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Reading & Writing 3: Unit 1 Answer Key

Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 2
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. honesty, kindness, intelligence,
sense of humor
2. dress nicely, smile, be polite
3. The people are at a meeting in an
office. The man is speaking to his
coworkers. He’s leading the
meeting. His coworkers are listening
to him speak.
Activity B, p. 3
Marcus: c, h
Yuna: a, f
Felix: b, d
Sophy: e, g
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 4
 talking about things like traffic or
Activity B, p. 4
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I like meeting new people at school
because it’s a chance to make a new
friend. Usually I have a lot in
common with my classmates, so I
don’t feel really nervous. I say hello
and smile, and I introduce myself.
When I smile, it shows I am a
friendly person. I also ask my new
classmates questions to make them
feel more comfortable. I usually ask
them where they are from or what
hobbies they have. Sometimes we
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
guess about what our new teacher is
going to be like.
Activity C, p. 4
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 7
1. f
2. i
3. b
4. d
5. a
6. e
7. g
8. c
9. j
10. h
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 7
Nouns: confidence, stranger
Verbs: appreciate, demonstrate,
impress, lead to, maintain, select
Activity D, p. 8
Activity E, p. 8
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F Small talk is equally important
after you are hired.
5. F Just five minutes of small talk can
lead to more successful business
6. F Ask new people details about their
family to find common interests.
7. T
8. F Effective small talk can leave a
good first impression on others.
Activity F, pp. 8–9
1. strangers
2. small talk
3. new people
4. saying anything offensive
5. maintaining eye contact
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
6. people who shy away from small
Activity G, p. 9
Activity H, p. 9
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think the wrong way to use small
talk is when people ask about topics
that are offensive or too personal.
For example, you shouldn’t make
jokes that could hurt the other
person’s feelings or beliefs. You also
shouldn’t use bad words or say
anything mean about other people.
Finally, I think it is wrong to talk
about the problems in your life. It
can make the other person feel very
Activity A, B, p. 9
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The last time I used small talk was
on my first day of school. I didn’t
know any of my classmates. I started
up a conversation with a couple of
people sitting next to me. We talked
about what classes we were taking
and the music we liked.
2. I agree with the author that small
talk is a big deal. If we don’t know
how to make small talk correctly, we
might offend someone, and we
might not be able to make friends.
Also, people use small talk a lot at
work to get better jobs, so it’s very
Activity A, p. 10
a. SD
b. MI
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
c. SD
a. SD
b. SD
c. MI
a. MI
b. SD
c. SD
Activity B, p. 10
Paragraph 1: Put a group of strangers in a
room together, and they’ll probably start a
Paragraph 6: Next, keep the conversation
Paragraph 7: Third, maintain eye contact.
Paragraph 8: Some people shy away from
small talk.
Activity A, p. 11
 Find out as much as you can
about the job.
 Don’t interrupt the interviewer
when he or she is talking.
Activity B, p. 11
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
If someone is going on a job
interview, I think he or she should
be respectful. The person should
show up on time and use polite
words like please and thank you. He
or she should be a good listener and
shouldn’t talk too much. The person
shouldn’t say anything offensive,
and he or she should never lie. The
person needs to act right and be
Activity C, p. 11
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Activity B, pp. 13–14
1. exaggerate
2. weakness
3. consider
4. punctual
5. slang
6. responsible
7. expect
8. research
9. professional
10. accomplishment
Activity D, p. 14
Answers may vary. Possible answer:
Job Interview Dos
Dress professionally.
Learn about the company.
Think of questions and
Be punctual.
Make eye contact.
Sit up straight.
Listen carefully.
Be polite.
Find shared interests.
Talk about your
Stay positive.
Ask questions.
Job Interview Don’ts
Don’t be negative.
Don’t use slang or bad
Don’t interrupt.
Don’t exaggerate.
Don’t lie.
Don’t forget to breathe.
Activity E, pp. 14–15
1. T
2. F Most companies expect you to
wear business clothes to an
3. F Arrive 10–15 minutes early to help
yourself relax before you step into
the office.
4. T
5. F It’s bad to lie about a past job to
impress the interviewer.
6. T
7. F At the end of the interview, ask
specific questions about the job or
Activity F, p. 15
1. f
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity A, p. 15
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think “Dress professionally” is the
most important tip because the
interviewer won’t even listen to
what you have to say if you are
dressed badly. If you dress neatly
and professionally, it shows that you
care about the impression you are
making. It also shows that you will
look professional if you get the job. I
think talking about my
accomplishments is the hardest
thing to do because I always feel like
I am bragging. But I know that
interviewers really want to know
about my accomplishments.
2. I think the best way to make an
interviewer interested in me is by
giving thoughtful answers to the
questions and being enthusiastic
about the job. If I give thoughtful
answers, it will show that I want to
do my best. Employers want to hire
people who are willing to work hard
and do their best. If I’m enthusiastic,
the interviewer will see that I really
care about the job. Employers don’t
want to hire people who don’t want
to work at their companies.
Activity B, p. 15
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity A, p. 16
1. accomplishment
3. consideration
4. demonstration
Activity B, p. 17
1. accomplishment
2. consideration
3. confidence
4. demonstrate
5. impressive
6. offend
7. responsibly
8. select
Activity C, p. 17
Answers will vary. Ensure that students
have used word forms correctly. Possible
1. Getting a job is a big
I can accomplish anything when I try
my best.
I feel accomplished when I finish my
2. I wish I had the confidence to
answer questions in front of the
I am confident that I can improve my
grades by studying more.
The band played confidently for the
3. After some careful consideration, I
made a decision to stay in school.
I will consider your advice.
She has made a considerable effort
to work harder.
His grades have dropped
considerably since he stopped
After the watching the
demonstration, I wanted to try.
I asked him to demonstrate how he
figured out the problem.
I am making a demonstrational
video for how to cook spaghetti.
A firm handshake always leaves a
good impression.
I am trying to impress my teacher by
arriving early to class.
His work ethic is really impressive;
he managed to finish the project in
one day!
Elephants are impressively large
I think cheating is a terrible offense.
I hope I didn’t offend her with my
I don’t watch that TV show because I
find it offensive.
I don’t think he meant to say that
offensively; he’s having a bad day.
It is important to take responsibility
for your actions.
Who is responsible for eating all the
Always remember to speak
We have a wide selection to choose
Select the option you want and we
will bring it to you right away.
I am selective when I choose the
dessert I want to eat.
She reads selectively, preferring
short stories and mysteries.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Activity A, pp. 18–19
1. Circle: When you start a job, you can
leave a bad impression on your new
coworkers very quickly without even
realizing it.
2. 12
a. speaking loudly on your
b. taking the last cup of coffee
and not making another pot
c. leaving your cell phone on
4. It may disturb the quiet coworkers
need to do their work.
5. Finding your dream job may take a
lot of time and effort, but
unfortunately, leaving a bad
impression on your coworkers can
be done quickly and easily!
Activity B, p. 19
1. c
2. a
3. d
Activity A, pp. 20–21
Some answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Sometimes we say something that
leaves people with a bad
impression, but it is possible to fix
the situation.
A. Figure out why others are upset
or uninterested.
1. Think about the
2. Try to remember what you
said that offended others.
B. Be prepared.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
1. Make a plan about what to
say and not to say.
2. Don’t make the same
mistake twice.
C. Be positive and interested.
1. Don’t bring up the bad past
2. Ask questions, listen
carefully, and respond
3. Concluding sentence: There is no
standard formula to turn a negative
impression into a positive one;
however, if you stay positive and
seem interested in changing their
opinion about you, you are more
likely to get them to like you the
next time!
Activity B, pp. 21–22
Some answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Topic sentence: There are several ways to
make new friends.
2. Subtopics and supporting details:
A. You can make new friends in
1. Come to class early.
2. Sit next to another
3. Use small talk to start a
B. You can make new friends at
1. You and your coworkers
will have a lot in common.
2. You could hang out after
work with coworkers.
3. Concluding sentence:
Making new friends is not always easy, but
with a little effort, you can build friendships
with the people around you, and in the
process, you may even find your new best
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 1 Student Book Answer Key
Activity A, p. 23
1. Circle: People want to be around
Underline: when you have good
listening skills
2. Underline: If you tell a joke,
Circle: you could offend someone
3. Underline: When you dress
Circle: people take you seriously
4. Circle: You are more likely to make a
good impression
Underline: if you are confident and
5. Underline: If you don’t ask
Circle: people may not think you’re
interested in what they’re saying
Activity B, p. 23
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
1. will take
2. feel
3. will have
4. come
5. doesn’t study
Activity C, p. 24
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. you will be tired
2. you might not get the job
3. he will think you don’t care about
4. you may offend someone
5. the interviewer will think you’re not
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 26
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. rice, soup, sandwiches, beans, etc.
