Global Citizenship EVANGELISTA, CANTOR, DE L ROSARIO Global Citizenship way of living that recognizes that our world is an increasing complex web of connection and interdependencies. it is a way of thinking and living that recognize how our choices and actions affect people and comunnities, locally, nationally and around the world. Global citizenship nurtures personal respect and respect for others ,whatever they live. It encourages individuals to think deeply and critically about what is equitable and just, and what will minimise harm to our planet. it is all about encouraging young people to develop the knowledege,skills and values they need to engage with the world. Global Citizenship Equal Rights Shared Responsibilities Interconnectedness What is a Global citizen and What do we do as a Global Citizen? What is Global Citizen? is someone who is aware and consious of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen. respescts and values diversity. has an understanding of how the world works. is outraged by social injustice. partcipates in the community at range of levels, from the local to the global. is willing to act to make the world a more equitable and sustainable place. takes responsiblity for their action. What do we do as a Global Citizen? LEARN Find and understand information about global issues In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first. ~Jimi Hendrix THINK Make informed decisions about how to use information to take action . The world as we have created is a process of our thinkin g. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking. ~Albert Einstein ACT Do something to help make a difference by putting your ideas into action. Never doubt that a group small group of thoughtful, co mmitted citizens can change the world;indeed, it's the only thing that ev er has. ~Margaret Mead Two kinds of Global Citizen INDIVIDUALS CORPORATIONS -Share a set of values and responsibilities -Focused on globalization and seem to have left global citizenship behind. Global Issues Opportunities Challenges Global Issues Opportunities Online Communication Renewable energy Challenges Gender Inequality Climate Change Better health & Education Extreme Poverty Spread of Democracy Inequality How to do Global Citizenship? Young people in Italy organised a flash mob in a busy place to raise awareness of hunger. Young people in London raised awareness of climate change outside UK Parliament. Young people in London produced a film to raise awareness of climate change. Right and Responsiblities of Global Citizen Rights The universal Declaration of Human Rights was first drafted in 1948 after World War II. The ways in human rights are applied change over time, with changes tgat occur in the political, economic and social fabric of society. Some people cite the emergence of new rights and changing political systems as calling forth the need for an updated Universal Declaration. Responsiblities A global citizen ,living in an emeging world community, has moral, ethical political, and economic responsiblities.These are following responsiblities: #1 Responsiblity to understand one's own perspective and the perspective of others on global issues. It is the responsiblity of the global citizens to understand these different perspectives and promote problem-solving consensus among the different perspective and the building of common ground solutions. #2 Responsibility to respect the principle of cultural diversity. The multiple perspective that exist with most global issues often are a reflection of different cultural belief systems. #3 Responsiblity to make connections and build relationships with people from other countries and cultures. Global citizens need to reach out snd build relationships with people from other countries and cultures. #4 Responsiblity to understand the ways in which the peoples and countries of the world are inter-connected and inter-dependent: Global citizens have the responsibility to understand the many ways in which their lives are inter-connected with people and countries in different parts of the world. #5 Responsiblity to understand global issues. Global citizens have the responsibility to understand the major global issues that affect their lives. For, example, they need to understand the impact of the scarcity of resources on societies; the challenges presented by the current distribution of wealth and power in the world #6 Responsibility to advocate for greater international cooperation with other nations. Global citizens need to play activist roles in urging greater international cooperation between their nation and others. #7 Responsiblity for advocating for the implementation of international agreements, conventions, treaties related to global issues: Global citizens have the reponsibility to advocate for having their countries ratify and implement the global agreements, conventions, and treaties that they have signed. #8 Responsibility for advocating for more effective global equity and justice in each of the vakue domains of the world community. There are a growing number of cross- sector issues that require the implementation of global standards of justice and equity; for example the global rise in military spending , the unequal access by different countries to technology , the lack of consistent national policies in the immigration. Benefits of Global Citizenship to us Personal Development Understanding politics Building empathy for others. Standing up for what you believe. Building your confidence. Helping to make the world fairer and better Employment Skills Finding new solutions for problems. Communicating ideas clearly and confidently. Being well organised and taking responsibility. Playing an effective role in a team. Learning Skills Having a deeper knowledge of the world. Making jufgements a reaching thoughful decisions. Being able to communicate ideas clearly and persuasively. Different Ways To Become Global Citizen: 1.Inspire and Get Inspired-Find your passion and stay inspired as the first step in becoming a global citizen. 2. Education is A Must!-Learn about the business, civic engagement, and leadership courses that will influence your future. 3.Take A Note About Different Cultures-There is a common belief that eating draws people together. Put this way of thinking into everyday practice and work to learn a new language. 4.Keep On Reading!- Include reading habits for magazines that provide information on current events, worldwide news, and trends around the world. 5.Travel Abroad- Yes, you heard it right, travelling abroad is another key step towards global citizenship. 6.Connect With Different People-If possible find pen-pals and exchange perspectives about global issues. This will help you ponder and find a solution quicker. 7.Aspire To Become A Leader- Last but not least is to harness leadership qualities. Individuals who think like a leader are the ones who find an effective solution to all problems. Global citizenship is more than a title — it’s a mindset. 1. It is the way of living that recognizes that our world is an increasing complex web of connection and interdependencies. A a. Global Citizenship b.Social Problem c.Social Justice d.Social Structure 2.Someone who is aware and concious of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen. A a. Global Citizens b.Social Problem c.Social Justice d.Social Structure 3. A term referring to any recurring pattern of social behavior. C a. Global Citizenship b.Social Problem c.Social Justice d.Social Structure 4. It focuses on globalization and seem to have left global citizenship behind. C a.Global citizenship b.Individual c.Corporation d.OpportunitieS Thank You! Do you have any questions for me before we go? References: