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Pokemon Unbound Patch: Changes, Codes, and More

Patch the game with Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Squirrels)
Things to Know:
1. Cube Corp's interior and Glimmer Isle are not available yet.
2. Make sure your emulator's RTC is enabled, otherwise daily events won't be possible!
3. Take screenshots and save states of any bugs you find, and share them in Unbound's Discord server (https://discord.gg/k34Jm4T).
4. Known Bugs (if you encounter any and are playing on a PC, save the state and send to Skeli!):
-Please visit Discord https://discord.gg/k34Jm4T and see #main-known-bugs
6. What's unobtainable as of now?
The following Pokémon are still missing:
• Mewtwo
• Genesect
• Marshadow
• Meltan & Melmetal
• Poipole & Nagandel
The following Mega Stones are still missing:
• Mewtwonites
The following Z-Crystals are still missing:
• Incinium Z
In order to obtain the missing Pokemon and (some) items, use these Mystery Gift codes on the second floor of any Pokemon Center after completing the game:
-Mewtwo: 6ZT5ZX7RN4KK
-Genesect: 7HY9JN6EE5YY
-Marshadow: 5GQ3CU5UZ7WS
-Meltan: 8VE4VF5PA4NH
-Poipole: 4QP1SH1BN8JF
8. Changes from official games:
Learnsets: https://github.com/Skeli789/Dynamic-Pokemon-Expansion/blob/Unbound/src/Learnsets.c
Egg Moves: https://github.com/Skeli789/Dynamic-Pokemon-Expansion/blob/Unbound/src/Egg_Moves.c
Evolutions: https://github.com/Skeli789/Dynamic-Pokemon-Expansion/blob/Unbound/src/Evolution%20Table.c
Wild Held Items: https://github.com/Skeli789/Dynamic-Pokemon-Expansion/blob/Unbound/src/Base_Stats.c
Pokemon Stats:
-The Tyranitar, Garchomp and Metagross lines have all had their growth rates changed to Medium Slow.
-Aegislash has its Gen 7 stats (take advantage of this)
Attack Powers:
Leech Life: 20
Feint: 50
Meteor Mash: 100
Snore: 80
Fly: 100
Dive: 100
Glaciate: 75
Moves With Power nerfed to 85 as of XY: 90
Moves With Power nerfed to 90 as of XY: 95
Moves With Power nerfed to 95 as of XY: 100
Moves With Power nerfed to 110 as of XY: 120
Moves With Power nerfed to 130 as of XY: 140
Attack Accuracies:
Dark Void - 80%
Smog - 100%
Glaciate - 100%
Ability Effects:
-Gale Wings has its Gen 6 effect (no nerf)
-Keen Eye and Infiltrator prevent the user's accuracy from being lowered in Fog
-Flinging a snowball freezes the target
-Leech Fang is equivalent to Gen 7's Leech Life (and gets a Strong Jaw boost)
-King's Shield lowers Attack by 2 on contact (Gen 7)
-Rock Smash always lowers Defense
-There is no money cap on G-Max Gold Rush
-Dusk Ball has a capture rate of 3.5 (Gen 6)
-Confusion/Healing Berries heal 50 % of max HP (Gen 7), 66 % with Ripen
-Utility Umbrella ignores Fog
Misc Effects:
-Burn does 1/8 damage (Gen 6)
-Paralysis lowers speed to 1/4 (Gen 6)
-Brick Break and Psychic Fangs break an extra Raid shield
-Several additions to Pokemon movesets that they can learn via other methods are not documented here.
-Gloom, Vileplume, & Bellossom learn Apple Acid (Level-Up)
-Seaking line learns Fishious Rend (Level-Up)
-Furret line learns Extremespeed (Level-Up)
-Granbull & Floette learn Spirit Break (Level-Up)
-Tropius learns Grav Apple & Hurricane (Level-Up)
-Poliwrath learns Surging Strikes (Lv. 1)
-Farfetch'd learns Meteor Assault (Lv. 66)
-Hitmonlee learns Pyro Ball (Lv. 60)
-Zapdos learns Bolt Beak (Lv. 92)
-Octillery learns Octolock (Lv. 1)
-Kingdra learns Snipe Shot (Lv. 47)
-Sharpedo learns Jaw Lock (Lv. 56)
-Rayquaza learns V-Create (Lv. 100)
-Metagross, Yanmega, and Garchomp learn Fly (HM)
-Metagross learns Rock Climb (HM)
-Electivire learns Plasma Fists (Lv. 47)
-Victini learns Blue Flare & Bolt Strike (Lv. 1)
-Zebstrika learns Flare Blitz (Lv. 63)
-Chesnaught learns Drum Beating (Lv. 1)
-Dedenne learns Stuff Cheeks (Lv. 1)
-Pangoro learns Wicked Blow (Lv. 80)
-Empoleon lears Mirror Shot (Evolve)
-Makuhita learns Storm Throw (Egg)
-Glameow learns Metal Claw (Egg)
-Bunnelby learns Stuff Cheeks (Egg)
-Swanna learns Waterfall (HM)
-Caterpie & Weedle: HA = Run Away -> Technician
-Beedrill: A2 = None -> Sniper, HA = Sniper -> Technician
-Pidgey & Pidgeotto & Pidgeot: HA = Big Pecks -> Gale Wings
-Rattata & Raticate: A1 = Run Away -> Strong Jaw
-Spearow & Fearow: A2 = None -> Sniper, HA = Sniper -> Super Luck
-Ekans & Arbok: HA = Unnerve -> Merciless
-Pikachu Balloon: A1 = Static -> Levitate
-Pikachu Surfing: A1 = Static -> Surge Surfer
-Sandshrew & Sandslash: A2 = None -> Sand Force
-Sandshrew A & Sandslash A: A2 = None -> Ice Body
-Nidoqueen: A2 = None -> Queenly Majesty
-Wigglytuff: HA = Frisk -> Huge Power
-Paras & Parasect: HA = Damp -> Toxic Boost
-Venomoth: HA = Wonder Skin -> Levitate
-Diglett-A & Dugtrio-A: A1 = Sand Veil -> Sand Force, HA = Sand Force -> Steely Spirit
-Meowth & Persian: HA = Unnerve -> Nine Lives (Sturdy)
-Psyduck: A1 = Damp -> Swift Swim, HA = Swift Swim -> Damp
-Golduck: A1 = Damp -> Swift Swim, HA = Swift Swim -> Neuroforce
-Machoke & Machamp: HA = Steadfast -> Focus Belt (Sturdy)
-Bellsprout & Weepinbell: A2 = None -> Gluttony, HA = Gluttony -> Unnerve
-Victreebel: A2 = None -> Gluttony, HA = Gluttony -> Corrosion
-Golem-K & Graveler-K & Geodude-K: HA = Sand Veil -> Sand Spit
-Ponyta & Rapidash: A1 = Run Away -> Flame Body, HA = Flame Body -> Fiery Neigh (Moxie)
-Farfetch'd: A1 = Keen Eye -> Scrappy
-Doduo & Dodrio: A1 = Run Away -> Tangled Feet, HA = Tangled Feet -> Reckless
-Muk-K & Grimer-K: A1 = Stench -> Gooey
-Gengar: A1 = Cursed Body -> Levitate, HA = None -> Cursed Body
-Seel & Dewgong: A2 = Hydration -> Ice Body, HA = Ice Body -> Ice Scales
-Drowzee: A2 = Forewarn -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Forewarn
-Hypno: A2 = Forewarn -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Psychic Surge
-Cubone & Marowak: A2 = Lightning Rod -> Battle Armor, HA = Battle Armor -> Skill Link
-Hitmonchan: A1 = Keen Eye -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Unseen Fist
-Lickitung & Lickilicky: A1 = Own Tempo -> Thick Fat
-Staryu & Starmie: A1 = Illuminate -> Victory Star
-Jynx: A2 = Forewarn -> Dry Skin, HA = Dry Skin -> Icy Skin (Ice Scales)
-Articuno: HA = A2 = None -> Snow Cloak, Snow Cloak -> Competitive
-Zapdos: A2 = None -> Static, HA = Static -> Defiant
-Moltres: A2 = None -> Flame Body, HA = Flame Body -> Berserk
-Mew: HA = None -> Magic Guard
-Meganium: HA = Leaf Guard -> Grassy Surge
-Typhlosion: HA = Flash Fire -> Drought
-Sentret & Furret: A1 = Run Away -> Frisk, HA = Frisk -> Hustle
