2019W2 - Assignment 1 - January 2020 Due Jan 22 at 11:59pm Points 100 Questions 19 Available Jan 8 at 8am - Jan 22 at 11:59pm 15 days Time Limit None This quiz was locked Jan 22 at 11:59pm. Attempt History LATEST Attempt Time Score Attempt 1 10,102 minutes 87 out of 100 Score for this quiz: 87 out of 100 Submitted Jan 20 at 11:33pm This attempt took 10,102 minutes. Data Spreadsheet for Assignment 1: Asst1_2019W2_Datasets.xlsx 9 / 9 pts Question 1 Download the data spreadsheet Asst1_2019W2_Datasets.xlsx . Refer to the Edmonton Oilers data spreadsheet and glossary. For each of the following variables, decide whether it is best considered as quantitative, categorical, or an identifier variable. Uniform #: Identifier Flag: Categorical Position: Categorical Age: Quantitative Height: Quantitative Shoots: Categorical GP: Quantitative PIM: Quantitative +/–: Quantitative Salary: Quantitative S% Quantitative TOI: Quantitative Answer 1: Correct! Identifier Answer 2: Correct! Categorical Answer 3: Correct! Categorical Answer 4: Correct! Quantitative Answer 5: Correct! Quantitative Answer 6: Correct! Categorical Answer 7: Correct! Quantitative Answer 8: Correct! Quantitative Answer 9: Correct! Quantitative Answer 10: Correct! Quantitative Answer 11: Correct! Quantitative Answer 12: Correct! Quantitative 12 / 12 pts Question 2 Again referring to the Edmonton Oilers data, what are the units for each of the following variables? If there are no units, such as for a categorical or identifier variable, choose *No units*. Note: For Yrsexp, R means "rookie", a first-year player; that is, 0 years of experience. Uniform #: *No units* Weight: Pounds YrsExp: Years PIM: Minutes GW: Goals TOI: Minutes Answer 1: Correct! *No units* Answer 2: Correct! Pounds Answer 3: Correct! Years Answer 4: Correct! Minutes Answer 5: Correct! Goals Answer 6: Correct! Minutes Question 3 4 / 8 pts For each of these variables, decide whether the data are time series or cross-sectional: a. The number of winter coats sold be each salesperson in a clothing store in October. Cross-sectional b. The number of winter coats sold in a clothing store in each month last year. Cross-sectional c. The average diameter of trees brought to a sawmill in each week of a year. Time Series d. The age of each fan in attendance at a Vancouver Canucks hockey game. Time Series Answer 1: Correct! Cross-sectional Answer 2: ou Answered Cross-sectional orrect Answer Time Series Answer 3: Correct! Time Series Answer 4: orrect Answer Cross-sectional ou Answered Time Series 5 / 5 pts Question 4 Refer to the worksheet ch02_MCSP_Eddies2015 in the Asst1_2019W2_Datasets.xlsx spreadsheet. (You probably already downloaded the spreadsheet for the Edmonton Oilers question.) For details about the case, read the Mini-case Study Project called Eddie's Hang-up Display, found at the end of Chapter 2 of the textbook. We often explore geographic data in regions, and for this question, we'll consider the Western Canada region to be British Columbia and Alberta. Create a frequency table of the combined BC+Alberta "Sessions" (not Pages or New Users) by month from the Eddie's Hang-up Display data. The table is provided for you to fill in. Report two decimals for percents (i.e. round up or down using the usual convention). Do NOT use units, spaces or commas in your answers. Month Count Percent January 14083 9.08 February 13286 8.57 March 14697 9.48 April 9720 6.27 May 12608 8.13 June 13200 8.51 July 12621 8.14 August 12082 7.79 September 13613 8.78 October 14445 9.32 November 14371 9.27 December 10328 6.66 Total 155054 Answer 1: Correct! 14083 orrect Answer 14,083 orrect Answer 13286 orrect Answer 13,286 Answer 2: Correct! orrect Answer 9.08 9.083 Answer 3: Correct! orrect Answer 13286 13,286 100.00 Answer 4: Correct! 8.57 orrect Answer 8.569 orrect Answer 8.56 Answer 5: Correct! orrect Answer 14697 14,697 Answer 6: Correct! 9.48 orrect Answer 9.479 orrect Answer 9.47 Answer 7: Correct! orrect Answer 9720 9,720 Answer 8: Correct! 6.27 orrect Answer 6.269 orrect Answer 6.26 Answer 9: Correct! orrect Answer 12608 12,608 Answer 10: Correct! orrect Answer 8.13 8.131 Answer 11: Correct! orrect Answer 13200 13,200 Answer 12: Correct! orrect Answer 8.51 8.513 Answer 13: Correct! orrect Answer 12621 12,621 Answer 14: Correct! orrect Answer 8.14 8.140 Answer 15: Correct! orrect Answer 12082 12,082 Answer 16: Correct! orrect Answer 7.79 7.792 Answer 17: Correct! orrect Answer 13613 13,613 Answer 18: Correct! orrect Answer 8.78 8.780 Answer 19: Correct! orrect Answer 14445 14,445 Answer 20: Correct! 9.32 orrect Answer 9.316 orrect Answer 9.31 Answer 21: Correct! orrect Answer 14371 14,371 Answer 22: Correct! 