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AKKA Networking Test Suite 5.22.0 User Manual

User Manual
AKKA – Networking Test Suite 5.22.0
Version Date:
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CoE Digital Validation & Products Department Products
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List of Content
Overview of the AKKA – Networking Test Suite ........................................................................ 6
Scope of delivery............................................................................................................................. 6
Important instructions .................................................................................................................. 7
Intended Use ................................................................................................................................... 7
Responsibility of the operator ......................................................................................................... 7
Used hardware- and software components ............................................................................... 8
Vector relay box VH1150 / VH1160 ................................................................................................ 8
Supported Vector network interfaces .............................................................................................. 9
Restrictions when using VN89xx interfaces ..................................................................................10
Minimum required hardware driver version ..................................................................................10
Used software components ..........................................................................................................11
Vector CANoe ...............................................................................................................................11
DAG Security Package .................................................................................................................11
ZenZefi ..........................................................................................................................................12
Used Open Source Software ........................................................................................................12
Installation ...................................................................................................................................13
General Requirements ..................................................................................................................13
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................13
Installation Procedure ...................................................................................................................13
License File ...................................................................................................................................15
Test preparation and execution .................................................................................................16
Preparing and connecting of the Device under Test (DUT) ..........................................................16
Ethernet .........................................................................................................................................16
LIN .................................................................................................................................................16
Initiating and configuring of the NTS .............................................................................................17
Install and use diagnosis certificates ............................................................................................18
Configuration of diagnostic channel and bus system ...................................................................19
Noteworthy features ...................................................................................................................22
NTS Headless Mode .....................................................................................................................22
CANoe register/unregister ............................................................................................................26
AddOn-Feature DWT (Dauerwecktest) – License extension required .........................................27
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................27
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................27
Test preparation and execution ....................................................................................................27
Step by step explanation of the Dauerwecktest ............................................................................28
Test result and test result verdict ..................................................................................................28
Excel evaluation ............................................................................................................................29
Headless Mode .............................................................................................................................29
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Ethernet testing with the NTS and different CANoe versions ................................................30
Overview of specification documents according to bus system ...........................................32
Maintenance test environment ..................................................................................................34
Maintenance NTS and support issues ......................................................................................35
Technical specifications ............................................................................................................36
Operating conditions .....................................................................................................................36
Frequently asked questions ......................................................................................................37
No connection to test hardware VH1150 / VH1160 ......................................................................37
CAPL DLL is invalid ......................................................................................................................38
Invalid DUT file ..............................................................................................................................39
Invalid channel assignment for network interface VN89xx ...........................................................39
Wrong version of ZenZefiNodeLayer.dll .......................................................................................39
Vector VH11xx connected to the computer is not recognized by the NTS ...................................40
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................41
Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................41
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................42
Legal notices ...............................................................................................................................44
Copyright notice ............................................................................................................................44
General legal notice ......................................................................................................................44
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Index of Figures
Figure 1: NTS Setup Wizard – Start of installation ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 2: NTS Setup Wizard – Confirm installation .................................................................................... 14
Figure 3: NTS Setup Wizard – Complete installation ................................................................................. 14
Figure 4: License file overview ................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5: Select diagnostic certificate for ECU ........................................................................................... 18
Figure 6: Configuration of the diagnostic channel ...................................................................................... 19
Figure 7: Configuration of the diagnostic channel (with required FrTp file) ............................................... 20
Figure 8: Selection of the bus to be tested and start of the test run .......................................................... 21
Figure 9: Selection of the bus interfaces to be stored in the configuration file ........................................... 22
Figure 10: Register/unregister CANoe ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 11: Error message in the CANoe Write window – No connection to VH1150 / VH1160 ................ 37
Figure 12: Network hardware – Configuration of Date and Time ............................................................... 37
Figure 13: Vector CANoe – CAPL DLL ...................................................................................................... 38
Figure 14: Network hardware – Update CANoe Software ......................................................................... 38
Figure 15: Invalid DUT file .......................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 16: Invalid channel assignment for bus interface VN89xx .............................................................. 39
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Index of Tables
Table 1: Supported Vector network interfaces for NTS and DWT ............................................................... 9
Table 2: Minimum required driver version .................................................................................................. 11
Table 3: Open source software .................................................................................................................. 12
Table 4: Voltage supply variants ................................................................................................................ 16
Table 5: Terminal settings in the NTS ........................................................................................................ 17
Table 6: DWT test report structure ............................................................................................................. 28
Table 7: DWT test verdict possible scenarios ............................................................................................ 29
Table 8: Access mode overview for Vector Ethernet interfaces................................................................. 30
Table 9: NTS handling for Ethernet access mode configuration ................................................................ 31
Table 10: Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 41
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1 Overview of the AKKA – Networking Test Suite
The AKKA – Networking Test Suite, briefly NTS, is a software tool, developed for testing individual
network interfaces of ECUs. NTS focuses on electronic control units designed for OEM vehicle networks.
The tests included in the NTS are developed according to the latest released OEM networking
specifications. The following topologies and bus systems are supported:
Daimler Cars:
STAR2-Topology: LIN, CAN 2.0, FlexRay
STAR3-Topology: LIN, CAN 2.0, CAN FD, FlexRay, Ethernet (100Base-T1 / 1000Base-T1)
STAR3.5-Topology: LIN, CAN 2.0, CAN FD, FlexRay, Ethernet (100Base-T1 / 1000Base-T1)
Daimler Trucks and Busses:
SLP9-Topology: CAN2.0 (only OSEK-NM)
SLP10-Topology: CAN2.0 (OSEK-NM and AUTOSAR-NM)
SLP11-Topology: CAN2.0 (OSEK-NM and AUTOSAR-NM), CANFD, Ethernet (100Base-T1)
All network interfaces are connected separately with the corresponding test hardware channels and do
not influence each other. Main focus of the testing phase is: testing of the basic networking
implementation and proper startup- and shutdown-behaviour as well as reaction on disturbances and
compliance of defined cycle times.
