Uploaded by Herrera Anthony

My e-Portfolio in Field Study 2

Episode 11
Submitted to: Jerome Jef
At Mindoro State University, Anthony P. Herrera is a fourth-year
student taking Bachelor in Elementary Education.
Although he currently resides at Alcate Victoria Oriental Mindoro,
Pola Oriental Mindoro is where he'll always live permanently. He
was Arnold Herrera's and Mrs. Annabelle Herrera's son. At
Tagumpay Elementary School, he completed his studies for the
elementary level and received his diploma from Leandro
Panganiban Sr. Senior High. Tagumpay Senior High.
He attended MinSU since it is renowned for developing and
fostering skilled professionals.His objective was to make his family
affluent and joyful by freeing them from poverty.
The AUTHOR would like to extend his sincere gratitude to the following individuals for their ability to
contribute, for their unwavering and immeasurable guidance and support, encouragement, financial
support, and invaluable time for the completion of this E-Fortfolio.
First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Jerome Jef M. Zamora, Field Study 2
Professor at Mindoro State University, who provided me with the fantastic opportunity to complete this
wonderful project as well as for his invaluable professional guidance and support, both of which will be
extremely helpful in the future.
I'd also like to express my genuine gratitude to my family for their spiritual and financial support.
Last but not least, the one above us all, the Almighty God, thank you for hearing my prayers and providing
me with the guidance. Thank you very much, Dear God, for your strength and wisdom.
My Conducive
What will you do to assist your mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in the following
1. Bulletin Board Display
As a future teacher, I will assist my mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in terms of
Bulletin is through giving some creative ideas where the content of the bulletin is accurate to the subject
matter, accommodates the needs of the learners, and it motivates the learners to strive more and study hard.
We all know that bulletin board display is very important as it provides information for the students and
even provides the transparency of their achievements and etc. I will extend my help in innovation and
creation which are relevant to the needs of the learners and foster the 21st century education.
2. Small Group Discussion
I will assist my mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in terms of small group discussion by
means of requesting him/her to let me do the honor in giving directions/instruction in every group. I will
ensure that every learners/group are cooperating and everyone is contributing to the task. I will also help in
distributing different learning resources to every groups and assist/guide them in activity. Lastly, I will
ensure that every group is organized through making them focus on their activity and also to avoid
distraction in another group.
3. Checking class attendance in a virtual classroom (i.e. google meet or zoom)
I will assist my mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment in terms of checking class attendance
in a virtual classroom is through asking my permission to conduct class attendance. I will make used of
strategy in doing attendance to ensure that the learners online will get their attention. In order for teacher to
lessen his/her work, I will take charge on listing those who are absents and who are present.
Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme does it convey
I noticed that the class bulletin board portrays/presents the necessary information that the learners need to know. It is fixed
on the wall where you can easily find and most importantly to avoid necessary accidents. It is colorful and attractively created
that can catch the attention of the students and even other people who enters the room. The message or theme that it convey is
that, engaged the learners through motivation as it is being transparent for all of their achievements to strive harder in every
subject. It also provide the challenge for every students to always do their best and make them participate in new ways to the
What makes it attractive to the learners?
It is attractive to the learners as it present the eye-picking images and text on the boards which can easily caught their attention.
The color and its design is accurate to the age of the learners, and even the color combination is being pick appropriately. Even
if it is colorful, it does not look crowdy and those information can easily be understood by the learners.
Does it help in the learning process? How?
It helps in the learning process through making the students informed with their learning progress as they are able to
make an adjustments with their learning strategies and even study hard to improve their academic performances. We need let
the students know/aware with their achievements as it will motivate them or even others to study as well. Bulletin can make the
learners to be informed with announcements, important events and etc. This can also serves a variety of purposes, from
inspiring students and to keep updated with the class session. Having bulletin inside the class/add some positive vibes with the
learning environment.
Learning Environment 2:
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules , where is most likely the learning space of the students?
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, their respective home is most likely the learning
space of the students. To those who are lacking or poor internet connectivity at their homes will most likely go to mountains just to
have an access to internet whenever they try to ask their teachers with the lesson given in their modules.
