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MYP1 Science Lesson Update: Cell Division

Dear Parents,
Kindly receive the following update for the teaching and learning conducted on Tuesday, 16th
November, 2022
Grade : MYP1
Subject : Science
Unit Details An invisible Army : The building blocks of life
Week 4 of 6
Relationships and interactions between different parts of a system will lead to a specific form,
function and identity to fulfil a purpose and role.
Concept: Cell is the basic unit for life for controlling all life activities.
Related Concept: Interaction & Function
Global Context: Identities & Relationships
1- Lesson Objective + Inquiry question being explored
Objective A: Knowing & Understanding
Objective D:Reflecting on the impact of science
Class Work:
Teaching Activity
Learning Activity
Topic: Cell division
How are new cells made?
 Brainstorming session to sort the
definition of growth.
 How a cell is divided into two or
halved using this activity.
 Explain cell size increases after cell division
leading to growth
 Drawing of cell division with a little
Students will be able to:
 Explain that information in the nucleus is
copied before division
 Explain the process of cell division.
relate the process of growth with cell
division and increase in cell size
Written work
Home Work (if any):
Teacher Instruction
Kindly see mangbac for details
Resources used
Learner is expected to