION tissue grows from outside margin of wound and move toward center. It is fragile and easily disrupted by chemical and physical mean. As more fibroblast produce collagen (tough protein substance) the strength of ound increase Toward the end of proliferation, new blood vessels degenerate, causing the pink color to regress. Epithlelial cells use previously formed granulation as a surface to move across as thry cover the sound again. SKIN damaged/ tissues are restored by RESOULTION (process damaged cells recover and reestablish normal function. REGENERATION (cell duplication) SCAR FORMATION (replacement of damaged cell with frbrous scar tissue) Fribrous scar tissue acts as nonfunctioning patch. The extend of scar tissue forms depend on the magnitue of tissue damage and manner of wound healing. REMODELING -period during wound undergoes changes and maturation this last 6 months to 2 years which wound contracts and scars shrink. FIRST INTENTION HEALING -a reparative process which wound edges are directly next to each other so because the space between wound is so narrorow, only SMALL scar tissue forms. ex: STICHING a cut. SECOND INTENTION HEALING -wound eges are widely seperated, leading to more time consuming/ complex reparative process. granulation tissue need more time to extend the wound THIRD INTENTION HEALING -wound edges are intentionally left widely seperated and later brought togerher w/ some type of closure material. this result in broad, deep scar. 3rd intention are deep and likely need drainge and tissue debris. drainage devices/ be packed w/ absorbent gauze to speed healing. WOUND-HEALING COMPLICATIONS. *keep to wound healing is enoigh blood flow to injured tisue. factos that can cause disruptions are compromised circulation, infections, and purulent (which is bloody, serous fluid) that prevent skin/tissue from healing. Pulling/turging at would can delay healing.Secondary conditions factors are: impaired inflammory/immune response, poor nutrition, related to drugs like carticosteroids, and obesitiy. WHEN assessing wound alway important to look for : undermining -eroison of tissue from underneath intact skin at wound edge slough-dead tissue on wound surface thats moist, yellow,gray,green, stringy necrotic tissue- dry,brown, or black devitalized tissue. SLOUGH AND NECROTIC TISSUE MUST BE REMOVED TO PROMOTE HEALING. 2 surgical wound complications are DEHISCENCE AND EVISCERATION dehiscence- the seperation of wound edges eviceration- wound seperation w/ the protrusion of organs. They can cause insuffiencet dieratry intake of proten and sources of VIT C, premature removal of sutures /staples, unusual strain on incision from severe coughing, sneezing,vomiting, dry heaves, or hiccups Pinkish drainage appear suddently on dressing. if wound disrueption is suspected, nurse must posotion client to put least amount of strain on open area. IF evisceration occurs, nurse place serile dressing moistened w/ normal saline over the protruding organs/tissue. NOTIFY physcian of any wound disruptions. nurse must be alerted for sgin/symptons of impairfed blood flow such as swelling, localized pallor, or mottled appearance, and coolness of tissue. WOUND MANAGEMENT -technique to promote wound healing. Surgical wounds result from incising tissue w/ laser or scalpel. The goal of surgical or open wound management is to reapproximate the tissue to restore its integrity. This involves changing dressing, caring for drains, remove suturees, or staples whe directed by sugeon, apple bandages/binders and perform wound irragtion Montogmery staps- strips of tape w/ eyelets DRAINS- tubes that provide a mean for removing blood and drainae from wound they promote wound healing by removing fluid and cellular debris. ***Some drains are placed directly on wound, the current trend is to insert them so that they can exit from seperate location beside the wound. this keep wound margins approxminated and avoid direct entry site for pathogens. THE PHYSCIAN may choose to use an open or closed drain. OPEN DRAINS -are flat, flexibile tube that provide pathway for drainage towards the dressing CLOSED DRAINS are tubes that terminate in a receptable. ex: Hemovac and