Uploaded by Nasiba ABDULCADER

Introduction to ICT: Web Concepts & Tools

Assignment 1
A. Define and briefly discuss the relationship of following: 25pts
1. ICT is defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create,
share or exchange information.
2. Computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates
it for some result based on a program, software, or sequence of instructions on how the data is to
be processed.
3. Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices. With the
Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world,
and do much more.
4. WWW also known as the web, it refers to all the public websites or pages that users can access
on their local computers and other devices through the internet.
5. Web pages is a hypertext document on the World Wide Web. Web pages are delivered by a web
server to the user and displayed in a web browser.
B. Differentiate the platforms of World Wide Web. 15pts
a. Web 1.0
b. Web 2.0
c. Web 3.0
Web 1.0
It is the “readable” phrase of the World Wide Web with flat data. In Web 1.0, there is only
limited interaction between sites and web users. Web 1.0 is simply an information portal where
users passively receive information without being given the opportunity to post reviews,
comments, and feedback.
Web 2.0
It is the “writable” phrase of the World Wide Web with interactive data. Unlike Web 1.0, Web
2.0 facilitates interaction between web users and sites, so it allows users to interact more freely
with each other. Web 2.0 encourages participation, collaboration, and information sharing.
Examples of Web 2.0 applications are Youtube, Wiki, Flickr, Facebook, and so on.
Web 3.0
It is the “executable” phrase of Word Wide Web with dynamic applications, interactive services,
and “machine-to-machine” interaction. Web 3.0 is a semantic web which refers to the future. In
Web 3.0, computers can interpret information like humans and intelligently generate and
distribute useful content tailored to the needs of users. One example of Web 3.0 is Tivo, a digital
video recorder. Its recording program can search the web and read what it finds to you based on
your preferences.
C. Differentiate Static Web Page and Dynamic Web Pages. 5pts
A static website is one with stable content, where every user sees the exact same thing on each
individual page. On the other hand, a dynamic website is one where content is pulled on-the-fly,
allowing its content to change with the user
Static Web pages are very simple. It is written in languages such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc. For
static web pages when a server receives a request for a web page, then the server sends the response to
the client without doing any additional process. And these web pages are seen through a web browser. In
static web pages, Pages will remain the same until someone changes it manually.
Dynamic Web Pages are written in languages such as CGI, AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, etc. In dynamic web
pages, the Content of pages is different for different visitors. It takes more time to load than the static
web page. Dynamic web pages are used where the information is changed frequently, for example, stock
prices, weather information, etc.
D. What are the advantages of Web 2.0? 5pts
E. Define the following Tools used in Web 2.0 and give examples (with brief definition). 40pts
a. Blog: blog, in full Web log or Weblog, online journal where an individual, group, or corporation
presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs. Some blogs operate mainly as news filters,
collecting various online sources and adding short comments and Internet links
Apartment Therapy is a blog focusing on interior design.
Rookie Moms focuses on various products and activities for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers
b. Social Networks
social network is a website that allows people with similar interests to come together and share
information, photos and videos. Popular examples include Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter,Whatsapp, Wechat, Tiktok,Youtube and etc . these Socialnetwork allow you to share
Photos, Video or thought that you want to share
c. Wikis is a server program that allows users to collaborate in forming the content of a Web
site.The most famous example of a wiki is Wikipedia. Wikipedia actually isn't considered an
individual wiki, but rather a digital encyclopedia or collection of hundreds of wikis in different
a website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users
d. Social Book Marking:
is an online service which allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web
Social bookmarking is a method of saving websites on a third-party service, such as Tumblr,
Digg, and Stumble
Social bookmarking sites are a way for people to search, discover, gather, and organize
webpages of interest using virtual “bookmarks.” Social media works great for social
bookmarking. Take, for example, Pinterest. Pinterest is arguably the most popular social
bookmarking site ever.