2. olives, honey, cheese, apricot
pudding, etc.
3. Yes, I think presentation affects how
food tastes. I think that if food looks
delicious, you expect it to taste
delicious, so it does. / No, I don’t
think presentation is important. I
think food served on a paper plate
tastes the same as food served on
fancy china.
Activity B, p. 26
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Homemade food has less salt than
prepared food and uses fresher
2. I think that vegetables, foods low in
fat, and foods without sugar help
people lose weight.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 28
 to compare different kinds of
 to give advice about people’s
food choices
Activity B, p. 28
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Cake is an important food in my
culture. We eat it during special
occasions. For example, people eat
cake to celebrate birthdays. Another
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
time people in my culture have cake
is during weddings. Cake helps to
bring families together. Without
cake, people in my culture wouldn’t
know how to celebrate.
Activity C, p. 28
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 30–31
1. recognize
2. is made up of
3. system
4. likely
5. at risk
6. typically
7. identify
8. balanced
9. sensitive
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 30
Adjectives: (3) digestive, (4) likely,
healthy, (6) healthy, fewer, (8)
balanced, different, (9) sensitive
Nouns used like adjectives: (3)
human, (6) health, (8) health, (9)
Activity D, p. 31
1. b
2. d
3. b
4. a
Activity E, p. 32
1. sweet, sour, bitter, salty; paragraph
2. 5,000 (or half the number that
medium tasters have); paragraph 3
3. a woman from Korea; paragraph 3
4. bitter, fatty, sweet, spicy; paragraph
5. Because their tastes may cause
them to make unhealthy choices.
Supertasters might avoid healthy
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
fruits and vegetables. Nontasters
might eat too much fat.; paragraph
Activity F, pp. 32–33
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
Activity G, p. 33
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
1. about 20,000 (twice as many as
medium tasters)
2. no, because it depends on how many
taste buds you have
3. foods that don’t have a lot of flavors
4. They might be at risk for diseases like
heart disease and diabetes.
Activity A, B, p. 33
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think I’m a nontaster because I eat
everything. I like very spicy food. I
also like very sweet and fatty foods.
My favorite foods are desserts and
fried foods. I also like strong coffee.
2. I really like strawberries because
they are sweet. They taste good
fresh and they’re also good in pie or
jam. When they are ripe, they taste
like candy. I also like them because I
know they are good for me. They
are full of vitamin C.
3. People like foods they grew up
eating or foods that remind them of
happy times. Sometimes it’s hard to
like food that’s different from the
food you grew up eating. If a food
looks strange or unusual, people
might not like it. People often dislike
foods that have made them sick.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
They might also dislike foods that
they had to eat a lot when they
were young. For example, when I
was young, my mother made me eat
broccoli all the time. Now I don’t like
Activity A, p. 34
Step 1:
1. Finding Balance in Food
2. Food, Balance, and Culture; France:
Balancing Geography and Portions;
China: Balancing Opposites;
Different Cultures, Shared Desire
Step 2:
sweet and sour chicken and a map
of France
Step 3:
Paragraph 1: When comparing the
food habits of different cultures,
however, the definition of a
“balanced diet” might also be seen
Paragraph 6: A look at their food
preferences also suggests that
culture and food are not separate
from each other.
Activity B, p. 34
how the concept of a balanced diet
is different in different cultures
Activity C, p. 34
France and China have different
cultures and different ideas of a
balanced diet. Food and culture are
closely related.
Activity A, p. 35
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 35
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think that a balanced diet includes
a variety of foods so you get all the
nutrients you need. It’s important to
eat healthy fruits and vegetables.
But you also need protein, like
chicken or lamb. You should also eat
some grains. I also think yogurt is
part of a balanced diet.
Activity C, p. 35
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 37
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. b
10. a
Activity D, p. 38
1. a
2. b
3. d
4. a
5. c
Activity E, pp. 38–39
1. T
2. F There are fast-food restaurants in
3. F A traditional French meal can have
from three to seven courses.
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F Eggs and mushrooms are
considered warm foods.
8. T
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity F, p. 39
French cuisine
1. balance of different food regions
2. several courses
3. small portions
4. search for balance
5. food preferences affected by culture
Chinese cuisine
6. opposing cooking methods
7. balance of warm and cool foods
8. food as medicine
Activity G, pp. 39–40
1. fast-food restaurants have changed
their menus
2. many French people dislike it
3. a meal can have from three to seven
4. it decreases body heat
5. it is considered healthy
6. it is a cool drink that can balance the
extra warmth
Activity H, p. 40
 1
 2
 5
Activity A, p. 40
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I prefer more variety because it
keeps my diet interesting. Different
kinds of foods have different
nutrients. I eat small portions
because I need to limit the number
of calories I eat. I also like to enjoy
many different flavors in one meal. I
usually eat more than three times a
day, but I only eat a little at each
2. I like the Chinese food called chow
mein. It has a lot of noodles and
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
vegetables and sometimes meat or
chicken. Chinese dishes never have
cheese or bread. In my country, we
eat a lot of beans, yogurt, meat, and
bread. I like our food the best, but I
think Chinese food is healthier.
Activity B, p. 40
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think it is important to know where
your food comes from so that you
know if it was grown safely and
2. Healthy foods like fruits and
vegetables can help people live
Activity D, p. 41
Answers will vary.
Activity A, pp. 41–42
1. tastes, menus, ingredients, eating
habits, and nutritional benefits
2. lamb kabobs and falafel with
3. There are many dishes and the
whole family eats together.
4. They have a taste for sugary foods.
5. in their texture
6. cumin, pepper, and cinnamon
Activity B, p. 42
1. makes
2. meals
3. think about
4. a liking
5. ways that things feel
6. a good combination
Activity C, p. 42
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The students have different ideas
about what constitutes a good
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
2. I’m trying to learn to cook some new
dishes for the holidays.
3. I view the holidays as a time to
spend with my family.
4. Maryam has a real taste for salty
5. I like wearing clothing that has many
6. Our class group works in harmony
on our projects.
Activity A, pp. 43–44
1. Whenever I think of my mother’s
cooking, I always remember her
delicious Yorkshire puddings.
2. Yorkshire pudding is such a simple
and common English food, but it will
always be special to me because of
my mother.
3. Yorkshire pudding tastes delicious,
light, crisp, and sweet.
4. her mother, her British ancestry, and
her mother’s history
5. delicious, traditional, simple, light,
crisp, sweet, special, homemade,
common, English
Activity B, p. 44
Circled: crisp, sweet; holidays; sweet
with strawberry jam; fight with
sister; homemade; British ancestry;
Activity C, p. 44
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Some of the ideas don’t fit with the
focus on the author’s mother and
how the pudding tastes. Maybe the
author didn’t choose “New Year’s
Day” because she mentions
Activity D, p 45
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 2 Student Book Answer Key
 Nothing tastes better than the
ceviche in Lima, Peru.
Activity E, p. 45
1. simple
2. hot
3. raw
4. special
5. sliced
6. fresh
7. famous
Activity F, p. 46
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. traditional, old-fashioned
2. big, yellow
3. bold, bland
4. bitter, fresh
5. excellent, favorite
Activity A, p. 47
Opinion/Quality cheap, common, elegant,
fashionable, friendly,
funny, interesting, lovely,
nice, pretty, tasty, ugly,
uncomfortable, unusual,
huge, little
ancient, antique, elderly,
modern, teenage,
oval, rectangular,
Arab, Brazilian, Korean,
ceramic, cotton, glass,
metal, plastic, silk, wool
hiking, jogging, medical,
racing, wedding, writing
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
1. I love to eat sweet, milky, white
2. I am going to visit my nice, elderly,
friendly grandmother.
3. I am wearing a comfortable, orange,
silk blouse.
4. Yesterday I ate spicy, tasty, Korean
5. I am reading a funny, modern,
interesting book.
6. My favorite place to eat is a
common, traditional, American
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 48
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 50
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I use technology every day. I use my
phone and computer to keep in
2. The man is using a cell phone. He is
Activity B, p. 51
Students’ opinions in 1 and answers to 2
will vary. Possible answers:
1. With her phone, Sophy can text and
send pictures to her friends anytime.
