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English 7 2nd Quarter Exam: Listening, Research, Analogies

Libon, Albay
“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”
Test I.
Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose and write your answers on your paper.
1. When do we fail to listen?
A. When we are being wrapped up in our own thoughts.
B. When we are focused on what the speaker says and respond when necessary.
C. When we maintain good eye contact to emphasize and demonstrate our focus.
D. When we respond with a summary that clarifies and processes what the speaker’s say.
2. “You want to understand all the information the text provides.”
a. Listening for gist
b. Listening for specific information
c. Listening for detailed understanding
d. Listening for entertainment.
3. Which of the following is NOT one of the importance of listening?
A. To absorb information better
B. To build stronger relationship by making speaker feel valued
C. To learn and understand things better in a social and professional environment
D. To pre-judge the speaker’s issues
4. Who among the following is a critical listener?
A. Cynthia enjoys listening to her favorite Blank Pink, BTS, and other KPOP songs.
B. Michelle analyzes and evaluates what the cell phone salesperson says before buying the product.
C. Trisha cries along as she sympathizes with the sad testimonies of the abused women.
D. While diligently taking down notes, Sophia listens attentively to her teacher during online class.
5. Why should you listen to the advice of our parents?
A. Listening to them helps you avoid discipline.
B. We glorify God if we honor our parents by listening to their advice.
C. Your parents do know what it is like in your shoes, they just happen to know better.
D. Your parents will give you more freedom if you listen to them.
6. What is the most popular search engine in the world?
7. What part of the search engine is arrowed below?
8. A program that searches for and identifies items in a database that corresponds to keywords or characters
specified by the user is called _____?
A. search engine
B. website
C. internet
D. Google
Libon, Albay
9. What search engine allows users to upload, view, rate, share, report, comment on videos, subscribe to other users
and offers a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media videos?
A. Bing
B. Yahoo!
C. Google
D. YouTube
10. What button will you use if you want to create a blank tab?
11. This button is used to close the tab.
12. What is the function of the refresh button?
A. takes you to the last page
C. loads the page again
B. creates a new blank tab
D. moves you forward to another webpage
13. When you want to close the webpage, what button are you going to click?
A. navigation buttons
B. refresh buttons C. exit tab/exit button
D. home button
14. “The title at the head of a page or section of a book/ website.”
a. website
b. URL
c. heading
d. hyperlink
15. Which of the following best defines research?
A. Finding solution to any problem
B. A systematic process employed to gain solutions to problems or to discover new facts
C. A careful consideration of study regarding a particular concern or problem using any methods
D. A study of a subject that is intended to explain the problems
16. Which of the following is the first step of the research process?
A. Do a preliminary search for information
C. Evaluate your sources
B. Identify and develop a topic
D. Locate materials
17. Before beginning your research, why is it important to do a preliminary search for information?
A. Because you need to select a manageable topic C. Because you need to develop your topic
B. Because you need sources of information
D. Because you need to determine if there is enough
for your needs
18. Non-print sources can be:
a. listened to
b. read
19. Print sources are best:
a. listened to
b. read
c. watched
c. watched
d. all of these
d. all of these
20. Reference material that is not online or anything electronic. It is tangible or can be physically touched.
a. print media
b. non-print source
21. Which of the following you can be charged of when you’re using someone’s ideas and writing as your
A. Graft and Corruption
B. Stealing
C. Theft
D. Plagiarism
22. Which best defines summarizing?
A. It reduces the text to its main idea and necessary information
B. It can be shorter or longer than the original
23. Why is summarizing important?
A. It helps you understand and learn important information
B. It helps you locate the correct source of information
C. It describes the original text
D. It does not leave out details
C. It helps you search for information
D. It helps you make notes and write your paper
Libon, Albay
24. How is summarizing different from paraphrasing?
A. Summarizing involves putting a passage from source material into your own words while paraphrasing
involves putting the main idea(s) into your own words.
B. A summary is longer while a paraphrase is shorter than the original text
C. A summary eliminates details, examples, and supporting details while a paraphrase describes the original
text in different words.
D. A paraphrase eliminates details, examples, and supporting details while a summary describes the original text
in different words.
25. What is the basic signal word used when looking for a reason or explanation?
A. When
B. What
C. Why
D. Where
26. What information needed when using the basic signal word “How”?
A. time and date
B. subject
C. evidence
D. procedure
27. Which is an example of analogy?
A. Life is a wheel.
B. His ambitions are gone in the wind.
C. The car runs fast.
D. The children play happily in the park.
28. What type of analogy is the given example below?
“The rain drops like they are in a racing.”
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Allegory
D. None of the above
29. Which is NOT a function of analogy?
A. It is used to make a point.
B. It is used to compare unlike things.
C. It is used to make an argument about two things.
D. It is used to describe by examining its similarities with others.
30. What is meant in the statement below?
“Finding a good man is like finding a needle in the sand.”
A. A good man is hiding in the sand.
B. It is very easy to find a good man.
C. It is hard and tedious to find a good man.
D. A good man is like a needle when it hurts.
31. What is a linear text?
A. It is a traditional text that needs to be read from the beginning to the end.
B. It presents graphs and maps.
C. It contains information that is found in a graphic organizer.
D. It includes digital texts.
32. Which is an example of a linear text?
A. charts
B. maps
C. essay
33. Which is an example of a nonlinear text?
A. flow charts
B. novels
D. tables
C. narratives
34. Why do the readers find the nonlinear text more efficient?
A. It does not take time for the readers to search for information.
B. It is like a picture. The readers will enjoy looking at it.
C. It will help the readers think wisely.
D. It does not distract the reader’s attention.
35. Which is NOT an example of linear text?
A. Speech
B. Chart
C. Poem
D. News Article
D. short stories
Libon, Albay
Test II.
Directions: Using the web page below, provide answers to the following questions.
1. What is the name of the tea house? _________________________________________
2. Give the store’s web address (URL). _________________________________________
3. Is there a button where you can search for the tea house’s menu? ______________________________
4. The web browser used in searching the store’s website. _____________________________________
5. Is there a button where you can search for the tea house’s location? ________________________________
Test III.
Directions: Identify the type of analogies of the given examples. Write SIMILE, METAPHOR, or ALLEGORY
in the space provided.
_____________1. John is a cheetah when he runs.
_____________2. Laughing is a medicine.
_____________3. Among the siblings, Roland is the Judas.
_____________4. The clouds are cotton balls in the sky.
_____________5. Her skin’s color is as white as snow.
_____________6. The clouds are like cotton balls.
_____________7. War is like a basketball game.
_____________8. Her hair is silk.
_____________9. Coronavirus hits like a wrecking ball.
_____________10. The Word of God is a lamp unto feet.
“May you pass this exam. God bless.”