Can you describe?
Our home is the safest place where we can do our activities, assignments, and also in attending online class. Learning at home
is enjoyable, less costs as you are only spending for load/internet data to attend classes and /or answer those modules given by the
school. However, not all students are privileged to have a secure and safe home environment. There are students who have no
learning hub and even gadgets to use at their respective homes which makes them hard to study. There are times that their
learning environment is so noisy and messy wherein the students are not able to focus and even participate in class discussion. It is
responsibility of a teacher and parents to ensure that the learning environment at their home is conducive and makes the learner
focus on their class and activites.
How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher, to make such learning environment conducive for learning, I will communicate with the parents of the learners
to discuss what are the things that need to do. I will ask them to provide/create learning hub at their respective home where the
student are able to focus and there is no disturbance while they are attending classes. I will also try to have a home visitation to
look for the situation of the learners to have a basis for intervention. I will also seek help to the government, in order for them to
have an action regarding with this problem suh as providing gadgets to those who are struggling and even financial support.
The examples above, describe two contrasting situations. The first shows that the
learners are in the same room or space while in the second, the learners maybe in
different learning spaces like homes, study hubs or in extreme cases parks or under the
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
Explain your choice: Why?
As a teacher, I find that the best learning environment to manage for is Learning
Environment 1, as it is better to have a face-to-face learning environment where the
students feel at ease to study and can engage actively in the class. Physical engagement
with my students will help me as a future teacher be a more effective teacher since it
allows me to observe what/where my students are lacking and what else about the
learning environment needs to be improved. In contrast to online settings, where there
is no guarantee that they are still learning or that their parents are in responsibility of
their activities, I prefer to track the progress of my students so that I can improve their
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. The presence of classroom environment is really important for learners to
learn effectively as it will also help them on how to socialize, and develop more
of their skills which is the disadvantages of conducting online classes or through
modular distance learning.
b. There is a need to create such conducive learning environment either in face
to face or online as this form of education will become part of our educational
system as we don’t know the situation of pandemic.
c. As a future teacher, I need to be creative enough and develop skills which are
needed in innovating learning environment. Lastly, it is my responsibility to
ensure that my learners will experience those learning environment that will
makes them feel security and achieve quality education as well.
What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
There are some probable problems that may result from the two situations of the learning
environment but I think the appropriate problem that possibly arise is that, given that we are
still adjusting from the pandemic and face to face classes just return recently, the challenge is
how the teacher will keep motivated the students to learn and develop their communication
What solutions can i think of to solve the problem?
I think the possible solutions to this problem are as follows:
1. Develop meaningful and respectful relationships with the students.
2. Grow a community of learners in your class and even outside the school community.
3. Having group/class activity where the students are able to collaborate their learning’s and
make everyone involve in the teaching and learning process.
4. Lastly, create or use some motivational strategy such as game-based approach, visualization
method and etc.
How should i do it?
I should know each other’s interests in order for me to create teaching strategy that will
accommodate their needs and interest. I need to create a learning environment where the
learners are safe and they are able to share their thoughts and opinions with each other to
develop also their communication skills. Student and teacher must work together towards
common collective goal which is to have a conducive learning environment. I will also make
communications with the parents of the children to know more of their learning situations at
their respective home and even ask them how to improve the learning process of the their
child. I will make used of different learning strategy to cater the needs of my learners and
make an adjustments with my teaching ability if necessary.
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic: “My Conducive Learning
Learning environment aids in generating a favorable atmosphere to ensure an effective teaching and learning
process to take place. So one of the most crucial features in building a conducive school environment is a good classroom
organization and administration producing an environment conducive to learning completely in the hands of a teacher.
So I should first prepare well-planned lessons with relevant teaching aids such as charts, visual aids, and many
others. Preparing a lesson plan is vital since it allows the teacher to create a conducive environment where there will be less
behavioral problems. I have to make a positive effect in the lives of pupils who are socioculturally disadvantaged. I should
be caring so that kids enjoy their classrooms and do well in their classes.