AKKA – Networking Test Suite labels the total package which is provided by AKKA for the test of the
ECU. This includes on the one hand a graphical user interface for the configuration of the test system and
on the other hand the test cases which are specified by the OEM, including the execution logic and
Scope of delivery
The AKKA scope of delivery contains the NTS software and a license file. The NTS software is available
via a specific, secure download platform. Access to the download platform is granted on request. The
license key will be sent by e-mail. The software CANoe required for carrying out the test and the related
hardware network interfaces can be obtained from Vector Informatik GmbH. The ECU Extracts, relevant
for the test configuration, are provided by the OEM as well as the test or requirements specification.
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2 Important instructions
Intended Use
The NTS shall only be used to test the functionality of the automotive network interfaces at network
management level. The field of application is limited to the development of control devices in the
automotive field. The bus systems, as they are mentioned in chapter 1, are supported.
Testing of functional ECU software, as it is the case, for example, with HIL or SIL
tests are not part of the NTS.
Responsibility of the operator
The NTS provided by AKKA is only a software product. When using the other hardware and software
necessary for operation, the corresponding manuals must be observed.
In order to ensure trouble-free operation, the SW versions specified in the Feature List or in this
document must be used. The NTS Feature List is available upon request or can be reached via the NTS
menu “Help”. For access to the download platform please contact GT-NTS@akka.eu.
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3 Used hardware- and software components
To use the AKKA – Networking Test Suite only the CANoe test hardware VH1150 or VH1160 as well as
the network interface provided by Vector Informatik GmbH are necessary. The DUT, hence the ECU to be
tested, is connected by banana plugs to the switched power supply at the VH1150 or VH1160 and its
network interface by D-Sub 9-connector.
If a CAN- or LIN-network interface shall be tested, the bus cables are connected to the VH1150 or
VH1160. In case a FlexRay- or Ethernet-network interface shall be tested, the network interface is directly
connected to the Vector bus-interface. In case of an Ethernet test, the wakeup-line of the ECU (only
clamp 30) must be triggered. For more information see chapter 5.1. The supply voltage pins are always
connected to the VH1150 / VH1160 which provides voltage for the DUT at the right time and if necessary
wakes it up.
Vector relay box VH1150 / VH1160
The Vector relay box VH1150 / VH1160 switches the supply voltage of the DUT. Between two test cases
the supply voltage is automatically switched off and on again to ensure a defined state of the DUT and to
exclude influences of one test case to the following test case. Certain DUTs (eg. clamp-15-DUTs) have to
be woken up by a switched voltage on clamp 15, if they cannot be woken up by the bus. This clamp-15voltage signal is created by the VH1150 / VH1160, too.
Due to fact that the VH1150 / VH1160 does not enable any bus access, a Vector network interface is
necessary in addition. The bus cables are connected through the VH1150 / VH1160 in case of CAN and
LIN. Therefore, it is possible to interrupt the bus lines or to short-circuit them against each other, against
GND or LIN against the supply voltage. These possibilities are not available for FlexRay and Ethernet,
thus the DUT is connected directly to the network interface. However, the supply voltage is still switched
by the VH1150 / VH1160.
The installation of the required VH1150 / VH1160-driver is described in the user
manual. This refers to the also required FTDI-driver and their reference sources. For
proper usage it is required to have the VH1150 / VH1160 with hardware revision
5 or higher. Details can also be found in the FAQ section of this document.
Attention: Please make sure to adhere to given voltage and current limitations.
Maximal supply voltage VH1150 / VH1160:
28 V
Maximal current VH1150 / VH1160:
2.5 A
For further information, please refer to the VH1150 / VH1160-user manual.
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Supported Vector network interfaces
As a network interface several interfaces purchased by Vector Informatik GmbH are available, which only
have to support the bus system to be tested. It is not necessary to choose one network interface that
supports all kind of bus systems if only one bus system shall be tested. In general, all Vector network
interfaces should be compatible to the AKKA – Networking Test Suite as long as the Hardware Driver
Version meets the minimum required version mentioned in chapter 3.1.4. However, due to the multiplicity
of available network interfaces, the compatibility of all network interfaces cannot be assured. Table 1
shows, which Vector network interfaces are supported by the AKKA – Networking Test Suite, since they
have been used with the NTS. This overview shall only represent a selection guide and makes no claim
on completeness or correctness.
Further information on the products is available at Vector Informatik GmbH.
CAN 2.0
VN8910(A) with
VN8911 with
VN89704, 9
Table 1: Supported Vector network interfaces for NTS and DWT
The VN1611 does not support LIN2.1 compliance-tests (LIN Conformance Tests).
The VN5610(A) needs to be configured in Network-based mode in order to use a new firmware that
fully supports the CAN interface and the required features for the NTS.
Please note that the NTS changes the configuration of the device.
In this case, the VH11xx needs to be connected to the computer instead of to the VN89xx.
Please refer to chapter 3.1.3 for further details.
Using device driver versions ≤ 10.8.20 leads to crashes while running an LCT.
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This issue is currently in progress at Vector Hardware Informatik. VN7640 is not supported for DWT
when testing LIN
Using device driver versions ≤ 10.8.20 leads to crashes while running a DCT with FlexRay backbone
bus. This issue is currently in progress at Vector Hardware Informatik.
DWT does not support LIN on the VN7640. Please use another LIN network interface.
This hardware can only be used with Vector CANoe 12 SP4 or higher in Network-based mode.
9) Has
not been tested yet with DWT.
