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Bacon's Declaration: Colonial Grievances

Concepts, ID, WXT, PEO, POL, CUL
“For haveing upon specious pretences of publiqe works raised greate unjust taxes
upon the Comonality for the advancement of private favorites and other sinister ends,
but noe visible effects in any measure adequate, For not haveing dureing this long
time of his Gouvernement in any measure advanced this hopefull Colony either by
fortificacons Townes or Trade.”
“For haveing wronged his Majesties prerogative and interest, by assumeing
Monopoly of the Beaver trade, and for haveing in that unjust gaine betrayed and sold
his Majesties Country and the lives of his loyall subjects, to the barbarous heathen.”
“For haveing, protected, favoured, and Imboldned the Indians against his Majesties
loyall subjects, never contriveing, requireing, or appointing any due or proper meanes
of sattisfaction for theire many Invasions, robbories, and murthers comitted upon us.”
---The Declaration of the People; Nathaniel Bacon, July 1676
1. The excerpt most directly reflects:
a. the superiority of the Spanish & French approaches to colonization over the
British model.
b. The difficult environment that the colonists faced.
c. Competition for natural resources among different groups living in the British
d. Typical treatment of Native Americans by the British government as having
no legal rights.
2. The goals presented in the first section of Declaration seems to have the most in
common with:
a. Reaganomics
b. “No taxation without representation”
c. the Whiskey Rebellion
d. Roger Williams’ “The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution”
3. The language of the passage most closely resembles and relies upon:
a. The Church of England
b. British Common Law
c. The Mayflower Compact
d. The charter of the Virginia Company