I must establish an inclusive environment in the classroom where all students can feel at ease, build self-confidence,
and realize their full potential and talents. My teaching strategies should be flexible enough to meet the needs of the pupils
so that all students are on the path of learning. In a conducive learning environment I should also consider in creating an
open dialogue with parents and administrators, teachers can accept parent suggestions and change aspects of their program
as needed. Thus transparency is one of the important aspects to create a conducive school environment.
Establishing My Own Classroom
Routines and Procedures in a
face to face/Remote Learning
After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed by answering
the following questions:
How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your procedures in the classroom/
remote learning?
After implementing classroom routines and creating my procedures in the classroom/remote learning, I am
glad that, despite challenges and difficulties encountered during the teaching and learning process, I am still
able to present and implement my routines and procedures. It makes me glad since I have accomplished
something very beneficial to my personal development as a future teacher. Finally, I am relieved that I
completed the lesson and routines in an efficient and productive manner.
How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
My students respond to my classroom routines and procedures through following what I have been saying
and they are focused on the different activities that I prepared for them. Most of them are actively
participating in the class discussion especially in the recitation activity which I think is the positive aspect of
an effective classroom routines and procedures. According to their reactions, students agree on the
importance of having certain classroom routines and processes, and I can see their eagerness to follow and
practice them in class, even if some do not. Prior to that, however, the majority of the students showed a
strong need for a mechanism of asking clarifying questions regarding the existing routines and procedures.
What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and procedures?
My Resource Teacher's feedback on my classroom routines and procedures is that I need to
do a better job of delivering positive feedback to kids who are engaged in class, such as
complimenting them and saying, "Good job, very good," to stimulate and improve their confidence.
She also stated that it is critical that the activities be interesting and hold the learners' interest, as
seen by some of my classroom routines and processes. Finally, she stated that classroom routines
and procedures must be matched with the subject matter that you are teaching and something that
the learners can relate to in order for them to understand and be interested in the procedures and
Was there a change in the classroom environment/ teaching-learning process after you have
implemented your classroom routines and procedures?
Based from my own observation, there is a change in the classroom environment/teachinglearning process after I have been implemented my classroom routines and procedures as the
learners are actively participating in the class and those students that are not usually participate are
trying to engage and participate during the teaching and learning process. The class has smooth flow
of discussion and the unnecessarily misbehavior has been minimized as well.
1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and procedures?
The factors/conditions that prompted me to adopt those classroom routines and procedures were the
students' disobedience during class, their interest in the class discussion, and even the classroom's
orderliness. It motivates me to keep my classroom free of distractions so that I can have a smooth flow
of discussions and the students can focus on their lesson/activity.
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your classroom
After implementing my classroom routines, I believe there has been a significant improvement
in classroom management, as seen by changes in student participation. They are now more engaged
and even enthusiastic about participating in the oral recitation exercise. I noticed some change in
individuals who generally behave poorly in class since they are attempting to participate in interesting
and enjoyable activities.
3. Did the teaching learning process improve? Justify your answer.
According to my observations, the teaching and learning processes increase because the
students already know what they are going to do when the class begins. Those routines greatly aided
the smooth flow of discussions and effectively engaged students in the teaching and learning process. It
focuses their attention on the lecture and the performance activity. It also allows the teacher to deliver
the lesson without distractions and even reduces pupil misbehavior that impedes the learning process.
What insights have you gained while doing thus learning episode?
Based on my learning experience, I have learnt that setting classroom routines and
procedures is crucial to the teaching and learning process since it enables the instructor to
create a distraction-free learning atmosphere and ensure that discussions proceed without
interruption. It's crucial for pupils to understand their obligations as students and be taught
self-discipline. In order to create a conducive learning atmosphere for my students, as a
prospective teacher, I must create and apply certain classroom routines. I must rigorously
monitor my students' behavior so that at the end of the day, I can correct those who did not do
it correctly. In addition, when providing these routines and procedures to class, I must ensure
that they are understood and clear to them so that I can show them how to execute it. Having a
group discussion with my students can contribute to establishing successful routines since they
believe their ideas matter in class.
