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2022 P11 Wk07 TS Straight line motion, Motion grraph,Vectors Student Copy

Balaji Sampath
Class 11 Physics Test
Test on Straight Line Motion + Motion graphs + Vectors
1. A ball is dropped from a high rise platform at t  0 starting from rest. After 4 s, another ball is
thrown downwards from the same platform with a speed v . The two balls meet at t =12 s. What is
the value of v ? (Take g  10m / s )
2. A bird flies 4 km towards east, and then flies 3 km towards north. If the magnitude of its average
velocity for the entire motion is 20 m/s, find its average speed during this period
3. A car covers the first-half of the distance between two places at 30 km/h and other half at 50 km/h.
Find the average speed of the car.
4. A particle is moving in a circle of radius 12 cm with a constant speed of 6 cm/s. If it takes time T to
complete a full circle, what is its average acceleration magnitude from time t = 0 to t=
(A) 16 𝑐𝑚2 /𝑠
(B) 11 𝑐𝑚2 /𝑠
(C) 15 𝑐𝑚2 /𝑠
(D) 5 𝑐𝑚2 /𝑠
5. A car moving with a speed of 30 km/h can be stopped after 3 m by applying brakes. If the same car is
moving with a speed of 60 km/h, what is the minimum stopping distance?
6. At time t = 2s, a body has a velocity of 8 m/s in the positive x-direction and it moves with a uniform
acceleration of 4 m / s 2 in the same direction. What is the body's instantaneous velocity at the 8th and
the 10th seconds?
Balaji Sampath
Class 11 Physics Test
7. A particle starts from rest and has an acceleration of 3 m / s 2 for 6 sec. After that, it travels for 40 sec
with constant speed and then undergoes a retardation of 6m / s 2 and comes back to rest. Find the
total distance covered by the particle.
8. A boy standing at the top of a tower of 45 m height drops a stone.
Assuming, g  10 m / s , find the velocity with which it hits the ground.
9. Figure shows the time acceleration graph for a particle in rectilinear
motion. The average acceleration in first twenty seconds is
10. For the velocity time graph shown, the distance covered by the body in last
two seconds of its motion is what fraction of the total distance covered by it
in all the seven seconds
11. If A  3iˆ  2 ˆj ; B   iˆ  4 ˆj , then find 4 A  3B .
12. If in a square ABCD AB  2iˆ and the square lies entirely in the first quadrant and if the diagonal,
AC  n(iˆ  ˆj ) , then find n . Note point A is the origin.
13. Let ABCDE be a regular pentagon. Find the magnitude of the sum of the vectors:
 AB  BC  DC  ED  EB 
(A) AD
(B) DB
(C) AB
(D) BA
Balaji Sampath
Class 11 Physics Test
14. A particle moves at a speed of 10 m / s at an angle 37 o to the j direction tilted towards iˆ for 10
seconds and then moves with a velocity of 4iˆ  2 ˆj m / s for t seconds. If the net displacement
makes an angle of 45 with the iˆ direction, find t .
15. In zero gravity, a ball is thrown from position (3m, 4m) with a velocity of (4iˆ  2 ˆj ) m/ s . If its
position after 3 seconds is (x, y), find the difference (x-y) in meters.
16. In zero gravity, a ball is thrown with velocity (8iˆ  6 ˆj ) m/ s . After 4 seconds how far away is it from
the starting point?
17. You walk (3i  5 j )m and then (5i  j )m . From your current position, if you were to run uniformly to
the point where you started, in 2 seconds, what would be your velocity?
(B)  4iˆ  3 ˆj m / s
(D)  4iˆ  3 ˆj m / s
(A) 4iˆ  3 ˆj m / s
(C) 4iˆ  3 ˆj m / s
18. A bus is moving on a straight road towards north with a uniform speed of 50 km/hour, then it turns
left through 45 and it increases it speed at the same time to 50 2 km/hour. Find the magnitude of
change in the velocity of bus.
Balaji Sampath
Class 11 Physics Test
19. In the figure shown, five forces acting on body A are given. If
F  xiˆ  4 ˆj find x such that the body A is at rest. Standard SI units
are used.
20. From your house, you cycle at a speed of 10 m/s at 37 o North of East for 3 minutes to reach a
restaurant. Starting at the same time from his house, your friend jogs at a speed of 5m/s at 53o North
of West and meets you at the restaurant just as you reach it. Find k if the distance between your
house and your friend’s house is k
5m .