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ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam 2019 180 Q A Verified and 100 Correct Answers 94.pdf

William's position - correct answer semi Fowler's with knees flexed to reduce low back
S/S of hip fx - correct answer External rotation, shortening adduction
Fat embolism - correct answer blood tinged sputum r/t inflammations. Increase ESR,
respiratory alkalosis. Hypocalcemia, increased serum lipids.
complications of mechanical ventilation - correct answer pneumothorax, ulcers
Paget's disease - correct answer tinnitus, bone pain, elnargement of bone, thick bones
a chronic disease of elderly people characterized by deterioration of bone tissue
with allopurinol - correct answer no vitamin C or warfarin!
IntraVenous Pyelogram (IVP) requires - correct answer X-ray test that provides pictures
of the kidneys, the bladder, the ureters, and the urethra (urinary tract ).
bowel prep so bladder can be visualized
acid ash diet - correct answer cheese, corn, cranberries, plums, prunes, meat, poultry,
pastry, bread, that when catabolized leaves an acid residue to be excreted in the urine.
alk ash diet - correct answer milk, veggies, rhubarb, salmon
orange tag in psych - correct answer is emergent psych
thyroid med side effects - correct answer insomnia. body metabolism increases
COPD patients and O2 - correct answer 2LNC or less. They are chronic CO2 retainers
expect sats to be 90% or less
Stranger anxiety is greatest at what age? - correct answer 7-9 months..separation
anxiety peaks in toddlerhood
multiple sclerosis - correct answer motor s/s limb weakness, paralysis, slow speech.
sensory s/s numbness, tingling, tinnitis cerebral s/s nystagmus, atazia, dysphagia,
hungtington's - correct answer 50% genetic autosomal dominanat disorder.. s/s
uncontrolled muscle movements of face, limbs and body. no cure
pancreatic enzymes are taken - correct answer with each meal!
infants IM site - correct answer Vastus lateralis
Toddler 18 months+ IM site - correct answer Ventrogluteal