The problems/ challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines are:
1. Some students are not participating in the class discussion particularly in the recitation.
2. Some students are having difficulty in understanding/following the instructions.
3. Difficulty in balancing the time as there are students who are really struggling with the activity.
I hope to achieve to address those problems and challenges by creating and formulating such effective
teaching strategies and improve more of the classroom routines. I will also involve my students in creating such
routines to know their needs and consider what types of learning that they want and also to think of any
interventions that will meet their expectations.
Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are:
1. Develop and formulate such effective classroom routines wherein the learners are able to follow and they are
actively engaging in the class.
2. Know more of the students’ needs and interest which can be used in creating classroom routines.
3. I will also integrate the use of technology in classroom routines as the learners tend to learn if there is an
integration of technology.
4. Apply and give some rewards for students to motivate them in following classroom routines and procedures.
5. Lastly, I need to set an example for them, as a teacher I must be their role model. I need to strictly employ
those routines to keep them discipline and be responsible students.
(Based on my answers in nos. 1-3), the possible title of my action research on this episode is;
To further enrich my knowledge on establishing classroom routines and procedures
whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online resources
which will help me in these activities. (Includes books, websites, YouTube videos and the
like and share these to your peers)
1. https://nearpod.com/blog/easy-classroom-routines/
2. https://teach.com/resources/7-digital-tools-to-streamline-your-classroom-routines/
3. https://youtu.be/l7SLqdi-fpw
I use a few of the procedures that help me have a conversational flow when I
teach the lesson about health. When I was teaching, I made use of several
strategies, such as the visualization method, which is successful because it
gets students' attention and even gets them to engage when they see images
on the board or in a presentation. Since students like watching television,
using videos, PowerPoint presentations, and various visuals to study, I also
include technology into my lessons. I make sure that all students can learn
and adhere to all classroom procedures. When it comes to the activity, I
make sure everything is going effectively and that there are no unnecessary
distractions. Overall, managing a class for the first time was a wonderful
Delivering My
Using Robert Gagne's Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice in the following segments of learning.
How did the students react to the activities/ various elements to arouse their interest?
The students reacted to the activities/various elements to arouse their interest though actively participating in
the said activity and to the discussion as well. They were enjoying the lesson and I can that everyone is trying to
participate through oral assessment. They seem to be interested to learn as they are also trying to raise
questions and even ask for some clarifications regarding the topic being discussed.
Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the beginning of the lesson?
The students seemed to be focused when I was stating the learning objectives at the beginning of the lesson as I
let them read the learning objectives and explain it to them afterwards.
How did the new learning's relate with what they really know?
The new learning’s relate with what they really as they are now able to classify the different agent of diseases.
From their previous lesson they already knew the different types of diseases, but with the new learning’s, it will
help them to know where that diseases comes from and also know what are the things that they are about to do
to avoid such agents of disease.
Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
As I undergo the assessment activity, I noticed some students who needed assistance. I approach them and ask what are the things that
they are struggling to, as some of them are having difficulty on understanding what to do and on the direction part as well. I help them
through explaining what to do and provide one-on-one assistance to finish their activity on time.
Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories/ concepts learned to real life?
I think the students didn’t find it difficult in applying the theories/concepts learned to real life as I provided some examples that are
relatable and those experiences that they already encounter in real life. During the application activities the students shows that they
learned the lesson well as they know what are the things to consider in avoiding the agent o diseases and what to when one person got
How did your students react to your feedback?
The students reacted happily to my feedback as they are actively listening and participating during discussion. I used some feedback
that really makes them motivated so as a result they are willing to listen and learn. It is important to maintain giving and providing
feedback to students to really retain their attentions and to motivated from the beginning to end of lesson.
What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning?
The students had retention of learning as shown on their evaluation/assessment task that most of them got the highest score and even
seen on their oral evaluation, wherein most of them are answering and can give their own example of the concept that are being
After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource 1eacher to deliver the lesson(s).
Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom observation sheet to evaluate the delivery of your lesson
(s) Schools use different tools in rating classroom/ online observations.
Evaluation Form:
Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the supervision of
your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to improve?