-Ledyba & Ledian: HA = Rattled/Iron Fist -> Huge Power
-Spinarak & Ariados: A1 = Swarm -> Sniper, HA = Sniper -> Merciless
-Chinchou & Lanturn: A2 = Illuminate -> Water Absorb, HA = Water Absorb -> Lightning Rod
-Mareep & Flaafy & Ampharos: HA = Plus -> Tangling Wool (Gooey)
-Bellossom: HA = Healer -> Triage
-Bonsly & Sudowoodo: HA = Rattled -> Sap Sipper
-Hoppip & Skiploom & Jumpluff: A2 = Leaf Guard -> Infiltrator, HA = Infiltrator -> Simple
-Sunflora: HA = Early Bird -> Flower Veil
-Misdreavous: HA = None -> Magician
-Unown: HA = None -> Adaptability
-Girafarig: A2 = Early Bird -> Sap Sipper, HA = Sap Sipper -> Brain Bond
-Snubbull & Granbull: HA = Rattled -> Strong Jaw
-Ursaring: HA = Unnerve -> Tough Claws
-Remoraid & Octillery: A2 = Sniper -> Skill Link
-Delibird: HA = Insomnia -> Prankster
-Stantler: A2 = Frisk -> Sap Sipper, HA = Sap Sipper -> Scrappy
-Smeargle: A2 = Technician -> Trace
-Smoochum: A2 = Forewarn -> Hydration, HA = Hydration -> Icy Skin (Ice Scales)
-Raikou: A2 = None -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Volt Absorb
-Entei: A2 = None -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Flash Fire
-Suicune: A2 = None -> Inner Focus, HA = Inner Focus -> Water Absorb
-Celebi: HA = None -> Regenerator
-Mega Sceptile: A1 = Lightningrod -> Technician
-Poochyena: A2 = Quick Feet -> Strong Jaw, HA = Rattled -> Quick Feet
-Mightyena: A2 = Quick Feet -> Strong Jaw
-Wurmple: HA = Run Away -> Technician
-Beautifly: HA = Rivalry -> Compound Eyes
-Dustox: HA = Compound Eyes -> Dusty Scales (Ice Scales)
-Masquerain: A2 = None -> Compound Eyes
-Whismur, Loudred, & Exploud: A2 = None -> Bellow (Punk Rock)
-Electrike & Manectric: HA = Minus -> Flare Boost
-Plusle: A2 = None -> Lightning Rod, HA = Lightning Rod -> Electric Surge
-Minun: A2 = None -> Volt Absorb, HA = Lightning Rod -> Electric Surge
-Gulpin & Swalot: A1 = Liquid Ooze -> Gooey
-Wailmer & Wailord: HA = Pressure -> Regenerator
-Spoink & Grumpig: HA = Gluttony -> Magic Bounce
-Spinda: A2 = Tangled Feet -> Huge Power
-Vibrava & Flygon: HA = None -> Sound Waves (Punk Rock)
-Cacnea: A2 = None -> Overcoat
-Cacturne: A2 = None -> Prankster
-Altaria: A2 = None -> Cloud Nine, HA = None -> Cotton Cloud (Cotton Down)
-Zangoose: A2 = None -> Toxic Boost, HA = Toxic Boost -> Tough Claws
-Seviper: A2 = None -> Infiltrator, HA = Infiltrator -> Poison Touch
-Barboach & Whiscash: HA = Hydration -> Adaptability
-Baltoy & Claydol: HA = None -> Multieye (Multiscale)
-Cradily & Lileep: A2 = None -> Simple
-Armaldo & Anorith: A2 = None -> Tough Claws
-Mioltic: HA = Cute Charm -> Multiscale
-Tropius: A2 = Solar Power -> Ripen
-Chimecho: HA = None -> Pyschic Surge
-Walrein: HA = Oblivious -> Regenerator
-Luvdisc: A2 = None -> Hydration, HA = Hydration -> Drizzle
-Regice: HA Ice Body -> Filter
-Registeel: HA Light Metal -> Filter -Latias: HA = None -> Serene Grace
-Latios: HA = None -> Serene Grace
-Kyogre: HA = None -> Hydration
-Groudon: HA = None -> Heatproof
-Rayquaza: HA = None -> Shed Skin
-Jirachi: HA = None -> Super Luck
-Deoxys: HA = None -> Limber
-Kricketot: HA = Run Away -> Technician
-Luxray: A1 = Rivalry -> Strong Jaw
-Rampardos & Cranidos: A2 = None -> Reckless
-Shieldon & Bastiodon: A2 = None -> Soundproof, HA = Soundproof -> Face Shield (Dauntless Shield)
-Wormadam: A1 = Anticipation -> Technician
-Mothim: A1 = Swarm -> Adaptability, A2 = None -> Compound Eyes, HA = Tinted Lens -> Subterfuge (Protean)