jackson-pratt drain. *Closed drains are more effiencet than open drains b/c they pull fluid by creating a vccum or negativie pressure. When caring for a wound with a drain, the nurse cleans the insertion site in a circular manner from the center outward. After cleansing, he or she places a precut drain sponge or gauze, which is open to its center, around the base of the drain. An open drain may require additional layers of gauze because the drainage does not collect in a receptacle. VACCUM-ASSSITED CLOSUREaka NEGATIVE PRESSURE WOUND THERAP. -foam filler within wound that is covered w/ sealed occlusive dressing connected to a suction tube and pump. when inserted fluid and debris in entire wound bed are pulled through foam filler into collection canister. The wound then shirnks, celliular growth is promoted, blood flow increases, and healing imporves.Wound healing takes 6 months SUTURES, STAPLES, ADN ADHESIVRS SUTURES- knotted ties that hold incision togerher from silk/synthetic materials like nylon. STAPLES- wide metals perform similiar glue adhesive glue- small minor cuts adhevsive strip skin closure aka BUTTERFLIES -hold weak incision together temperatly BANDAGES AND BINDERS bandage - strip or roll of cloth wrap around body binder- type of cloth applied to certain body part like adomen or breast BENEFITS: Holding dressing in place, whentape cant be use or dressing large -supporting area around wound/injury to reduce pain -limiting movement to promote healing **BANDAGES dont keep wound clean, DRESSING DO. bandages hold dressing inplace , support area, and limit movement. ROLLER BANDAGE APPLICATION *wrap distal to proximal direction *elevate the limit *keep free of wrinkles check color /sensation of exposed finger /toes *remove bandage for hygiene and replace twice a day *avoid gaps 6 basic techniques used to wrap roller bandage : circular , spiral, spiral-reverse, figure-of -eight , spica, and reccurent turn DEBRIDEMENT -removal of dead tissue to promote healing 4 METHODS OF DEBRIDEMENT are sharp,enzymatic, autolytic, and mechanical SHARP DEBRIDEMENT -removal of necrotic tissue from health area of wound w/ steril scissors,forceps or other instruments Very painful, may bleed. ENZYMATIC topically applied chemical substance that break down and liquefy wound debris. a dressing used to keep enzyme in contact w/ wound and help absorb draiange for: UNINFECTED WOUNDS or client who cant deal with shartp AUTOLYTIC aka self-dissolution -painfull, natrually phyical process that allow bodys enzyme to oft, liqueft, and release devitalized tissue. its used when sound is small and free of infection bad nes: the time it takes achieve desired result. to accelerate autolysis an occlusive/semicoocluve bandage is applied to keep wound moist. MECHANICAL -physical removal of debris from nonhealing woulds. technique is maggot therapy they are serilized and dumped into wou.d they secrete an enzyme that dissolves dead tissue leaving healthy alone. When treatment is done they are transferred to DOUBLE-BAGGED BIOHAZARD BAG 2ND TECHNIQUE Hydropthery - the therapuetic use of water, which is submerged in a whirlpool tank The agititation of water, containing antiseptic, soften the dead tissue. loose debris that remain attach is remove afterward by sharp debridenemnt 3RD METHOD IRRIGATION- A technique for flushing debris for cleaning an area of body such as eyes,ears, and vagina. PRESSURE ULCERS 4 STAGES STAGE I - intact but reddened/ darkened skin. PREVENTION /TREATMENT OF PRESSURE ULCER STAGE II- ulcer is red and accompanied by blistering or skin tears without slough. leads to infection of wound STAGE III- shallow skin crater that extends to subcutaneoustissue. It may be accompanied by serous drainage (leaking plasma) , undermining slough, or purulent drainage (white/greenish fluid) caused by wound infection. its usually painless despite severity of ulcer. STAGE IV -life threatening, deeply ulcerated exposeing muscle and bone. Slough and necrotic tissue may be evident. 1st- Identify clients w/ risk factors for ulcers 2nd- implement measures that reduce condition under ulcers are likely form SHEARING FORCE- effect moves layers of tissue in opposite directions