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Democracy: Types, Principles, and Citizen Role

Name the two types of democracy – Direct and representative democracy.
Name and explain the five basic concepts of democracy: standard HS.C1.2
Worth of the Individual
A person’s interests and viewpoints are more important
than the group.
Equal opportunity and equality before the law.
Equality of all Persons
Majority Rule, Minority
Laws should serve the majority, but not oppress or deny
rights to the minority (racial, ethnic, gender, religion,
Necessity of Compromise
Work together to make laws that serve the most people.
Usually, the only way to pass laws.
Individual Freedom
Not absolute freedom (Anarchy), but as mush as can be
allowed. Changes all the time. These are some of the
rights outlined in the Bill of Rights.
Explain the significance of the term Compromise as it relates to problem-solving in a democracy?
To persuade people to participate to find the best solution for the most.
What are the four factors underlying the free enterprise system?
Private ownership, individual initiative (entrepreneurs), profit motivation, competition (freedom of
What are the differences between ancient democracy and modern democracy?
Ancient Democracy
Equal Rights of the community, but no personal
All citizens participated (Only free males of Greek
The majority of citizens could oppress the
minority and individuals (no protection).
Tyranny over the minority and limited unpopular
Modern Democracy
Personal rights provided.
All citizens can participate.
The minority can fight back and have a say.
Freedom of speech.
List two benefits and two disadvantages of having a democratic government:
Individual self-worth and dignity
Equal opportunity
Collective Wisdom
Political equality such as voting
Equal rights to life, liberty, and property
Rewards based on merit rather than birth
Rulers are accountable to the people
Best people aren’t selected
Bad decisions are made
Erosion of political and social authority and unity
Obstruct excellence by lowering standards
Overemphasize equality over liberty
Fails to achieve its ideals or adhere to basic
Authority is based on popular consent
What mechanisms in our government make it a democracy?
We vote and have elections.
What is the role of a citizen in a democracy?
To be educated, to pay attention, and to possibly participate.