I think it definitely helps me keep in
touch. I regularly use my cell phone,
video chats, and emails to
communicate with family, friends,
and colleagues.
2. Yes. I know cell phones only became
common within my lifetime, but I
cannot imagine the world without
them. I use mine for many tasks. For
example, I check my e-mail, search
the Internet for information, and
use a lot of different apps.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 52
 to discuss advantages and
disadvantages of driverless cars
Activity B, p. 52
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I don’t think I would be comfortable
in a driverless car. When I’m in a car,
I like to be the driver. I’m not sure I
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
would like having a car that didn’t
let me make the driving decisions.
Activity C, p. 52
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 54
1. occur
2. obey
3. sense
4. data
5. manufacturer
6. respond
7. benefit
8. limitation
9. obstacle
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 54
Circled: (1) cars, headlights, accidents,
night, drivers, (2) police, drivers, speed
limit, highways, drivers, ticket, (3)
buildings, lights, people, room, (4)
computer, accident, losing, work, data,
(5) manufacturer, car, gasoline,
electricity, customers, vehicles, fuel, (6)
boss, emails, (7) benefit, driving, work,
time, disadvantage, traffic, (8)
membership, website, articles,
limitation, information, paying, (9) sand,
obstacle, desert, speed, direction, car
Underlined: (1) have, are, to occur, can’t
see, (2) expect, to obey, go, may get, (3)
can sense, enter, turn on, (4) turns off,
don’t worry, is saved, (5) has decided, to
build, runs, want, use, (6) expects, to
respond, doesn’t hear, gets, (7) is, saves,
is, can get stuck, (8) don’t pay, can’t
read, is (’s), can access, (9) is, makes, to
Activity D, p. 55
a. 4
b. 1
c. 3
d. 5
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
e. 2
Activity E, p. 55
d. In the near future, driverless cars
may change the way people drive.
Activity F, p. 56
1. 4; They can be lighter because they
are less likely to crash.
3. 6; They have already driven over
200,000 miles accident-free.
4. 2; They use GPS, sensors, and
5. 5; They cannot anticipate the
unexpected like humans can. They
might not recognize the commands
of police officers and may be too
“polite” on the highway.
Activity G, p. 56
1. O
2. O
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. O
7. F
8. O
Activity H, p. 57
Answers may vary. Possible answers:
1. They can help people stay safe. 4
2. They can warn people when there is
a dangerous turn. 2
3. They can park themselves. 2
4. People can do other things safely. 4
5. They would use less fuel. 4
1. They can’t anticipate unexpected
things like people can. 5
2. They might not recognize the
commands of police officers. 5
3. They may be too “polite.” 5
4. Driving laws are written for human
drivers, not robots. 5
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
5. It’s not clear who’s to blame for an
accident. 5
Activity A, B, p. 57
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Car companies want to make
driverless cars because they may be
safer than human drivers. Drivers
sometimes make bad decisions, but
a driverless car would use accurate
data to make the right decisions.
Driverless cars might also save car
manufacturers money because the
cars wouldn’t crash as often.
Manufacturers could build lighter
cars with fewer safety features. Car
companies could make a lot of
money if they could convince people
to get rid of their old cars and buy
new, expensive, driverless cars.
2. I would consider buying a driverless
car. I would be able to do my
homework during my commute. The
car would drive safely even if I were
very tired or not feeling well. I also
like new technology, and it would be
fun to be one of the first owners of a
driverless car. However, it might be
too expensive for me to buy.
Activity A, p. 58
1. topics, main ideas, details, nouns,
2. They are background information or
very specific details.
3. It summarizes the main idea.
4. Main idea: Cars today already think
for us. It’s stated in the topic
sentence and supported by the
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Activity A, p. 59
 to prepare children for future jobs
 make schools more modern
 to make learning more challenging
Activity B, p. 59
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think computers can help children
learn. Computers can make the
subjects more interesting for
students. For example, students can
read about something and then
watch a video about it. Also, on a
computer, students can take as
much time as they need to do
something without slowing down
other students.
Activity C, p. 59
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 62
1. e
2. g
3. b
4. j
5. h
6. a
7. f
8. i
9. c
10. d
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 62
Adjectives: digital, reliable, interactive
Nouns: feedback, experiment
Activity D, p. 63
a. 9
b. 5
c. 7
d. 3
e. 6
f. 8
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity E, p. 63
1. T
2. T
3. F All students in the United Arab
Emirates will have tablets by 2017.
4. T
5. F Paper test results take longer than
online quiz results.
6. F Not all families in the United Arab
Emirates have the Internet at home.
7. T
Activity F, p. 63
1. Ali and his classmates
2. students
3. Petra
4. students
5. the government of Saudi Arabia
Activity G, p. 64
1. b
Underline: But will the experiment
2. b
Underline: thousands of public
school students
3. a
Underline: this is good
4. b
Underline: it will be the next leader;
children like Ali will be the new
Activity H, p. 64
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 65
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I agree because I see children
spending many hours on their
tablets. They can get upset when
their parents tell them to get off
because they are too addicted. They
do not know when to stop.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
2. I would like to be a doctor. I will
need strong computer and
technology skills because doctors
use a lot of high-technology devices
that are run by computers.
Activity B, p. 65
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think people should have a lot of
control over the technology they
use. People should be able to use
technology when they need it and
when it makes life easier. However,
people should also be able to turn it
off. That way we can connect to
other people face to face or to
perform a task by hand. Our lives
are more satisfying when we control
technology, not when technology
controls us.
2. Technology can help people do their
work more easily and quickly. It can
also help people communicate. You
can be connected with friends
around the world in a few seconds.
But technology can take people
away from interacting with others in
the real world. Sometimes people
spend more time online than they
do talking with friends and family.
Activity A, pp. 65–66
1. The GPS navigation system stores
data about highway exits and speed
2. When an accident occurs, the police
must decide who is responsible.
3. Are there any limitations to using
robots for everyday tasks?
4. Engineers are trying to discover new
ways to increase Internet speeds.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
5. Researchers have created
experiments that study how
driverless cars respond to accidents.
6. It may be difficult for consumers to
accept driverless cars, but
eventually, they may become
popular because they have many
Activity B, p. 66
1. a. G
b. S
2. a. G
b. S
3. a. G
b. S
4. a. G
b. S
5. a. G
b. S
Activity A, pp. 67–68
1. In the near future, driverless cars
may change the way people drive.
2. a. The sensors see the road and
make decisions about turns and
stops, and the GPS navigation
system tells the car where to go.
b. Also, it is not clear who is at fault
when a driverless car causes an
c. The success of these cars will
eventually depend on consumers,
not car manufacturers.
3. The writer has a negative reaction.
The writer says that he or she does
not agree that they are the cars of
the future.
4. The writer thinks people would
prefer to be in control and would
worry about the car’s computer
making mistakes.
5. Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 3 Student Book Answer Key
Activity B, p. 69
1. Governments want children to learn
with technology so they are better
prepared for jobs of the future.
2. The Saudi Arabia government is
putting tablets in hundreds of
3. Tablets are making learning more
interactive for students. Students
are using videos, apps, and software
to solve problems and be creative.
4. Tablets are helping teachers help
their students more quickly and
5. The Saudi Arabian government is
improving Internet speeds and
reliability and putting tablets in
6. The author believes that, if Saudi
Arabia manages the challenges, it
will lead in tablet education, and its
students will lead the new
knowledge economy.
Activity C, p. 70
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 71
1. Underlined: do, mop, mow
Word form: verb
Circled: and
2. Underlined: person, vehicle
Word form: noun
Circled: or
3. Underlined: stop, pull
Word form: verb
Circled: or
4. Underlined: paper, books
Word form: noun
Circled: or
5. Underlined: e-books, videos, apps
Word form: noun
Circled: and
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
6. Underlined: interactive, dynamic
Word form: adjective
Circled: and
7. Underlined: slow, stop
Word form: verb
Circled: or
Activity B, pp. 71–72
1. They are not listening to their
teacher or penciling down notes in
their science journals.
2. They turn their designs into a
presentation and share them on
their screens.
3. Right now it is too early to know, but
the answer could be next door.
4. Do you blame the driver, the car, or
the car manufacturer?
5. Drivers can make bad judgments,
get sleepy, or run red lights.
6. Driverless cars are already on the
roads, and could soon end up at a
dealer near you.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 74
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I’ve purchased cereal, clothes, sneakers,
and a car.
2. I wanted to buy a car. Commercials
helped me to decide which one was the
3. Yes, there is too much advertising
around us. / No, there is not too much
advertising around us.