9.27 orrect Answer 9.268 orrect Answer 9.27 Answer 23: Correct! orrect Answer 10328 10,328 Answer 24: Correct! orrect Answer 6.66 6.661 Answer 25: Correct! orrect Answer 155054 155,054 Question 5 2 / 2 pts Refer to the MarketCap&StockPrice worksheet in the Asst1_2019W2_Datasets.xlsx spreadsheet. (You probably already downloaded the spreadsheet for the first and third questions on this assignment.) The data are from Canadian Business’s The Investor 500 and have market capitalization and stock prices for Large, Mid and Small Cap companies. Market Cap data are in columns E, J, O. Stock Price data are in columns D, I, N. Use the Large Cap data (column E) for this and other questions. What was the mean market capitalization (in 2008) of these 50 Large Cap companies? Do NOT use units, spaces or commas in your answer. Round to the nearest whole number. Correct! orrect Answers 24,259 Between 24,258 and 24,260 Question 6 2 / 2 pts What was the median market capitalization (in 2008) of the 50 Large Cap companies? Do NOT use units, spaces or commas in your answer. Round to the nearest whole number. Correct! orrect Answers 19,705 Between 19,703 and 19,705 Question 7 3 / 3 pts Why do you think one is higher than the other? (Hint: after you answer, you may want to check your intuition with the histograms of this data in the following question.) The mean is higher than the median because the data are rightskewed . Answer 1: Correct! mean Answer 2: Correct! median Answer 3: Correct! right-skewed Question 8 4 / 6 pts Refer again to the Market Cap (column E) of the 50 Large Cap companies. See the picture for three histograms, each using a different "bin width" in each case: $1,000, $5,000, and $25,000. The same vertical and horizontal axes were used for all three for easier comparison. For each of the following statements, decide whether it is more likely true or false. a. On the vertical axis counts would be a better choice than relative frequencies. TRUE or FALSE? → True b. The first histogram is the best because it shows the small differences between companies. TRUE or FALSE? → False c. The second histogram is the best because it has an appropriate amount of grouping of companies into bins. TRUE or FALSE? → True d. The third histogram is the best because it doesn’t have any gaps between bars. TRUE or FALSE? → False e. All three histograms show the skewed distribution. TRUE or FALSE? → False f. There are no clear outliers in the distribution. TRUE or FALSE? → True Answer 1: ou Answered True orrect Answer False Answer 2: Correct! False Answer 3: Correct! True Answer 4: Correct! False Answer 5: orrect Answer True ou Answered False Answer 6: Correct! True 10 / 10 pts Question 9 Now refer to Stock Price data in columns D, I, N. Here is a table of the five-number summary for two of the three groups. You are to provide the summary for the Mid Cap group (Column I). Use Excel Functions (MIN, QUARTILE, MEDIAN, MAX) to do the computations! Other methods may give different answers, which will not be not accepted here. Report your answers to ONE decimal place. Make sure to round using the usual convention. Do NOT use units, spaces or commas in your answers. Large Cap orrect Answer Small Cap Min 6.1 1.5 0.1 Q1 34.6 13.7 4.0 Median 45.1 20.7 8.0 Q3 52.7 30.6 13.8 Max 172.6 314.8 128.0 Answer 1: Correct! Mid Cap 1.5 1.46 Answer 2: Correct! orrect Answer 13.7 13.73 Answer 3: Correct! 20.7 orrect Answer 20.66 orrect Answer 20.6 Answer 4: Correct! orrect Answer 30.6 30.64 Answer 5: Correct! 314.8 orrect Answer 314.75 orrect Answer 314.7 0 / 2 pts Question 10 Real Estate Pricing A study of a sample of 1057 houses reports the following percentages of houses falling into different Price and Size categories: Size Price Small Med Small Med Large Large Low 61.5% 30.4% 5.4% 2.7% Med Low 35.2% 45.3% 17.6% 1.9% Med High 5.2% 26.4% 47.6% 20.8% High 2.4% 4.7% 21.7% Are these column, row, or total percentages, and why? ou Answered Column percentages. The row sums add up to 100%. Column percentages. Price is a quantitative variable. Row percentages. The size categories are the totals of 100% for each row. orrect Answer Row percentages. The row sums add up to 100%. Total percentages. The other choices wouldn't make sense. Question 11 2 / 2 pts What percent of the low priced houses were large? Report your answer as a percent to one decimal place with NO percent sign, e.g., if the answer is 80.88% you would type 80.9). Correct! orrect Answers 2.7 Between 2.69 and 2.71 2.7 (with margin: 0) Question 12 0 / 2 pts Based on this table, what percent of all houses were in the high price category? 