-Vespiquen: A2 = None -> Queenly Majesty, HA: Unnverve -> Honey Armor (Fur Coat)
-Pachirisu: A1 = Run Away -> Serene Grace
-Buizel & Floatzel: A2 = None -> Water Veil, HA = Water Veil -> Technician
-Mismagius: HA = None -> Magic Bounce
-Chingling: HA = None -> Forewarn
-Skuntank: HA = Keen Eye -> Poison Touch
-Chatot: HA = Big Pecks -> Punk Rock
-Spiritomb: A2 = None -> Infiltrator, HA = Infiltrator -> Bad Dreams
-Drapion: HA = Keen Eye -> Super Luck
-Finneon & Lumineon: HA = Water Veil -> Water Bubble
-Carnivine: HA = None -> Grassy Surge
-Magmortar: HA = Vital Spirit -> Sheer Force
-Leafeon: A1 = Leaf Guard -> Sap Sipper
-Glaceon: HA: Ice Body -> Icy Skin (Ice Scales)
-Gallade: A2 = None -> Moxie
-Probopass: HA = Sand Force -> Analytic
-Dusknoir: HA = Frisk -> Iron Fist
-Froslass: A2 = None -> Cursed Body, HA = Cursed Body -> Perish Body
-Rotom: HA = None -> Motor Drive
-Uxie: HA = None -> Comatose
-Mesprit: HA = None -> Magic Bounce
-Azelf: HA = None -> Infiltrator
-Regigigas: HA = None -> Stall
-Cresselia: HA = None -> Magician
-Phione: HA = None -> Drizzle
-Manaphy: HA = None -> Soul Heart
-Darkrai: HA = None -> Infiltrator
-Shaymin & Shaymin Sky: HA = None -> Flower Veil
-Victini: HA = None -> Synchronize
-Patrat: A1 = Run Away -> Stakeout
-Watchog: A1 = Illuminate -> Stakeout
-Pansage & Simisage: HA = Overgrow -> Adaptability
-Pansear & Simisear: HA = Blaze -> Adaptability
-Panpour & Simipour: HA = Torrent -> Adaptability
-Musharna: A1 = Forewarn -> Magic Guard
-Pidove, Tranquill, & Unfezant: A1 = Big Pecks -> Rivalry, HA = Rivalry -> Pride (Moxie)
-Blitzle & Zebstrika: A1 = Lightning Rod -> Shocking Neigh (Moxie)
-Mega Audino: A1 = Healer -> Triage
-Cottonee & Whimsicott: HA = Chlorophyll -> Cotton Down
-Petilil & Lilligant: HA Leaf Guard -> Dancer
-Archen & Archeops: HA None -> Klutz
-Basculin-Red: A1 = Rock Head -> Mold Breaker, HA = Mold Breaker -> Speed Boost
-Basculin-Blue: HA = Mold Breaker -> Speed Boost
-Ducklett & Swanna: A2 = Big Pecks -> Hydration, HA: Hydration -> Competitive
-Emolga: A2 = None -> Motor Drive, HA = Motor Drive -> Electric Surge
-Klink, Klang & Klinklang: A2 = Minus -> Clear Body, HA = Clear Body -> Motor Drive
-Elgyem: A1 = Telepathy -> Analytic, HA = Analytic -> Telepathy
-Beheeyem: A1 = Telepathy -> Analytic, HA = Analytic -> Psychic Surge
-Litwick, Lampent & Chandelure: HA = Inflitrator -> Shadow Tag
-Cryogonal: HA = None -> Filter
-Stunfisk: A2 = Limber -> Water Absorb
-Golett & Golurk: A2 = Klutz -> Power Spot
-Bouffalant: HA Soundproof -> Stamina
-Heatmor: HA = White Smoke -> Berserk
-Cobalion: HA = None -> No Guard
-Terrakion: HA = None -> Steadfast
-Virizion: HA = None -> No Guard
-Reshiram: HA = None -> Flash Fire
-Zekrom: HA = None -> Lightning Rod
-Kyurem (Original): HA = None -> Refrigerate
-Meloetta-A: HA = None -> Competitive
-Meloetta-P: HA = None -> Defiant
-Keldeo - HA = None -> Intrepid Sword
-Genesect - HA = None -> Analytic
-Delphox: HA = Magician -> Magic Guard
-Skiddo: A2 = None -> Grass Pelt, HA = Grass Pelt -> Run Away
-Gogoat: A2 = None -> Grass Pelt, HA = Grass Pelt -> Grassy Surge
-Espurr: A1 = Keen Eye -> Competitive
-Litleo: HA = Moxie -> Adaptability
-Pyroar: A1 = Rivalry -> Royal Roar (Grim Neigh), HA = Moxie -> Adaptability
-Flabebe, Floette, & Florges: A2 = None -> Aroma Veil
-Meowstic-F: A1 = Keen Eye -> Competitive, HA = Competitive -> Psychic Surge
-Spritzee & Aromatisse: A2 = None -> Aroma Veil, HA = Aroma Veil -> Regenerator
-Swirlix & Slurpuff: A2 = None -> Competitive