Activity B, p. 75
1. Felix: a; Harms us
Marcus: c; Helps us
Sophy: d; Harms us
2. Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I agree with Felix. My little brother
asks my parents to buy him things
because he knows their name from
television commercials. He doesn’t
even know what they are!
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I see them on billboards, television,
and buses.
1. on the highway
2. at a wax museum
3. near a place where new
development is planned
4. on the road
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Advertisement 1: To provide information;
To provide help
Advertisement 2: To sell something
Advertisement 3: To provide information
Advertisement 4: To sell something
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity A, p. 76
 to explain what advertisers do to make
food look better
Activity B, p. 76
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I was watching TV with some friends
and we saw an advertisement for a
restaurant. Someone said the food
looked good. I was hungry, and the
food did look good. We turned off
the television and went to the
restaurant for lunch instead.
Activity C, p. 76
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 78–79
1. appealing
2. come close to
3. anticipation
4. hire
5. critic
6. claim
7. figure out
8. deceptive
9. particularly
10. appear
Activity D, p. 79
1. 3
2. 2
3. 1
4. 5
5. 4
Activity E, p. 79
1. F In the U.S. there is a law that if a
company is advertising a food, the real
food must be used in the photograph.
2. T
3. T
4. F It is difficult to take photos of a
cooked turkey.
5. F Food stylists use partially cooked
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
burgers to make the meat appear
plumper and partially cooked turkeys so
the skin doesn’t wrinkle.
Activity F, p. 80
1. Only cook it partway.
2. Use a blowtorch for grill marks.
3. Use paper towels.
4. Sew it with needle and thread.
5. Paint it with food coloring or
6. Use ingredients like corn syrup and
Activity H, pp. 80–81
Answers for “Words that helped me” will
2. edible means (a) good or safe to eat
Words that helped me: food
coloring, glue, toothpicks, paper
towels, glycerin
3. fake means (b) not real
Words that helped me: ingredients
like corn syrup, powdered sugar and
margarine; looks, but certainly
doesn’t taste, like the real thing
Activity I, p. 81
Answers for inferences will vary. Possible
1. Some may be too thin or have too
few sesame seeds. Some may have
an odd shape or color. Paragraph: 3
2. Fake yogurt might be used because
real frozen yogurt would melt.
Paragraph: 5
3. The French fries might not look
good, especially after they have
been under hot lights for hours.
Paragraph: 6
Activity A, B, pp. 81–82
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
1. I think it is deceptive advertising. If I
see a beautiful sandwich in an ad, I
want my sandwich to look that good
when I go to the restaurant. If I get
there and the bread on my sandwich
is soggy and the lettuce is wilted, I
will feel deceived. They should take
a picture of what the sandwich
actually looks like, or make the real
food look as good as the pictures.
2. I don’t care very much about a
food’s appearance. I want my food
to taste good. If I know a food tastes
delicious, I will buy it. If the photo
on the package is not appealing, I
will buy it anyway. The taste is more
important than the appearance.
3. I don’t usually have problems
ordering something from a catalog.
Usually the things I order are just as
described. However, once I ordered
a blue shirt. When it came it was
actually purple. It was supposed to
be plain, but it had stripes instead. I
had to return it, and I didn’t order
from that catalog again.
Activity A, p. 82
1. F
2. F
3. O
4. F
5. O
6. O
Activity B, p. 83
1. People are always influenced by ads.
2. Taken individually, ads are silly,
sometimes funny, but certainly
nothing to worry about.
3. My favorite ad is the one showing
the family in the beautiful new car.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
4. That was the most ridiculous ad I
have ever seen.
5. The consequences of ads are
Activity A, p. 83
 positive
Activity B, p. 83
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I was ready to buy my first car. Lots
of advertisements show the car
driving but don’t give you much
information about the car. They are
trying to sell a feeling. But one car
maker talked about how their car
didn’t pollute the environment as
much. It didn’t use a lot of gas, and
it didn’t cost too much. I bought a
car from that company.
Activity C, p. 83
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 85–86
a. surrounding
b. entertain
c. exposure
d. broadcasting
e. donation
f. annual
g. support
h. annoying
i. memorable
Activity D, p. 86
a. 5
b. 3
c. 2
d. 1
e. 6
f. 4
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity E, p. 87
Answers will vary. Students should supply
one example for each item. Possible
supports broadcasting: fewer pledge
drives; experience and exposure for
helps support sports: pays for fields,
equipment, and salaries of athletes
provides public service
announcements: information on
diseases, medical problems, public
health, safety, etc.
helps make the world more colorful:
encourages and supports creative
work; pays for TV shows
Activity F, p. 87
1. A; 1,7
2. A; 3
3. D; 3
4. D; 4
5. D; 3
Activity G, pp. 87–88
1. Paragraph: 4
fields, equipment, salaries of
2. Paragraph: 7
clothing designers, photographers,
paper company workers, store
employees (students should name at
least three)
3. Paragraph: 6
They need to be memorable
because they provide important
4. Paragraph: 5
website services such as online
Activity A, p. 88
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
1. It means advertising isn’t good, but
we need it. I agree because
businesses need to sell products for
the economy to survive. / I disagree
because I don’t think advertising is
2. Yes, I would. I don’t like to see
advertising. / No, I’d rather see ads
and pay lower prices.
Activity B, p. 88
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I saw an ad recently for a car. The
car was being driven along a road
near the ocean. The driver and the
passenger were having a good time.
they were laughing and talking. The
ad had a positive effect on me
because I thought that it would be
fun to drive a nice car with friends
along the coast of California.
2. I would like to see less advertising
during sports events. You can’t even
watch a game without it being
interrupted every five minutes. The
constant interruption takes away
from your enjoyment of it. You can
miss things sometimes because of
advertisements. When the ads are
finished, you see an instant replay of
what you missed. But that’s not as
exciting as it seems.
3. The most common place to find ads
targeting children is on television. A
lot of the advertising is for food
products. Some are for toys.
4. I think ads targeting children are
mostly negative, because they try to
convince them that they need things
they don’t really need.
Activity A, p. 89
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
1. adjective
2. noun
3. adverb
4. adjective
5. noun
6. adjective
7. noun
8. noun
9. adverb
10. adjective
Activity A, pp. 90–91
1. I guess you could say that I’m
different from most people because
I love commercials.
2. Reason 2: I like to see commercials
that my senses respond to.
Examples: a close-up of mouthwatering food, a car driving through
mountain roads, music
Reason 3: Advertising tells me about
coming attractions.
Examples: future TV programs,
events, or movies
Activity B, pp. 91–92
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c
Activity A, pp. 93–94
1. and; related ideas
2. but; contrasting ideas
3. so; a result
4. but; contrasting ideas
5. or; a choice
Activity B, p. 94
1. I like to stay healthy, so I exercise
every day.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 4 Student Book Answer Key
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
2. Sara Marcone is a very creative
writer, and she has written five
3. The lecture was interesting, but it
was a bit too long.
4. We can go out for dinner, or we can
stay home.
Activity C, p. 94
Answers will vary.
Activity D, p. 94
Underlined in Reading 2, with coordinating
conjunctions (underlined below) circled:
1. It may be annoying to sit through
commercials during your favorite TV
show, but the advertisers have paid
for its production.
2. There are hundreds of large banners
surrounding sports stadiums, and
hundreds, thousands, even millions
of people notice them.
3. Companies pay as much as a million
dollars for 60 seconds of advertising
time during this event, so a lot of
effort goes into these commercials.
4. Various companies pay for the PSAs,
and advertising agencies make
donations of their time and
expertise to produce them.
5. We may wish that commercials and
advertisements weren’t necessary,
but, for the most part, we are all
content to have them as part of our
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 96
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. “Take a risk” means doing
something with the possibility of
loss or failure.
2. I am a risk-taker. I like to try new
foods without knowing if I will enjoy
them. / I am not a risk-taker. I like to
know for certain if I will enjoy or be
good at something.
3. One of the people is wing-walking.
Another person is climbing a
mountain. In the video photo, the
person is wingsuit-gliding.
Activity B, p. 97
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think that excitement is a common
reason for people to take risks.
Skydiving, racing, and mountain
climbing are all examples of risks
that could bring someone
2. Doing something new can be risky. It
is risky because someone might not
succeed. I took a risk by deciding to
learn English.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 98
 They don’t think it’s too risky.
 They like a challenge.
 They love the feeling of excitement.