Other Ethernet interfaces, such as VN5430 have not been checked yet regarding the
compatibility with the NTS or DWT.
In case you plan to purchase further interfaces, which are not listed here, do not hesitate to contact our
support. This way, we can ensure, that the AKKA – Networking Test Suite covers your test hardware to
give you access to all offered functions.
Restrictions when using VN89xx interfaces
When using VN89xx with the NTS or DWT please make sure that the device is set to “interface mode”,
using the file “can.ini”. The parameter EnableUSBAutoConnectToRuntimeKernel is needed for this action
and is only available until CANoe 11 (C:\ProgramData\Vector\CANoe). Please disable (=0) this
parameter in order to use the VN89xx as a standard USB interface.
“Extended Real Time” (ERT) functionality is not supported by NTS or DWT.
Please note that VN8972 has not been tested yet regarding the compatibility with the
NTS or DWT and that additional Vector network interfaces connected to the VN89xx
via USB or RJ45 are not supported by the NTS!
Minimum required hardware driver version
To execute all available test cases the driver version of the used network interface shall be greater than
or equal to the version number mentioned in Table 2. If the necessary driver is not available for the
desired network interface another network interface shall be used or some test cases cannot be
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Bus system
Minimum required driver version
CAN 2.0 / CAN FD
no minimum required version
no minimum required version
Table 2: Minimum required driver version
Used software components
Besides the hardware components Vector VH1150 / VH1160, the Vector network interface and the DUT,
the software component Vector CANoe and the actual AKKA – Networking Test Suite are necessary to
perform the test.
Vector CANoe
The software tool CANoe offered by Vector Informatik GmbH is used as basic software. Using CANoe,
the access to the bus data as well as the control of the network interface and the VH1150 / VH1160 is
possible. For the use of CANoe a software-license with appropriate bus system option is required. The
CANoe-license is available at Vector Informatik GmbH and thus not included in the AKKA – Networking
Test Suite-License. The NTS requires Vector CANoe v11.0.81 (SP4), CANoe v12.0.216 (SP5), CANoe
v13 (SP3), CANoe v14.3 or CANoe v15.1.
CANoe 15 or higher has not been tested yet regarding compatibility with DWT.
CANoe pex is not supported by the NTS or DWT.
DAG Security Package
Vector Informatik GmbH provides an OEM-specific function extension for CANoe, the DAG Security
Package. Without the appropriate “VectorSecurityPackage_DAG_2.6.1.0 (Version:” or newer
versions of the VectorSecurityPackage, STAR3 tests cannot be executed. The DAG Security Package
can be found on the Daimler Diagnostics Portal.
Please carefully read through the readme file provided with the Vector Security
Package as manual steps might be necessary (copying dll-files is needed).
Please use at least CANoe 11 SP4 if Vector Security Package DAG or
higher is used.
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Since diagnostic rights management will be activated STAR3 ECU and partially STAR2 ECU tests can
only be executed with installed ZenZefi tool. The ZenZefi tool can be found on the Daimler Diagnostics
Portal. The required minimum version starting from March 24th 2021 is A diagnostics certificate
will be needed, see chapter 5.3.
With the version the authentication is done via OIDC. Therefore, from the PC
where ZenZefi is running the server sso.daimler.com must be reachable via port 443.
If required, please adjust your firewall settings. With the version a required
additional parameter for getting refresh tokens from the OIDC-Server is implemented.
After the 23rd of March 2021 your previous ZenZefi-versions will not get refreshtokens from the OIDC server without this parameter.
Used Open Source Software
The following Table 3 shows the corresponding open source software, which is used as part of the
AKKA - Networking Test Suite. The full list of open source software can be found in the “Info” section of
the tool.
License type
MIT License (MIT)
MIT License (MIT)
MIT License (MIT)
Apache License
Version 2.0
BSD 2-Clause
MIT License (MIT)
Table 3: Open source software
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4 Installation
This chapter describes the installation procedure of the AKKA – Networking Test Suite. It also describes
the requirements that need to be considered before using the tool.
General Requirements
The software you are about to install requires an installed Vector CANoe (pro) version. The required
version is specified in the Feature List or in chapter 3.2.1 of this user manual. Make sure, that the
additional CANoe option (e. g. CANoe .FlexRay option) for the respective bus system is available. The
AKKA – Networking Test Suite only runs with Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8, which has to be installed
before using the tool.
System Requirements
Intel Core i5 | 3.0 GHz (minimum: Intel Core 2 Duo | 2.6 GHz)
Memory (RAM):
8 GB (minimum 2 GB)
Hard disk space:
500 MB
Operating System:
Windows 7 / Windows 10
Display resolution:
1920 x 1080 (or higher)
Installation Procedure
1) Run the NTS-MSI-Installer-file to start the installation procedure. A window will appear with
further instructions. These will guide you through the whole installation process. No admin rights
are required.
Figure 1: NTS Setup Wizard – Start of installation
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2) Confirm installation.
Figure 2: NTS Setup Wizard – Confirm installation
3) After a successful installation, the following window appears (Figure 3). Before running the tests,
a valid NTS license file must be loaded.
Figure 3: NTS Setup Wizard – Complete installation
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License File
To run tests on the AKKA – Networking Test Suite a valid license file is necessary. It can be obtained for
one or for multiple ECUs, bus systems, vehicle lines and topologies. After the start of the tool, before
running the tests, the license file has to be loaded. Switch to the license overview window (Figure 4) and
import the available license file. It is possible to include several license files. Each license is listed with its
validity period and additional information (e. g. ECUs, Licensee, Maintenance Expiry Date, Supported
Versions, …). For maintenance prolongation you will need an updated license file.
Figure 4: License file overview
Licenses, which were provided before July 1st 2019, are no longer compatible
with NTS versions v.3.27.0 or later.
