Wash an evaporating dish soap and water. Rinse & Dry 0 Evaporating dish Put evaporating dish on a plate and heat it ON HIGH for 5-10 minutes to remove any trace of moisture. (sample has to be dry) On the same hot plate, heat a 400mL Beaker lled with about 250 mL of tap water. (This will be served as a “hot bath”) Crucible tongs Cool the dish in room temperature Add about 0.3g of sodium carbonate (Na2Co3) to the evaporating dish and reweigh. Weigh the cool evaporated dish and Record its value ⭐ record its mass ⭐ Obtain about 5mL of 3.0 M hydrochloric acid in a 10mL graduated cylinder Moisten the sodium carbonate with a small amount of distilled water and add 4 drops of methyl red indicator. 0 glass Watch Add the 3.0M hydrochloric acid DROP WISE down the spout of the evaporating dish using a medicine dropper and WITHOUT REMOVING the watch glass until the solution is a faint pink. (stir the evaporating dish while putting the HCl) DO NOT USE EXCESS AMOUNT OF WATER. it will have to be boiled off. p Place the evaporating dish on top of the hot bath to HEAT THE SOLUTION. Medicine dropper Remove the watch glass. Rinse any solids that may have been collected on the watch glass into the evaporating dish with a small quantity of water. As the solution is heating, it may turn yellow, if this occurs add more HCl until the colour pink returns Continue heating the solution gently. As the mixture in the evaporating dish becomes more concentrated, it will tend to “bump” and spatter if the heating rate is excessive (resulting in a loss of product). IF the contents of the evaporating dish begin to spatter, return the evaporating dish to the hot bath for ADDITIONAL SLOW HEATING. IF no spattering occurs, continue heating the evaporating dish directly with LOW HEAT for a few more minutes. Weigh the cool evaporating dish and its content. When the residual solid (NaCl) is almost dry, lower the heating of the hot plate to a MINIMUM. Remove evaporating dish from the steam bath, dry the bottom of the dish and place it directly on the hot plate. Begin heating the evaporating dish directly on the hot plate. Remove the evaporating dish from the hot plate and allow it to COOL to a ROOM TEMPERATURE. Use this time to start calculations and solve post-lab problems. Reheat and reweigh until a constant mass is obtained. *CALCULATIONS TO BE DONE* 1. Mass of Sodium Carbonate used. 2. From the mass of sodium carbonate, determine the mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) that SHOULD be produced in the reaction. 3. Using calculated THEORETICAL mass and the MEASURED mass of the NaCl, calculate the percent yield* of the experiment. *the percent ratio of the actual yield divided by the theoretical yield X 100% PRE-LAB QUESTIONS: 1.If 10.0g Na2CO3 are treated with excess HCl, calculate the theoretical yield of NaCl Nazcoz12HCl 2NaCl 1H2O 105.99g 1 CO2 58.44g x O094m01 ANSWER Totalyield of NaCl is 10.99g b188m01 moi x 10.99g 2. Calculate the volume of 3.0M HCl required to react completely with 10.0g Na2Co3 Nazcoz12HCl 2NaCl 0094m01 X H2O CO2 ANSWER Thevolume of HCl required is 62.66mL X O188m01 My 0.188M 3OM 0.06266Ld62.67mL 3. Is the mass of NaCl a ected by its temperature? (hot vs cold) No thetemperature has no affect on the mass of Nacl unless it reaches its freezing1boilingpoint 4. If the mass of the NaCl is measured while the evaporating dish is still hot, what a ect will this have on the recording mass, in grams? Thedensity of a hot evaporating dish is smallerthan a room temperature dish it is dish therefore if youweigh themassofNaCl on a hot evaporating mostlikelyto be lighter than itsactualmats