 It makes them focus on the present
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity B, p. 98
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Motorcycle racing is very risky. The
riders go very fast around the track.
If they fall, they could be badly
injured. Also, they ride very close to
each other. If one rider falls, other
riders fall as well and can get hurt
too. But it looks very exciting.
Activity C, p. 98
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 100–101
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. a
Activity D, p. 101
a. 5
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
Activity E, p. 102
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Main idea
Higher tolerance
of risk
Fear of risk
Adrenaline flow
Risk perception
Daron Rahlves, a ski
Al Read: forget about
fear and go back
Al Read: exhilaration
Climbers prepare for
activity and don’t see it
as a risk.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
Activity F, p. 102
1. the fun of it
2. mental character
3. could be killed
4. without oxygen
5. people think it is
Activity G, p. 102
1. c
2. d
3. b
4. a
Activity A, B, p. 103
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think downhill skiing is risky. You
are moving incredibly fast, and you
can easily fall and injure yourself.
Also, if you do injure yourself, you’re
up in the mountains far from a
hospital. Someone who skis
frequently wouldn’t see downhill
skiing as that risky because they
have probably skied many times
without getting hurt. They probably
feel very much in control when they
2. Yes, fishing seems risky. The ocean is
dangerous and unpredictable. If you
have an accident on the ocean,
there might not be anyone around
to help you. You could die from the
cold water, or you could drown. You
could also be eaten by a shark.
3. Mountain climbing seems very
dangerous to people who don’t do it
because they aren’t familiar with the
safety equipment and the skills that
mountain climbers have. They
imagine climbing without
equipment, and that would be scary
and dangerous. And if you fell from
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
a mountain, you would probably die.
Also, accidents are big news stories.
People hear more about climbers
that have accidents than they do
about climbers who don’t have any
Activity A, p. 104
1. Underlined: some people
Circled: the rest of us
2. Underlined: others
Circled: most of us
3. Underlined: others
Circled: many people
4. Underlined: certain people
Circled: others
5. Underlined: these types of people
Circled: others
Activity B, p. 104
Underlined: some people, These types of
people, them, a certain type of person,
certain types of people
Circled: most of us, The majority of people,
The rest of us, The rest of us
Activity A, p. 105
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
 She wanted to improve how she felt
about herself.
Activity B, p. 105
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
When I was eight years old, I broke
my arm. All of my friends were
learning to play volleyball. I couldn’t
play because of my arm, but I
wanted to learn the game. So I
volunteered to be the scorekeeper
when my friends played. After two
months, my arm was healed, and I
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
could play volleyball with my
Activity C, p. 105
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 108
1. goal
2. conquer
3. determined
4. bravely
5. role
6. distinctive
7. earn
8. ultimate
9. significant
Activity D, p. 108
a. 3
b. 4
c. 2
d. 1
e. 6
f. 5
Activity E, p. 109
1. 2
2. 4
3. 6
4. 3
Activity F, p. 109
1. 1250; 4
2. imperfect; 4
3. 1996; 5
4. 45; 6
5. 150; 6
6. bracelet; 7
Activity G, p. 109
1. F; 6 Kelly was glad that her husband
was climbing directly behind her.
2. F; 7 Craig was not sure they would
ever make another climb.
3. T; 5
4. T; 3
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
5. F; 6 The gloves are to help people
going down the mountain.
Activity A, p. 110
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. She would rather face the challenge
of climbing mountains than the
challenge of being ill.
2. Yes, because after her transplant
she was trying to change her image
and prove herself. / No, because she
always loved the challenge of being
Activity B, p. 110
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes. They need to take risks because
they wouldn’t be happy without the
adrenaline rush. Life without risk
would seem dull. I think they would
be unhappy. If they didn’t do risky
sports, they might find riskier things
to do. For example, they might drive
too fast on the highway to get the
adrenaline rush.
2. Yes, most people perceive risk
differently when they are older.
When you are young, the possibility
of serious injury isn’t very real.
When you get older and have more
experience, it becomes more real. I
think that’s because you have more
life experience. When you’re older,
you’ve seen the things that can
happen when you take risks.
Activity A, p. 111
Answers will vary depending on which
dictionary is used.
Activity B, p. 111
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
1. My brother was driven to be the
best student in his class.
2. He embraced the challenge of
medical school.
3. My sister has a real appetite for
4. The most important ingredient in
learning English is being willing to
make mistakes.
5. My cousin took the role of coach for
our basketball team.
6. Ibraheem earned our respect with
all of his hard work.
7. The face of the mountain is solid
Activity B, p. 113
1. The writer gives background
information in the first paragraph.
2. An opportunity to fulfill this dream
came to me one day, and I decided to
take the risk and go for it.
3. The writer includes two body
paragraphs. Students should mark
paragraphs 2 and 3 with brackets.
4. Answers will vary.
5. Taking a huge financial risk was scary,
but fulfilling a lifelong dream gives
you a feeling that can’t be described. I
felt that I was the luckiest person in
the world.
Activity C, p. 114
1. c
2. The storm began quickly and wildly.
I was sitting in my living room
watching the ocean as the waves
grew in size and strength. Many
people told me I was foolish to stay
in my house and not seek shelter
away from the beach. But this was
my home. I had always stayed put
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
during previous hurricanes, and this
was no exception.
3. Though the flooding went on
through the night, the damage had
been done in minutes. Some people
thought I had taken an unnecessary
risk by staying in the house, but
saving my neighbor and his family
was proof enough for me that I had
made the right decision.
Activity A, p. 115
Simple past verbs are boxed and present
past perfect verbs are underlined
The storm began quickly and wildly.
I was sitting in my living room watching the
ocean as the waves grew in size and
strength. Many people told me I was
foolish to stay in my house and not seek
shelter away from the beach. But this was
my home. I had always stayed put during
previous hurricanes, and this was no
exception. I knew I was taking a risk, but I
thought maybe I could help others who
might be in need.
The ferocious winds died down
almost as quickly as they had started. As I
inspected my house, I realized the
basement contained 60 centimeters of
water. Fortunately, I had removed anything
valuable before the storm. Then I noticed
the flood of water running down the street.
The street was no more, replaced by a river
running through the neighborhood. As I was
surveying the area, I heard shouts from
down the street. I walked out to the garage
and grabbed my kayak. This would provide
my transportation for the next few hours.
I paddled down the street to where
the shouts were coming from. One of my
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 5 Student Book Answer Key
neighbors—another risk-taker—had stayed
in his house, but the water had poured into
the second floor. He and his family,
including two small children, were left with
only the attic to stay in. I tied a rope to each
of the children and placed them into the
kayak. I paddled them to the end of the
street where the water subsided and
pavement was visible. We finally reached
an undamaged home, and I lifted the
children to safety. Then I returned to help
their parents.
Though the flooding went on
through the night, the damage had been
done in minutes. Some people thought I
had taken an unnecessary risk by staying in
the house, but saving my neighbor and his
family was proof enough for me that I had
made the right decision.
Activity B, pp. 115–116
1. past/present
2. past/present
3. present
4. past
5. present/past
Activity C, p. 116
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I ride my bike
2. I drink water
3. I speak English fluently
4. people did not drive cars
5. I prepare my meals at home
6. I do not watch TV
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Answers will vary.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 118
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Yes. I think it is something we learn
from our families. / No, I think
humans have a natural desire to
2. You shouldn’t help someone if
helping that person will hurt others
or yourself. You shouldn’t help
someone who needs to learn how to
help themselves (like a child in some
3. One hiker is helping another hiker
climb over some rocks.
Activity B, p. 118
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think families naturally want to
help each other; I think people want
to help their friends. Sometimes
people want to help their neighbors
if they have a problem or need help.
2. I agree with Felix. When we help
someone in need, it makes us feel
happy. We feel better about
ourselves because we decided to
help. If we don’t help, sometimes
we can feel guilty. / I disagree. I
don’t think helping others is selfish.
We help others because they need
our help, not because we want to
make ourselves feel good.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. when I’m sick; when I’m lost; when I
don’t know how to do something
2. when they’re poor, homeless, or
hungry; during disasters
3. Yes, because no one wants to be
homeless. / No, because I don‘t trust
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
them to spend the money well. Yes,
because I like to show people my
city. / No, because I’m shy, so I don’t
help people unless they ask. Yes,
because I like children. / Maybe not,
if the parents are nearby to help.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Picture 1: giving money to a
homeless person. Picture 2: a man’s
wallet being stolen while his back is
turned. Picture 3: a woman pushing
another woman in a wheelchair
down a hallway. Picture 4: people
looking at a map, on a roadway.