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5 Test preparation and execution
To be able to perform the tests, first the DUT has to be connected to the test software and the NTS has to
be configured.
Preparing and connecting of the Device under Test (DUT)
Each ECU interface which is about to be tested has to be connected with its voltage supply pins and its
bus lines to the test hardware. The appropriate wiring harness is not part of the AKKA – Networking Test
For each ECU to be tested, clamp 31 (ground) and clamp 15 (battery+ from ignition
switch) and/or clamp 30 (battery+) have to be connected.
Type of DUT
clamp 15
clamp 30
clamp 31
Clamp-30-DUT, wakeup via CAN
Clamp-30-DUT, wakeup via Clamp-15-pulse
Table 4: Voltage supply variants
Additionally, for every test run exactly one network interface, so to say one CAN-High- and one CANLow-cable, terminated with 120 Ω, has to be connected. In case of FlexRay FR-BP and FR-BM,
terminated with 100 Ω shall be used. The network interface used for diagnostic services has to be
connected, if it is not the same as the network interface which is about to be tested. The network interface
for the wakeup has to be connected, if the DUT is not wake able over the bus which is about to be tested.
In some cases, a secondary wakeup bus has to be connected. Afterwards, the configuration of the tests
can be continued.
To wake up a clamp-30-Ethernet-ECU a valid wake up pulse must be generated. For this purpose the
Device I/O pins of the VH1150 / VH1160 are used. Please connect the VH1150 / VH1160 Device I/O via
a D-SUB9 connector with the wake-up line of the ECU.
The following pins are used (VH1150 / VH1160):
Pin 3 = Ground (clamp 31) → connect to clamp 31 on the front side of the VH1150 / VH1160.
Pin 9 = Analog output → connect to wake-up line of the ECU.
When testing LIN is necessary to use a ground offset LIN cable. For details please refer to the VH1150 /
VH1160 user manual (chapter 3.5). The following pins are needed for the D-Sub 9 connector (male):
Pin 3 = Ground (clamp 31) → connect to clamp 31 on the front side of the VH1150 / VH1160.
Pin 7 = LIN Signal → connect with LIN signal of the DUT.
Pin 9 = VB+ (clamp 30) → connect to clamp 30 on the front side of the VH1150 / VH1160.
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Initiating and configuring of the NTS
After the start of NTS.exe the user has to load an ECU Extract for the DUT which is about to be tested via
the menu File → Open or via Drag and Drop.
Then, the user can apply some fundamental settings in the tab General, e.g. specify in which folder the
test reports shall be stored. Afterwards, he chooses the bus, which has to be tested, and subsequently
chooses the hardware to which the bus is connected to. Moreover, a few test configurations need to be
checked and adjusted, if necessary.
The Result Directory describes the path where the test results (e.g. test reports, trace files, …)
are stored. The path is set by default but can be changed to a preferred place.
It has to be chosen e.g. if the DUT is a clamp-30-DUT with network management support or a
clamp-15-DUT without network management support.
Terminal setting within the NTS
Physical connection
Test behaviour
Terminal 30 with NM
Connect clamp 30 and 31
from DUT to VH11xx
Wakeup and keep awake are
done via a bus specific
Terminal 15 with NM
Connect clamp 30, 31 and
15 from DUT to VH11xx
Wakeup is done as described
above. Keep awake is done via
clamp 15 supply in addition to
clamp 30 and 31.
Terminal 15 without NM
Connect clamp 30, 31 and
15 from DUT to VH11xx
Wakeup is done via clamp 15
pulse. Keep awake is done via
clamp 15 supply in addition to
clamp 30 and 31.
Table 5: Terminal settings in the NTS
If the DUT is diagnosable, the diagnostic-frame-pair has to be checked. If several pairs were
found in the ECU Extract, it cannot be distinguished automatically which pair is relevant for this
network interface.
The predefined values for the Powerdown Current Threshold (maximum current flow in the
Powerdown-Mode) as well as the Powerdown Timeout (maximum time until the DUT must have
switched into the Powerdown-Mode), shall be changed only in exceptional cases.
After a click on the start button, a DUT-File is generated, which includes relevant information about the
DUT extracted from the ECU-Extract. Subsequently, CANoe is started, the relevant test cases are
preselected, and the test is started. The execution of the tests may take some time, but the progress can
be seen in CANoe. Finally, a test report is generated automatically and is copied into the Result Directory
folder, which can be set by the user.
Thereby, a test run is completed and a new network interface of the DUT can be connected and tested.
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Install and use diagnosis certificates
To authenticate against an ECU, you might need to own the corresponding diagnosis certificate. Please
follow the steps below to get access to the certificate and to use it the correct way.
Please log into the Daimler supplier portal.
Request the required certificate in ACDC (please see glossary for explanation).
After your request has been processed, log into ZenZefi to check your certificates.
As final step, you need to open the AKKA – Networking Test Suite.
Select the certificate as shown in Figure 5: Select diagnostic certificate for ECU.
In case the NTS GUI was opened while using ZenZefi, you might need to use the refresh button.
Figure 5: Select diagnostic certificate for ECU
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Configuration of diagnostic channel and bus system
Depending on the ECU, diagnostic data such as the Hardware Part number can be read out from the
ECU. The prerequisite is that the connected ECU unit supports diagnostics services. Then the NTS can
be configured with the following steps.
Selection of supported diagnostic channel:
Select supported diagnostic channel and diagnostic request /- response.
Select available Vector Network interface (the corresponding Vector Network interface has to be
connected to the computer).
Figure 6: Configuration of the diagnostic channel
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Selection of supported diagnostic channel (with required FrTp file): In case of ECU Extracts with the
AUTOSAR 3.1.4 format are used, it is necessary to load a FrTp (FlexRay-Transport Protocol) file. This file
includes the diagnostic information of the ECU.