Based from the different suggestion given by my Cooperating teacher, i need to improve on
building Rapport interaction with the students as it will help me to have better relationship
with them. I have to maintain giving praises or positive feedback to those students who are
actively participating in the discussion. I need to improve more of my learning materials
such as using much more readable visual aids, and even employ such cooperative/group
involvement in the classroom learning. I also have to maintain the positive physical aspect
of the classroom such as always checking number of students in attendance. In presenting
the lesson I have to involve the students active participation to ensure that they are learning.
In employing the PowerPoint presentation, make sure that the font of the texts are readable
Having implemented several lessons in your Cooperating School under the supervision of
your Cooperating Teacher, in what areas of the lesson do you need to improve?
Based from the different suggestion given by my Cooperating teacher, i need to improve on
building Rapport interaction with the students as it will help me to have better relationship
with them. I have to maintain giving praises or positive feedback to those students who are
actively participating in the discussion. I need to improve more of my learning materials
such as using much more readable visual aids, and even employ such cooperative/group
involvement in the classroom learning. I also have to maintain the positive physical aspect
of the classroom such as always checking number of students in attendance. In presenting
the lesson I have to involve the students active participation to ensure that they are learning.
In employing the PowerPoint presentation, make sure that the font of the texts are readable
The problems/ challenges I encountered in delivering my lessons are as follows:
1. Student’s Engagement in the discussion
2. Student’s Reading Comprehension
3. Proper Management of Time in Class
I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by means of creating much
more engaging activities and utilize more of technology in teaching as they prefer to use it
in learning. I will also address the problems through employing different reading
activities to improve their reading comprehension and in Time Management; I will ensure
that the learning objectives can be achieved within the time.
Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situations/problems are as follows:
.1. Student’s Engagement in the discussion
Prepare some enjoyable learning activities.
Encourage group-work or collaborative activities
Use some rewards and praises to keep students motivated.
2. Student’s Reading Comprehension
Provide some reading materials for the students
Provide some reading activities for the students
Have reading session among learners who are struggling in reading
3. Proper Management of Time in Class
Practice and familiarized your lesson
Organize your lesson properly
Establish routines shortly but in an effective and productive way.
4. ACT
Based on my answer in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research in this episode is that,
Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures, screen shots
and the like)
What have you understood about the concepts of Action Research and how will these be
utilized in your practice?
I understand about the concepts of Action research is that, it will takes different process
before you conclude to the action from the problem that you are aiming for solution.
Action Research is something that will help to improve my educational practice.
Observing, reflecting, planning and action are among the processes that needs to be
consider when you are doing action research. It is a continuous process as you will be
experiencing same problems that needs more accurate solution in teaching field. These
will be utilized in my practice through considering those process and always practice to
investigate, used of questions to know the problems and do some action to solve it.
Lastly, I will make sure that those problems that I will be experiencing should be
As a future teacher, is conducting an Action Research worth doing? Why?
As a future teacher, conducting an action research worth doing because it will help you on how to
formulate such solution to an existing problem inside the classroom. Action research will contribute
to the learning progress of the learners and even to the school progress. It will assist the teacher on
what are the things that needs to consider in teaching and learning process. Action research will
contribute to a future teacher to develop more of his/her skills in dealing with the learners and
classroom environment. Lastly, it will serve as their training ground on how to improve their
teaching strategies and discover more of solutions to different existing problems in theclassroom.
How can AR be useful for every classroomteacher?
Action Research can be useful for every classroom through developing their knowledge and skills in
solving problems and look for possible and feasible solutions. It will improve their different problem
solving skills especially with the learning problem that has been experiencing by the learners. It will
add and articulate their craft knowledge, take purposeful responsibility for improving practice, and
even secure ownership of professionalknowledge.
Remembering my classroom observations in FS 1, I noticed that there are many questions that I
raised in my mind. These include:
How to improve reading comprehension of the intermediatelearners?
Howdoesthegame-basedapproachwill contributeto the learning process of the learners in math
How can we employed the 21st century education to the learning progress of the learners?
Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve the
problem or answer the question, like;
Employing different innovative activities such as storytelling, and readingaloud.
Experimenting using games in instructions to determine itseffectivity.
Integrating the use of technology in the teaching and learning process as medium of instruction.
Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (a. How to improve
reading comprehension of the intermediate learners? ) because it is important that the
Comprehension is important as it will help the learners to know and able to make conclusions
and reflections from the text. It is responsibility of the teacher to make some ways on how to
improve the reading comprehension of the learners as it will become beneficial for
My action will come later, during my Teaching Internship as it will take time on formulating
such solutions to problems and in order to make action research helpful, it is better to do an
action during internship to really know what is the problem as you experienced being a
teacher and you see the real scenario in a classroom. With that, you are able to conclude what
adjustments are going to make and possible solution to be implement.
Making On-line or Virtual
Learning Environment Safe and
As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
The utilization of technology to its fullest potential in the teaching and learning process
is something that, as a teacher, I have found to be simple to incorporate in my online class. In
the classroom, using various interactive games as a motivational activity or for assessment was
simple. Since you could just record their score and enter the correct answers, it was simple to
check most of their assessments. Additionally, it appears that the simplest method to run a
virtual class is to provide students with the informational materials they need to prepare a
report or presentation, let them be the ones to present it to the class, and let them get comments
from the teacher after the discussion. The ability to plan ahead and create fresh resources and
instructional strategies for pupils is useful for teachers.
How did the students show their activate participation in the lesson?
The students demonstrate their active engagement in the lecture by raising their
hands, using the meeting application's buttons to ask questions, and even exchanging ideas and
thoughts. For those who have bad internet connectivity, they can just type their comments or
leave them in the comment box along with their opinions and the teacher will read them.
Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line
learning environment? Check one or more.
__/__ It was difficult to observe physical behavior of the students
__/__ It takes time for students to learn how to use the platform
____ Students who are alone in their home space find difficulty to
make responses.
__/__ Internet connectivity is a great factor to support a
conductive environment.
As a future teacher, I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if
As a future educator, I believe that if the students follow the correct
nettiquettes when taking online courses or learning online, the online learning
environment can be safe and secure. If the students know how to use the web
tools correctly, they can utilize them safely. The teacher needs to establish rules
about what kinds of emails and informations that the children should and
shouldn't open.Students should be warned out to not click on any attachments
or open any links in emails unless they are specifically linked to their studies or
if you have told them to expect an email from you. When elementary pupils
take online classes, their parents must provide direction to make sure they are
protected against many undesirable effects of the internet.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is
In my opinion, it can be difficult for teachers and students to study in a virtual
learning environment. The students find it challenging to participate in online
classes due to a variety of factors, including their bad internet connections, lack of
financial support, and other family-related issues, even though they wanted to.
Some professors struggle with getting their pupils involved in class since they
frequently receive no responses from them. Because they can't control their
motions during online classes, he or she has no idea if the students are actually
paying attention.Because we can't tell if kids are genuinely studying or simply
relying on information from the internet, it might be challenging to assess the
level of knowledge that they have learned from the teacher. On the other side, we
can employ or utilize technology in online classes as a part of 21st century
education, where the students must be prepared to use technology to engage them
in a dynamic and interactive learning environment.
Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment.
The problems brought by the on-line learning environment are as follows:
1. Poor Internet Connection
2. Poor Class Attendance
3. Lack of Motivation among Learners
How would you solve this problem?
As a teacher, I will attempt to create an interactive class discussion to address this issue
and ensure that the students are paying attention and still having fun while learning. I will make
an effort to get in touch with the parents of persistently absent students to discuss with them the
best approach for getting their children to attend class. I'll make sure they know how to link
their kids to the internet at home. Help my pupils who don't have access to the internet by
involving school or district management if there are issues with internet connectivity or device
What initial plan do you intend to do to solve the problem?
My initial response to the problem is to talk to the students and learn
about each of their learning conditions in order to develop ideas and
potential solutions to enhance their class participation, motivation in class,
and effectively meet their needs and interests. I'll establish positive
relationships with my pupils and, most importantly, their parents so that I
can quickly call on them for assistance. I intend to develop a variety of
motivational activities to address the low levels of class motivation. These
activities will keep students engaged and prevent them from becoming
easily distracted. Such engaging and participatory techniques will enhance
student participation and possibly increase their attendance in class.