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Spanish Language Questionnaire - Queens College

Queens College - Hispanic Languages and Literatures
Currently enrolled in __________________________ Instructor Name: _____________________________
STUDENT NAME _________________________
ID _____________________
EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________
Date: ___ / ___ / ___
TELEPHONE ___________________
Are you taking a Spanish class to fulfill the language requirement at Queens College? Yes ____ No ____
Are you planning on being a Spanish minor Yes ____
No ____ or major? Yes ____ No ____
□ SEEK Student Yes ____ No ____
□ Spanish is a new language for me, I never studied it and I am not a heritage speaker Yes ____ No ____
(If you answered “No,” please answer questions 1-7)
□ I went to school in a Spanish speaking country. (Indicate up to what grade ___________________________)
□ I took the previous level here at Queens College (indicate the level _________________________________)
□ Other. Explain ___________________________________________________________________________
1) Did you take Spanish in
Elementary School? Yes ____ No ____ How many years? ________
Middle School? Yes ____ No ____ How many years? ______ How long ago? ______
High School? ______ How many years? ______ How long ago? ______
2) Did you take the Spanish Regents? Yes ____ No ____ How long ago? ______
3) Did you take Spanish in college? Yes ____ No ____ What courses? _________________________________
Where? ___________________________________________________________________________________
If you took any Spanish class(es) outside of CUNY, please email a course description with this form.
4) Do you interact in Spanish at home? Yes ____ No ____ With whom? _______________________________
5) Do you speak Spanish
with your friends? Yes ____ No ____ At work? Yes ____ No ____
6) Can you
Read Spanish? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, how well? Beginner ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced ___
Write in Spanish? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, how well? Beginner ___ Intermediate ___ Advanced ___
7) Please write below any other information that you think will help us place you in the best course
to meet your needs.
Not reporting accurate information on the questionnaire will be considered a breach of the CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity (1.1 Cheating and/or 1.4 Falsification of
Records and Official Documents - https://www.qc.cuny.edu/StudentLife/Documents/AcademicIntegrityPolicywithoutmemo.pdf)
It is the responsibility of students to find out from the appropriate department what level of foreign language they should register for and to obtain permission from
the department chair if there is any doubt. Students may not receive credit for taking courses below the level of their competency as determined by the instructor or by
the placement examination. If the instructor finds that a student is already competent at the level of instruction, this will be reported to the department chair, who will
notify the Registrar to cancel credit for the course. Queens College 2019-20 Bulletin, pp. 40-41