Select FrTp file, if it is not loaded automatically.
Select supported diagnostic channel and diagnostic request /- response.
Select available Vector Network interface (the corresponding Vector Network interface has to be
connected to the computer).
Figure 7: Configuration of the diagnostic channel (with required FrTp file)
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Selection of the bus to be tested:
Select the bus, which is about to be tested.
Select available Vector Network interface (the corresponding Vector Network interface has to be
connected to the computer).
Start the test with the configured settings.
Figure 8: Selection of the bus to be tested and start of the test run
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6 Noteworthy features
NTS Headless Mode
The NTS provides a headless mode option to enable the NTS usage within a continuous or automated
testing environment. The headless mode consists of two parts:
1) Create a configuration file using the NTS UI
2) Perform the tests using a batch file providing the created configuration file
The generation is done by the tool itself (user interface) as following:
1) Open NTS.exe: UI will appear.
2) Load the desired ECU Extract and configure the options as you wish: timeout, hardware,
diagnostic certificate, secondary files (if necessary) ...
3) The application will check automatically if the configuration is suitable for the test.
4) Check the bus system that you want to test and press "alt + Start": a similar dialog as the
example above will be shown. It is now possible to select the bus interfaces to be tested.
A proper configuration should be selected for every bus interface that later is going to be
Figure 9: Selection of the bus interfaces to be stored in the configuration file
5) If you press OK button, next a File Dialog will appear in order to save the configuration file.
Default name of this file is {EcuName}_Configuration.nts
6) Once confirmed, the configuration file will be generated and stored in the desired location. If
there has been a failure during this process, it will be shown in the Log Viewer of NTS. The
configuration file can be used for automated testing, see the following description.
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Load the configuration into the application
The main purpose of the configuration file is to contain all the user input, so no further user interaction is
required to start a test. However, it is also possible to load the configuration file into the user interface.
This will perform:
1) Load the corresponding database specified in the configuration file and load the options that
you specified in the configured file.
2) Return the UI to the bus interface view in which the configuration file was generated.
This can be useful if you just want to perform minor modifications on your configuration.
Start headless mode:
The headless mode is basically a console application which has the functionality of NTS.
The backend code is exactly the same as the code contained in the user interface. This means that with
the same inputs, the same CANoe Configuration and the same test is going to the performed. However,
the executable has a different name:
➔ Setup Versions: %userprofile%\AppData\Local\AKKA DSW GmbH\AKKA - Networking Test
The headless mode can be opened from the command window (cmd.exe and change directory where the
executable is).
Also, it is necessary to provide the file path of the configuration file. To do this, locate the configuration file
using the file explorer, and then shift + right click and select "Copy as Path". This copies the whole path.
To test, it is best to create a .bat file like the following:
echo on
"%userprofile%\AppData\Local\AKKA DSW GmbH\AKKA - Networking Test
Suite\NTS.Cli.exe" run “%userprofile%\Documents\CLI\ECU_Configuration.nts"
run command:
run <filepath> [-reset] [-log <directory>] [-zuser <ZenZefiUserName> -zpassword <ZenZefiPassword>] [zlogout]
Starts a NTS test run with the settings from the specified configuration file (.nts). The file path to the
configuration file needs to be given for <filepath>.
Options available:
1. - log: create a log file at the specified directory.
2. - zuser <ZenZefiUserName> - zpassword <ZenZefiPassword>: log in a custom ZenZefi user.
3. - zlogout: log out a custom ZenZefi user after the test run ended.
4. - reset: resets user settings, e.g. the recently opened databases.
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NTS.Cli.exe run %userprofile%\ECU_Configuration.nts -log %userprofile%\NTS-Log -zuser
dummyUser -zpassword myZenZefiPw
registercanoe command:
registercanoe <canoeversion>
Registers the specified CANoe version and unregisters all others. Admin rights are needed. A list of all
installed versions can be obtained by executing the command “info -canoelist”. <canoeversion> must
match exactly one entry of the obtained list of installed versions. Specify <canoeversion> in quotation
NTS.Cli.exe registercanoe “Vector CANoe 12.0”
info command:
info [-canoelist] [-license]
Shows content of the NTS Info View if no option is specified
Options available:
1. - canoelist: Shows all CANoe versions installed.
2. - licenses: Shows all NTS licenses available.
NTS.Cli.exe info
help command:
help [-<command>]
Shows all commands available. If a command is specified as option, help for this command is shown.
Options available:
1. -<command>: Shows all options available for the specified command
NTS.Cli.exe help -run
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The Headless Mode does not support DBC files at the moment.
The following limitation is relevant if you want to test more than one CAN, CANFD or LIN Master
interface without manual user interaction.
a. The NTS test setup uses the Vector relay box VH1150 or VH1160. For fault injection test
cases the communication of the bus interface has to be routed via the relay box (see
User Manual chapter 3.1.1). Therefore, the results for fault injection test cases (in case of
Daimler test group "Stress Tests") are only valid for the bus interface which has been
connected to the relay box. For further bus interfaces the results are not valid.
b. Therefore, as the test results are not complete, they may not be used for distribution to
the OEM (or only if the OEM gives his acceptance). Tests may be automated one by one
always checking the hardware connections or manually.
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CANoe register/unregister
The NTS offers the possibility to change the registration of the CANoe version to be used for testing.
Admin rights on the computer may be needed for this action.
To do this, navigate to “Tools” → “Vector CANoe Interop”, select the version to be used and click on
“Register Component”.
Figure 10: Register/unregister CANoe
All versions except the one selected will be unregistered in the Windows registry. A deinstallation or
whatsoever will not be triggered.
After successful registration the NTS must be restarted for the new settings to
take effect.