2. People help strangers because it’s
the right thing to do; because they
would like to be helped if they were
in those situations.
3. Yes. I have given tourists directions
Activity A, p. 120
 when he or she is alone
Activity B, p. 120
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I do not ask for the same kind of
help from strangers that I do from
my family and friends. For example,
I might ask a friend to give me a ride
to school if my car breaks down. If I
need advice about a problem in my
life, I may ask my sister or mother
for help. However, I would never ask
for a ride from a stranger or seek
advice about a personal problem
from someone I do not know. I don’t
usually ask strangers for help unless
it is something simple, like holding a
door open or asking for directions.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key
Activity C, p. 120
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 122–123
1. according to
2. witness
3. complex
4. theory
5. responsibility
6. prove
7. end up
8. factors
9. apply to
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 122
1. Words with a noun suffix: (3)
relationships, (5) kindness, (6, 7)
2. Words with an adjective suffix: (1),
acceptable, unacceptable, (2) useful,
(7) successful
Activity D, p. 123
1. T
2. T
3. F Social psychologists studied the
bystander effect after the murder of
Catherine Genovese.
4. T
5. T
6. F Daley and Latane studied the
bystander effect by watching how
people behaved in a controlled
7. T
8. F People are less likely to help a
stranger when there are other
people around.
Activity E, p. 124
1. c
2. b
3. d
Activity F, p. 125
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. a
Activity G, pp. 125–126
1. c
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. b
Activity H, p. 126
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I don’t think the bystander effect is a
good excuse for not helping a
stranger in need. In fact, if more
people knew about the bystander
effect, I think they would be
surprised. They would understand
why people don’t help when there
are a lot of people around.
Therefore, they might want to help
because nobody else will.
Activity A, B, p. 127
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I once didn’t help someone who
needed help. I didn’t help him
because I was afraid of getting hurt.
People might not help a stranger
because they’re afraid or because
they don’t think the stranger
deserves it. They also might not help
a stranger if they are in a hurry.
They might think someone else who
is not in a hurry can help the
2. I think people in cities are more
helpful to strangers because they’re
more used to strangers. People in
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key
cities are surrounded by strangers
all the time. They probably have had
many experiences when strangers
have helped them. Also, people in
cities probably see a lot of tourists
who need help. It’s easy to help
tourists by giving them directions.
3. No, I don’t think culture is a factor
because helping others is human
nature. I think anyone from any
culture would want to help
someone. For example, once I
witnessed a car accident. The drivers
were badly injured. Four other
witnesses and I stopped our cars to
help the injured drivers. We were
from different cultures, but we all
wanted to help.
Activity A, p. 128
a. 62% helped
b. 31% helped
c. Having more witnesses means
people are less likely to help.
1. The flowchart describes the three
different situations in the
experiment, the results of each
situation, and what Darley and
Latane learned from the
2. The words are from the student who
made the flowchart.
3. Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 128
1. three
2. alone
3. 62 percent
4. four
5. having more witnesses means
people are less likely to help
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity A, p. 129
 It makes them feel good.
 It helps people survive.
Activity B, p. 129
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think people donate to charities
because it feels good to help other
people in need. A lot of charities
give money to people who are poor.
When people give money to poor
people, they feel like they are doing
the right thing. Also, it is hard for
one person to help a lot of people,
but if people donate to charities,
their money can be combined, and it
can go to many people in need all
over the world. For example, many
people donate money to charities
for children in Africa who do not
have enough food to eat.
Activity C, p. 129
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 132
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. b
Activity D, p. 133
1. a
2. d
3. a
4. a
5. d
Activity E, p. 133
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key
1. F When 18-month-old subjects saw
a stranger throw a pencil on the
floor, none of them picked it up.
2. T
3. F Scientists discovered mirror
neurons recently.
4. T
5. F In Harbaugh’s experiment,
subjects got $100 to play a charity
Activity F, p. 134
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
a. Subjects were taxed on their
b. The computer gave the charity extra
c. Their pleasure centers lit up even
d. The human brain may be designed
to be altruistic.
Activity G, p. 134
they were taxed on their donations.
their pleasure centers lit up more.
the computer gave the charity extra money.
the human brain may be designed to be
Activity A, p. 134
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I’m very altruistic. I regularly spend
part of my weekends serving food at
the homeless shelter. / I’m not that
altruistic. I usually help my friends
and family, but I don’t help strangers
very often.
2. I think some people were raised to
value helping others more. / I think
the difference is biological.
Activity B, p. 134
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. If I found a wallet in the street, I
would bring it to the police station. /
If I found a wallet in the street, I
would look for a driver’s license and
try to contact the person.
2. I do believe people have a social
responsibility to return lost items to
their owners. If I lost something, I
would want it back. I think most
people feel that way. We have to
help each other out, even if we
don’t know whom we are helping.
People want to live in a society
where they help each other.
Activity D, p. 135
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 136
1. d
2. f
3. c
4. e
5. a
6. b
Activity B, p. 136
1. set up
2. figure out
3. point out
4. call out
5. grow out of
6. help out
Activity A, p. 138
On many occasions, people might decide
not to help a stranger in need for a number
of different reasons.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 6 Student Book Answer Key
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity B, p. 139
People decide not to help a stranger.
Paragraph 2:
too busy to help
Paragraph 3:
don’t feel safe
Paragraph 4:
assume they can help
them themselves
1. don’t help a stranded
driver on the way to
1. don't help a neighbor
who screams in the
middle of the night
1. don’t help someone
on the sidewalk who
seems lost
2. ignore a student who
looks lost on the way to
2. don’t stop a fight on
the street or sidewalk
2. don’t help a young
man who falls down
Activity C, pp. 139–140
Paragraph 2 d
Paragraph 3 a
Paragraph 4 c
Paragraph 5 b
Activity D, p. 141
2. Because our brains have mirror
neurons, we can feel what others
3. The scientists performed an
experiment because they wanted to
prove their theory.
4. Altruistic behavior is complex
because many factors are involved.
5. People might help others because it
improves their chances of survival.
6. Because the street was so busy, no
one noticed the man.
Activity A, p. 142
2. Helping other people
3. Donating money
4. Using brain scans
5. Living in a big city
Activity B, p. 142
2. quit eating
3. consider moving
4. avoid buying
5. discuss writing
6. finish eating
Activity C, p. 142
2. to visit
3. speaking
4. to help
5. playing
6. swimming
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 144
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Yes, I’ve given money during an
emergency / to strangers on the
street / in response to a mailed
request / to a local organization that
helps children / by buying a product
at the store. It made me feel good /
2. Large charities; schools; youth
activities / teams; clinics and
medical organizations; cultural
organizations; political
organizations; environmental
groups. How donated money is
used: provide food, clothing, or
sports / medical equipment to
people who need it; host museum
exhibits and cultural events; pay for
campaign expenses; help animals
near extinction, etc.
3. It looks like a class photo of the
Activity B, p. 144
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. I agree with Felix. Donating a small
amount of money could mean that
someone is able to afford the things
they need to survive.
2. Some examples are water, food,
shoes, and shirts.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
F education B honey
D eggs
A milk
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 146
E silk
C wool
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
 an animal
Activity B, p. 146
Answers will vary.
Activity C, p. 146
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 148–149
a. distribute
b. owe
c. transition
d. proud
e. generosity
f. inspire
g. extremely
h. attend
i. commitment
j. adjustment
Activity D, p. 150
1. 2
2. 4
3. 7
4. 5
5. 8
6. 6
Activity E, p. 150
1. c, f
2. d
3. e, j
4. g, i
5. h, b
6. a
Activity F, p. 151
1. F Beatrice was confused when she
learned about receiving a goat.
2. T
3. T
4. F Beatrice was older than the other
children and was an excellent
5. F Two women met Beatrice and
decided to write a book about her,
called Beatrice’s Goat.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key
6. F The biggest adjustment to studying
in the United States for Beatrice was
the weather.
7. T
8. T
Activity A, B, p. 151
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. The money paid for school. The
story of Beatrice and her goat
inspired two women to write a book
about her. The popularity of the
book led to a book tour. The book
tour led to meeting a woman who
helped Beatrice get a scholarship to
a preparatory school. The
preparatory school studies led to a
scholarship to college.
2. My friend gave some baby clothes to
an organization that helped people
who had lost their belongings in an
earthquake. She was very happy to
help families that needed it. She was
also happy that someone was able
to use the clothes her baby had
3. It makes the gift even bigger
because it will allow other families
to send their children to school
because they will also have milk to
Activity A, pp. 152–153
1980: Newman and Hotchner bottled
salad dressing for gifts.
