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Case Study: Organizational Behavior & Workplace Stress

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?iniation·'techrtology arid became a teaching assistant to . . ·a inoiitli;Jerry heard rumours that: his section was being
� .·.·P�q�e�spi:J�eBumett: Eai:;ert<> learn and �ill�4 .witll . . ui.rg�!�JQJi(:lo.wnsfaing/Jei:ry tried.• repeate41y:to .get
· ■gii�ilt!"lfi�it�t1i;i
V, S:ugges.ted to her department that Jerry take over her .· tnatsoq1e oftl:\ese1nanagers had said that they felt that
.,;:4a�sJo.r,tli{tjme that:.s�e .would be away'. • .Becc111:i.¢,0£.••• •·· Je¢r'sJ�1>}1,nd;departII1e11tcwere; ''non-ess�ntiaH'?'l am ...
·or'piogrammer in the university's computing �er� ·• 'li:a�es,:. Mario excepted, were "stabbing him in the
ices:dep�ti.1ent. By the· end· of.the summe�•
he:-.1t1J.d. backt ;.'.fhey are .i.11 loqkuig out for themselves vvitb.out
Jent?cqmmunicato� . valiant worker, and. dedi¢atec! . . did IlOt: C(Wecthefull co_St:of replacing the car.. His wife
ips.t�uc�9r.,>Sii:we . infor'}lation systems·..·wei:e/f�?fiY,ely.,.;:/· too¥,:t.his. nCW:ii •. badly a�d'sfal'ted:foeling ill. J·{er doctor·
· i;;�7iB1:ir!fi
-�> <· ·•· .· • . }·•· ·lt�f�{i[i
,ateswitluri his department and elsewhere ..
Jerry started keeping··• his· wadi-related problems to
told that ·scnne·•of. his
�/i():y_�r:t�t_years,Jerry. o_btaine'1.,i.11.umbe�of,J.>fg,9-; •··.•.. ·�elfo.Lastjveek;: Je;:ffY'
· ,. · µ�;a�4lllore part-time·.teac�iJ:l.g .coritt,�Cl�;;J.1i.�jt¢:ach�>•·· :teatj.iJO,:�•coritracts •.miglit;ijq(:be ,renewe4hecaiise•·.the
' - ·sj;ei: semester/so tht! sit1iatiqn secin�cl/relati-Y:elya . · • 'contract 'work at the university/Jerry pursued addi� .·
�le>In the early 1980s, Jeuy decided iliathe should tional teaching assigmrie11ts with the local community
is.�Ws>PhJ), .degre�a�d?e�r11ed to;sS�95�tlp,rt-i< < coll�ge .. Hej��owteachingfive nights aw_eelc,�ndJeel· .·
· lftil�l1t)i�lftJiiiI�i.
. x,r.iotions'.He was unable to continue his Sf�ies� J:igwc. · . ... , 'fhismor11ing, his secretaryyvalked into ru,spffice in .
. ;:gecaW1e :of lack of tini.i, Fi.p.ally; he bec0.TTlf!•,JlU!.riagef ··•··• .··.. 'tearsis�yingthatJerry'� boss;�P!ltricia, had iusnold her
µaining services forthe university's inform,,ij.on sy�- ·•· t):iat she was being laid, off; lhiiwas a shock for Jerry,
; ; fc:l,t:5omfortable., I-Jehi,,fl,a•n.1ce Job,• a. C?�a�e•!JI,�f!•:•· .depa�nttNthougl1;.b.c;J_r1e<t_to. sympl\t:hiie •with. his
. �,, aM had just ho11:ght �ho?se in an:affl�Clll,�,Jlf�� ,; . secr�ijfy:'(plig�t. Jer.ryfc:.9µ,£4cnot•hetp· but feel terribly .
of town.. Although there was a large morigageon . ·· angrf atth� way the sihiatiori was being handledc . He
h<;>use; Jerry felt comf�rtable with it since .his illCOJile i ttie<Lto reach his. bqss hutwas told. tharPatricia. W,l.� .in
1ttttrh:::f:��;.���ll:rt!��tlI:�t!:f\ifJi�Itr,t:e��! �fiiit:-,{:�s���t�:�tt::�f
·•,.,,._, .•-
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to ;ilif�� Ci J{i:;
. dass, carrying a pile •of assignments return tuhisstll�
.dents .. on.the vvay ·. out the .do9r,;a colleague b�ped.
.· irito •. him, sending•the assigmnentsflying.Upset,Je·· rry
.·.··lashed out at his colleague, calling him an idiot.