Please check chapter 12.5 of this document for possible manual steps depending on the CANoe version
currently registered for testing.
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AddOn-Feature DWT (Dauerwecktest) – License extension required
Permanent wakeup tests (English term for Dauerwecktest, abbreviated by DWT) can be referred to as
stress tests for sleep and wake up behaviour of electronic control units (in the following referred to as
ECU). These electronic control units are specifically awoken after sending the last NM-Message with
successively increased delay. This aims at guaranteeing a reliable bus wake up.
Furthermore, the correct startup of ECUs from bus sleep mode is checked against defined time
constraints. By focussing on the power down moment, bus communication blockers can be identified.
The term bus blocker includes electronic control units which hinders bus sleep for unacceptable long
duration. After testing single control units, a test report will summarize errors and time constraints
deviations at a glance.
In order to perform a permanent wakeup test please make sure that your license supports this feature.
After importing the database for the ECU to be tested you can configure the test similar to a usual
networking test, despite of different parameters. These parameters are explained on the user interface
System Requirements
Please see chapter 3 of this document for the system requirements.
Test preparation and execution
After successfully loading a database file, you may apply a few general settings for the DWT which are
described in the UI. These settings include:
Minimum wakeup delay: The lower end of the NM timer.
Maximum wakeup delay: The upper end of the NM timer.
Wakeup delay increment: The NM timer is incremented with this value for each test cycle.
NM Timer: Marks the time after a bus specific event before waking up the DUT
Sleep timeout: The DUT shall stop sending NM messages within this time.
Wakeup timeout: The DUT shall at least send one message after the tester’s wakeup within this
When selecting the bus interface to be tested, simply select the Vector hardware to be used for testing
and click on “Start”. The test parameters such as TNetworkStartup or NM payload are derived from the
OEM specification and shall only be changed in justified cases.
Please note that depending on the test settings, the test execution may take a
lot of time.
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Step by step explanation of the Dauerwecktest
The DWT follows a process which is more or less the same for each bus system:
1) ECU wakeup by a bus specific initial wakeup event → For CAN(FD): Send NM frames→ For
FlexRay: Send Wakeup Pattern (WUP / WUDOP)→ For Ethernet: Trigger wakeup line→ For LIN
Master: Wakeup event depending on the LIN backbone→ For LIN Slave: Send wakeup pulse
2) Wait for ECU response
3) a) For CAN(FD), FlexRay and Ethernet: The wakeup is considered successful if: → The initial
wakeup event has been triggered AND → At least one NM frame was captured during the
wakeup process (Tx or Rx) AND → The ECU replied to the initial wakeup event
b) For LIN Master: The wakeup is considered successful if: → The initial wakeup event has been
triggered on the backbone bus AND → The ECU started scheduling on the LIN bus under test
c) For LIN Slave: The wakeup is considered successful if: → The initial wakeup event has been
triggered on bus AND→ The ECU replied to the initial wakeup event AND → The ECU replied to
the amount of headers sent
d) For all bus systems: The wakeup is stopped if: → The wakeup timeout timer has expired (eg. if
the ECU does not reply to the wakeup event).
Test result and test result verdict
The test results can be found in the selected result directory. The result folder contains of the following
folder "traces"
[Test report].html
[Test report].xml
The test result of the Permanent Wakeup Test is self-explanatory in general but in the following, a few
details on how to read the test results can be found.
The test result consists of the following sections:
Test step
Timestamp of the entry
which can be found in
the trace file
Test step such as
precondition or the
corresponding test
Detailed description of
the result
Verdict of the test step,
such as pass, fail,
Table 6: DWT test report structure
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The combinations leading to a test verdict can be found in the following table:
0 <= TStartup
measured <=
TStartup max.
TStartup max. <
TStartup measured
TStartup measured
= ∞ (no wakeup)
ECU did go to sleep (did stop
sending NM messages and
thus, resetting the delay
ECU did not go to sleep (did
not stop sending NM
messages and thus, resetting
the delay timer)
Table 7: DWT test verdict possible scenarios
Excel evaluation
Using “File” → “Generate DWT Excel evaluation”, you may select a test report xml-file found in the test
result folder and an export path in order to generate an Excel evaluation. As a result, the Excel file will
include the following data:
Delay time for each cycle [ms]
TStartup time for each cycle [ms]
Max. TStartup time [ms]
Did keep awake [0..1]: Shows if the ECU did go to sleep or if it didn't
Headless Mode
You may use the DWT for headless testing, please follow the steps described in chapter 6.1 of this
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7 Ethernet testing with the NTS and different CANoe versions
With CANoe 12 SP4 and Vector Driver >= 11.2 changes regarding Automotive Ethernet Testing and
setup of VN device supporting Ethernet have been implemented as the new network-based mode has
been added to the previously existing channel-based mode. Therefore, we want to give an overview in
order to ensure the best experience when testing Ethernet ECU interfaces with the Networking Test Suite
What are the changes when using the NTS?
To give you a good user experience and to limit manual steps we want to automize as much as possible.
The NTS therefore configures the Vector Ethernet device and the CANoe configuration depending on the
database file provided and on the software you have installed on your computer used for testing.
Which software and hardware variants are compatible?
The following table gives an overview on the Vector Ethernet devices currently and on the access mode
The network-based Ethernet mode requires CANoe >= 12 SP4 and Vector Driver
Vector Ethernet Interface
Access Mode support
Channel-based mode
Network-based mode
Channel-based mode
Network-based mode
Channel-based mode
Network-based mode
Channel-based mode
Network-based mode
➔ Compatibility has not been tested yet with the NTS!
Channel-based mode
Network-based mode
➔ Compatibility has not been tested yet with the NTS!