71.2% 2.4% 25.0% ou Answered 100.0% 71.2% orrect Answer Cannot tell from the information given. Question 13 2 / 2 pts Among the houses in the high price category, what percent were large or medium large? (Please report your answer as a percent to one decimal place with no percent sign, e.g., if the answer is 80.88% you would type 80.9) Correct! orrect Answers 92.9 Between 92.89 and 92.91 92.9 (with margin: 0) Question 14 2 / 2 pts Create a segmented bar chart (100% stacked column) of price and size. Keep this bar chart to include as part of Question 18. There should be four vertical bars, one for each of the four levels of price. Referring to the chart, what is the association between price and size? Correct! The higher the price, the larger the size. The higher the price, the smaller the size. The lower the price, the larger the size. There is no association. More information is needed to answer this question. Question 15 0 / 2 pts Refer to the Question 26 (Smartphone Use) at the end of Chapter 2 in the textbook. The data give a breakdown by age group of responses to the question “How close do you keep your cellphone/smartphone to you when you sleep at night?” Here are a segmented bar chart and a clustered bar chart to compare age groups. Both were created using default settings in Excel. How would you rate the evidence of an association between Phone Location and Age group? None Weak ou Answered Moderate orrect Answer Strong Question 16 2 / 2 pts Choose the most appropriate one of the following statements about the two displays in the previous question. The Segmented bar chart is ALWAYS the preferred one The Clustered bar chart is ALWAYS the preferred one. Correct! Both bar charts are useful; the choice depends on the context and what is to be highlighted. Question 17 0 / 1 pts How many formatting differences do you see between the two graphs? Formatting includes all visual aspects: title, legend, axis numbers/units/labels, bars, gridlines, colours, fonts -- in short, anything you see! 0 1 ou Answered 2 orrect Answer 3 or more Question 18 28 / 28 pts Make a PDF! This question requires you to create plots and put them into a single pdf. When you have answered all of these subquestions and included them in one pdf, please use "Choose a File" to upload your answers. Subquestions: a. (8 marks) Return to the Eddie’s Hang-up Display data. Create a bar chart (vertical bars — what Excel calls a "column" chart) of Sessions, Pages, and New Users in March. Put all three variables on the same chart (i.e. a clustered bar chart). Sort the regions in decreasing number by pages. (Some bars will be nearly invisible because of the wide range in numbers.) Remember to give your bar chart appropriate titles and labels. b. (8 marks) Return to the Market Cap data. It’s your turn to make a histogram. Using the Mid Cap (column J) using a bin width of 500 ($ millions). If any market capitalization value falls on the boundary between two ranges, put that observation in the lower bin. (For example, a market cap of 1,500 would go in the 1,000–1,500 range on the first histogram, not in the 1,500–2,000 range.) Remember to give your histogram appropriate titles and labels on the horizontal and vertical axes. Most importantly, remember to close up the gaps between the bars! c. (8 marks) Return to the Stock Price data. Use the completed table in Question 9 to create side-by-side boxplots of the three distributions. In your pdf just include the boxplots, not the table. You can use the simple version, not the modified boxplot version with fences and outliers (unless you really want to!). Note for boxplots: If you don't want to create the boxplot in Excel, it is acceptable to create a neatly hand-drawn version, scan it, and include it as part of the pdf. d. (4 marks) Include the segmented bar chart you created in Question 14. Your completed pdf should include one bar chart, one histogram, three side-by-side box plots, and one segmented bar chart. Assignment1Graphs.pdf (https://canvas.ubc.ca/files/6769002/download) 0 / 0 pts Question 19 Your completed pdf in Question 18 should include: one bar chart, one histogram, three side-by-side box plots, and one segmented bar chart.. Answer the following about Question 18: Did you submit a bar chart? → Yes Did you submit a histogram? → Yes Did you submit three side-by-side boxplots? → Yes Did you submit a segmented bar chart? → Yes Warning: After attaching the pdf in Question 18, remember to "Submit Quiz". Once you press "Submit Quiz", you cannot change anything. Answer 1: Correct! Yes Answer 2: Correct! Yes Answer 3: Correct! Yes Answer 4: Correct! Yes Quiz Score: 87 out of 100