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Engineering Mathematics Assignment: Vectors & Matrices

Department of Mathematics and Philosophy of Engineering
MHZ3531 Engineering Mathematics IA
Assignment No.01
Due Date: 18/04/2018
Academic Year: 2017/2018
Answer all questions.
Attach the cover page with your answer scripts.
Use both sides of paper when you are doing the assignment.
Please send the answer scripts of your assignment on or before the due date to the
following address.
Course Coordinator – MHZ3531,
Dept. of Mathematics & Philosophy of Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering Technology,
The Open University of Sri Lanka,
P.O. Box 21,
01. Define the vector product of 𝒂 and 𝒃, where 𝒂 and 𝒃 are vectors.
Explain the geometrical representation of the vector product.
Prove that the position vector of the point Z , which divides m : n the line joining the
nx + my
two points X and Y is
. Where the position vectors of the points X and Y
are x and y respectively.
(a). ABC is a triangle and O is a point inside of it. The line AO extended to L
which lies on the line BC such that BL : LC   : 1 .Similarly, BO meets the line
AC at M such that CM : MA   : 1 and CO meets the line AB at N such that
AN : NB   :1 .Consider OA  a, OB  b and OC  c .
(i). Find OL .
(ii). Show that a  c  b  a.
(iii). Deduce that   1 .
(b). OAB is a triangle such that OA  a and OB  b . The points P , Q and R lie on
the sides OA , AB and BO respectively such that
 ,
  and
  1
 OAB
Prove that PQR  
   1  1  1 
Where PQR and OAB are area of the triangles PQR and ABC respectively.
02. Define the vector 𝜆𝒙 when 𝒙 is a vector and 𝜆 is a scalar.
(a).Prove that the equation of a straight line passing through a given point with the
position vector a and parallel to a given vector b is r  a  b , where  is a
The points A and B have position vectors 2i  6 j  k and 3i  4 j  k respectively.
The line L passes through the point A and parallel to the point B . Prove that the
x  2 y  6 z 1
equation of L is
1 .
(b). Prove that the equation of a plane passing through a given point with the position
vector a and perpendicular to a vector n is r  n  a  n .
Find the equation of P be the plane perpendicular to the vector i  3 j  2k and
passing through the point with position vector 9i .
 2 1 1 
03. (a).Let A    1 2  1
 1 1 2 
(i). Find A2 and A3.
(ii).Using the characteristic equation of A prove that A 3  6A 2  9A  4I  0 ,
where I and 0 are the unit matrix and the zero matrix of order three.
().Hence find A-1.
().Show that A 6  6A 5  9A 4  2A 3  12A 2  23A  I  5A  I .
(b). Show that in a triangle ABC, if
1  sin A
1  sin B
sinA + sin A sinB + sin 2 B
1  sin C
sinC + sin C
then prove that ΔABC is an isosceles triangle.
 1 2 2 
04. (a).Verify that P   2 1
2  is an orthogonal matrix.
 2  2  1
(b).Consider the following system of equations.
x  2y  z  1
x  3y  2z  2  b
x  3y  ( 2  a  b) z  2
Where a and b are parameter.
(i). Write the augmented matrix of the above system.
(ii).For what values of a and b does the system have
().no solution
().exactly one solution
().infinitely many solutions. In this case please find all solutions.
(c).Find the set of solutions to the homogeneous system.
x1  x 2  x 3  x 4  0
3x 1  6x 2  x 4  0
 x2  x3  0
Hence, by first finding a particular solution, find the general solution of the
x 1  x 2  x 3  x 4  2
3x 1  6x 2  x 4  5
 x 2  x 3  1