VN8914 together with
Not supported by the NTS, see chapter 3.1.3
Table 8: Access mode overview for Vector Ethernet interfaces
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The following table gives an overview on the NTS handling with the possible software combinations:
>= 12 SP4
>= 12 SP4
>= 12 SP4
< 12 SP4
< 12 SP4
< 12 SP4
>= 11.2
>= 11.2
< 11.2
>= 11.2
>= 11.2
< 11.2
mode of
the VN
the VN
device using
changes the
device to
mode and
configures it
using EDC.
NTS cannot
start test as
CANoe >=
12 SP4 with
networkbased mode
is required.
User needs
to update
the driver or
switch to an
User needs
to manually
switch to
channelbased mode
or update
CANoe to 12
device using
.vaset file.
device using
.vaset file.
→ Automatic
→ Automatic
→ Automatic
→ Automatic
→ No
→ No
Table 9: NTS handling for Ethernet access mode configuration
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8 Overview of specification documents according to bus system
This list shows test and requirements specification documents according to bus systems. The tests are
based on the following Daimler Specifications:
MBN 10415 (LIN 2.1 Networking Requirements)
MSS 10416 (CAN Networking Performance Specification)
MSS 10417 (FlexRay Networking Performance Specification)
MSS 10796 (Standard Security Specification)
MSS-T 10796 (Standard Security Architecture for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 10815 (Standard Security Architecture – Implementation Specification)
MSS 20200 (General Networking Performance Specification)
MSS-T 20200 (General Networking Performance Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20202 (CAN Networking Performance Specification)
MSS-T 20202 (CAN Networking Performance Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20204 (LIN Networking Performance Specification)
MSS-T 20204 (LIN Networking Performance Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20206 (FlexRay Networking Performance Specification)
MSS 20208 (Ethernet Networking Performance Specification)
MSS-T 20208 (Ethernet Networking Performance Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20220 (Networking Test Suite Specification)
MSS-T 20220 (Networking Test Suite Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20222 (CAN Networking Test Suite Specification)
MSS-T 20222 (CAN Networking Test Suite Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS-T 20222 (CAN SLP9 Networking Test Suite Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
MSS 20224 (LIN Networking Test Suite Specification)
MSS 20226 (FlexRay Networking Test Suite Specification)
MSS 20228 (Ethernet Networking Test Suite Specification)
MSS-T 20228 (Ethernet Networking Test Suite Specification for Daimler Trucks & Busses)
QEV111AES5MSS (End-to-End Communication Protection)
LIN Specification Package Revision 2.2A (not part of Daimler Specifications)
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The test results of the Networking Test Suite contain links to the corresponding Networking Test Suite
Specification document.
Further coverage, e.g. between requirements and test specification documents are
managed by Daimler AG. The specification documents mentioned above can be
retrieved from Daimler AG.
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9 Maintenance test environment
For the realization of the tests the NTS uses functionality of CANoe. As part of the maintenance and
enhancement of the test environment, the versions of the used software must be updated from time to
time. The ability to run the NTS depends heavily on the operating environment. Therefore, only the SW
versions specified in the Feature List by AKKA must be used. Otherwise, fault-free operation is not
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Maintenance NTS and support issues
In order to give support, service and tool updates, a valid maintenance contract is needed. The NTS
support can be contacted via GT-NTS@akka.eu. The validity of your maintenance contract can be
checked in the “License” tab of NTS, see chapter 4.3.1.
If you have any technical issues you can contact us at GT-NTS@akka.eu. When you do so, please
provide the following information in order to avoid delays:
In case of questions regarding test cases or CANoe:
Test report of the DUT → (html report)
Trace file of the questioned test case(s) → blf file(s)
NTS logfile → can be found in %userprofile%\NTS\Logs for the corresponding NTS version
Operating system used
In case of questions regarding the NTS tool:
NTS license used (eg. ECUName_vehicleLine_100xxx_2020.lic.xml)
NTS logfile → can be found in %userprofile%\NTS\Logs for the corresponding NTS version
Operating system used
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Technical specifications
Operating conditions
The NTS is intended for the development environment in the laboratory. Use in vehicles is not provided.
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Frequently asked questions
No connection to test hardware VH1150 / VH1160
Question: During start of a test the message “Could not set up connection to test
hardware VH1150.” (See Figure 11) appears although the VH1150 / VH1160 is
connected properly to the VN8910A.
Answer: Unplug the VH1150 / VH1160 from VN8910A, update Date and Time at
the VN8910A (see Figure 12) and plug VH1150 / VH1160 again, when the update
is finished.
Ensure that the VH1150 / VH1160 is not connected to the VN8910A when
updating driver, date, time, IP address or image of the VN8910A in future.
Figure 11: Error message in the CANoe Write window – No connection to VH1150 / VH1160
Figure 12: Network hardware – Configuration of Date and Time
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CAPL DLL is invalid
Question: During start of a test the message “Requested CAPL DLL ‘…’ is
invalid.” (see Figure 13) appears.
Answer: Unplug the VH1150 / VH1160 from VN8910A, update the CANoe
Software at the VN8910A (see Figure 14), plug in the VN8910A again.
Figure 13: Vector CANoe – CAPL DLL
Figure 14: Network hardware – Update CANoe Software
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Invalid DUT file
Question: During start of a test the message “Invalid DUT file!” appears.
Answer: At least one parameter in the DUT file was changed and the test will not
be executed. Close CANoe and restart the test execution from of the NTS.
Figure 15: Invalid DUT file
Invalid channel assignment for network interface VN89xx
Question: During start of a test the message “Measurement start was aborted due
to an invalid channel assignment”.
Answer: The usage of a VN89xx in conjunction with a further network interface
(e.g. VN1630) is not supported by CANoe. Please connect the interface or
interfaces of the DUT only to the VN89xx network interface. Depending on the
supported interfaces of the VN89xx network interface the FlexRay-, CAN- and LINNetwork can be tested with this network interface.