1982: Profits were close to $400,000.
1988: The Hole in the Wall Gang camp
was founded.
2008: More than 40 Newman’s Own
products were sold.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity A, p. 153
 which charities are the best
Activity B, p. 153
Answers will vary.
Activity C, p. 153
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 156–157
When I was in college, I decided to
start a nonprofit organization to
help people in need in my
neighborhood. There were many
people in need in the area where my
college was located, and I had
gotten to know a few of them, so my
ambition was to use my background
in economics to help them. My
approach was very simple: I tried to
collect unwanted items from
individuals and businesses. I worked
with a network of businesses in the
area, both small and big. Working
with these businesses enabled me to
get donations of computers, books,
and office supplies, as well as
clothing and furniture. Every
Saturday I set up a market in an
empty building for people to
purchase the goods. With the
money I earned, I was able to
purchase items needed for start-up
businesses. I wanted to encourage
people to follow their dreams, and
in the process, to have a source of
income. My first recipient was a
single mother who made beautiful
clothes in her home. With the
money I loaned her, she was able to
purchase a sewing machine and
expand her business. Soon she was
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
selling her hand-made clothes on
the Internet. I tried to aim my
assistance at those who most
needed it. The impact I had on the
neighborhood was not only amazing,
but also measurable. There were
eight new businesses that started,
thanks to my donations. I worked
under the assumption that people
are not poor by choice, and if given
the opportunity to provide for
themselves, they would jump at the
Activity D, p. 157
1. a small amount; in the right way
2. the impact
3. someone’s future or ambitions
4. it keeps growing
5. several guidelines
6. Heifer International
7. Opportunity International
8. Trickle Up
Activity E, p. 158
gives grants
asks for
gift expands
Activity F, p. 158
 You can see the effect on the
 Your gift expands or multiplies.
 Your gift helps the poorest people.
 Your gift will provide a source of
 Your donation is aimed at exactly
whom you want to help.
 Your gift is an investment in people.
 The recipients of your gift will be
able to expand their
Activity G, pp. 158–159
1. d
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. a
Activity A, p. 159
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1., 2. I have. Last month, there was a
big fire in my city, and dozens of
houses were burned down. The
people who lived in those houses
had nothing left. So I gave some
money and some old clothes to a
charity organization to help those
people. I also went down there a
few times to serve meals. It made
me feel very happy to help those
3. I feel good when I give a gift to
someone, and the other person
feels good too.
4. I feel grateful when I receive a gift
from someone I know. When a
stranger gives me a gift, I feel
surprised; I want to know why the
stranger has given me a gift. I might
not trust it.
Activity B., p. 160
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. They benefit equally. The giver
benefits because they have longlasting good feelings about
themselves. The receiver benefits
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key
because they are able to make
important changes in their lives.
2. I think giving to an organization like
Heifer International is better,
because they help families earn
their own money. They help people
help themselves instead of making
them dependent on charity. / No, I
think established charities are
better. They have a lot of experience
and know the best way to help
people in need.
3. I think this saying is true; I would
rather give than receive. It makes
me happier to make others happy. /
I do not think this saying is true. I
would much rather receive a gift
than give a gift.
Activity A, p. 160
In May 2008, a very strong tornado
raced through a small town in the
plains of Kansas. As a result, the
home of the Milano family was
completely destroyed. They lost
everything they owned. But a
remarkable thing happened after
the storm passed. The town came
together and showed extraordinary
generosity. Someone offered them a
place to live. Many families came to
offer food, clothing, and things like
blankets and pillows. The Milanos
were treated with kindness by their
neighbors. Through the generosity
of a wealthy businessman, the
Milanos had enough money to begin
to rebuild their home. Mrs. Milano
was amazed at the kindness of
strangers; people she had never met
sent checks and clothing from miles
away. But perhaps the biggest act of
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
kindness came from a young boy
who gave his bicycle to the youngest
Milano child.
Activity B, p. 161
1. The students showed extraordinary
generosity after the big earthquake.
2. My cousin is very sweet and treats
everyone with kindness.
3. Through the generosity of his
neighbors, the young man was able
to attend medical school.
4. I was surprised by the kindness of
strangers who helped me when I
became ill on the bus.
5. Donating to people in need is a true
act of kindness.
Activity A, pp. 162–163
As a result of this project, I made a
new friend and a lonely person was
given the chance to share his life
with someone again, but perhaps
most importantly, I found a career
path that interests me.
Activity B, p. 163
Class assignment: do an act of
kindness for the elderly
Paragraph 3: enjoyed talking to Bill
Paragraph 4: decided to focus
studies on the elderly
Activity C, pp. 164–165
1. Blake Mycoskie noticed while
traveling in South America that many
children had no shoes.
2. Owning shoes can have a great
impact on people’s health, education,
and well-being.
3. Having shoes helps keep a child
4. Answers may vary. Possible answers
(students should supply just one):
Many diseases can be contracted
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 7 Student Book Answer Key
through the feet.
You can cut your feet on rough
terrain or broken glass.
In cold climates, not having shoes
can lead to illness.
A child will be able to go to school.
Answers may vary. Possible answers
(students should supply just one):
Parents won’t have to pay for shoes
for school uniforms.
In some countries, children must
have shoes to go to school.
Children feel better about
Answers may vary. Possible answers
(students should supply just one):
This may be a child’s first pair of
It may be the first new clothing the
child has ever had.
Children love walking through their
villages in their new shoes.
Activity A, p. 166
1. Their new computer repair business
grew in the first year because they
all worked night and day.
2. Since there was very little rain all
spring, the amount of corn grown
was very small.
3. When he invested $300 in the new
company many years ago, he didn’t
know how much money he would
4. The school can now pick up many
more children because someone
donated another school bus.
5. They were able to finish building the
house in a week since many
volunteers came to help.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity B, p. 166
1. Because Sammy saved all of the
money he made in his summer job,
he finally had enough money to buy
a car.
2. The village no longer floods since
the villagers planted a hundred trees
on the hillside.
3. When the organization had received
enough donations, it bought the
new equipment.
4. Mr. Kelly donated a great deal of
money to the children’s fund
because he knew that the children
needed a new school.
5. Since people in the village suffered
from extreme poverty, many
families could not afford to send
their children to school.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
The Q Classroom
Activity A, p. 168
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. by working hard and practicing; by
having talent, a good coach, or
2. time with family and friends, other
interests, free time
3. They practiced every day and were
dedicated to their sport. They
started playing at a young age.
Activity B, p. 169
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. Many people are successful without
earning a lot of money. For them,
success is happiness. If you have a
low-paying job, but it is your true
passion and you are happy doing it,
then you are successful. Parents
who stay home to raise their
children make no money, but they
are successful because they have a
successful family.
2. I agree. People need each other to
be successful. A successful athlete
needs a coach. A student needs a
good teacher to help him or her
succeed. Success depends on other
people helping you and believing in
3. I think people do need to adapt to
changes in order to be successful.
For example, sometimes an inventor
will make an invention that doesn’t
work or that people don’t like. If the
inventor refuses to adapt, he or she
will never succeed.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity A, p. 170
 to encourage businesses
 to invest in car racing
Activity B, p. 170
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
There are several ways businesses
attract more customers. For
example, a lot of companies
advertise their products on
television and social media. They
sometimes offer people special
discounts when they buy their
products. Cell phone companies, for
example, might give people a
cheaper rate for the first two years.
Other times, businesses allow
people to pay for their products
later. For example, some electronics
and furniture stores let people buy a
new product and start paying for it
six months later.
Activity C, p. 170
Answers will vary.
Activity B, p. 172
2. support
3. sure
4. income
5. spend
6. number of customers
7. strength
8. reliable
9. growth
10. appearance
Activity D, p. 173
a. 1
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4
e. 5
Activity E, p. 173
1. Reason 1: Companies can make
huge profits.
Reason 2: It shows that companies
have financial stability.
2. Reason 1: It gives companies new
customers in emerging markets.
Reason 2: It shows your company
has a global message.
3. Reason 1: It will bring companies
Reason 2: It will improve a
company’s image.
Activity F, p. 173
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Companies should invest in Formula
1 racing because they can make
huge profits. Investing also shows
the world that a company has
financial stability. When companies
invest in emerging markets, they can
attract new customers. Finally, by
investing in Formula 1 racing,
companies can strengthen their
image as a strong and powerful
company worldwide.