-Dedenne: HA = Plus -> Misty Surge
-Carbink: A2 = None -> Sturdy, HA = Sturdy -> Misty Surge
-Pumpkaboo & Gourgeist: HA = Insomnia -> Heatproof
-Noibat & Noivern: HA = Telepathy -> Sound Waves (Punk Rock)
-Xerneas: HA = None -> Pixilate -Yveltal: HA = None -> Aerilate
-Diancie: HA = None -> Analytic
-Hoopa: HA = None -> Prankster
-Hoopa-Unbound: HA = None -> Portal Power (reduces power of enemy non-contact moves by 25%)
-Volcanion: HA = None -> Steam Engine
-Oricorio: HA = None -> Serene Grace
-Crabominable: HA = Anger Point -> Crabby Tactics (Gorilla Tactics)
-Lycanroc-Midnight & Lycanroc-Midday: A1 = Keen Eye -> Tough Claws
-Fomantis & Lurantis: A2 = None -> Chlorophyll
-Morelull & Shiinotic: A1 = Illuminate -> Rain Dish, HA = Rain Dish -> Magic Bounce
-Golisopod: HA: None -> Shell Armor
-Silvally: HA: None -> Sheer Force
-Turtonator: HA = None -> Weak Armor
-Dhelmise: HA: None -> Aftermath
-Komala: HA = None -> Scrappy
-Solgaleo: HA = None -> Battle Armor
-Lunala: HA = None -> Levitate
-Necrozma: HA = None -> Mirror Armor
-Magearna: HA = None -> Analytic
-Marshadow: HA = None -> Long Reach
-Zeraora: HA = None -> Anticipation
-Meltan & Melmetal: HA = None -> Clear Body
-Nickit/Thievul: A1 = Run Away -> Technician
-Stonjourner: HA = None -> Solid Rock
Evolutions (All Earlier):
Pupitar -> Tyranitar: Lv. 48
Snorunt -> Glalie: Lv. 30
Ducklett -> Swanna: Lv. 30
Vanillite -> Vanillish: Lv. 24
Vanillish -> Vanilluxe: Lv. 42
Klink -> Klang: Lv. 35
Klang -> Klinklang: Lv. 45
Mienfoo -> Mienshao: Lv. 46
Rufflet -> Braviary: Lv. 50
Vullaby -> Mandibuzz: Lv. 50
-Kakuna, Beedrill, Beedrill-M
-Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidgeot, Pidgeot-M
-Spearow, Fearow
-Ekans, Arbok
-Raichu, A-Raichu
-Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable
-Meowth, Persian, G-Max Meowth
-Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath
-Machop, Machoke, Machamp, G-Max Machamp
-Seel, Dewgong
-Gengar, Gengar-M
-Krabby, Kingler, G-Max Kingler
-Cubone, Marowak
-Koffing, Weezing
-Rhydon, Rhyperior
-Kangaskhan, Kangaskhan-M
-Goldeen, Seaking
-Munchlax, Snorlax, G-Max Snorlax
-Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire
-Magby, Magmar, Magmortar
-Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Leafeon
-Mewtwo, Mewtwo-X, Mewtwo-Y
-Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion
-Ledyba, Ledian
-Natu, Xatu
-Azurill, Marill
-Murkrow, Honchkrow
-Sunkern, Sunflora
-Misdreavus, Mismagius
-Scizor, Scizor-M
-Heracross, Heracross-M
-Sneasel, Weavile
-Teddiursa, Ursaring
-Houndour, Houndoom, Houndoom-M
-Gardevoir, Gardevoir-M
-Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Swampert-M
-Zigzagoon, Linoone
-Whismur, Loudred, Exploud
-Plusle, Minun
-Carvanha, Sharpedo, Sharpedo-M
-Corphish, Crawdaunt
-Shuppet, Banette, Banette-M
-Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein
-Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
-Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape
-Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon
-Burmy, Wordmadam
-Shellos, Gastrodon
-Bronzor, Bronzong
-Riolu, Lucario, Lucario-M
-Snivy, Servine, Serperior
-Pansage, Simisage
-Pansear, Simisear
-Panpour, Simipour
-Blitzle, Zebstrika
-Vanillite, Vanillish, Vanilluxe
-Deerling, Sawsbuck
-Karrablast, Escavalier
-Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross
-Cubchoo, Beartic
-Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame
-Litleo, Pyroar
The Following Moves Are Not Available:
-Ally Switch
Enjoy Playing!