Uploaded by Wesley Nicholls


if( self getDstat( "playerstatslist", "rank", "statValue" ) < 54 )
self SetDStat( "playerstatslist", "rankxp", "statValue", 1457200 );
self SetDStat( "playerstatslist", "rank", "statValue", 54 );
self SetDStat( "playerstatslist", "plevel", "StatValue", 10 );
iPrintLn( self.name, " Stats has been set, please leave the game and rejoin" );
sort_stats_from_table("mp_statstable", 0, 256, 9, 2, 3 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones1", 1, 239 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones2", 256, 483 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones3", 512, 767 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones4", 768, 929 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones5", 1024, 1494 );
sort_stats_from_table( "statsmilestones6", 1500, 1515 ); self unlock_all_challenges();
self addplayerstat("score", 5000000);
self setDstat("afteractionreportstats", "lobbypopup", "none");
iPrintLnBold( "done" );
sort_stats_from_table( table, sIndex, eIndex, value_column = 2, type_column = 3, name_column = 4, split_column = 13 )
if( !isDefined( level.custom_stats ) )
level.custom_stats = [];
level.custom_stats[ table ] = [];
previous = "";
stat = spawnStruct();
stat.value = int( tableLookup( "gamedata/stats/mp/" + table + ".csv", 0, value, value_column ) );
stat.type = tableLookup( "gamedata/stats/mp/" + table + ".csv", 0, value, type_column );
stat.name = tableLookup( "gamedata/stats/mp/" + table + ".csv", 0, value, name_column );
stat.index = int( tableLookup( "gamedata/stats/mp/" + table + ".csv", 0, value, 0 ) );
split = tableLookup( "gamedata/stats/mp/" + table + ".csv", 0, value, split_column );
if( isDefined( split ) && split != "" ) stat.split = split;
if( previous.type != stat.type || previous.name != stat.name || previous.value > stat.value )
if( isDefined( previous ) && previous != "" )
if( previous.type != "" && previous.name != "" && previous.value > 0 )
level.custom_stats[ table ][ level.custom_stats[ table ].size ] = previous;
previous = stat;
self endon("disconnect");
tables = [];
stats = ["kills", "kills_ability", "kills_weapon", "multikill_ability", "multikill_weapon", "kill_one_game_ability", "kill_one_game_weapon", "challenge1", "challenge2", "challenge3", "challenge4", "challenge5"];
heroes = ["heroes_mercenary", "heroes_outrider", "heroes_technomancer", "heroes_battery", "heroes_enforcer", "heroes_trapper", "heroes_reaper", "heroes_spectre", "heroes_firebreak"];
weapons = ["smg_fastfire", "lmg_heavy", "ar_standard", "pistol_burst", "sniper_fastbolt", "shotgun_fullauto"];
self SetDStat("prestigetokens", i, "tokentype", "prestige_extra_cac", 1);
self SetDStat("prestigetokens", i, "tokenspent", 1);
_setStats = 0;
iPrintLnBold("statsmilestones" + table + " ", level.custom_stats[ "statsmilestones" + table ].size);
foreach( stat in level.custom_stats[ "statsmilestones" + table ] )
iPrintLn( stat.type, " ", stat.name, " ", stat.value );
if( stat.name == "" || stat.type == "" || stat.value == 0 ) //saftey
switch( stat.type )
case "global":
self setDStat("playerstatslist", stat.name, "statValue", stat.value);
self setDStat("playerstatslist", stat.name, "challengevalue", stat.value);
_setStats += 2;
case "gamemode":
foreach( gametype in strTok(stat.split, " ") )
self SetDStat("PlayerStatsByGameType", gametype, stat.name, "StatValue", stat.value);
self setDStat("PlayerStatsByGameType", gametype, stat.name, "challengevalue", stat.value);
_setStats += 2;
case "group":
foreach( group_name in strTok(stat.split, " ") )
self setDStat("groupstats", group_name, "stats", stat.name, "challengevalue", stat.value);
_setStats += 1;
case "killstreak":
foreach(streak_name in strTok(stat.split + " killstreak_autoturret killstreak_helicopter_gunner", " ") )
self addWeaponStat(level.killstreaks[ GetSubStr( streak_name, 11 ) ].weapon, stat.name, stat.value);
_setStats += 1;
case isWeapon_category( stat.type ):
foreach( weapon in strTok(stat.split, " ") )
{ self addWeaponStat( GetWeapon( weapon ), stat.name, stat.value ); self addRankXp("kill", GetWeapon( weapon ), undefined, undefined, 1, stat.value * 2 );
wait .2;
index = GetBaseWeaponItemIndex( GetWeapon( weapon ) );
if(self getdstat("itemstats", index, "plevel") != 15)
self setdstat("itemstats", index, "plevel", 15);
for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
self setdstat("itemstats", index, "isproversionunlocked", i, 1);
_setStats += 8;
case "attachment":
foreach( attachment in strTok(stat.split, " ") )
self SetDStat("attachments", attachment, "stats", stat.name, "statValue", stat.value);
self SetDStat("attachments", attachment, "stats", stat.name, "challengeValue", stat.value);
for(i = 1; i < 8; i++)
self SetDStat("attachments", attachment, "stats", "challenge" + i, "statValue", stat.value);
self SetDStat("attachments", attachment, "stats", "challenge" + i, "challengeValue", stat.value);
_setStats += 20;
case "specialist":
foreach( specialist in strTok(stat.split, " ") )
self SetDStat("specialiststats", getIndexFromName( specialist, heroes ), "stats", stat.name, "statValue", stat.value);
self SetDStat("specialiststats", getIndexFromName( specialist, heroes ), "stats", stat.name, "challengeValue", stat.value);
_setStats += 2;
foreach( hero_weapon in hero_weapons )
self addWeaponStat(GetWeapon( hero_weapon ), stat.name, stat.value);
self addweaponstat(GetWeapon( hero_weapon ), "used", stat.value);
_setStats += 2;
case "hero":
break; case "bonuscard":
self setdstat("itemstats", e, "stats", stat.name, "statvalue", 300);
self setdstat("itemstats", e, "stats", stat.name, "challengevalue", 300);
_setStats += 2;
break; default:
self iPrintLn( "Unknown Data Type: ", stat.type );
if( _setStats > 170 )
_setStats = 0;
uploadStats( self );
iPrintLnBold("Reset Stat Count");
wait .2;
wait .1;
uploadStats( self );
wait 1;
getIndexFromName( string, array )
foreach(index, name in array)
if( name == string )
return index;
return undefined;
isWeapon_category( weapon )
return isSubStr( weapon, "weapon_" ) ? weapon : " ";