Figure 16: Invalid channel assignment for bus interface VN89xx
Wrong version of ZenZefiNodeLayer.dll
Question: I have issues with different versions of ZenzefiNodeLayer.dll.
Answer: With the VectorSecurityPackage v2.0.13 or later, there are different
versions of ZenzefiNodeLayer.dll available. Please read carefully the instructions
in the Readme.txt and follow the steps depending on the CANoe version used.
The latest VectorSecurityPackage can be obtained via Daimler Diagnostic Portal.
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Vector VH11xx connected to the computer is not recognized by the NTS
Question: My Vector VH11xx is connected to my computer, but it is not
recognized by the NTS or the FTDI driver min. version is not met.
Answer: You are likely missing the FTDI driver. The FTDI should be automatically
installed on your PC when connecting the Vector VH1150 / VH1160 via USB (must
be powered on). If this does not work, please check the following Vector website
and download / install the FTDI driver. Please restart your computer after
successful installation. The following steps could be also performed.
Driver Check:
When a VH11xx Hardware is connected to the PC a COM/LPT Device
"USB Serial Port (COMx)" must be visible in the device manager of
Using right click → Properties → Details to get the current driver version
installed on the PC.
The relevant dynamic link library can be found under the path
"%windir%\SysWOW64\ftd2xx.dll" (32-Bit is used by the CANoe Runtime)
or "%windir%\system32\ftd2xx.dll" (used by other tools).
If the DLL exists, the Product Version (right click "Properties" on the file) of
the DLL contains the desired information.
Driver Update/Installation:
Depending on the Windows default installation it can be necessary to install the
FTDI driver manually. The driver can be downloaded
on https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm.
1) Download the setup package using the link which can be found in the
comment column of the table ("Available as a setup executable").
2) Disconnect the USB Connection between the VH11xx Hardware and the
3) Follow the setup wizard through the installation.
4) Restart your computer after successful installation.
5) Reconnect the VH11xx Hardware again.
6) (Additional) It may take a while until the driver installation is done after
reconnection, especially when drivers are searched using windows
7) Use the NTS to verify the installation. Alternatively, use the Driver Check
described above to verify the installation.
Change COM-Assignment:
If the steps above did not solve the issue please assign the VH11xx to a different
COM-port using the Windows device manager.
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Bit Rate Switch-bit, if set switching to a higher data rate
Controller Area Network
Controller Area Network Flexible Data Rate
Device Under Test – ECU
Electronic Control Unit
FlexRay-Transport Protocol
Local Interconnect Network
Network Management
Networking Test Suite
Protocol Data Unit – data item, summary of signals
Unified Diagnostic Services – diagnosis service
Table 10: Abbreviations
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Authorization Center for Diagnostics and Coding
PDU which contains application data.
Clamp 15
Clamp name in the vehicle: switched plus of the ignition-starter
Clamp 30
Positive cable direct from the battery.
Transfer-type cyclical, independent of signal values.
Transfer-type cyclical, if signal values are unchanged in comparison
to previous transfer; immediately, if signal values have changed in
comparison to previous transfer.
Diagnostic Request
Request of a diagnosis service to a DUT.
Diagnostic Response
Response of the DUT to a Diagnostic Request.
Transfer-type slowly cyclical, if signal values correspond to the
default value; quick cyclical, if signal values don´t correspond to the
default value.
ECU Extract
Description of all networks connected to a DUT from the view of a
DUT, also described as database.
Special frame of the CAN-BUS to signalize incorrect transfer.
Hard Reset
Diagnostic request, to restart the DUT immediately.
Collection-semantics, a PDU is allowed to exist in one PDUContainer at most once (older PDU is rejected).
PDU which contains network management data.
Power down-Modus
Energy-efficient mode of the DUT in which no communication takes
Collection-semantics, a PDU is allowed to exist multiple times in a
VH1150 / VH1160
Relay box of Vector Informatik with the possibility to switch the supply
voltage of the DUT, to measure the current flow and short-circuit the
CAN-cables and interrupt them.
Modular FlexRay/CAN Network-Interface of Vector Informatik which
enables the access to the buses which have to be tested in
connection with VN8910A and VN8970.
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Basic device to VN8900 with Intel ATOM Processor.
Plug-in module to VN8900, which enables the access to CAN FD as
well as the generation of Error frames.
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Legal notices
Copyright notice
(1) This document and the contents are protected by copyright. Without written consent by AKKA
Industry Consulting GmbH the following are not permitted:
changes, abbreviations, extensions or additions;
publications or translations; and/or
commercial use, even for educational purposes.
(2) Reproduction is permitted for personal use only and only under the condition that this copyright
notice is retained on the reproduced document itself.
(3) The following restrictions apply for the software product described in this user documentation or
the respective offer. Unless expressly agreed upon otherwise in writing,
- there is no entitlement to the publication of the source
- It is not permissible to decompile, disassemble, or
reverse engineer the software product.
- It is not permissible to publish, distribute, modify, or
alter the software product or produce derivative
software products in part or whole in a different way.
General legal notice
(1) The use of the software products described in this documentation and the respective offer may
lead to risks and is to be undertaken with the necessary precaution.
(2) The software product described in this documentation enables the control and influence of
mechanical and/or electric/electronic systems. The software product is released only for the
express purpose stated in the respective offer or this documentation. In particular, it is not
suitable for uses where there is a risk of damage to persons or property. In addition, it is also not
suitable for systems or hardware or software environments other than those described in this
documentation or the respective offer. For this reason, the software product may be used only by
persons who are specially trained in the use of the software product and who have understood
the need for the necessary precautions for the use of the software product.
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