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Cultural Phenomenon: Running on Hot Coal Explained

Title: Explaining Cultural Phenomenon About Running on Hot Coal
1. State your cultural phenomenon question with a WHY. (one question only).
Why are the men running on hot coal?
2. List down those variables that made you arrived at your cultural phenomenon question.
Variables are facts that are related to your question of phenomenon (#1).
- The man is carrying his wife.
- The man is running across hot coal.
- People are watching and cheering.
3. Using these variables, speculate your theory that is related to the phenomenon. Simply,
begin your statement with . . .. “These variables that are related to my question of
phenomenon must be about (for example, “a religious ritual”).
These variables I observed related to running on hot coal must be about a marital
tradition about marriage.
4. Develop a specific theoretical construct. A theoretical construct is a speculative
statement underlying your theory about your phenomenon. Theoretical construct is
composed of variables (facts), your theory, and a subjective speculation (related
The men that are walking over the coal are enduring pain for their wifes this could be
because it strengthens their marriage and proves that the man will always protect the
5. Develop or formulate a working hypothesis from your theoretical construct. Hypothesis
is a definitive statement.
The couple is performing a tradition that indicates the solidity of their marriage.
6. Hypothesis needs to be validated or tested. Validate your hypothesis to prove or
disprove it. Data gathering and recording data that are related to your hypothesis by
means of culture-based observation (virtual participant-observation).
I went to China to inquire about and observe their practice of walking on hot coal.
Data: In China, once a woman becomes pregnant, the soon to be father carries his
pregnant wife over burning coal. It is said that if the father successfully does this, the
mother is believed to have a smooth and less painful labour. The men do this painful
ritual because the mother of the child during the pregnancy has nine months of pain and
suffering, and they feel that just because they are men, they should have an easy journey
7. 7.Analyze your data to determine if these data proved or disproved your hypothesis.
My hypothesis that is based on marital tradition was partially disproved by the data I
gathered from the Chinese culture. Instead, the practice of walking on coal is a ritual
among the pregnant couples of China. They believe this ritual shows the compassion and
love that the father of the soon-to-be has for the newborn child, and the mother..
8. Re-read your question of phenomenon (#1) to determine if your proven or disproven
hypothesis can answer that question of phenomenon. Rewrite here your question of
Why are the men running on hot coal?
9. State your conclusion. The conclusion should be able to answer your question of
phenomenon. Begin your conclusion with, “We therefore conclude that . . . . .
I therefore conclude that the reasons the men, who are the husbands of the pregnant
women and the father of the soon to be born babies, carrying their wives and walking
across hot coaly is to express his compassion and love for the baby and the mom.