Activity G, pp. 173–174
1. 350 million people
2. people who watch car races
3. investing $5 million in a race team
4. the Middle East and Asia
5. a. sponsoring a team
b. Formula 1 racing
Activity A, B, p. 174
1. Answers will vary. Possible answers:
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
2. I think it’s a good investment. So
many people see the ads. People all
over the world watch the races. A
company that sponsors Formula 1
racing would become known around
the world. That would help improve
their profits.
3. I think they would find other ways to
advertise. Sponsoring sports isn’t
the only way to reach a global
market. Companies can also
advertise on television and in
magazines. Another thing they can
do is give away samples of their
products so people can try them
out. If people try out a product and
like it, they will buy it.
4. I think banks choose to advertise on
Formula 1 racing cars because
Formula 1 racing is an expensive
sport. It shows people that the
banks have a lot of money and
Activity A, p. 174
1. banks, hotels, telecommunications
2. doors, hood, trunk
3. the Middle East, Asia.
Activity B, p. 175
1. 350
2. tens, millions
3. $5 million, $30 million
4. $300 million
Activity A, p. 175
 The sacrifices children make for
success in sports are sometimes too
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
Activity B, p. 175
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think competitive sports are good
for children for two reasons. First,
sports teach children about
teamwork. For example, team sports
like soccer and baseball help
children learn how to work with
others for a common goal. If they
want to succeed, they have to work
as a team. Second, competing
teaches children discipline. Child
athletes have to be very dedicated.
They have to stay in shape, practice
regularly, and balance sports and
schoolwork. These are important
lessons to learn at a young age, and
it will prepare them better for the
future when they are adults.
Activity C, p. 175
Answers will vary.
Activity B, pp. 177–178
1. a
2. b
3. a
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. c
8. a
9. c
Vocabulary Skill Review, p. 177
dedication, exception
Activity D, p. 178
1. Paragraph: 3
2. Many youth sport injuries are due to
overuse.Paragraph: 3
3. Repetitive motion, over time, puts
too much stress on a body
part.Paragraph: 5
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
More children are playing in
organized team competitions, which
require more practice and game
time. Also, they are playing more
4. Paragraph: 5
They require more practice and
game time.
5. Paragraph: 7
They can avoid injury by paying
attention to their bodies.
Activity E, page 179
cartilage in
from bone
torn rotator
bone, broken
Activity F, p. 179
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. O
5. F
6. O
7. F
8. O
Activity G, p. 179
 2
 4
 6
 7
Activity H, p. 180
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I think some athletes like to “push through
their pain” for different reasons. One is
because they don’t want to give up. There
are some athletes who hate to lose, and
they are determined to win no matter how
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
much pain they feel. Another reason is
athletes don’t want to disappoint their
team or coach. They know their teammates
and coach are counting on them. Therefore,
they might feel embarrassed because they
would look weak or would look like
Activity A, p. 180
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think sports are good for children
because children get exercise and
learn social skills. Playing sports can
build confidence and teach
teamwork. Sports can also help
children stay healthy. When I was
young, I was on a soccer team.
Playing soccer is one of my happiest
childhood memories.
2. Coaches and parents have a
responsibility to protect children.
Children can suffer long-term
injuries from sports. Children may
not be mature enough to know
when they should stop. They may
not realize that they are overdoing
it. Coaches and parents should pay
attention to make sure they are not
practicing too hard or too long.
Activity B, p. 180
Answers will vary. Possible answers:
1. I think athletes pay for success in
different ways. They give up a lot
of time to practice and to play
their sport. They give up the
time they would spend with
their families and friends. They
risk injuries that could affect the
rest of their lives.
2. Parents of child athletes pay in
different ways. They have to pay
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
the coaches who teach their
children their sport. They pay for
the equipment their children
use. They also don’t get to spend
as much time with their children
as they may like. They spend a
lot of time taking their children
to practice and to games, but
they don’t get to spend a lot of
time with their children.
Activity A, pp. 180–181
2. due to
3. sure about
4. upset about
5. famous for
6. involved in
7. interested in
8. nervous about
Activity B, p. 181
1. I was late due to missing the bus.
2. When I was young, I was afraid of
the dark.
3. The swimmer wasn’t sure about
what time the race began.
4. My sister is very upset about losing
her book.
5. The city is famous for its beautiful
6. The children were involved in many
organized activities.
7. He’s not interested in learning to ski.
8. I am nervous about the big test next
Activity A, pp. 182–184
1. Circled: Some parents, however,
believe that competitive soccer is
too dangerous. They worry about
their children getting a serious
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
injury, so they decide to put them in
a less aggressive team sport like
basketball or baseball.
Underlined: If children aren’t allowed
to join competitive soccer leagues, I
believe they will miss out on very
important advantages of playing this
wonderful sport.
2. Reason 1: Playing competitive
soccer keeps children in good shape.
Reason 2: Being a competitive
soccer player teaches children the
importance of teamwork.
Reason 3: Competitive soccer is one
of the best ways for children to learn
about discipline.
3. Circled: There are still parents out
there who will not put their children
in competitive soccer because of the
risk of injury.
Underlined: However, I believe this
wonderful sport actually has many
advantages over other sports.
4. The writer suggests that parents
monitor their children to help avoid
injury, probably to show that it is
the parents’ responsibility.
Activity B, p. 184
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
I agree with the writer that
competitive soccer is good for
children. First, it keeps children
active. I think children today spend
too much time on their phones and
computers, and they don’t get
enough exercise. When they play
soccer, they spend a lot of time
outside and strengthen their bodies.
Also, competitive soccer teaches
children important lessons about
winning and losing. They will learn
to accept losing as a natural part of
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
the game. I think this will help them
when they become older. It is
important to be a good winner, but
is equally important not to be a sore
loser. Winning and losing are both a
part of real life.
Activity C, pp. 185–186
1. Circled: This is because many
parents believe good coaches will
give their children the opportunity
to compete in the Olympics one day,
and it is worth the sacrifice.
2. Underlined: However, I believe
sending athletes away from home so
young is not the right choice.
3. Circled: First of all, parents should
not let their children leave home to
train because they lose precious
time with them.
4. between kindergarten and college
5. Example 2: not able to go shopping
together whenever they want
Example 3: missing birthdays
Example 4: missing out on the first
day at a new school
6. Answers will vary. Possible answer: I
think the writer’s first reason is
convincing because it is true that
children grow up very fast. Parents
don’t get a second chance to raise
their children. If they are not with
their children as they grow up, they
will miss a lot of important moments
in their lives that they will never get
Activity D, p. 186
Answers will vary. Possible answer:
Second, parents who send their
children to train far away from
home will not be able to be around
when their children need them. For
example, children won’t have their
Reading and Writing 3
Unit 8 Student Book Answer Key
parents there to help them with
homework. Their parents also won’t
be around when the children have
problems at school. The parents
won’t be able to visit their teachers.
They won’t be able to give their
children a hug when they have a
problem at school like a low test
grade or an argument with another
Activity E, p. 187
1. Circled: Many parents still think
letting their child athlete train far
away from home is a good idea
because it will help them compete in
the Olympics one day.
2. Underlined: I think parents will
regret their decision later on
because they will have missed out
on important days and events in
their children’s lives, as well as
moments when their children really
needed them by their side.
3. Parents could be wasting their
money if they send their children
away to train because most children
won’t become Olympic athletes.
4. Letting child athletes leave home to
train could negatively affect their
lives and their parents’ lives.
5. I disagree with the writer’s
prediction. Parents can still be an
important part of their children’s
lives even if they live away from
home. They can talk every day on
the phone or over the Internet and
still have a close relationship. / I
agree with the author’s prediction
because children really need their
parents close to them. Children are
too young to make the right
decisions all the time. They need
Q: Skills for Success
Second Edition
their parents’ guidance. Also, I think
parents will regret missing out on
such an important time in their
child’s life.
Activity A, p. 188
1. F, possible correction: When
athletes feel pain, they should stop
and listen to their bodies.
2. S
3. F, possible correction: Because there
are more children in competitive
sports, more children are getting
4. S
5. F, possible correction: Although
baseball looks easy to play, it is
difficult to master.
Activity B, p. 188
When I was young, I was a very shy
It was difficult for me to speak with
people because I was so shy.
Although I was nervous at first, I
really enjoyed working with my
We supported each other when we
played together against other
Although we don’t see each other
anymore, we are still good friends.
Activity A, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity B, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.
Activity C, iQ Online Resource
Answers will vary.